

when the gates of heaven remain locked from the humans by the power-drunk government, Nox vows to help his grandfather reach heaven by forcibly opening the gates and allowing souls retribution

REalize · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Gates locked

Nox lived in a very corrupt and broken world.

Around every corner there was a crime being committed.

All because of their hatred toward the government who made their lives hell.

Nox was subjected to work from a young age and suffered severe and harsh conditions throughout his life.

Even in his own street , that was painted a permanent shade of grey , wasn't safe from the rampant escalation of conflict around him.

He had been lucky for quite a while as he had yet to be attacked.But at this point its only a matter of time until he too gets hunted down.

So why all this violence? isn't there some kind of police or patrol unit stopping these guys?

Nope.Not even in the slightest when you live at the bottom of the social hierarchy.Those privileges are reserved to the rich and relevant.

Nox gritted his teeth.Even the thought of this blatant discrimination between haves and have-nots irked him.But what could someone like him do.

Nox pondered these thoughts regularly but they always ended in a ''what if''.Nox hated this.He hated his helpless nature and what made him madder was the fact that he couldn't do anything about it. 

People are only this mad because the government had found the gates of heaven a few years back and decided to lock them shut in order to harness its power all for themselves. 

Frankly , Nox didn't think that they needed more power than they had.I mean , they basically had the whole world under their control but they just had to have more didn't they?

After the government did this , the world flew into a collective rampage and demanded (in futility) that the gates be open to good souls.

The government however , revoked this suggestion and instead stated that only souls in eternal servitude of the government may be allowed the luxury of even touching a fraction of paradise.

Nox was still deep in his thoughts when he stopped and turned around.

Someone was looking at him.

He was looking for an easy target.