
Act 2

The provincial capital to deal with the matter, Wang Zhifei to the east Pavilion officially assumed office. New Year's Day is still two weeks away, and such days are almost the coldest in Dongting. This year's winter seems to be colder than in previous years, not to the New Year's Day, has been spondee underground three heavy snow. Looking at the white wilderness outside the car window, Wang Zhifei thought that the first thing he would do was to take a look at the laid-off workers in the cotton textile factory, and then go to the countryside in the most backward counties to learn more about the lives of ordinary people.

Although Wang Zhifei is not in Dongting in recent years, he has heard a little about the situation of the cotton textile factory. At that time, it was a well-known large enterprise in the province, with more than 20,000 employees, and the equipment was the most advanced in the country, with many imported equipment, and it could spin domestic first-class shirt fabrics, and the days were very prosperous for a while. But then I heard that the factory had gone under several directors. On the contrary, many small cotton mills have been born around the cotton mill, and business is very prosperous. Those who know the inside say that it is a small factory run by some factory leaders themselves, they buy the best raw materials for themselves, give the worst to the big factory, use the sales channels of the big factory for many years, and make their own money, while the big factory is close to bankruptcy.

It is necessary to reform. Didn't the newspaper say that China's reform has entered a critical stage? To put it bluntly, we still have to resolve the property rights issue. Without a thorough reform of property rights in state-owned enterprises, other reforms will be minor. Without property rights, cadres have no enthusiasm, and even the more prosperous the enterprise, the more unstable the position of cadres. Why? How many people think! Only the enterprise collapsed, owed a butt of debt, sent who who did not go, the position of cadres is stable, but the enterprise is close to death. We need to do some research and come up with a solution. Wang Zhifei thought of here, he made a phone call to the secretary general of the Municipal Party Committee, said to go to the cotton textile factory research, let the executive vice mayor Lao Niu accompany themselves to go.

When the car got off the highway, the left side of the road was the living area of the cotton textile factory. To the gate of the living area, Niu Gang and Secretary General Liang were waiting there in the distance. There were cameras nearby, and, needless to say, TV and newspaper reporters were there, too. Wang Zhifei thought of a word - "show".

It is difficult to say whether this inspection by others is a "show". Get rid of the reporters. It's not appropriate. They work hard for a job. In addition, as party secretary and acting mayor, it is also a matter of course to visit the difficult people before the festival. It is also good to let the general public know their work style. Think of this, Wang Zhifei calm down, asked Liang secretary-general how to go.

Secretary General Liang said: "Because of the tight time, there is no time to arrange, can only go to which is which."

Wang Zhifei said: "No preparation is better, so that people will not say we are fake, we can also see some real things."

At this time, several cars came one after another, and a person came down from the first Lexus car, and ran toward Wang Zhifei, holding Wang Zhifei's hand and shaking hard. Liang secretary-general told Wang Zhifei, this is Ma director, originally is the director of the municipal Economic and Trade Commission, just less than a year as factory director. Wang Zhifei shook hands with everyone and then walked to a residential building.

It was a 1970s building with narrow, dark corridors and little posters plastered all over the walls. Knock on the second floor of a family, inside came out a pair of intellectuals, ask, just know is the 50's support for the construction of the factory, from a large enterprise technician couple transferred from Nanjing. The old couple is more than 70 years old, and the children are too poor here to work in Nanjing after graduating from university. Because the house is small, the old two eloquence did not go with their children, temporarily living here.

Mr. Wang asked how much more money they could give out each month.

The old man said: "That is more than 700, sometimes can not be sent on time."

Looking at the small room they live in, which is less than 50 square meters, the furniture is shabby, and the TV is still an old Beijing brand, Wang Zhifei wants to do something for them, and his hand reaches into the pocket of his coat. At a glance, Secretary General Liang knew what he was going to do, hurriedly opened the leather bag he was carrying and took out an envelope from it to Wang Zhifei.

