
Past Life Conqueror

Nero Dekrauf, the man who conquered the whole world was killed by the woman he trusted the most in the end. "If I was capable of love, I would've loved you with all my heart!" Those were the last words that he failed to choke out in his last moments. When he closed his eyes, Nero thought he would wake up in heaven if he were to wake up at all. Although contrary to his expectations he would up alive, in a body that wasn't his own and in a world that he didn't recognize. A world of sword and magic. A new world for him to conquer!

BrimRock · Urban
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15 Chs

5. Dear Mother

Entering the gates of Flazeret city Kale was now headed towards the Emperor's castle.

It's not the time yet for shops and restaurants to open so the streets were rather peaceful than they would be during the afternoon hours.

After a while of walking through these peaceful streets, Kale entered the inner city as the city was divided in two, the outer half where most of the common people resided and the inner half, housing the Emperor's workers and nobles.

The outer city has only one purpose to say and that was to act as sitting ducks giving Elites the time to evacuate if any harm were to befall them.

Usually, it would take about half a day to enter the inner city if entered through the front but Kale who was coming from the forest which was located in the north was the back of the city, hence the outer area on this side of the city was rather small compared to the front side.

As soon as he entered the inner city the king's castle came into Kale's sight.

After crossing the multiple skyscrapers Kale was right in front of the massive castle that made those skyscrapers look like towers made of sand, small and feeble.

Five lean, square towers surround the castle in almost a perfect circle around this incredible castle and are connected by giant, wide walls made of red stone said to be capable of enduring dragon's breath, these stones are called dragon stone.

Elegant windows are scattered generously across the walls in an asymmetric pattern, along with asymmetric crenelations for archers and artillery while the mages support or attack depending on the situation from the towers.

A giant gate with thick black iron doors and large crenelations guards the inhabitants of this castle and it's the only easy way in, any other side would be futile if you were an invader trying to conquer this castle.

"Look the young prince has returned," said a man clad in black armor which was made of black iron the same as a castle door, the black iron was extremely durable, made of dragon's scales it could withstand the strike of a Kaiser Kong without leaving a scratch.

A red crystal was embedded in the chest plate of the black armor that looked like a red sun shining in the darkness. The red crystal was a dragon crystal that is said to give an exponential boost in mana output to the wearer.

The man in black armor was in King's Guard order, hence the armor was establishing his status also making potential troublemakers turn away from the gates.

"Oh my, I really thought you died because you didn't show up a whole day hahaha," said the man in black.

"Now now don't be like that Mark, that's not a way to talk to a Prince is it, even if the said prince is a monster born on a scarlet night haha," said a man dressed in white plated armor that looked extremely cheap compared to the black armor Mark was wearing, making clear that this guard was just another one in many thousands of guards, unlike Mark who was one of at most hundred.

"Yeah my bad Braun, you too monster prince, I mean young prince I'm so sorry hahaha," said Mark sarcastically while laughing like he cracked the funniest joke in all heavens.

"Open the gate," Kale said while desperately trying to hold back his desire to rip their hearts out of their ribcage.

"Ho, look at this, the monster is finally trying to act like a prince isn't this just great Mark, now a monster will tell us what to do" Said a black-haired man with dark brown eyes named Braun with a twitching eyebrow.

"Come now Braun calm down you're getting too worked up over a kid monster, anyway little prince you have to pay up to get inside as we don't know whether you really are our little prin-- I mean whether you really are prince Kale or not because clearly, you don't look like him, your clothes are ripped off, your royal ring is nowhere to be seen on your fingers and clearly you were out a whole day so in Silent Forest so a beast could be in possession of your bo--" before the man with light brown hair and eyes with similar shade named Mark could finish his sentence he was interrupted by Kale's cold voice.

"Are you stupid guard, I ordered you to open the gate and I shall not repeat myself again, monster or not I'm still Emperor's blood, you dare defy me? my silver hair and golden eyes are proof enough of who I am now open the gate before stripping you of your miserable lives" Said Kale in a cold voice with a sinister overtone.

Hearing that made Braun shiver in something that was very similar to fear yet it was quite not it while Mark was quivering too, not in fear though, in anger.

"You, how dare you, you monster, till yesterday you were beneath my foot taking my beating, acting as my personal sandbag and now you dare raise your voice at me, I'll kill you and favor this world," said Mark with visible anger on his red face.

*sling* Mark dashed towards Kale while drawing his sword from his waist.

Braun tried to stop him as he even tho Kale is supposedly a cursed prince there's just no way the Emperor would sit back and do nothing if his own blood were to spill right under his nose that too by his own personal guard also there was 'that reason' to worry about too, so he tried to stop Mark but in just a matter of split-second Mark covered a meter distance between them and Kale, and his sword was already at the neck of the said cursed prince.

"Courting death" Kale whispered in an inaudible tone with a smirk.

"...Huh" Mark exclaimed in shock. "Why can't I move" Mark panicked as he couldn't understand what was going on.

"So you can't see it? huh, is it because you can't use mana well enough or maybe because it's invisible" said Kale trying to speculate something, all the while a pair of giant's hands could bee is seen holding Mark in his place.

A pair of hands made of black energy was hovering above Kale and although only the hands of the humanoid were materialized, one could only imagine how big it would be once it materialized its whole body.

"What the fuck, what are you doing, YOU MONSTER, RELEASE ME THIS INSTANT, I'M KING'S PERSONAL FUCKING GUARD, RELEASE ME NO--" Before Mark could finish he was thrown at the gate with a speed that was incomprehensible to human eyes.

"Gee fine you don't have to shout Sir Mark you could have just asked me, I would've released you earlier, isn't that right Sir Braun," Kale said in the same sinister tone while retracting his ethereal guardian before a mage could see him, although he wasn't sure if a mage could see his guardian's hand or not he didn't want to take any chances.

"No... Please prince have mercy don't kill him or me...don't kill me please" Braun pleaded while kneeling with his hand open on the ground showing his submission.

"Oh, no monster prince or something like that this time? man I really did scare you didn't I, sorry didn't mean to haha, you see a lot happened today so I lost my cool Sir Braun" said Kale in a sarcastic tone.

*pat* While patting Braun's head like a master patting his pet Kale spoke again in a colder voice than before "Never mention what happened here to anyone or I will hunt you to the ends of Earth and as I said before strip you of your miserable life"

"E-Earth?" Braun looked at Kale as he didn't understand why would Kale hunt him till the end of 'dirt' or did he mean that he would hunt him with Earth element, in a state of panic thousands of useless thoughts imparted his mind.

"Yeah, never mind I forgot this is not Earth... yeah, I mean Midlands, I'll hunt you till the end of Midlands" corrected Kale while reminding himself again of where he was.

"Yes my prince, my lips are sealed, I would not let anyone hear the end of this incident, please my prince have mercy" pleaded Braun again while submissively letting himself be patted like a dog.

Kale however walked past him right after finishing what he had to say, seeing this Braun ran to open the gate before Kale could reach the black doors.

Kale lifted the lever to open the gates and after Kale entered the castle he sighed in relief as he remembered the feeling he couldn't quite grasp earlier when he heard Kale talk in that cold voice.

"Death" Braun muttered in a feeble voice.

"Where were you?" a voice sounded in Kale's ears as soon he walked a few steps inside the castle gates into the garden.

Kale looked up and greeted the woman in red in front of him in an almost happy tone with a bitter smile "Hello oh dear mother! how are you doing today on this lovely morning".