
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · Urban
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15 Chs

6. She Can See It!

"I asked where were you boy" Kale's mother, Mira asked Kale with visible frustration and even a bit of anger in her tone.

"Come now mother, is that a way to talk to your son, shouldn't you be worried about my ripped clothes or possible wounds I might have from wherever I was," Kale said sarcastically while continuing to walk inside.

"I asked you to not call me that, I have only one son, and we have a banquet in his honor tonight, before his blessing ceremony tomorrow, for which you have to be present because that's the least you can do.

"Even if you're cursed you still have great Emperor Arthur Dè Flazer's blood flowing in you, so you could either live up to that blood's reputation or else be prepared to get exile" Mira threatened Kale without even trying to hide the contempt in her voice.

"Ahh god, fine I will attend just stop talking to me, my ears are ringing from your high pitch tone the second lady" Kale said without bothering to turn back or to stop.

"What did you say!! come back here" Mira shouted but Kale was already inside the castle. 'What is the name of nine heavens happened to that kid, till yesterday he was like a puppy eager to get my attention...did I perhaps hear him wrong' Mira thought trying to make sense of what she heard from a boy she deemed feeble till yesterday.


Kale could be seen climbing up the enormous stairs with railings plated with gold and steps made of metal that was quite similar to silver.

'Yeah my head's getting clear now, I can think... according to my memories we were supposed to be twins, while I was born with a dark circle on my back he was born with a white circle on his abdomen, signifying we're the blessed ones, actually only he is blessed... I'm the cursed one.

'My memories are still hazy enough for me to not be able to remember the myth of sun and moon, but I remember that the emperor of the sun, or simply sun god damaged the moon god's soul in one of their many fights, so now he can't bless any mortals because according to what I can remember,

'These said gods need to share a fragment of their soul with their descendants, after that the one who has been blessed will be able to break through human boundaries of mana manipulation,

'but if all that's true then how did Luna manage to bless me? and the guardian he blessed me, it isn't normal, it's just too powerful I can feel it, I can easily subdue a guard from Emperor's personal order, even if that guard was Mark who doesn't have any mana but still managed to get in the order because of his martial arts, he's not weak, I know this because I've seen him doing... stuff.

'Ahhhhh! there are so many questions and so many confusion, I need to find answers, I've never felt this out of touch with information.' just as Kale thought this much another question popped in his head.

'Why exactly they don't just kill the moon descendants at birth so they can't bring destruction' shaking his head Kale composed his thoughts and thought again,

'Fine I have two tasks on my hands right now, to go to the library and find answers and to talk to Luna about this as soon as I see him again since mythologies are manmade and thus could be full of errors or potholes so it's better to just ask the god it's based on himself... though I think I would hear a rather one-sided story if I were to ask him, but who cares, as my long term goal is to just acquire enough power and life this life with no regrets till the end unlike how I lived in --'

Before Kale could conclude his thoughts he was interrupted by a girl in her mid-20s dressed in maid clothes with her Ashburn hairs tied into a single braid, the girl was looking at Kale with her shining red eyes, and only if the looks could kill.

"Kale where were you last night, do you know how much the second mistress scolded me, because of you, I was forced to look for you, do you know how cold it was last night, don't pull crap like this again or I will just ask sir Braun to beat you up real good next time, do you understand".

It was Kale's maid Haze, although if someone were to look at this scene they would probably assume Kale has a status lower than a lowly personal maid, in this castle although it's true, Kale doesn't have any status or power to speak of, he was just sort of there because killing him is prohibited by Sun God church.

Not only him but anyone with a name is prohibited to kill unless it's for an offense punishable by death and Kale has steered very clear from that line.

'Ah god, first a reincarnation as a cursed prince, then meeting a mysterious god, then meeting a hag for a mother, and now a maid who is in desperate need of some spanking, there's only so much clichè a man can handle' Kale thought while trying to fight the urge to roll his eyes.

"Haze, shush with your barking and bring me some change of clothes," Kale said in an authoritative tone that almost made Haze doubt if the boy in front of her is the same as she knew since his birth, although because she knew him since birth there's she was sure she wasn't mistaken.

"How dare you Kale, do you want me to take you to sir Braun... or perhaps you want me to give you some usual punishment with needles or maybe AHHH---" before she could finish Haze dropped knees first on the ground, while her index finger could be seen bent in an unnatural angle.

"Shush now Haze, also even tho I'm cursed or whatnot, I'm still a Prince, making me royalty, and how do servants talk to the royals in this country, speak to only answer my question and nothing else because anything else could and will be your last words" Kale gestured Haze to speak while retracting back a black ethereal hand that was pressing Haze down on her knees.

"What was that--" before Haze could speak any further she was rendered speechless by Kale's threatening gaze, she knew if she mustered up any more words it would be her last so she submissively bowed her head to answer Kale's question.

"An l-lowly servant should a-act like one m-mas...master and should talk while kneeling or bowing down to the great Flazer bloodline" Haze said while abandoning any shred of pride or dignity left in her.

"Very good Haze, remember that and now bring me some change of clothes, also don't ever mention the hand you saw to anyone or else I would make sure all your fingers match your index, now get going," Kale said nonchalantly while entering his resting chamber, like everything he did was natural for him.

Haze hurried to fetch clothes for Kale as she wracked her mind around the fact that Kale materialized in one of the 7 guardian's arms which should be impossible as the moon god shouldn't be able to bless any of his descendants as his soul was damaged by the Sun God, then how?? 'Should I report this to the second mistress' Haze thought while she was distracted by the pain in her index finger,

"Bestow healing oh goddess of health, [Sanae]!".

A light enveloped Haze's index finger after an incantation, when the light disappeared the previously unnatural bent finger was now completely fine.

'What am I even thinking, not only he could kill me any moment but also if he has a guardian of element at his disposal now, he could take on armies, although Empress or Emperor could stop him I get the feeling I'll die before making any kind of move'.

A silver-haired boy with shining golden eyes could be seen sitting on the bedroom bench which was at the end of an enormous bed.

"She can see it..." the boy said to himself. "So I was right people with mana can see it".