Wang Zhifei saw the envelope with 1000 yuan written on it, he held the hands of the old technician and said: "Old man, wronged you!" You came here when you were young, giving up a chance to live in a big city to support the construction of Dongjeong. Now I am old and should enjoy my old age, but the factory is going to die. The Party and the government have wronged you and made you suffer. We will certainly come up with a way as soon as possible to save this factory and let you spend your old age in peace. If there are any difficulties in the future, please come to me at the municipal Committee, as long as I can do, I will do it for you."

Said the old couple almost tears, holding Wang Zhifei's hand and said: "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much."

Walking out of the old technician's house, Wang Zhifei's eyes were also a little wet. Everyone saw that he was in a bad mood and dared not speak. Knock on the third floor of a house, only an old lady with a five-year-old boy. After asking, I realized that it was two generations of grandparents and grandchildren.

The old lady said that her son and daughter-in-law were originally workers in a cotton textile factory, laid off a few years ago, and have no skills, so they had to work outside. My son now works for a private company as a security guard, with a monthly income of more than 500 yuan; Daughter-in-law in a restaurant kitchen cleaning dishes, there is also a monthly income of more than 500 yuan. Because the income is low, the child needs more than 700 yuan a year to attend kindergarten, and he is unwilling to give up, so he has to take my mother from the countryside to take the child.

There are more than 3 acres of land in the old woman's home, the old man is guarding at home, and the old woman will return to the countryside when the farming is busy, and help the old man cook and work. Wang Zhifei looked at their home, but it was empty, even worse than the family facilities of the two intellectuals, so he took an envelope from the general secretary Liang and told the old lady that there was 1,000 yuan in it, let the child go to kindergarten, don't delay him. Take time out to visit the old man in the country, get together as husband and wife.

The old lady took the money and said thank you.

I looked at a few more. Pretty much the same. The workers of the Dongting cotton textile factory have lived a notoriously hard life in recent years, and Wang Zhifei has heard a little about it in the provincial city. Some people even joke that a large number of nightclubs, saunas, massage parlors and sex venues in the province can almost find the figure of the textile women, or their children.

In recent years, the province's rapid economic development, the construction of countless high-rise buildings, there are many high-end hotels, hotels and entertainment places, which is not a place without young girls. The Dongting Cotton Textile Factory used to have more than 20,000 employees, the vast majority of whom were female textile workers. Many of them were young girls, some of whom had graduated from textile or technical schools in previous years, some of whom were educated young people from the cities, some of whom had been recruited from the countryside. In order to be able to enter the cotton textile factory as a worker, their parents must have pulled a lot of ties and sent a lot of favors to find a table for their children.

I thought that this into the safe, a lifetime do not worry about eating do not worry about wearing, although the work tired, but finally ate commercial grain, do the city, have a good rice bowl. A few years ago, no one would have expected that the giant state-owned enterprises such as Dongting Cotton Textile Factory would suddenly face closure one day. Because it is too strong, the most prosperous time, has entered the top 200 state-owned enterprises in China, is a famous star enterprise in the province, the scenery is great.

However, it said no can not, so fast, so fast, so that almost all people are not psychologically prepared, feel caught off guard.

If the enterprise fails, it may not have much impact on the leadership, because the poor will not be poor leaders, which is the reality of contemporary China. Look at the leaders of the cotton textile factory now, the car is still imported Lexus, a car to more than one million yuan, there are few cars in the entire East Pavilion.

But ordinary people, it is not the same, whether you are old, or young, are the same to face the impasse, three meals a day to eat the problem, has made many people headache.

Especially in inland cities such as Dongting, there are not many good enterprises, and those that can pay wages are already good, and only a handful can count. A large number of laid-off workers, there is no way, most men go out to work, can not find a live, push a tricycle on the street, or pull a trolley, as a coolie for others, work hard, earn ten dollars a day, can take care of their own mouth, even if it is good.

And women, older, at home with children, housework, really can not go on, to the hospital as a cleaner, or to help in a small restaurant, how much to earn a few meal money, than idle.

The young girl, too tired to work, too slow to get money, went astray. Some fly away to big cities, such as southern cities or provincial cities, as a young lady or other rich people's second wife, by the rich people, from then on to live a life of wealth and food, earn a lot of money, wear gold and silver, return to Dongting, it is very beautiful, attracted the envy of many people, of course, these are some good looking girls.

