
Path To Supremacy

Jin was born different from others with mysterious markings all over his body along with a higher level of intelligence compared to a normal child, though that did not stop him from trying to live a happy life with his loving parents. Sadly for him, because of his title as the monstrosity, the never before seen genius, his parent were killed right in front of his eyes and he also would have died if not for the mysterious awakening of his system. . . . Please read the tags, the mc isn't a kind-hearted person nor is he even the average anti-hero. He is evil, so please don't bother commenting about how evil the mc is unless you like it. . . . . Also, the story wouldn't focus much on the romance that would be coming very late into the novel so don't expect it to do anything to the plot like softening the heart of the mc.

Destructive_killer · Fantasy
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69 Chs

His Awakening

Outside of Jin's body, one can see the charred and injured body of Demonic Jin as his face seemed to be brimming with anger.



The last of the nine now blackish-red lightning fell on Demonic Jin's body as he also sent out an attack. Sadly this lightning bolt went straight through the head of Jin as he adopted a shocked look on his face.

"H...How?" He weakly said as he realized that the last attack was multiple times more powerful than the last one causing his heart to be obliterated.

Weakly staggering to the ground, Jin's eyes looked at the now clear clouds as he could not believe such unfairness existed in this world.

"Hehehe...do you see it, Demon. They despise us and try to kill us. They always will give us the unfair end of the stick, look at you for example. By merely existing, they are constantly trying to make things hard for you. The laws of this world previously tried to help this body pass its Heavenly tribulation, but now that it knows that we are demons, it's nowhere to be seen.

So, instead of suffering, why don't you join me. You can watch as I cause havoc and chaos throughout the multiple realms and universes. Right after, we will go in the 'outside' to give out our rightful retribution."

The voice of an even more wicked Jin entered young Demonic Jin's mind. His eyes became moist from threatening to tear up but, with a newfound resolution, he lightly nodded his head while looking up to the heavens and showing the most demonic smile in his entire life.

"Hahaha, the most Demonic path one can take is one sacrificing oneself for the death of one's enemy." Original Jin said to Demonic Jin.

From the inside of Jin's middle dantian, still sealed by the chains, one can see Jin's lips part, revealing an indescribable suction force.

The Demonic parts of Jin's body in the physical world disappeared, while from the inside of his dantian, one can see the floating body of Demonic Jin somehow entering the original Jin's mouth.

Forever disappearing Demonic Jin still had that wicked and demonic smile etched on his face.

"Hahaha, finally, I shall be free. You will all feel what it is like to face the wrath of the Harbinger of Havoc and Destruction. The incarnation of death and chaos is what you called me, and I will live up to this name and make you bastards live in fear and terror."

The crazy voice of this original Jin resounded powerfully inside of this middle dantian as the never-ending ink-black seas started to churn. Many whirlpool-looking bodies of black water began to take form as they all converged and surrounded the massive pole where Jin's location was.





Suddenly, the many whirlpools attacked at the pole and chains that wrapped around Jin's body. Though Jin was literally in the middle of the attacks, he seemed uninjured as he still had a feral smile etched onto his face.





More explosions rang throughout Jin's middle dantian as soon after,




Suddenly, cracks started forming on the ancient-looking chains as the body of Jin also seemed to move.

His borderline crazed smile grew wider as he felt the faultiness of the chains that wrapped around his body. Red veiny markings then appeared on his chest as his body pulsated with a sudden increase in strength.





His movements began to increase in speed as it also took form into drastic motions eventually, with a loud booming sound that shook the very walls of his dantian, Jin set himself free from his seal as he stumbled onto the ink-black waters of his dantian. The ink-black waters seemed to react, as they immediately formed a cocoon around Jin's body.

"Hehehe, yes finally, thank you Human race Jin, Demon race Jin and Void race Jin, thanks to you guys, No...thanks to us we will be able to hand out their deserved retribution." Jin said as the ink-black waters then seemingly penetrated his skin and entered inside his body.

