
Act 3

After New Year's Day, another month is the Spring Festival. In this month, Wang Zhifei was mainly busy visiting veteran cadres and consoling workers of all fronts. As long as he had time, he would talk to someone, or listen to the reports of the district and county secretaries and county heads, and through the talk, observe a person's temperament, language, and ability to analyze problems, and he would make his own judgment on the person. Wang Zhifei served as a secretary to the provincial Party secretary, and has more than ten years of experience as a local official, and has a certain research on the art of viewing people. At this point, he most admired Zeng Guofan of the Qing Dynasty, doing official work and being a man. Fundamentally speaking, Wang Zhifei believes that Zeng Guofan is by no means a first-class smart man, from his daily practice of a page of words, live at a young age can be seen, he is just hard work, the result of their own energy too exhausted. Zeng Guofan has a mind and can employ people, which is his strong point. He can see the strengths of others, is willing to build a platform for talents, and is not afraid of talents exceeding himself, and he has achieved success. Wang Zhifei felt that he now had full use of human rights, and must change the vulgarity of the Dongting officialdom by formulating new rules of the game and selecting a new group of cadres.

Only ten days from the Spring Festival, in the morning, Wang Zhifei heard a very bad noise outside, it seemed to hear someone Shouting slogans. He was sensitively aware that this was a parade. Maybe he's a worker in a cotton mill. Get through the phone of the secretary general of the Municipal Party committee, Liang Secretary-General simply said that he was dealing with the scene, and returned to report after ten minutes. After a while, Secretary General Liang panted to Wang Zhifei's room, his eyes full of blood.

He said that a few days ago, someone leaked the news that the workers of the cotton textile factory planned to hold a large-scale march before the Spring Festival to put pressure on the municipal leadership to solve the problem of workers' survival. The factory has stopped production for half a year and many workers have not received their wages for three months. Seeing the end of the year is coming again, how can we celebrate the New Year without money? As soon as someone started, the workers were already dissatisfied with several factory leaders, believing that they had brought down the factory, and many people responded. There were thousands of people on the streets today. As soon as I got the news, I quickly set up a team to deal with the matter overnight, hoping to tell the secretary when it was finished. As a result, after a busy night, the workers did not listen, saying that they had been cheated many times, and this time they had to go to the streets anyway, so that the news media could report it, and it was best to let the governor know that your city still dared not pay attention to it! Since last night, I have deployed all the police forces that can be mobilized in the Linhe District, and arranged them on both sides of the road from the cotton textile factory to the Municipal Party Committee building to ensure that there will be no stampede accidents and no deaths. I've spoken to the workers' representatives, and they've asked to see you. I did not presume to agree to see what the secretary instructed.

Wang Zhifei said: "Half a month ago, did not recruit several banks held a meeting, did not the governors promised to solve some funds, first after the New Year?"

Secretary General Liang said: "Now we have been set as a high risk area by the bank, and the bank has also learned, that is, you have come forward and put a little, which is to give some face." Only 4 million yuan, for a factory with more than 20,000 employees, is simply a drop in the bucket and can not solve many problems. Without 30 million or so of funds, it seems that this year is not good!"

Wang Zhifei said to Secretary General Liang: "You call the director of the Municipal Finance Bureau, I will ask him how much money is available."

Get through the phone, the old Dong listened to his idea, he was anxious, and said: "Secretary ah, I really do not have much oil and water, the salary and year-end bonus of civil servants in the city direct organs can not not be issued, veteran cadres can not not condolences, but also to open a reunion meeting, condolences to the relevant departments in the province, I am already stretched." I can't squeeze five million out of it. Besides, five million won't help a cotton mill."

Wang Zhifei said, "OK, got it." I hung up the phone.

Looks like we can't get through the year without using our personal connections. Wang Zhifei had to get through the provincial construction bank president Sun Ziqiang telephone. Sun Ziqiang is Wang Zhifei's high school classmate. For the college entrance exam, Wang Zhifei went to Beijing, and Sun Ziqiang went to a finance and economics college in Shanghai. After graduation, he worked at a bank in the provincial capital until he became president.

Get through the phone, Wang Zhifei said straight to the point: "Brother you have to help me, you don't help me, I can't go back to the provincial capital for the New Year."

Sun Ziqiang was so wise that he said, "What's the matter with you?" Is your old east pavilion out of money again and looking for a loan from me?"

Wang Zhifei told me about the workers' march.

Sun Ziqiang said: "The economic situation in Dongting is very bad in the past two years, and the banks have been afraid to lend money. That is, you open up, change two people, I already refused. On the basis of our many years of friendship, I promise to give you 30 million, as my support for your administration of Dongting, but human relations are human relations, rules are rules, there is a condition, to use the land of the cotton textile factory as collateral, once I can not afford to pay, I also have a way out."

Wang Zhifei said: "Good you Sun Ziqiang, black enough! Here we are, ripping you off! Well, people in people's eyes, have to bow down, who let us east pavilion poor! One day, when our East Pavilion is rich, you have to ask me. All right, I'll give you anything for the money. You arrange people to implement as soon as possible, it is best to finish within a week, I am waiting for rice to cook ah!"

Sun Ziqiang said: "No problem, the money can come in a week."

With money, Wang Zhifei has confidence. He said to Secretary General Liang: "The workers want to see me, I go out to meet them, talk to them face to face, the effect may be better."

Secretary General Liang was hesitant, worried about the secretary's safety.

Wang Zhifei said, "What are you afraid of? We are cadres of the Communist Party, not grand masters of feudal society!" We just have to do things for the people, the people will understand. People make trouble for a reason. The most important thing is that our officials at all levels have not done things well, so that the people have complaints. If we are laid-off workers, what will we think?" Then he walked out.

Secretary General Liang could not stop, so he had to call Director Lin of the Public Security Bureau and let him make arrangements in advance to prevent accidents and ensure Wang Zhifei's safety.

Wang Zhifei walked from the back door of the Dongting Hotel to the municipal Party Committee compound, 100 meters away from the gate, and saw that the municipal Party Committee gate had been blocked. Dozens of police officers guarded the gate, and a dozen police cars were parked on both sides of the municipal Party building, filled with heavily armed riot police, waiting for orders from their superiors to attack at any time. As soon as Wang Zhifei came out, Director Lin of the city Public Security Bureau rushed to report the situation. He said that the initial estimate of the march of 3,000 people, the entire Dongting Avenue stood full, and now the traffic is paralyzed. The municipal Public Security Bureau and Linhe District have dispatched more than 800 police on the street, and have ordered riot prevention teams in various counties to rush to reinforce. Wang Zhifei said no, dealing with ordinary people, why use so many police! All but a few remain to keep the peace. Otherwise, the workers think we're about to make an arrest, they'll huddle even more, and it'll be harder to evacuate. Look, it's a mess out there, and there's nothing to talk about. Wang Zhifei told Secretary General Liang to let the workers' representatives come to his office for dialogue.

Soon a dozen workers' representatives arrived at Wang Zhifei's office. Chief among them was Lao Zhang, the retired union president of a cotton textile factory. The workers were excited to see the newly appointed secretary receiving them in person. Wang Zhifei arranged for the staff to hand them cigarettes, pour tea, and ask them to speak one by one. Workers have expressed their views on the factory leadership, nothing more than corruption, eating and drinking, indiscriminate sales of goods, engaging in nepotism, unable to pay wages, leaders still sit in imported luxury cars, eat and drink a little bit, promiscuous relations between men and women and so on. Wang Zhifei said that the problems reflected by the workers, the municipal Party committee will pay great attention to, immediately organize a working group to enter the factory, thoroughly investigate the corruption problems of successive leaders, the punishment of the punishment, the law of the law, and will not tolerate. As for the wages of the workers, I have coordinated part of the funds from the province, and in a week, 30 million yuan will arrive in the account, ensuring that we can get through this year. After the Spring Festival, the Municipal Party Committee discussed the restructuring of the cotton textile factory, striving to introduce a strategic partner, completely save the cotton textile factory, so that everyone can eat!

After listening to Wang Zhifei's solemn statement, the workers felt embarrassed. It is only because we want to make some noise in the street and fear that the police will arrest people that we encourage so many people to come out and strengthen each other's courage. Since the secretary thinks so highly of us, we can't help but be aware. We must pass on the secretary's instructions to every worker and evacuate as soon as possible. In less than two hours, order was restored on Dongting Avenue.

A major mass incident was quickly resolved without any damaging accidents, and Wang Zhifei was very satisfied with his approach. In an incident like this, the consequences of a mismanagement are unpredictable. I just arrived at the office, dead or injured a few people, not a good look. It seems that the reform of the cotton textile factory can not be delayed, and it will be delayed again. We need to get the old bull to do this, not next year. So he hung up a phone to the old cow, let the old cow take the lead, immediately set up a team, a package to solve the problems of cotton textile factory.

The matter of the cotton textile factory here has just been settled, and it has only been clean for a week, and then there is an accident.

At seven o 'clock on Monday morning, Wang Zhifei had just gotten up, washed up, and was ready to eat something before going to work. At this time, the secretary general of the municipal committee Liang came in in a panic, a look at his nervous appearance, Wang Zhifei knew that there was trouble again.

He asked quickly, "What happened now? Look at you panicking!"

