
Deciding On the Fourth Member

Yue spoke with a smile, "Our next destination is the island called Kirkrose Skerry"

Ira nodded her head, "I know that Island, but what do you want there? Isn't that just a prison island?"

Yue grinned, "We are going to break in that island's prison. The person that is imprisoned there will become our fourth member."

"Are you serious? You seriously want to break into the prison? And you want a criminal as a crewmate?"

Yue giggled, "That's right we are breaking and besides we are pirates so we are all criminals"

This was enough to get silence from Ira, she glanced at the bird and asked, "So you were serious about the south bird" Ira stared at Yue with shock.

Yue looked back at the shocked Ira and answered with a smile, "Of course, and this south bird has a name, his name is Naju."

"Djuu" The bird emitted his trademark cry.

Ira looked at the bird then back at Yue, "You can come up with that name, but crew's name is like that?"

Yue just looked at Ira not saying anything, the one to answer was Naju, "I named my self, djuu."

Ira laughed slightly then she looked at her captain who had a confused look, "Why do you look so confused?" Ira inquired.

"I just don't know what you mean, our crew's name is cool. But that bird's name is not that good if you ask me, he should have just been Djuu like I suggested."

When Naju heard her words he flew to her and started his pecking her once again, Ira looked how the bird pecked their captain, she laughed and announced loudly, "Let's begin, our next destination Kirkrose Skerry."

With these words the three crewmates sailed away, They sailed towards their next destination.

Ira took the helm and steered the ship, she inquired, "By the way captain, what is the name of our ship?"

Hearing the question, Yue realised that she has yet to name their ship, she started looking around while thinking of a name for their vessel.

She thought for two breaths of time before announcing, "Our ship's name will be Aire"

Hearing the name Ira stared blankly while the bird emitted low Djuu!, it was clear how two of her comrades felt about this name. But Yue just laughed loudly while praising herself, "I know, I know my naming sense is perfect right!"

Ira just nodded her head not knowing to laugh or to cry.

Ira took a deep breath as she looked at her new crewmates and the ship, they sailed the north blue towards the prison island.

Yue was resting with closed eyes, but the silence was broken by her stomach as she opened her eyes and mumbled, "I am hungry."

She looked around the ship, Ira was at the helm while the bird was watching the seas from the top of the mast. Getting up she went to the ship's kitchen and when she opened the fridge she yelled in shock, she has remembered one fatal thing. She forgot to buy food. Her stomach grumbled again, and she ran out to the deck, she looked at Ira who was at the helm and commanded, "Ira change direction to the closest island"

Ira furrowed her brows as she inquired, "Why?"

But then she heard, the grumbling stomach of her captain, she looked at the woman in disbelief. She stared at Yue slightly shocked, "Don't we have food?"

Yue shook her head, Ira to that seriously nodded, moved the helm and they sailed to the closest island they were in luck as they were close to another island.

Docking at the docks, Yue immediately jumped from the ship as she ran into town, she had only one goal at this time, she only wanted to eat as she was hungry. Ira looked at the departing back of her captain then she looked down at the helm before mumbling to herself, "Should I make a run for it? Sailing a pirate ship, what would my father say?"

Naju was also gone, he had followed after Yue, the only person on the ship was Ira. She touched the wood on the helm as she thought about her next action. Closing her eyes she mumbled, "I will sail some more with you, captain," This words she mumbled with a sad expression on her face.

Yue was already in town looking around, searching for a restaurant. In her pocket she still had some Belly left, she had enough to buy food this one time.

She looked at Naju and commanded, "Naju this is an important mission, go find a restaurant for me."

Djuu! The bird flew away, Yue didn't stay idle, she searched for it too. "Djuu!" Yue heard Naju's cry, she looked and saw a restaurant at Naju's location, she smiled and praised, "Good job, Naju!"

The people in the town were shocked, they were shocked seeing a girl talking to a bird, they also were shocked by a talking south bird.

Yue entered the restaurant, she looked around and she approached the bar. She approached the counter and announced loudly, "Uncle I want a steak and some juice to go with it, oh and also pack bread and meat. She put her Belly on the counter. The man nodded his head, "Alright!"

Yue glanced left and right, on the right side she saw a person eating. The man seeing her glance asked, "Can I help you?"

Yue shook her head, "No it's nothing."

The man left just as her food arrived, she started eating and drinking she also didn't forget to feed Naju. The man behind the counter was not chatty, he just watched her eat in silence. After she was done she got up and left. The man looked at her departing back before casting his gaze away.

With the food in hand, she returned back to her ship. When Ira saw that her captain got back, she asked, "You have the food captain?"

"That's right," She showed the meat and the bread to Ira. Yue went below deck to the kitchen, where she put all the food inside. Looking at the kitchen utensils, she spoke softly, "We need a cook," They once again sailed out to the prison island, Kirkrose Skerry.

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