And those girls who look ordinary, will learn some massage skills, in and out of some health massage stores, do a technician, with their own craft to eat.

Those who do not want to pay any effort, and the girls who are not very satisfactory, simply put down their face, and went to some very low grade roadside shops, and started a meat business. Therefore, for some time now, in Dongting, and even in the whole province, there has been some sense of prosperity. The so-called ugly social phenomenon of the past is now openly and openly existing, and everyone is accustomed to it. Being a miss is not a disgrace, walking in the provincial city slightly remote roadside shops, you can see wearing exposed massage women, exposing their white breasts and slender thighs on the roadside to attract business, which has become the scenery of every city.

Some people even made up a rhyme, saying: "Laid-off workers do not cry, go into the nightclub; You sleep with someone who gives you money, and you don't pay taxes for starting your own business."

Such things to see more, Wang Zhifei always feel faint pain in the heart, he sympathize with the experience of these sisters, feel the burden on their shoulders, although it is a little heavy, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, can not shirk the responsibility, because he is a dignified East Ting Party secretary.

Wang Zhifei went to the workshop to stop production again, and the equipment protection was good. Wang Zhifei asked accompanied by the director of the factory, what is the way to the development of the factory.

Mr. Ma said, "Secretary, what we need most now is funds. Without money, raw materials cannot come in and production cannot resume. As long as you give me 20 million yuan of capital first, let the equipment run first, and the product can come out, I will not worry."

Wang Zhifei said: "Well, in two days the municipal Party Committee will convene a meeting of the presidents of several banks to see if they can coordinate some funds for you." You also need to come up with a plan to see how to reform next. There is no way out without reform by relying on the banks for blood. It can be saved for a time, but not forever."

Ma said: "Yes, yes, ensure that the night to convey the secretary's instructions, as soon as possible to come up with a plan to the standing Committee of the Municipal Committee to discuss."

In the following days, Wang Zhifei went non-stop to several counties to visit local people. Dongting TV Station and "Dongting Daily" put his grassroots research as the top news broadcast every day. Within a week, he was a household name in Dongting. Because he had been in the east Pavilion for 6 years, the local situation is not strange, the mind of the idea soon have, just need to ask for the opinions of others, and then improve it. Wang Zhifei decided to take time and Fangyuan and Niu Gang respectively talk, see what they have opinions. One of them is the deputy secretary of the municipal Party Committee, one is the executive vice mayor, and the work depends on them two. I just came here, we must give them enough face, so that everyone can think in the same place, work hard to make.

Think of this, Wang Zhifei on the organization of the department to select cadres a little grumble. It is simply a few people who do not connect the boundary, never understand or unfamiliar, different personalities, organizational departments give orders, and insist on looking at a pot of urine. How is that possible?

As a monitor, in addition to doing good, but also a good group of people, difficult ah! You see the two in bed with each other, that only to make a strong, sweat to a flow, the heart is happy, work is not tired! Fortunately, the old cow is familiar with himself, is a straight temper, no city. Radius is different, younger than his own age, and there is a relationship above, this time is also a popular candidate for the party secretary. Because he did not have the experience of being a leader in the place, he lost to himself, but Wang Zhifei knew that radius must have some unconvinced in his heart. See the mouth of the fish, let Wang Zhifei spurt. Wang Zhifei felt that he was more at ease with the old cow, the old cow was approaching the station in age, there was no idea, no threat to himself, he could let go of the old cow; As for the square, they have to pull and then play, pull and play together, let him accept reality, find their own position, and pull for themselves. Cooperate well, do not do their own party secretary, recommend him to take over is not impossible. You can even talk about this in private and encourage him. If his boy does not appreciate the honor, then I will not be lenient, after all, he is the leader, the initiative is still in his own hands. East pavilion in the next few years, or I Wang Zhifei say, who does not cooperate let him go.

Being number one is different from being number two. Wang Zhifei felt that he was born to be a leader. When I was a secretary in the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee, I had such an ambition, waiting for 20 years, and finally waiting for the opportunity to play freely, we must do a good job. Do something for the people, also live up to their full of talent and learning.

