
Chapter 2

"Alabard, there you are, I've been searching for you. Come now, leave the fields! Something is happening in the village."

Though his figure was blurred by the sun behind him I immediately recognized the voice. It was Lenoard, a good friend of my father's. He was a herb-gatherer, quiet and competent at his job, much like my father. Perhaps this was why they got on so well.

More importantly; he was not one to joke around.

His face was red with exertion and his chest heaved up and down as he stood. Whatever news he held was urgent enough to warrant him running to fetch me.

"Now Alabard!"

Not waiting for me to respond he turned and left quickly in the direction of the village.

'What could possibly be causing so much panic?'

Numerous possibilities swirled in my head. Speculating rarely lead to the truth but my thoughts raced wildly regardless.

I took a deep breath.

Up until this point my life in this world had been pleasantly peaceful. Something within me told me this was about to change.

"I'm coming uncle!"

It took me a few moments to catch up to Leonard. Despite his age he was nimble from years of herb-gathering.

Running beside him I asked forwardly, "Uncle, what's going on?"

Although he was in good shape Leonard could not match my stamina. Even amongst youths my age I was noticeably more energetic. Naturally I concealed this.

Breathing raggedly he answered without turning his head, "The Queen's army. They're here, recruiting. You are the last."

I solemnly digested the news.

Little was spoken of affairs outside the village but I had been told since young that I was a citizen of Elania. The villagers held great pride for their birthplace and revered our Queen. I also held some respect for our ruler.

In the past there had been a terrible drought. That year the harvest was almost nothing and the village could barely afford to feed itself. When the time came for the collection of taxes the air became thick with desperation.

On the arrival of the soldiers the village chief threw himself to the floor, ready to beg for forgiveness.

The captain of the soldiers immediately lifted him back to his feet. Without collecting a single coin the captain declared us exempt of the years taxes and turned on his horse. The soldiers then left as quickly as they came.

Now they had returned.

The entrance to the village was dominated by tens of imposing armored figures. Astride their powerful steeds they waited silently, demonstrating the discipline instilled in them.

"Do you understand now Alabard?" Leonard said, his voice containing a deep sadness.

The unsaid meaning behind his words was clear to me, "I understand uncle. Thank you for your kindness."

Leonard nodded, "Good. Say nothing unless spoken to."

We drew closer to the soldiers.

Once we were in sight Leonard waved his arms and shouted at the top of his lungs, "It is my greatest regret to make you wait! I have brought him Sir! He is the last!"


Instantly I was on high alert. My instincts tingled at the unknown threat.

'Him. The captain, I don't recognize him.'

The captain's steely grey eyes glanced over and met mine. For a moment our gazes locked.

It was him.

Only the king of the forest, a proud and abnormally wise black bear could match the sense of oppression that radiated from this man.

The man's eyes narrowed slightly. His gaze became focused as he scrutinized me more closely.

He couldn't see through me, not fully. But he could tell I was different. Whether by instinct or skill he could perceive something strange about me.

Then his gaze shifted. The pressure lifted but I didn't lower my guard.

He was dangerous. I wouldn't forget this so easily.

Clueless to the exchange that had just taken place Leonard grabbed my arm and pushed through the crowd, dragging me to the front. I stood in line with 5 other youths my age.

A soldier stared coldly at the village chief, "Is this all?"

"Yes, yes of course! I wouldn't dare lie to you your excellence!" The village chief replied obligingly.

Looking at us one by one the soldier grunted with satisfaction, "Good. Thank you for your cooperation."

"By order of her majesty, you have been granted the honor of serving our revered Queen Canalia. You will return with us to the city. You will be trained to fight. You shall serve for a minimum of 10 years. In the case of your death a grief payment shall be sent to your family. My captain shall now say a few words." He recited.

The youths beside me shivered as the captain inspected each of us. He lingered slightly longer on me.

"The journey shall take 7 days. We will provide you with food and water. You are to follow our horses. If you fall behind you will be punished. In a few months perhaps you will be qualified for me to address you with respect. Now is not then. You shall address my men as sir. You shall address me as Captain. Are we clear?"

The line of us spoke in unison, "Yes captain!"

"Good. We leave now."

The moist eyes of my parents pierced my usual calm. Part of me was desperate to run and embrace them.

I smiled and mouthed a few words, 'I love you.'

The crack of a whip broke the stillness of the moment. I imprinted the image of my parents into my mind.

Then my head turned.

The only thing in front of me was the long and winding road that would lead to the next stage of my life.

Already I missed my family but...at the same time I couldn't help but grin.

'This peaceful life...what new excitement shall I experience in this world!'