Secretary General Liang said: "No good, the farmers have occupied the entire municipal Party compound, there are groups of farmers at every intersection, the yard is countless agricultural tricycles, it seems that there are hundreds, which is never before."

Wang Zhifei got high and said, "I can't believe such a thing, let me see."

Secretary General Liang said: "The municipal party compound has been unable to enter, there are farmers at each intersection guard, they do not let anyone into, if you want to see, I go with you to the building of the East Pavilion hotel, from there commanding, you can see clearly."

Wang Zhifei was anxious, so he said, "OK, you and I have a look, what are they doing for?" Do that?"

Secretary General Liang sighed and said, "Hey, this is an old problem, they are farmers from Liuyuan Town, for the Dongting Airport." A few years ago, when Lin Huaishui was secretary of the Dongting Municipal Party Committee, he once visited Hong Kong and lamented the development of Hong Kong, especially the improvement of the transportation industry. What he admired most was the advanced Hong Kong airport. "We also want to build our own airport, and open up air routes with advanced cities around the world, so that we will naturally attract many big bosses to sightseeing, tourism, investment, business." Our work of attracting investment can be fruitful. 'With the people think he is a whim, in a good mood, casually say, over the mouth addiction, go back to forget, when in order to pat his ass, everyone goes along, say yes, yes, we want to develop fast east Pavilion, must build the airport. He does not know that the heads of these bureaux do not want to spoil his fun, follow his words and give him face. Because people with a little sense know that in the poor place of Dongting, not to mention the construction of the airport requires a large amount of funds, which is the financial burden of Dongting. Even if some people invest and build well, with the level of economic development of East Pavilion, few people will choose to go out by plane, the ticket price is too expensive, who can afford to sit!

"But Lin Huaishui is Lin Huaishui, he is like evil, as if he did not build the airport, he could not show his wise decisions, and he could not show that he was wiser than the former Party secretary Liu Zhendong and Wei Liangcai." Whatever he is determined to do, no matter whether others agree or not, he must do it, and no one can stop him. At that time, even the mayor Zheng Zuomin did not agree in his heart, but there was no way, the secretary decided things, and everyone was too embarrassed to object. So the general assembly meeting, Lin Huaishui continued to inculcate the great significance of the construction of the airport, called on all the people of East Pavilion to recognize the situation, mind the overall situation, to firmly support the wise decisions of the municipal Party committee and the municipal government, and work together to build up East Pavilion airport and improve the investment environment of East Pavilion.

"To address the funding gap, he called on all public employees to donate a year's salary. Where it is not enough, it shall borrow money from the bank and be guaranteed by the municipal finance. In this way, 200 million yuan was raised, and it took more than two years to finally build the first airport in the history of Dongting.

"On the opening day, Lin Huaishui was full of ambition, his suit was upright, and he took an arrogant step to walk to the red carpet in the din of gongs and drums, waving gold scissors in his hand, and personally cut the color for the East Pavilion Airport." Then he boarded the first plane to Guangzhou, which was also the only civil aircraft to land in the history of Dongting, and realized his dream.

"His dream is realized, but it has suffered millions of people in Dongting, hundreds of thousands of public officials have not been paid salaries, because the bank loans are guaranteed by the city finance, in the following years, the bank often deducted a large amount of wages in advance, and everyone's wages are often delayed, sometimes only once a year, which has caused many families to simply not survive." Many people have to quit their jobs and go far away to find another way to make a living.

"Of course, the most pitiable is that these farmers who have occupied arable land and homesteads have not got the compensation, but also lost the cultivated land they rely on for survival, and have no way to survive, most of them borrowed money, bought tricycles, and made a living by pulling river sand in the Qingshui River." From time to time, they will get together, drive the car to the municipal Party committee, the municipal government compound, make a fuss, want to cause the attention of the leaders above, get some compensation. I didn't expect so much momentum this time, maybe they already know that you, Party Secretary Wang, are aware of the people's feelings and have just solved the problem of the cotton textile factory, and they also want to take a ride to attract your attention."

Wang Zhifei said: "So that's the case, you go to arrange arrangements, I will meet their representatives, discuss and see what to do." The first problem is to get them to withdraw their cars as soon as possible, so that the staff of the Municipal Party Committee can enter the office. The grand first-level municipal party committee organ can't even open the door, and it's a shame when it gets out."

Secretary General Liang promised and went to do it.

In the following hours, Wang Zhifei first met with farmers' representatives, asked them what they wanted, and promised to immediately go down to the airport to investigate and see if he could come up with a proper solution.

The farmers saw the secretary speak so well, and knew that Wang Zhifei was a different official from his predecessor, so they drove out a large number of tricycles very closely, and with waves of roaring motors, more than 100 cars evacuated the municipal Party Committee compound. Wang Zhifei immediately commanded that the Municipal Commission Office, in coordination with the municipal government Office, set up a coordination group, which should include the heads of all relevant departments to participate in, quickly solve the problem of airport construction compensation, and give farmers a statement.

Then in order to fulfill his promise, in the afternoon of the same day, he led the executive vice mayor Niu Gang and the relevant leaders of the Finance bureau, the airport construction headquarters and other departments to personally rush to Liu Yuan Zhen to view the situation of the airport on the spot.

Did not arrive at the scene, Wang Zhifei mood is better, to the scene, see the airport on both sides of the new runway, is endless grass, enough to have a person more than high, from time to time there are pieces of wild birds, disturbed by the crowd, panic loudly flew over. Wang Zhifei heart very uncomfortable, even sad.

He remembered what had been written about Lin Huaishui in the newspapers when he was arrested. When the reporter went to the Dongting Airport, his achievement project, he asked the local farmers: "Do you have planes taking off every day at this airport?" Have you seen it?"

The farmers said angrily, "Yes, but there are many planes taking off every day."

The reporter looked at the empty runway and the thatched grass on both sides of the airport and said, "Where is there, why can't I see one?"

The farmers all laughed and pointed to the wild birds flying in the sky and said, "No, there are many, they are pheasants, we call them wild planes." They've all made their homes here."

The peasants' humor made the reporters laugh and cry.

Wang Zhifei stood on the runway, sad, he hated these asshats who beat their heads to make decisions, they do not know which tendon is broken in the brain, they came up with this dirty idea, such a decision, to our country, innocent people, brought many disasters ah! A large number of funds have been squandered, a large number of good fields have been occupied, many people can not pay wages, a large number of farmers displaced, it is because of a word of decision makers, a project, it has changed the lives of thousands of people, such a tragic example, why in our land over and over again, there is no end!

Decision makers pat the head to make decisions, pat the chest to guarantee, and finally pat the butt to leave, to somewhere else, you can continue to be an official, that is, into prison, like Lin Huaishui, such a crime of dereliction of duty, can not get any serious punishment, such a reality, is really resentful, helpless.

Poor people all over the world, they have no control over their own fate, and they can have a few good days when they meet good officials. It's hard when you run into bureaucrats who mess around.

Although he knew that the situation of East Pavilion was not good, Wang Zhifei did not expect that the reality would be worse than this, it seems that he is doomed to endure this ordeal, for the people of East Pavilion, now there is no way out.

After an afternoon of research, a solution was initially found, and the director of the airport management Office reflected that he had contacted the civil aviation flight training College in the province, and the two sides had the intention to cooperate in running a school.

Wang Zhifei arranged to step up negotiations, reach cooperation intentions as soon as possible, report to the municipal Party committee and municipal government decision-making, it is best to be acquired by them, we get a batch of compensation payments at one time, and completely solve the problem of compensation for farmers. We collect the rent and use the income to repay the compensation to the farmers year by year. We cannot delay any longer. If this goes on, the airport will be completely hopeless, and the problem of the farmers will be even less likely to be solved.

The leaders of the relevant departments repeatedly said: "Yes, yes, we must do according to the instructions of the secretary, and seize the time to implement."

Wang Zhifei said: "Remember, at least a month to report to me progress."

On New Year's Eve, Wang Zhifei returned to his home in the provincial capital. On entering the house, he was taken aback. Their own home has become a shop, boxes of good cigarettes, good wine, tea and so on are filled with the home. Ask Xiao Li what happened, Xiao Li said, all your east Ting cadres at all levels sent, anyway, I do not know, also can not call the name. Do not know where these people get our home address, I get off work in the evening, there are people waiting at the door, see me on sister-in-law long sister-in-law short call, to put things down at home. I was afraid that they would put money, so I made it clear that I did not want to, they said that it was some tobacco and alcohol and other things, and it was not worth anything, but it was just going to be the New Year, and I expressed my mind. Because so many people came, I was afraid to go home a few days ago, so I had to stay at my colleague's house for a few nights.

Wang Zhifei immediately understood that he had stayed in Dongting for so many years, and clearly understood the character of the people on that land. Dongting people are generous, speak spirit, love to make friends, if you have helped him, or his heart is very respectful to you, every New Year festival, they always do everything possible to visit and thank you, in any case to express their own mind, as if not so, the psychological burden, the year is not good. This is a side that should be positive, showing that the people are honest and simple, and could not be faulted.

