
Path of the Celestial Sovereign

Born in the remote village of Qingfeng, Yuan Hailong is a seemingly ordinary youth with a mysterious and tragic past. His parents, once powerful cultivators, were slain in a battle against the tyrannical Black Moon Sect. Yuan Hailong discovers his latent talent for cultivation and swears to avenge his parents by rising through the Ninefold Celestial Realms and defeating the Black Moon Sect.

AracSyntax · Fantasy
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13 Chs

The City Under Siege

Weeks passed, and I continued to work and cultivate diligently, growing more accustomed to my newfound abilities and the life of a Qi Initiate. Little did I know that my relatively peaceful existence in Azureedge was about to be shattered by a sudden, unexpected attack.

One morning, the city's alarm bells rang out, echoing through the streets and sending a chill down my spine. A horde of monstrous beasts had descended upon the city, including massive white leopards, razor-beaked birds, and other fearsome creatures that defied description. Panic gripped the citizens as they scrambled to defend their homes and loved ones.

As the chaos unfolded, I found myself swept up in a group of hastily conscripted men and women, including mortals and low-level cultivators like myself. The city's officials, desperate to repel the invaders, had issued a decree forcing anyone capable of wielding a weapon to join the defense effort.

As I stood alongside my fellow conscripts, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of anger and resentment. To the city's higher-ups, we were nothing more than cannon fodder, disposable pawns to be thrown into the fray to buy time for the more powerful cultivators to rally and prepare their counterattack.

With a heavy heart and a clenched fist, I marched towards the city walls, determined to prove that even a mortal-turned-cultivator like myself could make a difference in the battle to come.

The battle that ensued was nothing short of a nightmare. The monstrous beasts tore through the city's defenses, their claws and teeth ripping through the ranks of the conscripts. I fought with everything I had, using my Qi-enhanced strength and agility to dodge and counter the relentless onslaught of the creatures.

As the battle raged on, I found myself face to face with one of the massive white leopards. Its ice-blue eyes locked onto me with murderous intent, and I knew that if I were to survive, I would need to give it everything I had.

As the beast lunged at me, I drew upon the power of the Thundering Fist, channeling my Qi into a devastating punch. The pain was intense, but I gritted my teeth and pressed on, striking blow after blow against the seemingly invulnerable creature.

Then, in the heat of battle, as my body and spirit were pushed to their limits, I experienced another breakthrough. I felt a surge of power within me as I broke through to the second sub-level of the Qi Initiate Realm, my mastery of Qi deepening in an instant.

With this newfound power, my attacks became even more potent, and I finally began to turn the tide against the monstrous leopard. As I landed a decisive blow, the beast let out a pained roar before collapsing to the ground, its once-fearsome body now lifeless and still.

As I stood over my fallen foe, panting and covered in sweat, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. Despite the odds and the callous disregard of the city's officials, I had proven that even a former mortal could make a difference.

But as the battle continued to rage around me, I knew that there was no time to celebrate. I had to keep fighting, for the sake of my newfound friends and the city that had become my home. And so, with a renewed sense of determination, I charged back into the fray, my fists ready to strike down any beast that dared to stand in my way.

As I rejoined the battle, I realized that the situation was even more desperate than I had initially thought. The monstrous beasts were relentless, cutting through the ranks of the conscripts with terrifying efficiency. Many of the mortals, lacking the power of cultivation, were struggling just to survive, their makeshift weapons barely slowing the creatures down.

I knew that I had to do something to help them, even if it meant putting my own safety at risk. With a determined snarl, I dropped the shield I had been using to protect myself, focusing all my attention on the offensive power of my Thundering Fist technique.

Suddenly, a razor-beaked bird with massive, sharp claws swooped down towards me, its eyes filled with murderous intent. As it closed in, I quickly sidestepped, narrowly avoiding its deadly talons. The bird screeched in frustration, circling back for another attack.

Unleashing the full might of my Qi-enhanced attacks, I prepared to face the fearsome creature head-on. As the bird dove towards me again, I timed my strike perfectly, channeling my Qi into a powerful Thundering Fist aimed at the beast's head. The force of the impact sent the bird reeling, but it quickly recovered and retaliated with a swipe of its sharp claws.

I felt the sting of pain as the bird's claws grazed my arm, but I refused to back down. Instead, I used my newfound agility to dodge and weave around its attacks, searching for an opening to strike back. When the opportunity presented itself, I unleashed another Thundering Fist, this time targeting the bird's vulnerable wings.

With a sickening crunch, the bird's wing snapped under the force of my blow, and it plummeted to the ground, screeching in agony. I quickly closed the distance and delivered a final, decisive strike, silencing the creature for good.

The pain from using the Thundering Fist without restraint was immense, but I gritted my teeth and fought through it, driven by the knowledge that my actions could mean the difference between life and death for my fellow conscripts.

As I fought, I couldn't help but think about the harsh reality of life on the edge of civilization. While the city of Azureedge was a bustling metropolis, it was far from the safety and security of the inner lands. Out here, attacks by monstrous beasts were a grim reality that the people had to face on a regular basis.

This knowledge only fueled my determination to make a difference, to prove that even a mortal could rise up and stand against the horrors that threatened their home. With each beast I felled, I hoped that my actions would inspire my fellow conscripts to keep fighting, to keep pushing back against the tide of darkness that threatened to engulf us all.

As the battle raged on, the tide began to turn in our favor. The combined efforts of the conscripts and the powerful cultivators who had finally joined the fray slowly began to push the monstrous beasts back, driving them from the city's walls.

Eventually, the last of the creatures were defeated, and the city of Azureedge was saved. Though the cost had been high, with countless lives lost and many more wounded, we had managed to hold our ground and protect our home.

As I stood among the rubble and debris, my body aching from the strain of battle, I knew that this was just one of many trials that I would face on my journey of cultivation. The path before me was long and treacherous, filled with countless challenges and adversaries.

But with each victory, each breakthrough, I grew stronger and more determined. And as I continued my journey, I vowed to never forget the sacrifices of those who had fought alongside me, nor the lessons I had learned on the battlefield that day