When I think of this, I think of the time when I just arrived in Taoyuan County, I also looked so ambitious. These days, running below, is not to Taoyuan County, he is afraid of others gossip, say he is biased. More precisely, he was afraid to see Zhao Yan. Haven't seen for a few years, suddenly meet, don't know how two people start. Fate is really unpredictable, thought that after the separation of the two people will not continue the front, but he just came to the east pavilion. To be honest, he liked this woman, beautiful and understanding. Just thinking, the phone rang, picked up the receiver, there came a familiar woman's voice.

The call was from Zhao Yan. Wang Zhifei was very surprised and said, "I just came to Dongting for a few days, you clever girl, how can you know the phone number of my room?"

Zhao Yan smiled and said, "Chief Secretary, don't forget, Dongting is my hometown, I have been here for nearly 40 years, and I have not found a way." To tell you the truth, Secretary General Liang of the Municipal Committee is my classmate in junior high school, I asked him, not everything is known. The big secretary just came, the new official took office three fires, burning the streets of the East Pavilion are trembling. From the TV to see the big secretary non-stop inspection of people's feelings, really let the little woman moved ah! The little woman also lives in deep water, and the big secretary does not want to care about me. Are you now so busy that you forget the little girl?"

Wang Zhifei said quickly, "You are a dead girl, and you have learned to rap with me." I had planned to run through the other 11 districts and counties in the city and then go to Taoyuan, and then meet you when I meet with your county party committee and county government team members. I haven't seen you for more than three years. How are you doing?"

Zhao Yan said: "It is not that, being this bird deputy county governor, busy all day, there is no achievement." It's not like it was when you were in charge, when everyone felt hopeful and worked hard. Now I feel like everyone's just fooling around."

Wang Zhifei said: "I still really want to hear you say about the real situation at the grassroots level, can you come to my office in these two days?"

Zhao Yan said, "I am working in Linhe District now, and I called you by the way to say hello."

Wang Zhifei said: "You come, I let the driver Xiao Han to pick you up."

Zhao Yan said, "No, I drove here by myself. I also know the Gaogan Building of Dongting Hotel. I will arrive in ten minutes."

Put down the phone, Wang Zhifei heart is very excited. Can see his beloved woman again, think of Zhao Yan's curvy and exquisite body, Wang Zhifei below some impulse.

The last time they had sex was three years ago, when Wang Zhifei was still the mayor of Dingzhou. Zhao Yan once called him and said that there was something important to discuss with him and that he must come back to the provincial capital, and she had opened a room for him in the International hotel.

Wang Zhifei panicked that a classmate from Beijing had come to the provincial capital and wanted to meet him, so he hurried back to the provincial capital. In the provincial capital, he asked the driver to find another hotel to stay, and went to the international hotel alone. To Zhao Yan's room, closed the door, the two people had no time to speak, the mouth kissed together, Wang Zhifei picked up his woman, quickly to her undress, the two people hugged each other into the bathroom. In the steaming mist, Wang Zhifei looked at his beauty, her hair curled on her head, an impeccable face under a white shower cap. The smooth skin is dripping with water, and the sexy body seems to encourage men to attack. Wang Zhifei held his woman from behind and stroked her hard. After a while, Zhao Yan's mouth began to hum and haw.

In bed, Wang Zhifei is very hard once, for a long time do not do, two people are a little excited, the action is exaggerated. Looking at Wang Zhifei a little tired, Zhao Yan let him down, go up on his own, and do it again and again, let Wang Zhifei is very useful. Looking at Zhao Yan's flowing hair dangling from side to side and her face intoxicated, Wang Zhifei was very impulsive, pulled his woman off, pressed the whole body down hard, and the two sides quickly reached a climax.