However, now that this atmosphere has been brought to the official field, it has mixed too many abnormal things, and has become a legitimate excuse for officials at all levels to cultivate relations and use the back door. He is looking at this time, to your home, send money and goods, you can not throw him out, that is too close to friendship, can not be said. In Chinese culture, you don't hit a smiling person with a raised hand. All the people in Dongting knew this truth, so those who mixed in the official circles were accustomed to becoming natural, or consciously or unconsciously, to go to the leaders' homes to show their loyalty and let the leaders know that they had not forgotten the leaders' concern.

This has created an opportunity for some officials who want to use their power to get rich overnight. Zheng Zuomin, the former mayor of East Pavilion, had to personally remind his subordinates to sit at his home every New Year. Especially those who have financial power in the hands of business owners, managers and so on, to his home to visit the New Year, very generous, do not take a two hundred, three hundred thousand, you are embarrassed to go.

The Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection found that just the night he was elected as mayor by the executive vice mayor, there were hundreds of people who went to his home to congratulate him, and the least also brought 5,000 yuan of greeting gifts, and the highest was 50,000 or 60,000 yuan. That night alone, he brought in $1.6 million.

Because there are too many people involved, are the heads of some departments, who sent him can not recall, if all arrested, the entire Dongting Party and government organs, industrial and mining enterprises, almost all will be paralyzed, so the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection can not, simply announced that Zheng Zuomin sent money below 100,000 yuan, If you take the initiative to the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection located in the Dongting hotel office to take the initiative to make clear, the commission for Discipline inspection guarantees, no longer pursue.

As soon as the news came out, the Dongting Hotel was like a meeting of cadres for a few days, and cadres at all levels were in an endless stream, one by one, and they were beaming and did not feel ashamed at all. When they met, they all joked to each other, "How much did you send?"

"I gave sixty thousand."

"No, no, no, I also gave 80,000!" Just got this factory director, otherwise I would have been dismissed long ago."

The account of so many people, that Zheng Zuomin there are millions of money can not be clearly explained the origin, all added together, more than 13 million. Because of his good confession attitude, thorough explanation of the problem, and effective cooperation with the relevant departments in handling the case, Zheng Zuomin received a light sentence and was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Zheng Zuomin's crime was given a light sentence, thanks to his having a "virtuous wife" who took all the crimes for him. The investigators asked Zheng Zuomin whether you knew that others sent you money.

Zheng Zuomin said unequivocally: "I do not know, I do not care about these things, they are directly sent to my wife, I returned home, my wife did not tell me, directly deposited in the bank." As for how much money I have in my family, I have no idea how many passbooks I have."

The investigators asked Mr. Zheng's wife, Huang Yuxiang, if that was true. Zheng Zuomin's wife all admitted one by one that it was a fact that Zheng Zuomin did not know how much money was in the family, and when others sent money, I did not tell him completely, for fear that he would be afraid, because there was too much money. I always tell him that he has been to the house and what he wants to do, please pay attention to it. Zheng Zuomin promised, I know.

When the people of East Pavilion saw the news in the newspaper, they all praised and said: "The couple, really cooperate seamlessly."

When Zheng Zuomin was a child, his family was very poor, often did not have enough to eat, and even could not wear shoes. After graduating from college, he returned to the county. His family was poor, and no girl in the city was willing to marry him. Until met Huang Yuxiang, Huang Yuxiang Township is the children of cadres, her father was the deputy secretary of East Ting City, she saw Zheng Zuomin at a glance clever, desperate to marry him.

The family opposed, threatened to break off relations with her, but Huang Yuxiang or no return, pack a few packets of sugar, and Zheng Zuomin quietly got a marriage certificate, two wooden bed together, even became husband and wife. Huang Yuxiang father see really no way, had to admit Zheng Zuomin this son-in-law, in order not to daughter with suffering, just use their own relationship, everywhere take care of Zheng Zuomin, step by step, promoted him to the position of leading cadres. It can be said that without Huang Yuxiang, he Zheng Zuomin can be the director of a factory at most, and it is absolutely impossible to sit on the throne of a listed president.

Therefore, later, Zheng Zuomin, who had made his fortune, was still obedient to his wife, and did not abandon his chaff wife at all. It was never heard that he kept a lover or kept a little honey, so when he was tried, he snotted and cried, and could not do anything, saying: "All blame me for giving up the transformation of the world view, not managing my family, people around me, especially my wife, so that I unknowingly slipped into the abyss of crime and became a sinner of the people." I apologize to the Party for years of training me, I apologize to the people of Dongting, I will humbly confess my guilt, strive for leniency, I am willing to be a negative example, warning all officials, do not be like me, to control their wives, family members, do not let their pillow wind blow us dizzy, can not find the north. Let the storm against corruption be fiercer!"

His final statement drew all the people on the scene couldn't help but laugh their belly out, they said he was really a genius, all at this time, but also this will act, the wash of the wash, the push off the push off, finally saved the precious life, to survive, is also a good ending.

Just pity his infatuated wife, up to this time, but also have to take the blame for her husband, divided twenty years of imprisonment, without saying a word, no regrets. The common people who knew the inside all commented: "This woman is really interesting, in order to save her husband's life, she is willing to spend twenty years in prison for nothing." It seems that she really loves him."

This "model couple" is now known throughout the province, and Dongting is also known throughout the province as a major area of corruption. Now Wang Zhifei as the party secretary of Dongting, such a phenomenon, let Xiao Li is very worried, it is understandable.

Wang Zhifei looked at the boxes of Maotai and Wuliangye in his home, a piece of less to say more than 2,000 pieces, just these piles of things, it is estimated that they are worth 50,000 or 60,000, and there is no way to return. Find a car for the municipal office to pull away, one by one, will surely be passed as a joke. People think you're putting on a show! Who knows how much you charge? The more you return, the more you collect. Wang Zhifei thought about it and said, put it there first. Put it in one room. Make it look good. I found two cases of the best wine, some high-grade cigarettes and tea, and went to sit for a while at old Secretary Liu's house.

This has been Wang Zhifei's habit for many years. Wang Zhifei is a grateful person who understands that in his life, there are three people who are the most important to him. The first is their parents, not only gave birth to their own, but also created conditions for their own studies. Had he not studied, Wang Zhifei, a rural child, would not have been admitted to college and become a city dweller. The second is the old secretary of Liu, without his insight in that year, he may write materials for a lifetime in the General office of the Provincial Party Committee, become a writer, and never become a party secretary leading 9 million people.

He was always full of gratitude to Mr. Liu. As long as he had time, he would go to the old secretary's house to chat, eat, and listen to the old man tell the story of his youth. His feelings for the old secretary are mixed with the love and respect of the younger generation to the elder, the lower level to the higher level, and the understanding and trust of friends to friends, a friendship without forgetting the age. This is a phenomenon that has existed for many years in the Chinese officialdom. The long-term relationship between superiors and subordinates and the multi-directional communication of emotions have formed a relationship between secretaries and their leaders. Secretaries and leaders are not relatives, they are better than relatives and advance and retreat together. The leadership is successful, the power is in hand, the secretary will have a smooth career and prosper. When a leader falls, the first to follow is the secretary. When the leader is old and sees that he has no power, he will desperately cultivate his secretary, promote him quickly, and then he has no power, and the secretary is fully fledged. The leader realizes the continuation of his political life through the secretary, and the secretary realizes his leapfrog development through the leadership. It is much more convenient for a leader to use a secretary than to use his own children. With his own children, others are easy to gossip, and with a secretary, others are not very good to talk. Besides, those who can do secretary for big leaders are some particularly excellent people. The writing comes, the eloquence is good, and the image is passable, so the secretary in politics is indeed much more advantageous than others.

Although it was the evening of the New Year's Eve, the old secretary Liu's home was as cold and deserted as usual, which was far from the time when he was in power on the stage.

At that time, not to mention the New Year, it was an ordinary casual festival, the old man's home was crowded, people came and went, one by one, smiling, and words were very pleasant to say, what things were rare. Moreover, at that time, those who could enter and exit the old man's home were all men of dignity and dignity in this society, and the name of any one of them would be respected. The political commissars and commanders of the provincial military regions, the mayors and party secretaries of various cities, the bosses of large enterprises in various countries, as well as the countless fellow villagers and classmates, made the old secretary's home like a conference. This came, that went, one by one, busy Wang Zhifei to help pour tea can not fall.

When the old secretary was no longer in office, Wang Zhifei was already in Taoyuan County when he arrived at the National People's Congress. At the end of the year, when he went to the old man's home, he saw that the courtyard used to be crowded with people, and it had become much quieter and could no longer reproduce its glory at that time. Those so-called dignitaries, celebrities from all walks of life, afraid of contact with the old man more, caused dissatisfaction with the incumbent provincial Party secretary, affected their career, future, one by one, no longer show up at the old secretary's home.

At the beginning, the old man was not used to it. Every festival, when he saw one car after another that he had been very familiar with, passing by his front door, stopping without stopping, and going straight to the home of the provincial Party leaders who were still on the stage, he suddenly sulked in his heart, and a person paced around the house and cursed him, saying: "These bastards, sons of bitches, one by one, snobbish as hell, I should have known they were such people, even if they killed me, I wouldn't use one, all the fucking change, no one left, all give me the fuck!" How could I have been blind and cultivated and promoted such a group of unconscionable bastards!"

