

when the gates of heaven remain locked from the humans by the power-drunk government, Nox vows to help his grandfather reach heaven by forcibly opening the gates and allowing souls retribution

REalize · Fantasy
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6 Chs

encounters galore

''what do you want?'' Nox asked

The figure didn't reply.Instead he lunged forward and struck out with a dagger hidden under his cloak.Blood gushed from the wound.Nox began to flee.He ran full pelt away from the area.

He didn't care where so long as its away from him.Away from that damn jobless assassin.Nox ran and ran and ran until the the landscape began to change around him.Gone where were the grey walls and broken homes .And in its place were scaffolding and the black night sky.All of this scaffolding had been surrounding a giant trench that looked almost 20 feet deep.

Nox was beginning to lose his footing on the increasingly narrow path.The distance between him and the wall became increasingly narrow with each step he took.

The assassin began chasing him even more vigorously and cut down some of the ropes holding the scaffolding together.

''why won't you just die already?!'' the assassin was becoming even more violent by the second.

''why won't you leave me alone?!''Nox screamed back

Nox slipped suddenly. He was in free fall down into the hole.Nox had only a few thoughts left to think.

''well this shitty life was pleasant''

An image flashed into his mind for a second.His ancestors staring at him.laughing.Nox felt immeasurable rage and a sudden rush of power.

Nox's eyes lit with purple flame.He slammed his hand into the wall of rock that was next to him.He painstakingly threw himself out of certain death.

The assassins eyes were filled with fear as Nox stared directly into them emotionlessly.

''geez , I didn't know falling down holes would get you like this''

 Wings erupted out of his body.

''this looks fun , lets test it out''

Nox swirled the purple fire around his hand.He used this fire to decimate the landscape around him and engulfed the assassin in purple , ambitious flame.

Nox got down from the air his wings were holding him in.He felt a surge of excitement after what he can now do.Before he could properly process this , a screen came out of nowhere.



A massive grin creeped onto Nox's face.

''so it's like a game'' he told himself

''alright then , game on!''