After the calm, the two people lying in bed talking, Zhao Yan said she was going to get married, the other side is a doctor, chasing her for a few years. I'm almost 35, and if I don't get married, it's a little late to have kids. And I know you like me, but you're the mayor, and divorce hurts your career, and I don't want my man to give up his career for me. You are a talented person, God should give you more opportunities to do things for the common people, to be your lover, I have been very satisfied. I don't want to push you, and I'm not a little girl anymore, and I know what a man like you feels. You're a genius! A genius can't be dissolute! I don't expect to occupy your life, I only hope that you have time to call me, chat, my life is difficult to love other men, because my heart is full of you. I got married just to have a baby, and I think a beautiful woman like me with a good IQ would be a shame not to have a baby. I'll take as long as I can with that doctor, and then I'll get a divorce, and I'll take the kids and live on my own. You don't have to worry about me. I'll take care of myself.

Looking at this lovely woman, Wang Zhifei was really unwilling to give up. Thinking of this attractive woman in the future will no longer belong to themselves, will be twisted under another man's body, Wang Zhifei felt very helpless. He buried his head deep in Zhao Yan's breast, and when he raised it, his face was already full of tears. The end, both people are reluctant to part, as if tomorrow is the end of the world, Wang Zhifei do not know why, as if there is endless energy, Zhao Yan also tried to cater to him, the two people did again and again, until the whole body wet, lying on the bed can not move so far.

The next day Wang Zhifei went home again, Xiao Li saw his man look bad, thought he was sick. Touched his head, knew that he did not have a fever, worried whether he had other diseases, advised him to go to the hospital. Wang Zhifei said nothing, his work is busy and tired. Just get some rest. Besides, the inspection is not in the provincial city, there are lines everywhere, and you have to find acquaintances. Unlike in Dingzhou, you make your own decisions, make a phone call, the doctor is waiting! Xiao Li think is also right, he arranged to rest in bed, he hurriedly went to the supermarket to buy vegetables soup, to their men to supplement the body.

After serving Wang Zhifei dinner in the evening, Xiao Li took a bath and put on pink pajamas, which seemed more sexy and charming. After a rest for an afternoon, Wang Zhifei came back to the spirit and hugged his wife and kissed her. After a few minutes of kissing, Wang Zhifei's hand was not honest and he wanted to move further.

Xiao Li gently pushed him away and said, don't die, slander cat, just rested, like three years haven't seen a woman. You do not love yourself, I also love it! We want to use you for a few more years! I'll just take a look at it tonight, get some rest tomorrow morning, and if you can, I'll give you one, so you don't have to cheat outside!

Wang Zhifei's heart was suddenly surprised, although he had made careful preparations every time he went home, the reasons were high-sounding, and there was no flaw, but he still admired the woman's intuition.

As a mature woman, Xiao Li knows that when his man can't hold it in, he may vent on which woman's belly, but his husband is a wise man, he will never joke about his future, and it is reasonable to solve physiological needs on the spot, so she did not care about his man.

Besides, one is in the provincial city, the other is in the city below, only meet once a week, want to control also can not control ah! As long as he's not too out of line, turn a blind eye! The ancients said that regret called the husband to find a title! A man? You can't be too ambitious. Too ambitious and you don't belong to a woman. Husband husband, husband of a husband. Within ten feet, belongs to oneself; Beyond that, you can't control it. Men? They're horny animals. Who doesn't like beautiful women?! Let him play a play, tired of playing, you know or his wife is good, clean, rest assured, is really distressed him! So Xiao Li never interferes with her husband, not like other women, all day long like spy work, secret reconnaissance of her husband's actions. Wang Zhifei is very satisfied with this point of his wife, which shows Xiao Li's confidence. Do a woman, you are not afraid to lose, can not lose; The tighter you are, the more likely your husband is to run away. The truth in the world is sometimes so strange!

When Zhao Yan knocked on the door, Wang Zhifei was still in a daze. Thinking of this life has two others envy of the great beauty, the affair is really not shallow. When he was young, he did the secretary of the provincial Party secretary when he was young, he did the vice mayor in his early 40s, it can be said that the official career, the love field is proud, the son is also smart, the parents are older, but the body is still good, they are more than 70 years old, the waist is still tough, but also to give birth to his precious son proud. Wang Zhifei is now the biggest official in the Wang family. God has been very kind to himself. Thinking of his hometown in the countryside, Wang Zhifei felt that he was able to climb out of it and walk to today, it is indeed a miracle!