When he was angry, his blood pressure was high, and his wife was afraid that he had an accident, and if he hit the wind, it would be even more troublesome, and he would not stop advising him, saying: "You are an old man, how reasonable you were when you were on the stage, and now, when you are old and old, it falls on your head, and you can't stand it." In this life, people can still put the official into the grave! Besides, nowadays people, especially those who are mixed in the official circles, which one is not unprofitable, you have no value to use now, and you will not only get no benefit from dealing with you, but also suffer losses on the contrary, you said that as long as you did not eat the wrong medicine, who will do it! What would you do if you were me? Aren't the sons and daughters and Zhifei their secretaries still coming? Don't they arrange what you want to eat and what you want? Be content with yourself! Other people mix badly, offend many people, but you can not be like this!"

The old man thought that it really made sense, so he calmed down day by day and walked in the yard with a large German Wolf dog he had raised, which Wang Zhifei had bought for him from other places, a pure breed, and spent thousands of dollars.

Sometimes when the mood is good, the old man will be alone, wearing a sun hat, followed by a big Wolf dog, a walk in the park. Do not know the people absolutely can not recognize, this is the province chidang surprise Fengyun Liu secretary, the province's old one.

In his later years, the old man thoroughly saw through the fickle nature of the world, and praised the dog he raised whenever he met anyone, saying: "It is still a good dog, not like people so snobbish, loyal to the master."

Wang Zhifei knew that he was making use of the problem, but thinking about the world, after so many years of mixing in the official circles, getting old and useless, he would be treated as a waste and kicked far away, and his heart would feel particularly desolate. Then he thought of a sentence from Madame Roland: "The more people I associate with, the more I miss my dog!"

On the morning of the first day of the New Year, Wang Zhifei drove back to his hometown in the countryside to visit his elderly parents as usual.

My parents are old, but not used to living in the city, say nothing, say dirty and messy, everywhere is full of cars are people, but also live in buildings, not grounded, can not stand.

At least there is a big yard at home, a few years ago Wang Zhifei and his brother a person out of tens of thousands of dollars, Wang Zhifei big head, mainly rely on his brother Zhang Luo, to the parents to repair the building, installed air conditioning, water heater, home conditions and the city there is no difference.

My brother works in the county, the first two years also mentioned a deputy director of the county people's Congress, the family live in the county, every three to five, will go home to see their parents. In order to take care of the parents' body, I specially found a distant relative, doing a nanny at home, giving her a few hundred dollars a month, cooking a meal, washing clothes.

Once there is a headache fever, the younger brother will drive back, the parents received treatment in the county, save Wang Zhifei a lot of thoughts. Now the road has been built to the doorstep of the countryside, even if it is windy and rainy, as long as there is a car, it will not be delayed. Wang Zhifei will usually arrange Xiao Li to go home and have a look, bring something, bring some money, pay the nanny's salary, don't let my brother worry about it. Working in the county, although the deputy director of the individual People's Congress, in fact, the salary is not a few, and the economic conditions are much worse than Wang Zhifei.

A few years ago, when Wang Zhifei was still the mayor of Dingzhou, there was a project boss to find his brother, let his brother come forward, and Wang Zhifei pull strings, find some projects or approve the land, and promised to give his brother a certain share.

Brother specially sit on the car, go to Dingzhou to find Wang Zhifei, explain the purpose.

Hearing this, Wang Zhifei became angry and said to his brother, "Don't associate with these bosses, you don't understand the depth inside." I do have the power to contract projects and approve projects, and I can make some people rich, but it is legal and through proper channels. But as soon as you get involved, the nature changes, and if you don't talk, someone else will, and as the saying goes, there's no such thing as an impervious wall. Those bosses, in order to pull the tiger skin and make a banner, are eager to make my public opinion all over the sky. Think about it, one by one, one by one, what can I do in Dingzhou in the future? Do I have the guts to do this? The most important thing is, if one day, something happens, people will put everything on you, anyway, your brother is the mayor, let him figure it out! Not only have you done harm to yourself, but you have also done harm to me, and to a large member of our Lao Wang family."

My brother is also a man in his 40s, suffered a good bear from his brother, his face was also red and white, and he said unconvinced: "Brother, what you say is reasonable, I do not believe it, who does not know that officials are doing this, do not start from projects and projects, how can they make a fortune?" Take those big bosses who do engineering and real estate projects in provincial cities for example, which one does not have an official background behind it, which one does not use the wand of power to seize the first bucket of gold? If you do not do it now, you will want to do it in the future, and you will not have this opportunity, and you will have the right not to use it, and it will expire, which you will not understand!"

Seeing that he was still stubborn, Wang Zhifei said angrily to him: "I don't care what others do, but I will never let you use my power to do illegal things."

The younger brother said, "Brother, I don't want you to do illegal things, we do legal, legal projects, and make a fortune!" Those big bosses said, as long as you say a word, say hello on the line, they have money, don't you worry about!"

Wang Zhifei said: "Even if it is legal, I will not allow you to intervene, in a word, you go back to me, do your civil servant well, earn one to eat one, I will give you enough to eat, you will be less involved with these people in the future, be careful when the time comes."

Brother see Wang Zhifei has not let go, his dream of making a fortune once again burst, so to brother a belly of anger, after a long time, did not give Wang Zhifei contact.

When Wang Zhifei is not the mayor of Dingzhou, returned to the provincial city, when the director of the policy research office is not bullshit, went back to his hometown, saw his brother, his brother said: "Brother, how about it, regretted it, had listened to me, our family may also have tens of millions, which also need to live such a poor day!"

Wang Zhifei looked at him and said, "In that case, you may have tens of millions, but your brother may be in prison by now." Do you want to have a brother who is safe now, or do you want to have a brother in prison?"

His brother smiled and said: "Look at what you said, I haven't seen as serious as what you said, there are more corruption and bribery, and there are more windbreaks, can you say that they have all been caught?" Or the minority is caught, and the majority is caught. Have you not seen the report, said that the number of corruption risk in China is the least, who is now not greedy white not greedy, greedy also white greedy, like you, where there are any corrupt officials ah!"

Wang Zhifei said: "No matter how others do, but I will never have any problems in money in this life, I don't care about the money, life, how much money can be used, the official to my level, as long as there is a seat, do you need to spend too much money?" What does a man need all that money for, when he comes here and leaves? Besides, it is not earned by his own labor, and no matter how much money, it is not honorable. If they earn their own skills, clean, is like Li Ka-shing rich, but also at peace, sleep can sleep peacefully. Do you think the life of that corrupt official is easy? Day by day, he is worried, and a wind and grass move, he is scared enough. Liu Wantong, the director of the transportation Department of our province, embezzled and took bribes of more than 20 million yuan, more than one million US dollars, too much money to deposit in the bank, how to do, quietly returned to the rural hometown, put the money into the VAT, buried in the ground. When the staff of the procuratorate picked up the money from his home, a lot of it was moldy because of the dampness, he had embezzled a lot of money, but he had no chance to enjoy it, so he turned it all over to the state, and he was sentenced to death.

Brother see brother this thought, know how to persuade brother will not go into the water, so completely dead heart, no longer do what dream of making a fortune.

Hearing that Wang Zhifei would return to his hometown this year, a large group of people gathered early at home, all of whom were relatives, friends and schoolmates from his hometown when he was a child. They have their own purposes, some want to arrange their children to work, see whether Wang Zhifei can give them some way. Some think of Dongting city to do some projects, with the help of Wang Zhifei's care, make a lot of money.

These are very difficult things, Wang Zhifei is also annoyed, also lazy to see them, but think about the year round, he rarely go home once, talk with his parents, win their hearts, do his duty as a son of man, he repress his inner discomfort, patiently socialize with them, and greet them.

Parents see their favorite eldest son came back, and there are so many people at home, and on the asphalt road at the entrance of the village, a dozen cars are parked, and the vanity of the elderly is fully satisfied, and the happy morning is from ear to ear.

Brother family also returned home, the whole yard is full of people, chaotic, to lunch time, it is very troublesome. Wang Zhifei saw that there were too many people, it was impossible to do at home, and he greeted everyone to get on the car and eat in the town restaurant.

Which know to the town, only to know that all the restaurants are not open, had to go to the county. In any case, the hometown to the county is more than 30 kilometers, a while to arrive. Have not yet arrived at the county, the county secretary and the county governor have called, said that in the county party guest house early arranged, Wang Secretary rarely come back, this time must let them do a host of friendship, otherwise in the future is no face goodbye Wang secretary.

Since people have already talked about this, it is obviously not the past to refuse, besides, my brother is still in the county, maybe this news is revealed by my brother on the road, but also to give him a face, so this meal seems to have ten thousand reasons to eat.

Think about it is really tired, running around a circle, just to fill the belly, delay a lot of time not to say, but also to see a lot of people they do not want to see, say some things they do not want to say, this is officialdom, is social, really boring.

The secretary, the county magistrate saw Wang Zhifei, after all, the level is a big difference, very stiff, Wang Zhifei is not too good to set their face, deliberately talking and laughing, active the atmosphere, at least the dinner went on, no cold silence.

After dinner, arrange for his brother to send his parents back to his hometown, Wang Zhifei and Xiao Li returned to the provincial capital. When I arrived at home, I felt that this day of car talk, and I was really tired, or stayed at home, where I did not go clean, so I no longer went anywhere, and took my son out to meet my classmates, not at home, and enjoyed the world of two people.

