

As Julius entered the portal room of Brandon High, the gazes of almost every student shifted to him. Just as quickly as the looked in his direction , they averted their gaze since to them it was someone of no importance.

All but sir Lancelot, who released a bit of bloodlust as reprimandement . And it sent shivers down Julius' spine as he wet himself, which only caused further disgrace.

Sir Lancelot decided to ignore Julius for me and continue with setting up the portal for the teleportation. Each portal had a specific color according to their rank. And A rank portal was colored red, B ranks where colored Orange , C ranks where colored yellow, D ranks were colored Green , E ranks were colored blue, F ranks were colored Indigo, and lastly G ranks were colored white.

The Red portals led to the most dangerous of solar systems , where the beings existing there were capable of destroying planets without even trying. The white colored portals led to systems where the beasts were next to harmless .

Currently they were on earth, a G rank planet since it has little to no evolved beasts. Sir Lancelot got the portal ready and started the transportation to the D rank planet Cindra. Julius changed and got in line for the teleportation. As he was waiting , Kevin , came out of nowhere and grabbed Julius out of the line to the other side of the room which was as large as a football pitch.

" I bet you thought you were free of your daily dose of beating earlier in the hall way"Kevin said whispering "you know maybe I should double it , or just kill you off "

"You can't , not with Sir Lancelot here. No matter if you try you will be severely punished"

Julius ' remark made Kevin so angry since he was bring disrespected by some low life with an F rank ability . All because of three presence of the instructor. I anger he began to clench his fist, as he did chains wrapped around it as Kevin concentrated the most of his mana energy into the first and prepared to land a punch on Julius.

One of Kevin's goons thought ' this current generation humans with abilities might be about 60 times stronger and better than the old but I don't think he would survive that"