It is a small mountain village, although it belongs to the jurisdiction of the provincial city, but it belongs to the edge of the area, more than 60 kilometers away from the provincial city, and the mountain road. When Wang Zhifei was growing up, there was not a single high school student in the village. Wang Zhifei's uncle is the most learned in the village, did not graduate from high school, and participated in the work in the 1960s, when the commune secretary, and later went to the county to do the deputy county head, is the first Wang family in politics. Wang Zhifei has had ambition since childhood, and vowed to surpass his uncle, read good books, be a big official, and do great things. Mom and dad see that he is a good seedling, they carefully cultivated, what requirements to meet him. When Wang Zhifei was admitted to a prestigious university in Beijing in the early 1980s, he made headlines throughout the county. After graduation, he was assigned back to the provincial Party Committee General Office as a secretary, all people think that the Wang family this time should be a big official, which caused many feng shui masters to go to see his family's ancestral grave, said to occupy the feng shui, the nobleman.

Who knows Wang Zhifei to the general office to stay for ten years, or a small secretary, the village people will not be able to calm down, have talked about the feng shui is not good, it seems that the Wang family gas exhausted, between the words revealed disdain. Wang Zhifei's father had been the director of the township credit union, in the local is also a character, anger and prosperous, from time to time because others talk about his son, quarrel with others. Zhifei's mother is a modest rural woman, all her life without big words, at home to care for her husband and teach her children, doing good deeds. Often enlighten the old man, his son is good, holding the public rice bowl, although the official is not big, at least a deputy director level, beautiful daughter-in-law, grandson smart, should be satisfied. But Wang Zhifei's father just couldn't swallow that. In his heart, his son is the best. Both knowledge and ability should be reused. The only reason I'm still a little secretary is because there's no one up there. A word to a son can make a difference. Sure enough, the secretary of the provincial Party Committee took a look at his son, the news came, the old man was happy, and drank half a catty of liquor that night. When I went out again the next day, I straightened my back a lot. There was a mixture of envy and jealousy in the eyes of the sarcastic speaker.

Human nature, this is it, you don't mix well, look down on you; You're doing so well. I envy you.

When Zhao Yan came in, Wang Zhifei still felt bright. I haven't seen Zhao Yan for several years, and she has become more charming. The black nika showed off her still attractive figure. After all, long time no see, both sides are a little nervous.

Wang Zhifei closed the door gently, poured Zhao Yan a cup of tea, and the two of them sat down and talked for a while.

Wang Zhifei asked about the current situation in Taoyuan County.

Zhao Yan said: "Taoyuan County now the situation is not good, the best factory Taoyuan winery is close to collapse, the bank loans have 500 million, the bank has not dared to lend money, no money, production is sooner or later." Township enterprises in the first two years a little improvement, because of the pollution, caused downstream dissatisfaction, to the "focus interview", TV reported, attracted the attention of the State environmental Protection Bureau, required all shut down and turn. If you had not signed a contract with Hong Kong when you were secretary, the farmers still had an income of several hundred million a year, and they would not be able to live on."

Wang Zhifei asked now Taoyuan County group situation.

Zhao Yan said: "The chaos is very much, let alone the peach garden, that is, all the districts and counties of the whole East Ting are like this, much the same." The former party secretary and mayor are at loggerheads, but remarkably united in promoting cadres. With their own people, with people who have relationships, do not give gifts and do not pull relationships, no ability to turn on. As long as you dare to send money, have reliable relationships, and then stupid and bad people can be promoted.

Take the current Taoyuan County Party secretary Lai Chunping, for example, the standard of a rogue, vulgar speech is very, because he has a brother in the Central Organization Department, heard that it is only a director, but can do something, successive East Ting Party secretary and mayor to Beijing to meet or work, are contacted with him, Lai Chunping was promoted, from the municipal Party reception office director became the county party secretary. He's a waiter, not a county party secretary. All day long I know to run behind the leader, which leader if to Taoyuan County inspection, he is closer than to see his father.

On one occasion, Lin Huaishui, secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, investigated in the East Ting and lived for a night, Lai Chunping stood at the door for a whole night, saying that he was not assured, he wanted to be on duty with the security personnel, the security of the leadership, very numb.