The New Year these days, Wang Zhifei and his wife day and night, Xiao Li is no longer lonely, the heart is very happy, all day long. Especially in the evening, high spirits, every day pestering him to make love. Because it has not been done for a long time, both sides have a feeling of being apart for a long time. After the passion, Xiao Li wrapped her arm around her husband's neck and asked, "You are down there, sometimes you don't come back for half a month, what do you think?"

Wang Zhifei smiled and said, "What else can you do? I am the secretary of the municipal Party Committee, can not go to prostitution like some bosses! Keep lovers on my wages, I dare not corrupt, want to raise also can not afford to raise ah! Sometimes when you miss you, you solve it yourself."

Xiao Li asked herself how to solve it. Wang Zhifei said: "Man, hold it for a long time, just get out of it, those couples who have been separated for a long time, not the same year after year, you don't have to worry too much, I want to find an excuse to go back to the provincial capital, let the wife comfort me!"

Xiao Li said: "Or I will do the retirement formalities in advance, to the east Pavilion to concentrate on accompanying you."

Wang Zhifei said: "In the east pavilion you will not be used to, it is a small city, I am busy, still can not care for you." There are no more places to kill time than the provincial capital, and you will be lonely without friends to talk to. I won't stay in Dongting for too long, say five or six years, or three or four years less, maybe I'll go back to the provincial capital, and you won't have to bother yourself any more."

Xiao Li see husband said reasonable, did not say anything.

On the third day of the New Year, Wang Zhifei returned to Dongting. A flurry of condolences followed. Condolences to veteran cadres, condolences in the front line of work workers, traffic police, television staff. It's not easy being a leader, especially when people get together, the busier you are. During this year's Spring Festival, Wang Zhifei made it his priority to visit veteran cadres. You don't look at these old cadres, although they are not on the stage, but the relationship is still there, and the words still have weight. If we want to have a foothold in the East Pavilion, we must get their support. In order to reform, it is also necessary for veteran cadres to understand that even if they do not explicitly support it, they should not explicitly oppose it. Otherwise, there will be resistance to everything.

The veteran cadres of Dongting are some battle-hardened old people, rich in experience and skilled in struggle, who does not pay attention to them, there will be endless suffering. Veteran cadres have another characteristic, love to complain. The reason why the former party secretary and the mayor fell is because the veteran cadres jointly wrote to the provincial Party committee, asking for investigation and punishment, and the provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection quickly filed a case.

Wang Zhifei had been in Dongting for six years and knew the energy of these veteran cadres. Good thing he has a role model to emulate. Wei Liangcai, vice chairman of the provincial Political Consultative Conference, is such an old fox. He was the party secretary of Dongting for 5 years, his political performance was mediocre, but it was coming. Any veteran cadre who asks him to do business will get a satisfactory answer. There is a retired deputy mayor for his son to run the office, want his son to be deputy county governor. Find Wei Liangcai, Wei Liangcai soon do it for him. There is a retired old deputy secretary of the municipal Party committee for his daughter, find Wei Liangcai. Wei Liangcai asked her daughter what education, a listen is a technical school, did not promise. See the old man is not happy, Wei Liangcai asked, then your son-in-law is what education? The old man said he graduated from a national college. Wei Liangcai heard and said, then so, bring up your son-in-law. It's all in your family. Just one of them. When the old cadres heard this, they left and said Wei Liangcai's good to everyone they met.

As a result, Wei Liangcai was the party secretary of the city for five years, and the Dongting official circle was simply made into the world of the princeling Party. Lao Tzu served as a deputy mayor, and his son became a deputy county chief in his 30s or 40s. The following counties also learn from him, Lao Tzu when the deputy county governor, the son naturally also became the director of the county. The people of East Pavilion are discussing, saying that this is not like the Communist Party's world, it is simply a feudal society! But the people talk is also a blind talk, the province to assess Wei Liangcai, the vote rate is surprisingly high. However, considering that the economic situation of Dongting did not improve under the leadership of Wei Liangcai, he was not satisfied with the promotion of others, and he was transferred back to the provincial capital to do the director of the provincial Development and Reform Commission, which is also a lucrative job. A few years later, he became vice chairman of the provincial Political Consultative Conference. Wei Liangcai has become a typical who will not do anything but pull relations, which makes the Dongting officialdom more vulgar and snobbish. A Wei Liangcai, with bad east Pavilion social atmosphere, so that talented people in the heart of indignant. No virtue, no talent of the villain, fopper because of high position, it is more arrogant, arrogant. In the eyes of honest people, Dongting's officialdom is shameless and vulgar, and it is nepotism that is pulled everywhere. After running in the official circle and hitting the wall for many times, the young people, in the face of reality, have to believe in the values of milk is mother.

Wang Zhifei knows that what he is facing will be a difficult war! Dongting is a backward place, but also a place where traditional culture has been deeply accumulated. Dongting people are very excited when they talk about reform, but once the reform violates their own interests, they will understand it as giving themselves a hard time, and do everything possible to obstruct the reform, no matter how useful your reform is to everyone, as long as it is not useful to me, I will oppose it. This is a headache for everyone who comes to the administration of Dongting. The former party secretary and mayor are not without smart people, they also want to make some achievements when they first took office, but after several struggles, they did not eat the fox, but caused a SAO, they were discouraged, and took the practice of muddling. He stayed in the east Pavilion for 6 years, know the depth of the side here, do not make himself will be disrepute, so every big action needs to be careful again. The veteran cadre is a card, playing well can become a favorable factor, playing badly will add a lot of trouble. It seems that in the veteran cadres, they should also develop their own informants and create publicity for themselves. He remembered that when he was the county Party secretary of Taoyuan County, Dai, deputy secretary of the Dongting Municipal Party Committee at that time, was good to himself, although the old man is nearly 70 years old, he still has a lot of prestige in the local area, and what things can be exchanged with him first and strive for his support. Let him do the work of veteran cadres, the effect will be better. Looks like I'm gonna go to old Man Day's house myself.

Wang Zhifei personally visited the house, the old man Dai family are very proud. As party secretary and acting mayor, Wang Zhifei's every move will cause others to talk. Personally to the home condolences, that Wang Zhifei still remember the friendship, so when Wang Zhifei alone to the old man to explain the purpose, the old man promised to come down. Long away from the decision-making circle, the old man's heart already itching. Political people, what they can't afford to take is power. Were it not for the mandatory retirement system in the country, many people would absolutely be willing to work until they die. Wang Zhifei needs the help of the old man, the old man also wants to influence the political situation of the east pavilion through Wang Zhifei, which is a win-win business.

With the clear support of the old man, Wang Zhifei strengthened the determination of a group of cadres. East Pavilion to develop, relying on the current situation of cadres, no matter how good the encounter crooked mouth monk, also can not read. The reform of the East Pavilion, first of all, starts with the reform of the cadre system, replaces those mediocre officials and corrupt officials, promotes those who have ideas to do things, cleans up the corruption of the East Pavilion officialdom, and clears up the official system in order to quickly open up the situation. Nothing can be done without people.

After the fifteenth day of the first month, the city opened a once-a-year meeting of the city's cadres, at which Wang Zhifei comprehensively talked about his overall ideas for the development of East Pavilion. The emphasis is put on making the grain processing industry bigger by reforming state-owned enterprises. In agriculture, we should take the working economy as a breakthrough to stabilize grain production and increase farmers' income. The service industry should take the scale of the central city as a breakthrough, encourage the development of private economy, improve the level and grade, attract more people to consume in Dongting, and focus on the development of tourism supporting facilities of Dongting Lake.

He also stressed that talent is the most critical factor for the development of Dongting. There are 9 million people in Dongting, not that there are no talents, but that there is no fair and reasonable mechanism. In the existing cadre selection system, superiors choose subordinates, and they choose horses. Meet a good bole, will choose to Qianli horse; When you meet a bad bole, you will let the incompetent person take advantage of the hole. So we have to change this system, from a horse to a horse race, you want to be an official, what ability, say it for everyone to listen to, compare who has more ideas, whose ideas are more reasonable. Within a month's time, the Municipal Organization Department will assess the party and government leaders of the city's 12 districts and counties, and decide the next step of the reform plan according to the assessment results.

We need to move the cadres! It was the first time in the history of Dongting that such a large-scale campaign was staged. In the past, cadres were appointed and removed, and the city was afraid that the masses below would know and complain, as if they were engaged in secret activities. The masses still don't understand what's going on, and the secretaries and county leaders have all been replaced. But the grapevine is particularly well-informed, there is a way to get the news early, who got promoted, who sent gifts but did not do it, how much money in vain, said that there are noses and eyes, not by people do not believe. This time Wang Zhifei is to let the cadres of the East Pavilion know that gifts and relations are useless. If you want to be an officer, you have to be real. Such a practice is undoubtedly a political earthquake in the Dongting officialdom.

