
Chapter 1 | Kenta POV

(This chapter has been re-done!)

The silence of the village was scaring Kenta a bit, it had never been this quiet before. He walked across a houses, they were empty, there was no on going event right now, except...

How could he have forgotten! The annoucing of the next alpha, and he was one of those contents, he looked over his shoulder to the right of the forest, his black hair falling from his face and his eyes a blood red, he doubted he would be selected because of his strength, appearance and his gender preference, Looking like a vampire and not wanting to marry a female, bur rather a male was not in his favor, he doubted it ever would be.

Without anymore thought on his to be failure and humiliation, he rushed through the large spruce trees, thorns getting stuck in his coat here and there as he brushed away leaves and ferns, eventually he reached the town centre, a stone path decorated with pebbles led to a hurriedly built stage which looked as if it was going to collapse at any minute, the event was about to start and he could just hear one of the officials shouting his name, "Kenta?" The werewolf in charge of checkups was holding a leaf curved into the shape of a cone to make his voice louder "Is Kenta Sukumo here? If not we will continue with two contestants"

Kenta raised his hand and shouted as loud as possible "Yes! That's me I'm here" One of the alpha's gaurds ran over and escorted him up to the stage, there was a small rickety flight of stairs which also looked as if it were to break at any second, he climbed up carefully and walked backstage, there were two other werewolves sitting there, one was a large male, he was at least 7 feet tall and looked as if he would be a serial killer, the second was 5 feet, tall but still shorter than Kenta, he looked strong too, definitely stronger than Kenta.

Kenta looked at the notice board attached to a wall, it read "The Competitions to choose an alpha, once our Current alpha male, Shota Ai, dies:

• Intellegence test

• Personality test

• Brawl for strength test"

Kenta gulped, brawl...? He was just about to run away when two females entered the room, one had blond hair flowing down to her hip, and the other was also blond by had shorter hair, they seemed to be sisters, "Hello contestants," Said the first blond "The event is about to start in five minutes, please be prepared!" "If you need anything, feel free to dial the number 11 on the phone attached to wall next to the notice board" Said the second, with that they walked out of the room.

Kenta's nervousness did not reside after that, they only had 5 minutes to prepare and he was definitely not prepared, compared to those two muscular killers sitting across him, he was nothing, just a fragile idiot no one would ever even notice, just like his family had told him.


Two minutes left, Kenta could just feel the sweat dripping from his face, the room was getting warmer and warmer for some reason, it didn't make sense since the air conditioning was on.

The two blonds walked in again "The competition is now starting, sorry for the prepone! The alpha is getting tired in this sweltering heat"

Kenta was now more nervous than ever, why did he even apply as a contestant in the first place, well he passed the entrance test but that was just writing, the real thing started now, he looked over at the other two werewolves, they were smiling confidentially as if they knew they were going to win, Kenta got up and awkwardly walked towards the door with the others, he could smell an odor of expensive perfume, of course they were rich, this made him even less visible.

The door to the stage creaked open and they walked in. The other two werewolves showed off their muscles while Kenta just followed like an assistant, it was just as he thought, no one cared about his existence, if they even noticed at all.

The Intellegence test began, an offical threw questions at them of any sort, there were difficult ones and just ones of common sense, the first to answer the question correctly would get a point, the person with the least points would be eliminated. At long last, the official cleared his throat and began to speak "Alright, the points have been marked and given, the questions shall be stopped, no one is eliminated this round as there was a tie" the croud whispered in confusion, "The person with the most points..." The official continued "Is Kenta Sukumo" Everyone gasped, and wondered who that was, Kenta's jaw nearly dropped in shock, how him? "The personality test begins shortly"

The official had left and Kenta and the other two werewolves were backstage now, he wasn't looking at them but he could feel their cold glare on him as he read through the points and questions asked. It was true. He had won, he felt a slight burst of confidence in himself and smiled, this would show his family he wasn't entirely worthless, he would win this competition if it was the last thing he did. But the, his confidence was cut short as he saw the two werewolves creating a plan of some sort... what was it?