
#How it all began

In an endless infite void , two beings have a conversation over a game of chess. Sitting to the left of the board , the emodement of the the universe and cosmos, bright purple being with the shape of a human. On the right side of the board sits a man, former mortal, clad in an all black business attire with a long coat. Seven feet tall, perfect glowy skin , with silver hair flowing down to his back.

"So how did a weak mortal from earth gain this much power. Power to annihilate the cosmos as we know it. Gain so much power that God had to put a limiter on you" The universe asked.

With a little smirk the man answered tho not with the response the universe expected. "You really wanna know, you want to know the story of my life."Well then comfortable cause you are in for quite a. Where should I even begin.....


A 5'1 malnourished sixteen year old boy was running back from his afternoon job in order to get to the portal room of Brandon High. This was the school he attended and this very day was the day his class gets to have their first portal trip . It was to the D rank planet Cindra , fairly dangerous but manageable.

As he run through the hallway, thousands of chains shot out of nowhere and wrapped around the boy. The instant fear that took over him was immense since he knew the user of this particular chain ability, Kevin Falcon.The rich heir of the Falcon family.Kevin walked out of the shadows with his lackeys behind him . "Well, well if it isn't little trash Julius . You know I was hoping to catch some prey to vent anger but who would have known it would be trash Julius" Kevin announced his presence.

Julius, the malnourished sixteen year old boy, began pleading for his dear life . This was a regular situation he had to go through, being bullied. For quite some time the to would has been ruled by how powerful your ability is , status , job ,salary everything depended on that. These abilities are awakened around the age of seven and that would be where your life in society begins.

As for Julius he awakened the useless F rank ability , camouflage. Due to this since childhood, his life has been nothing but hell , abandoned by his parents due to the weak ability, always being bullied at school most of all my Kevin .

Kevin beat Julius until he began to want death , then he left him since he himself would have been late for the portal trip otherwise. Julius dragged his bleeding body to the Nurse Helen who used her healing ability to completely heal him. After some small talk with the nurse , Julius headed to the portal room hoping they haven't left without him.

As he entered he was grateful no one noticed him . All except one, their instructor, Sir Lancelot, a C rank human.