The following month, led by the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Fangyuan, organized 12 investigation teams to quickly go to the districts and counties to implement the spirit of Wang Zhifei's speech. The results of the investigation soon came out, and only two of the city's 24 district and county secretaries and district and county heads got enough votes, and the rest did not. From the reflection of various aspects, the cadres originally selected by the Municipal Party Committee, the common people and grassroots cadres are not buying. Wang Zhifei command radius, for incompetent, all to replace. Specifically how to change, Wang Zhifei felt that under the current system, the public election of district secretaries and district heads, county heads, one is not good operation, the second is too long, resulting in leaderless, delay things. What is easier to operate is that the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee incubates the nomination first, fully solicits the opinions of the veteran cadres, and takes some cadres above the deputy department level of Dongting City with strong ability and good style as backup candidates for district and county secretaries and district and county chiefs, generally each secretary and county chief must have more than three people to compete, so that there are nearly 100 people to participate in the election situation.

All the members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee became the examiner, in the face of reserve candidates, the examiners have fixed questions to ask, and some mobile questions are freely grasped by each Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee. After examination, questions, understand the situation of each reserve cadres, their language expression ability, understanding of the county situation, their own policy. According to the on-the-spot performance of all cadres, combined with the report of the assessment team, the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee will decide who will be the secretary and the county head.

Fangyuan is a highly savvy person, as long as Wang Zhifei say their ideas, he can definitely put it into practice. Within a month, the newly appointed secretaries and heads of 12 districts and counties were in place at the same time. Because the rules are clear, everyone knows that this run is useless, and they do not know where to run. So many cadres have changed, and not many people have interceded with Wang Zhifei. As long as there are interceding people, once they hear the rules of the game become like this, they will not say anything. Director Lai of the Central Organization Department made a phone call to Wang Zhifei, asking him to take care of his brother. When he heard that the rules had changed, he knew that his brother could not sit as secretary of Taoyuan County Party Committee. Turn to Wang Zhifei, let his brother Lai Chunping back to the reception office, Wang Zhifei promised to consider, if you can, you will take care of.

This is where Wang Zhifei excels. Years of experience in government had taught him compromise and tolerance. Sometimes you can't change the world on your own. As long as it does not violate the major principles, he will certainly give care to those who can take care of him. In the official field, there are many friends and many roads, who knows when it will be used. He who can not offend shall try not to offend. When he just arrived in Taoyuan County, when the deputy secretary of the Dongting Municipal Party Committee called Liu Zhendong, it is because of the rough work method, offended many people, and finally even the veteran cadres could not tolerate him, they jointly accused him. As a result, the secretary of the municipal Party Committee returned to the provincial capital to do a deputy director of a bureau, with brackets behind the name of the hall level, it has become a joke in the official circle.

In fact, Wang Zhifei, who knows the inside information, knows that in the decades since the founding of the People's Republic of China, among all the officials who have served as the Party secretary of Dongting, Liu Zhendong is definitely the most capable, the most effective, and the most passionate in the history of Dongting. He is not a native of Dongting, in the cultural revolution, as a foreigner, a graduate of the provincial agricultural university, was assigned to the Honglin County Agricultural Bureau under the jurisdiction of Dongting City as a technician. When he studied in the county, he found that the soil in Honglin County was very suitable for growing cotton, so he devoted himself to studying cotton cultivation technology, and he was not afraid of hardship, often went to the countryside, lived in the farmer's home, and made himself no different from a farmer, often taught farmers how to grow cotton.

The farmers loved him and believed him, and they learned the techniques of growing cotton under his leadership.

In this way, several nearby towns have learned to cultivate high-yield cotton, and when the rural implementation of the contract to the household, farmers have autonomy, have planted cotton with good economic benefits, Honglin County has become a well-known cotton base in the country, and local farmers have quickly lifted out of poverty.

In this way, his fame grew day by day, and he became a well-known figure in the city, a famous model worker. At that time, he was already in his early 40s, and had a college diploma, which was a rare undergraduate at that time, so he became a backup candidate for intellectual cadres, and was valued by the organizational department and sent him to study at the provincial Party school. After the study came back, he directly promoted him to be the executive deputy county magistrate of Honglin County.

After only two years, he was transferred to another county, becoming a county chief and then a party secretary. Because of his fame and daring to catch up, he rose to the position of secretary of the Dongting Municipal Party Committee in less than ten years, just like a rocket.

His legendary experience has become the topic of Dongting people. The most classic example is that when he was in the agricultural Bureau, he made a small technician, ugly, not tall, poor family, and a foreigner, Dongting people and a little cheating, so no beautiful girl in the county was willing to marry him as a wife, he was also picky, he did not look up to the woman who did not look good, so day by day, he grew older, 30 years old and still haven't found a date.

It was not interesting to stay in the city, he often went to the countryside, went to the farmers' fields to look at the growth of the crops, and by the way, he disposed of his unhappy mood, and then he met a small widow in the countryside.

The little widow married a railway soldier, her ex-husband unfortunately lost his life in a construction accident, in fact, the two people just married less than half a year, the little widow's in-laws have views on the newly married daughter-in-law, rural people, superstition, they think that their new daughter-in-law is a bereaved star, is she involved in their son, let him lose his life in vain.

The little widow still wanted to remarry, but in that feudal countryside at that time, a woman like her, generally a better family, is not willing to marry her as a daughter-in-law, other people's gossip, behind the point, let her a woman in her early twenties, it is unbearable, feel that there is no hope for life, there is no way to live, so on a moonlit night, She walked quietly to the edge of a pond and wanted to drown herself and end her life.

It just so happened that Liu Zhendong, who went to the countryside to tutor the villagers in planting cotton, lived in a nearby shed that night and chatted with a group of villagers. It was summer, there was no wind in the cotton fields, and the hot people could not breathe. The large pond nearby is the source of water for the villagers to irrigate the land, and it is also the place where the men usually bathe. That night, Liu Zhendong was hot and did not feel sleepy at all, so he went to the pond alone, took off his clothes, and wanted to take a bath.

He had just soaked for ten minutes, he heard a woman's footsteps, came to the pond, because he was naked, had to be silent, stay in the pond, he was still very surprised, this woman so bold, even a person dare to run to the pond half a mile away from the village, without any man to accompany, to take a bath here.

Usually, there are middle-aged and elderly couples who come together, take off their coats in the pond, wash themselves, wipe themselves, and then go back. But there are no single women.

Liu Zhendong was puzzled, motionless, observing what the woman wanted to do. In the moonlight, he watched the woman quietly come to the water's edge, without taking off her clothes, bending down, walking step by step along the edge of the pond, and the water soon reached the thigh, the waist, then the chest, and then the mouth. Then Liu Zhendong heard the sound of drinking water, and the sound made Liu Zhendong's blood run cold, and he realized in an instant, This is someone trying to kill themselves.

Without thinking, he sprang in the direction of the woman, seized her by the back collar, and dragged her towards the pond. When a man is in a hurry, he has endless strength. The woman was soon dragged to the shore, because she had not drunk much water and was still very conscious.

When the woman was lying on the grass by the pond, she kept spitting water out of her mouth and complaining to Liu Zhendong: "Brother, you shouldn't save me, I don't want to live, I can't live, I want to die, you let me die." I'll come down after you're gone, and you can't save me."

Liu Zhendong said: "Sister, is in a big trouble, there is always a solution, you must be open to some, there are no obstacles in the world that can not be overcome, you can not die ah, you are so young, life has just begun, the good days are still long!"

He comforted the woman, rubbed her chest and beat her back, when he realized that he was still naked. I was embarrassed and quickly found my clothes and put them on.

Because of the fear of the woman's suicide, Liu Zhendong sat beside the woman, talked to her, and asked her what was not working. The woman told her story in detail. The unfortunate encounter of the woman touched Liu Zhendong, let him think of his bumpy road of life, pity, orangutan, look at the woman, medium height, skin white and delicate, look not ugly, in the rural women, to be considered cross-flower. So he felt compassion, he said to the woman: "Although your brother I am more than ten years older than you, but I am a public food, at least have a salary, I this person, the heart is not bad, if you do not dislike me as a foreigner, we will live together, I promise to be good to you."

The woman usually in the village, has seen Liu technician many times, in the heart of him is already had a good impression, but the conditions of both sides are too wide, there is no chance of any close, this time, do not want to be in the most desperate time, God sent his favorite man to his side, it seems that this is God's will. The woman shyly promised Liu Zhendong, promised no longer to die, willing to marry him, become husband and wife.

Two people have been entangled in the pond for a long time, this night, it is nothing to talk about, the more the two sides say the more speculative, the more said the more passionate, just in the moonlight, accomplished a good thing.

The second day Liu Zhendong on the brigade to make a matchmaker, to the woman's mother-in-law home to say a matchmaker. Technician Liu has always been very prestigious in the local, he took a look at this beautiful little widow, is a great thing, so everything went well, the two people soon held a wedding, became a formal couple.

The woman is very virtuous, and full of gratitude to Liu Zhendong, thank him for saving himself not to say, but also to give such a beautiful marriage life, so very good to Liu Zhendong, do everything possible to serve him comfortable.

Liu technician wear clean, eat also on time, people also spirit, the body is much stronger than before, from day to day, red face, see people also take the initiative to say hello, the whole person has changed a person, optimistic, although still doing their own small technician, but life is obviously more moist.

The farm under the agricultural Bureau gave him two houses, and the woman's belly was also proud, and successively gave Liu technician a son and a daughter, a family of four people, together and beautiful, lived a good life, so that Liu Technician this stranger, for the first time in a foreign country, tasted the beauty of life, and his career was more energetic.