"In order to be promoted, some cadres are now shameless. Taoyuan county now is Wu justice, not to mention justice, he is simply shameless typical. In order to be able to set up with the former mayor Zheng Zuomin, because he and the mayor's son are classmates, he always ran to the mayor's home. See still do not resolve the hatred, simply called Zheng Zuomin couple dry father, dry mother. No choice, people have to admit this son. Being a dry son is different, and he became a county magistrate in less than two years. Many people also admire him for being a worthy son!"

The cadre team of East Pavilion is such a situation, Wang Zhifei really did not expect. It seems that without major surgery, we can't solve the deep-seated problems of Dongting by making small noises. To take time to talk to radius, as the deputy secretary of the organization, he stayed in the east Pavilion for five or six years, should see more clearly. It is urgent to listen to his opinions and come up with practical measures to fundamentally solve the problem of cadres in Dongting. Without a cadre team of high quality fighting, no matter how to reform, it is an empty talk.

It's 12 o 'clock at night, and they're not done yet. Zhao Yan got up and put on her clothes and said it was time to go.

Wang Zhifei asked her, "Where to? Is your husband waiting for you?"

Zhao Yan smiled and said, "I'm divorced, now I'm a free man, no one cares." I'm worried about you. You're new to the job, and it's impressive enough to have a pretty woman debriefing at night. I bought a house in the villa area of the eastern suburbs, don't worry, I didn't embezzled much money, of course, there are some things to make a little cheap. When I was deputy county governor for so many years, the first two years to seize township enterprises and investment promotion, some bonuses and commissions, plus I saved more than 400,000, here than the provincial city, the house is cheap, buy a villa can not be used up. How about inviting you to come and see the people sometime?"

Wang Zhifei said: "OK, I will go to have a look after this section."

Two days later, Wang Zhifei talked to Fangyuan and Niu Gang respectively. The former party secretary and mayor in the appointment of cadres in the style of the problem, the square is already angry. As the deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, he did not use human rights at all at that time. Secretary Mayor let the assessment of who, who assessment, he this deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee simply became a runner, no one to find him, people know that it is useless to find him. Generally, ten people are promoted, more than half of them are nominated by the secretary, and the rest are related to the mayor. The Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee has become a voting machine, and almost every meeting, unless there is a special reason, is passed. No one dared to object, because everyone knew who was who.

For east Pavilion cadres in the end how to move, radius has long had mature considerations, waiting for Wang Zhifei asked. The secretary doesn't ask, you talk first, it looks like no castle. The secretary asked, you can not come up with a good way, appear incapable. I understand that. Now that Wang Zhifei asked, it seems that he also wants to make a breakthrough in the appointment of cadres, and Fangyuan simply opened up.

He said: "The problem of cadres in Dongting is not a day or two. Dongting this place, you may not be poor, but people are not stupid. Especially those who are a small official, the ability of the director may be very poor, but the ability to pull relations and pull back doors is not small. A small change in the director of a section may have a very senior figure behind him to speak. At the weekend in the provincial city, it was found that there would be many cars with Dongting license plates scurrying around, most of which were connected by some officials. Without fundamental solutions and major operations, the problem of cadres cannot be solved. Everyone is interceded, and we don't have that much energy to deal with it, and sometimes we may not be able to handle it. My preliminary idea is that after the Spring Festival, we will blow the wind at the city's cadres' meeting first, set the tone, and let the majority of cadres know that the rules have changed, and it is useless to find a relationship, so that we will have less pressure. I plan to first assess the party and government leaders of the 12 districts and counties, find out the situation, and replace some of them. If you don't like them, replace them all. As long as the 24 cadres are selected correctly, the affairs of Dongting will be easy to do. In the next step, I also plan to publicly elect a large number of young, energetic and competent division-level cadres throughout the city to fill various positions, and replace some older cadres with obsolete knowledge structures, leaving their posts in advance or becoming non-leadership positions. If 80 percent of the 100 or so cadres selected are competent, the situation in Dongting will be greatly improved.

