
Path of the Celestial Sovereign

Born in the remote village of Qingfeng, Yuan Hailong is a seemingly ordinary youth with a mysterious and tragic past. His parents, once powerful cultivators, were slain in a battle against the tyrannical Black Moon Sect. Yuan Hailong discovers his latent talent for cultivation and swears to avenge his parents by rising through the Ninefold Celestial Realms and defeating the Black Moon Sect.

AracSyntax · Fantasy
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13 Chs

A Cultivator's Labor

With my breakthrough into the Qi Initiate Realm, my life in Azureedge took an unexpected turn. No longer just a mortal struggling to survive, I was now a cultivator in my own right, and my newfound abilities did not go unnoticed.

The marketplace administration, recognizing the value of a cultivator among their workforce, decided to increase my wages and transfer me to a different section. It was a place where hard labor was still required, but the work was more specialized and demanded a higher level of skill – the perfect opportunity for a new cultivator like myself.

In this new role, I was responsible for handling and transporting delicate and valuable goods. These items required a gentle touch and the ability to maneuver them quickly and safely through the busy marketplace. As a Qi Initiate, I could now harness the power of Qi to enhance my strength, speed, and agility, making the once arduous work feel almost effortless.

As I moved through the marketplace, I marveled at the ease with which I could now lift and carry the once cumbersome crates. My body felt lighter, my movements more fluid, and my mind sharper than ever before.

"Damn, I never thought I'd say this, but using Qi is like a blessing from the heavens!" I couldn't help but exclaim.

With my newfound abilities, I was able to perfect the low Mortal technique I had inherited from my parents – the Thundering Fist. Through diligent practice and the guidance of my mentor Feng, I learned to channel my Qi efficiently, reducing the pain and strain that came with using the technique.

As my skills grew, so too did my reputation within the marketplace. Word spread of the former mortal who had become a cultivator and was now using his abilities to excel at his work. My fellow workers, many of whom were still mortals, looked up to me as a symbol of hope and inspiration – a reminder that even the lowliest among them could rise above their circumstances and achieve greatness.

In this new chapter of my life, I found a sense of purpose and belonging that I had not experienced since the tragic loss of my parents and my village. The once-daunting city of Azureedge was slowly becoming a place where I could build a new life and continue my cultivation journey.

As I continued to work and cultivate, I also sought to deepen my understanding of the cultivation realms. In particular, I wanted to learn more about the first two levels – the Qi Initiate Realm, which I had just entered, and the Qi Gathering Realm, the next stage on my journey.

The Qi Initiate Realm, as I had already experienced, was the first true step on the path of cultivation. It marked the beginning of a cultivator's ability to harness and manipulate Qi. At this level, cultivators could use Qi to enhance their physical attributes, such as strength, speed, and agility, as well as perform basic cultivation techniques like the Thundering Fist.

However, the Qi Initiate Realm was just the start. As a cultivator progressed through the nine sub-levels of the realm, they would gradually learn to refine their control over Qi, making their techniques more efficient and powerful. The difference between a cultivator at the first sub-level of the Qi Initiate Realm and one at the ninth sub-level could be vast, as the latter would have a much deeper understanding of Qi and its applications.

The next stage, the Qi Gathering Realm, represented a significant leap in a cultivator's abilities. Upon breaking through to this realm, a cultivator would learn to gather Qi from their surroundings, absorbing it into their bodies and storing it for later use. This process not only allowed cultivators to replenish their Qi reserves more quickly but also granted them access to more advanced techniques that required larger amounts of Qi to execute.

The Qi Gathering Realm was divided into nine sub-levels, just like the Qi Initiate Realm. However, the challenges and breakthroughs associated with each sub-level were more complex and demanding. Cultivators in the Qi Gathering Realm needed to cultivate both their bodies and minds, refining their control over Qi while also developing their understanding of the fundamental principles that governed the world.

As I learned more about the intricacies of the first two cultivation realms, I realized that my journey had only just begun. The path of cultivation was long and arduous, filled with countless trials and tribulations. But I knew that with each step, each breakthrough, and each new understanding, I was getting closer to avenging my parents and fulfilling my destiny.

And so, with renewed determination, I threw myself into my work and my cultivation, striving to unlock the full potential of the Qi Initiate Realm and prepare myself for the challenges that lay ahead in the Qi Gathering Realm.