In the agriculture Bureau, although he is a small person, but the tone of speech is not small, much bigger than the director of the deputy director. He doesn't get angry when people laugh at him for being a nerd. Even those who love to make trouble joked with him: "Technician Liu, the county committee held a meeting this morning, why didn't you be notified to attend?"

Liu technician smiled, as if no one said: "I said to the county party secretary, let them study first, and so on after the meeting, when I have time, report to me briefly on the line."

Everyone looked at him like this, they all laughed, thinking that he was playing, who thought that only a dozen years later, he jumped to become a sensation of the East Ting municipal Party secretary, under the control of a dozen counties, a small county party secretary, is to want to see him report work, it is not casually can do.

Those Dongting people who love to say sarcastic words talked about it, saying: "You see Liu Zhendong, really a person born to do great things, a small technician, the tone is so big, how the result, not all have become reality!" It seems that this person can do as much as he wants, and if he doesn't even dare to let a big fart out in public, you won't be able to do anything!"

More common people said: "He was stained with the light of his woman, the woman is very blessed, strong life, only the man who is blessed can enjoy it, encounter those men who are not strong life, you will be square dead, you see, his ex-husband is not dead!" Why didn't I see Liu Zhendong developed a few years ago? Even if he married that woman, he was also promoted, got rich, and had two children, and there was no regret at all, and it was not the blessing that that woman brought him!"

This is the people of Dongting, how they can say their own reasons, their own judgment, can not help but you are not convinced.

In good conscience, Wang Zhifei believes that Liu Zhendong is indeed a good cadre who can do things, will do things, and can do things. He engaged in technical origin, integrity, no city, one heart is to do for the people, want to quickly change the backward situation of East Ting, do not engage in those filthy interpersonal relations.

In his term, Dongting city concentrated manpower, material and financial resources, focused on supporting Taoyuan Winery, Dongting Food Factory, Dongting cotton textile Factory and a number of state-owned enterprises, so that the industry of Dongting for the first time in the province has a certain scale, a certain position, several even in the country, are ranked, which is his greatest contribution to the people of Dongting.

Of course, he also attached great importance to agriculture, vigorously built water conservancy projects in the city, led cadres at all levels to dig ditches and repair canals, developed irrigation agriculture, increased per unit yield, and rapidly increased agricultural output, making Dongting a famous grain base in the province.

In addition, he also asked the city to focus on the development of cotton cultivation, improve farmers' income, so that Dongting became a famous cotton base in the country at that time, and he himself became a famous "cotton secretary". Where to the meeting, the words did not say three words, around the cotton, for a time was passed on as a beautiful talk.

He was a good man, also capable, and indeed done something for the people of Dongting, in terms of political achievements, he was the biggest, but in the end, he was the most miserable, and was called a laughing stock by others, which had too many secrets.

Shortly after Wang Zhifei arrived in Taoyuan County as deputy secretary of the county Party committee, he heard that the secretary of Liu Zhentong had an accident, saying that he had a lot of gifts at home during the Spring Festival, beef and mutton had received a truck, and cash was not known how much, and had been photographed in advance, together with the letter of complaint, were sent to the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee and each provincial Party leader, and now the investigation team has been in the East Ting, He has also been suspended pending treatment. I heard that many veteran cadres have signed their names and jointly sued him.

Wang Zhifei did not have much time to understand clearly that Liu Zhendong was mainly engaged in these veteran cadres. First, they think that Liu Zhendong is a foreigner, so many years, especially after he became the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, the promotion and reuse are some of the outsiders working in the East Ting, especially some of his fellow villagers, classmates and other relations. In important positions, there are few local cadres in Dongting. This makes the old cadres who are used to playing the leading role of the local cadres in East Ting, especially the old cadres who have children working in East Ting at home, feel very unhappy.

You think ah, the old cadres in the east Pavilion on the land scenery for decades, old, no power, the heart is originally a belly of discontent, originally worth their children can inherit the father's business, mixed on an official position, good to continue the scenery, and Liu Zhendong's behavior, let them not only see any hope, on the contrary, more and more desperate.

Over time, their despair became resentment, resentment became hatred, so many people, they gathered together, to discuss ways to find Liu Zhendong trouble.

Originally in the East Pavilion, the people are simple, every festival to the leader's home to walk, send a sheep boin, half a cow what, are very normal things, also worth a few money, some people also do not want to take hands. In Taoyuan County, Wang Zhifei found that, not to mention the county party secretary, the county governor, is a small section director of the key department in the county, and the home is also a pile of sheep, beef into sacks, and can not eat up.

Liu Zhendong is the secretary of the East Pavilion Municipal Party Committee, to his home people are certainly not a few, at that time people are still very simple, not used to send money, the most is to send some good cigarettes and wine, so you say he received gifts, in fact, there is no money.

The most critical thing is not how many other people's things, but because Liu Zhendong ignored the energy of these old cadres, ignored the interests of the old cadres, and made himself very passive. As a result, the matter came out, the investigation team moved in, and the matter gradually became clear. From Liu Zhendong's home, there are dozens of good cigarettes and wine sent by cadres at all levels, and there are several thousand pounds of mutton and beef, but the money has not been found out. If so, but also found out the integrity of the cadres, the higher departments to send a letter of praise is not too late!

However, due to the strong reflection of the veteran cadres, it has caused a very bad impact in the province, and it is indeed difficult for Liu Zhendong to work on the seat of the Party secretary.

The most critical thing is that this incident did hurt Liu Zhendong's heart, he was originally an intellectual, engaged in technology, not so bent guts, just want to do more things, other things he is too lazy to worry about so much, so he was secretly plotted by others, so he was unprecedentedly discouraged, completely dead heart to the official scene, and actively asked the provincial Party Committee to transfer him back to the provincial city. The superior asked him to choose a unit, he said to arrange it freely, anyway, I no longer any leader, too tired.

So he became the deputy of a provincial bureau, with a "department level" that the officials laughed at.

Wang Zhifei felt that this is a lovely person, he is simple and willing to work, light fame and wealth, is a rare good cadre, to let such people go on, according to their own meaning, good in the East Pavilion dry for more than ten or twenty years, that East Pavilion today's situation is completely not like this, perhaps really developed, and developed areas do not have much of a gap, unlike now, Everything is at the bottom of the province.

And such people just do not work long, just fail to go, live not spread, not proud, and cadres like Wei Liangcai, Lin Huaishui, who do not have the ability, good at pulling strings, using the back door, squandering the people's fat and oil, bad things do one thing after another, money is not less corrupt, women are not less wasted, people who bring great disasters to the people of East Ting, but they can have a successful official career and rise to the top. Even a lifetime of endless glory and wealth, it is really discouraging to think about.

A good man can't survive a bad man, and a gentleman can't fight a villain. China's history has repeatedly played out such tragic stories, and the iron reality that righteousness does not suppress evil has taught Wang Zhifei to think, and he has constantly advised himself that he must not act on emotion, only having full blood is not enough, life is complicated, there is no absolute truth, some things have to be done, in order to achieve lofty goals, you can give up some short-term interests, as long as the seat is still there. If I still have power, I will have room for manoeuvre, I will have the opportunity to make a comeback, no problem will be difficult for me, and I will not be allowed to return home, since I have come, I will not do something according to my own wishes. I, Wang Zhifei, will do what others cannot and cannot do. I come prepared and will never fail.

After fifteen, it is the day when a large number of migrant workers go out to work, these days, the train station and bus station of the East Pavilion are overcrowded every day, newspapers and television stations will announce the news in the daily report, saying that today's train station and bus station send passengers how many millions. From the TV to see the picture, is really a sea of people, not big station square, everywhere people, some family with mouth, the whole family out; More young and middle-aged labor, a person with simple luggage, wandering around the square, anxiously waiting for the bus. Dongting Railway station is not a major station in China, only a few passing cars pass by every day, and the starting train is only a short distance, pulling people to the railway station in the provincial capital and leaving. It is still very crowded, people have become sardines in the can, every Spring Festival, there will be one or two crowded deaths, not to mention crowded injuries.

The train is still relatively safe, the most critical is the car, because you can point to point to open, Dongting migrant workers prefer to take a car, chartered. Some contractors find a good car, buy a good ticket for migrant workers first, and so on to the destination, do the work, and then deduct the road fare from the salary.

In order to save money and earn more money, every car almost tries its best to cram people into it like piglets, overloading it to the point where it is simply unimaginable. Originally, it was approved to take 45 people in the car, can pull more than 100 people, people crowded the front heart close to the back, even move is impossible. Each car is generally equipped with two drivers, switch to open, people stop the car does not rest, so run hundreds of kilometers, or even thousands of kilometers, there are many security risks, do not have an accident, once an accident, it is a matter of life and death.

Wang Zhifei remembers that a few years ago, there was a single incident in Dongting, on the 19th day of the first month, a long-distance bus from Dongting was seriously overloaded, resulting in brake failure on the highway, the driver was tired for a long time, and the judgment was wrong, hit the isolation railings, and a big truck running head-on had a fierce collision, and the bus was hit out and rushed down the viaduct ten meters high, tumbling to almost disintegrative. More than 80 passengers and drivers on the car, more than 40 people died and more than 30 people were seriously injured, which was classified as a major traffic accident in the country that year, Dongting Mayor Zheng Zuomin was punished with a major demerit, the head of the transportation bureau of Dongting was removed from his post, and the head of Dongting bus station was detained.