Wang Zhifei said, "Good! We'll do it your way. It is best for the party and government officials of the 12 districts and counties newly appointed to hold a unified reply meeting, so that they can explain their governance methods in front of all the Standing Committee of the Municipal Committee and accept questions. Take a look at their abilities, and secondly, exercise them, from which you can find some prospects."

Wang Zhifei's account, Fangyuan promised to implement immediately. Radius feel Wang Zhifei or give their own face, it seems that the deputy secretary is no longer a little daughter-in-law role, have to do this thing well, with good Wang Zhifei, is currently their best choice.

Wang Zhifei talked about the old cow again, mainly about how to develop the economy of East Pavilion. Lao Niu said that the biggest problem facing the current development of Dongting is that there is no pillar industry. Increasing agricultural production without increasing income, more people and less land can only solve the problem of eating food, and it is impossible to get rich through agriculture. Industry is also depressed, not to mention the third industry, the city is small, there are few people to consume. To develop, the most immediate effect is to develop the working economy. There are 9 million people in Dongting, and the adult labor force is about 3 million. If 1 million people can be organized to work every year, and each person earns 10,000 yuan a year, 1 million people will be 10 billion yuan. Excluding those spent in other places, if only half of them were brought back, there would be 5 billion. The municipal budget of Dongting is only 1.2 billion a year, 5 billion may not be much to others, but it is not a small amount to Dongting. When the people have money, they can dare to consume, the commercial catering industry can develop, and the tertiary industry of Dongting will gradually develop and grow. We will expand the scale of the city, focusing on the development of Linhe District and Taoyuan County, the construction of new areas, and vigorously develop the real estate industry, and make these two key points beautiful and steady, as long as you can work for five years, the situation of Dongting will be completely changed.

To the old cow's opinion, Wang Zhifei gave full affirmation. At the same time, he added, "Working alone can only guarantee a living, but it can never be good." If such a big city wants to be rich, it cannot do without the development of industry. It is still necessary to establish the idea of industrial development. Dongting's industrial development in the future, there are two steps to go, one is to grasp the existing industrial enterprise restructuring, focus on ensuring that several large enterprises, such as cotton textile factory, Taoyuan winery, power plant, pharmaceutical factory, joint-stock joint-stock, to give the management class a certain share, in the case of ensuring state-owned holding, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of management personnel. Bigger and stronger one or two enterprises, when the time is ripe, the decisive listing circle money, as long as there is money, the implementation of diversification, if the output value of more than 3 billion yuan of enterprises more than five, the status of East Pavilion in the province is not like now. The second is to do a good job in the processing of agricultural products, Dongting has rich food resources, can develop food industry. Our problem now is the lack of famous brands, the lack of leading enterprises. As long as we can support one or two enterprises to become bigger, it will drive a large number of small enterprises. East Ting food factory is not still ok, we focus on support.

"In addition to private enterprises should also give full attention, in the developed areas of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, the output value of private enterprises has exceeded state-owned enterprises, not half of the previous years, but more than half of the river." Dongting is a backward area, but in the long run, it is still necessary to encourage the whole people to start a business and vigorously develop the private economy. Only when the private enterprises develop well, the people of Dongting can be truly rich, and our government can change its financial situation."

On Wang Zhifei's view, the old cow also agreed.

He said, "Zhifei, I heard that you came to govern Dongting, and I was so excited that I couldn't sleep at night." I held my breath with them a few years ago! Secretary Mayor Hu Lai, the following is to try again, but also in vain. But thinking I'm 55 and I don't have much to look forward to, I'll just go with it. This time you are here, I have the spirit to do things again. As I said earlier, we will work together, with you at the helm, elder brother I will accompany you to practice for a few years, give you a good job, you are also a step up, as a governor and vice governor, but also to the East Pavilion people long face. East Pavilion poor ah, a poor people no one look up to, these ten years, East Pavilion did not promote any deputy provincial cadres. Do a term of secretary or mayor, can safely return to the provincial capital, when the director is already a good arrangement. I hope you can make a market, a step up, you have the ability, I believe in their vision!"

Old cow words, said Wang Zhifei heart warm. Their hands were tightly clasped together, and their eyes looked at each other, full of understanding and trust.