
Path to perfection MHA

Deku, just a simple kid with nothing to lose and with ambitions that he would never reach Experiment 72: a would shifting being escaping from its creators and finding refuge in Deku, only to find that his soul is weaker than Deku's, causing him to be absorbed, bringing for Deku an opportunity to rise

daoistofeverything · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 8 Night Adventure

While having lunch, mom told me that she gave my number to Mina, in case she wants to hang out or needs help with something, as an answer, I simply nodded, but my apparent relaxing time soon ended.

"Does she have nice lips?"

I slowly rose my eyes pointing at mom, clearly surprised by her words, how does she know? Has she spied on us? Has she put cameras in my camera?

" So you actually kissed her, that's my boy."

"... So you didn't know until now?"


I am an idiot.

" If you want to hang out with her I am totally cool about it, she seems like a nice girl, so you better treat her right or momma is gonna punish you, capisce?" She says trying to scare me if I didn't know her I would only say she is joking, but she is deadly serious, about both things.

" We will see how it evolves, if you excuse me now I will go to my room," I said kind of embarrassed while removing my part from the table and leaving it in the sink.

After I went inside my room I take a deep breath and I sit on my bed.

Suddenly my phone begins to vibrate, meaning I received a message, which is rare.

I take my phone and I see from who the message is.

The message is a photo of two fingers wet with a thread attaching the two fingers, and under it, the words:*This is all your fault broccoli.*

' She surely is bold, but to this kind of message you can answer only in a way.'

I control the blood pressure inside my body, by making my heart beat faster, and I redirect all the blood that is being generated towards my dick.

In a few seconds, it gets rock hard, and I send her the photo of the tent that it creates.

And then I write:* and this is all your fault*

She doesn't reply, so I put the phone down, while making my dick get back to normal, I still have a lot of time, and I need to practice all the moves I learned from those videos.

The first thing is Muay Thai, a combination of fists, kicks, knees, and elbows, known to be one of the, if not the, deadliest martial arts still practiced to this day, most of the moves can't be used during tournaments but they are still trained so not to lose the tradition of Muay Thai.

My body begins to move on its own, landing fists followed by elbows strikes and knees strike followed by kicks, my body is slowly getting more and more used to how it should move and how I should react in cretin situations, but if I don't fight in actual fights the progress will be very slow.

I continued for 30 minutes, if I was the same as yesterday at this point I would be on the ground panting, but with my constantly evolving body I am just sweaty, and my breath isn't too quick.

' For now, I can't practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, I need a real opponent to remain it or something with enough weight to resemble a human body.'

My phone rang again, finally, Mina replied to my message, I take the phone but it isn't a message but a video call.

I answer the call and I can see Mina completely naked inside a bath only covered by the bubbles.

" Hey broccoli, do you want to go out tonight? A friend is throwing a party at her house and she invited me, but I don't want to be alone."

I didn't answer her, instead, I put the phone on the desk in front of my bad and I remove both my shirt and my pants only leaving the underwear on, or at least this was the plan, as soon as I removed my shirt she immediately closed the call.

' Knew it.'

I receive a pouting emoji, and the words:*This isn't fair*

I answer her:*All is fair in love and war*

* Which one is it? -Devil emoji-*

* Take a guess.*

* Changing subjects, are you coming? I would love to show off such cute broccoli.*

Should I? I am underage, and it would mean wasting a night doing nothing apart from maybe scoring some points with Mina... yeah why not. ( remember even though he is calm, in the body, and on the way, he sees the world he is still a teen, with hormones and all that shit, the memories of 72 didn't change him).

* Yeah, why not*

*Perfect, be sure to wear something casual, I will to you at 8.*


I then checked the time, I still have 4 hours before the meeting, so I can train for 2 hours and spend the rest of the time getting ready.

Before that though, I need to ask mom if I can go out.

" Mom, can I go out tonight with Mina and some of her friends?" I shouted to my mom that is currently watching the tv downstairs.

Suddenly she appeared right in front of my door and began to ask questions.

" Mom, calm down, I will be sure to get back home before 11, and if for some reason I am late I will write you a message."

After a while, she cams down and gives me permission to go out, with the promise that she doesn't become a grandma.




I open the door and right in front of it there is Mina waiting for me, wearing a tight shirt, a skirt, and a pair of black boots.

" Are you ready? This is going to be the night of your life." She says with a smile.

I roll my eyes, and I close the door with the keys mom had lent me.

I turn back to Mina before I could react she kisses me on the lips and begins to drag me by the end towards the station.

" So? How many friends are coming?"

" Considering the house and the fact that she can only relax during these parties... at least a hundred."

"... I guess I won't be able to be back home 11."

" Nope."