Since then, governments at all levels in Dongting have taken the travel of migrant workers as a major event to grasp, forming a mechanism in which the transportation department takes the lead, the labor, public security and health departments cooperate, and the whole society will grasp public management and cooperate closely to ensure that no one will die and no major safety accidents will occur.

After Wang Zhifei arrived, the transportation department held the Spring Festival work meeting, he personally participated in the speech, called on everyone to raise awareness, formulate a practical and reasonable system, put an end to fatigue driving, overload driving, for those who do not abide by the discipline, revoke the driver's speeding license, revoke the vehicle's operating route, and completely clear the market.

Wang Zhifei said: "The development of the migrant economy has been the central work of our Dongting Municipal Party Committee and municipal government for a long period of time. The economy of Dongting is still very backward, and we do not have the capacity to absorb such a large number of workers in the local employment. Let the rich labor force to the eastern region, to the coastal developed areas to work, receive advanced technical training, on the one hand, can improve the income level of rural farmers, so that the majority of farmers as soon as possible out of poverty, on the other hand, can also bring advanced areas of technology, ideas back to our Dongting, promote our development, we must stand in the strategic overall height, Look at the problem of 1 million migrant workers, let the farmer brothers go, go well, safe, comfortable, rest assured, happy to go out, happy to earn money, no worries."

No worries, after speaking, Wang Zhifei also knows that he is just saying, where there is so simple. Today's migrant workers, thousands of miles away from home to work, said to go away, all year round, some can go home, some do not even go back, the home is an old man, young children, and a wife who can not meet for many years. A family was torn apart alive for the simple sake of survival. The husband did not have a wife, the child did not have a father, the old man did not have a child, go out, a person pain, loneliness will not say, meet a headache fever, even a family member around, it is unspeakable desolate.

The most difficult is the labor of those young adults, who are between 20 and 50 years old, is the most vigorous sexual activity in a man's life, when the most demand, but in order to survive, make more money for the poor family, so that the old man can afford to see the disease, the wife can add a new dress, the child can not drop out of school, they have to leave their wife and children, and go far away. Endure the trials and tribulations of life alone.

There are no detailed statistics about how many migrant workers there are in the country, but Wang Zhifei knows that 800 million farmers and 200 to 300 million migrant workers are basically close to the truth. Take a look at the annual Spring Festival travel rush, which is internationally called "the largest migration in human history," and you will understand how huge the number is.

What is the life of this group, what they most need to care about, what they are most worried about, this has always been the concern of Wang Zhifei, he saw a scholar's research, found that migrant workers are most concerned about the problems are such as: working wages can be paid on time, not in arrears. There is compensation in the event of a work accident, you can see the illness. Children's schooling can solve this. To be reunited as a couple, to live a normal married life like people in the city. Let's wait.

When Wang Zhifei read the report, he was full of gratitude and admiration for the experts who had the courage to engage in this research. This is what a scholar should do, much better than those who had nothing to do and published bullshit theories to fool the common people. As in the previous paragraph, prices have risen sharply, the gas has risen to 120 yuan a tank, the wage income of the working class in Dongting and developed areas, compared with the wage income is poor, section level civil servants a month less than 2,000 yuan, let alone those laid-off workers, a month with an income of three hundred and five hundred yuan, it is good. Can he still use gas at these prices? At this time, some experts and scholars said that the price of gas is not expensive, and it is not completely in line with the price in the international market, if it is completely connected to the rail, it is not impossible to 200 yuan a can of gas.

Seeing his remarks, Wang Zhifei felt that his nose must be angry, he really wanted to find this asshole expert, hard beat, what is your research ah, gas integration is correct, you put all the Chinese people's income first international level of integration, what is the average wage in Japan, the United States, you do not know, Should be more than the people understand it, to what level, your gas is 400 yuan a can, people can also afford to use ah!

What he admies more is that experts have proposed for the first time that the whole society will pay attention to the "sex rights" of this huge group of migrant workers, this fresh, in the past, our society, that those migrant workers are the best to use the cheapest machine, hard-working, give a few wages, they will give you what city people do. The sewer was blocked, they went to unclog it; The toilet wasn't cleaned. They cleaned it. They don't ask for anything, just a bowl of rice, a poor wage. Thirsty no boiling water, there is cold water can, anyway, their body is good, resistance is strong, drink will not be like the city people diarrhea. Have a place to sleep, on the line, there is no place, they can even sleep safely on the street, snoring like thunder. We never thought that they and city people, also have emotional needs, but also need the warmth of the family, the comfort of the opposite sex, they are also the right men and women, sexual needs, not worse than city people.

However, some of their couples are separated by one side, is a modern version of the cocowboy weaver, far from hydrolyzing near thirst, their normal physiology can not be satisfied, how to do, so prostitution, prostitution, cheating and other social problems emerge in an endless stream, each city can not completely ban. Take Dongting City, for example, the roadside countless massage shops, beauty salon, every door have scantily clad miss, in the unscrupulous solicitation of customers. What is even more bizarre is that in the construction site with many workers, there are prostitution women who specialize in migrant workers' business, and they can do a game if they are in their 30s and 50s. The "Dongting Daily" has done a report, saying that prostitutes are not far from the construction site in the woods, under the tree spread newspaper or prepared cloth sheets, began to stage the "animal world." Because the price is really cheap, so the business is very good, nearby migrant workers and some cheap old men, run there all day long. Because it is too arrogant, the impact is not good, the public security only think should catch a catch, the result suddenly caught hundreds of people, all locked up unrealistic, had to fine a few money, let go of the matter.

This is two places separated, that is, in the same city, a factory, migrant couples want to like the city couples, live a normal husband and wife life, it is not so easy. Because many factories only have male and female dormitory, there is no husband and wife room. Besides, migrant workers have low incomes, and they can't just open a room in a hotel like city people. No way, the city's parks, small rivers, grass, has become a lot of migrant workers couples or lovers tryst location, which naturally brings a lot of social problems, by bandits attack, injury, rape, robbery. Making love in such an environment, psychological tension, quality is not high, in the long run, it is likely to hurt the sexual ability of both sides. Therefore, experts call on government leaders at all levels to put people first and pay attention to the sexual rights of migrant workers.

In addition to the education of migrant workers' children, two to three hundred million migrant workers, long-term separation from their children, unable to take care of their children's lives, care about the growth of children, ignore the education of children, there has never been any country in the world, any nation, such a large-scale separation of wives and children. Our development today is at the expense of the education of hundreds of millions of rural children throughout the nation, and such consequences, if we ignore them for a long time, will become a very serious social problem in the near future.

On the views of experts, Wang Zhifei felt very relevant and very relevant, but how to implement, but not which one can do it alone, it is impossible, which needs to introduce new policies from the national level as soon as possible, according to the current decision-making system, I am afraid that until then, the problem has been very serious.

Thinking about the situation of those farmer brothers, Wang Zhifei was in a bad mood and said to his secretary Xiao Yu: "Inform Secretary-General Liang that I want to personally go to the railway station square to have a look."

Xiao Yu agreed and went to arrange it.

At ten o 'clock in the morning, Wang Zhifei came to the East Pavilion railway station, this time the weather is quite cold, the temperature outside is three degrees above zero, out of the car, Wang Zhifei saw that a large number of passengers have stayed in the temporary tent, there is boiling water at the door, you can drink freely. Staff and an army of volunteers are keeping order. There was no overcrowding.

The passengers saw Wang Zhifei like this, followed by a reporter from the East Pavilion TV station, carrying a camera, and knew that this was a senior official to visit everyone, and they stood up and shook hands with Wang Zhifei.

Several people who had watched TV and knew that this was the party secretary of Dongting immediately cheered and crowded over to shake hands with Wang Zhifei. While shaking hands, Wang Zhifei said to everyone: "Folks, you have worked hard, it is not easy to go out, you must pay attention to safety, look after your family and belongings, and ensure that you reach your destination safely, any requirements, reflect to our staff, we will solve as soon as possible."

Everyone said nothing, nothing, thank the secretary for his concern.

Wang Zhifei saw a middle-aged man, with his wife and children, bags and bags, like moving, and asked him: "Brother, where are you going?" The kids are going too, isn't it time for school?"

Hanzi said, "I work as a mason in the provincial city, rented a room, and my wife went to cook for me. My child was not at ease to study at home alone. This time, I simply took him with me to study at a nearby school."

Wang Zhifei said: "Easy to solve? Don't delay your child from studying."

Man said: "Pay a few more money, now it is easy to solve, the city people also began to understand us, as long as there is a place, or agree to accept rural children." The quality of teaching there is high, and the child will learn well in the future and be more promising."

Wang Zhifei said: "Take care, take care."

The man knew that this was the secretary, and repeatedly said: "Thank you so much, thank you so much!"

After seeing the train station, Wang Zhifei went to the bus station, much the same, saw the station in good order, one car after another in and out, the station master and the director of traffic, waiting there early, said they have been working overtime for several days and nights, to ensure that there are 24 hours of leadership on duty to ensure safety.

Wang Zhifei said: "OK, OK, ensure safety, you also need to take care of your health, play a long game."

The accompanying leader kept nodding.