Before long, in the middle dantian of Jin, one can see what seemed to be a sphere made out of an abyss-like black liquid, peacefully hovered over the sea of blackness.



Suddenly, a couple of explosions resounded from inside of this sphere, instantly thereafter, it cracked as the sea of ink-black water under it, began pouring into this sphere. Before long, the once never-ending see suddenly became a dry land that spanned for an indefinite length.





In the outside world, the body of Jin lay in the same ditch that previously hosted demonic Jin who at that time undertook the Heavenly tribulation.

Suddenly, an unknown black gaseous energy started exiting the pores of his body and into his surroundings. Wherever this mysterious gas went, darkness took over.


As if announcing itself throughout existence, a deafening roar came from the depths of it that traveled into the ears of only the strong entities throughout the vast universes and multiple hidden realms which caused their hearts to involuntarily shake.

As if saying, 'Only the strong have the qualifications to hear me', literally only beings higher than a certain level of strength heard this roar as every living organism under it merely thought of this day as another regular day.

These existences were oblivious to the birth of an entity completely outside their understanding. They were unaware of what pinnacle lifeform had descended into their home.

This roar only startled the peak existences as only they knew the meaning.

This bellow was akin to a war cry to start the beginning of a prolonged battle.





Inside an extremely large and darkly lit space, one can barely discern the shadows of nine beings who gave the soul of any being a feeling of absolute dread. They all sat on what seemed to be thrones that distanced a few hundred meters apart which formed a circle.

Suddenly, a deep and utterly cold voice resounded throughout the ears of every shadow present.

"It is as the ancient text says. 'With a bellow only heard by the top existences, the 'external' will announce its arrival.' The roar we heard was unquestionably the announcement this prophecy spoke off.

Our principal focus is to get rid of that 'external' before it gets out of hand and threatens even us. With that in mind, a great sacrifice is in need. We will begin with the extinction of the mortal planes, though there is an excessive amount of mortal planes, at the end of a few thousand years, they would all be gone. Even if by then, 'they' interfere, it would be too late to save the mortal worlds, where that 'external' is predicted to be."

The cold and unnerving voice finished its sentence with shocking words, as these mysterious shadows then vanished.





The beautiful yellow sun was hanging high in the skies as the gentle breeze drifted in a beautiful rhythm as the grass of this plane that spanned for an extremely long-distance swayed beautifully. Sitting on the said grass in a lotus position was a tremendously beautiful woman with long blue hair that swayed with the wind.

Her milky white skin and perfectly carved figure made her out to be the most divine of existence. On her forehead was a shimmering blue gem the shape of a crescent moon.

Suddenly she opened her eyes which revealed a pair of azure blue eyes that seemed to contain an uncountable number of shinning orbs which pulsated with a seemingly unreal power.

The most astounding thing about this scene, though, was the sight of the seemingly infinitely long landscape suddenly changed to a hallway that had a width of twenty meters as the other end was a mere hundred meters away.

On the other end of the hallway was a majestic gate-like structure with an unreal height of a modern-day skyscraper. The black gate had intricately designed gold markings on it as the women then mysteriously appeared standing in the front of it with a mere step.

"It seems that husband has finally awakened. Hehehe, When he sees me he'll definitely be in for a surprise."

Her sweet and seductive voice softly resounded in the surroundings as a slightly sadistic smile etched onto her face momentarily before it disappeared as if it was never there in the first place.





Inside of Jin's middle dantian, one can see the ink-black sphere being eaten by what seemed to be a creature with the features of a baby with what seemed to be a sticky black liquid oozing out of its pores.

Suddenly the eyes of Jin's body in the outside world opened as an evil smile crept onto his face.

'It seems that my Nascent Soul has finally been born...Now, it's about time I leave this place and head to the Chthonic Sect. I'm already annoyed with this Serpent bitch who doesn't know how to leave me alone.

Little System, use as many marks of Reality needed, and teleport me to a place outside of this woman's knowledge while also being a path to reaching the gates of the Chthonic Sect.'




(Next Chapter Name: Immensity Of Heaven and Earth)

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