

A child in the (A) Marvel Verse accidentally discovers the truth about his life. Discovering his ability is a lot more powerful now that he knows how the world will change. Trying to ensure he is safe from the coming storm and finding the mutants might just be his best way to do this.

Celelond · Movies
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72 Chs


As the months passed by, we worked tirelessly to ensure that the existence of mutants remained a mere myth. With our advanced technology and resources, any potential incidents were quickly and quietly dealt with. The government used their power, land, and wealth to extend the lives of their people and grant themselves abilities. On the other hand, those who resisted feared being exposed and outdone.

Finally, Emma managed to break free from her diamond prison. She approached Ion for the knowledge she had been missing while she had imprisoned herself. And with Charles' recommendation, she took on the role of Goddess of Commerce, Travelers, and Travel. She was given control over the land and businesses associated with the pantheon, creating the infamous Hellfire Club and Paragon Inc. Her new name was Alita, a fitting title for someone with such ambition.

Meanwhile, Lilly had made remarkable progress with the pirate ship. As we continued to develop our own ships for various tasks, we shared information through our company to ensure that Earth would not fall behind in terms of technology.

While Carol Danvers' "accident" loomed in the near future, we made a conscious decision to not interfere. We wanted the Kree to arrive in 1995 as planned. The other gods were well aware of what was meant to happen and we had no desire to disrupt it. In fact, I even had plans to toy with Nicholas Joseph a little.

Nat, also known as Lady Widow, had gathered a group of devoted followers. These were individuals who had been rescued from places like the Red Room or abusive homes. Nat's kind heart led her to give these children a new life and many chose to join her ranks. Those who preferred not to be involved could find solace in Nat's domain within my realm.

I do plan to change something at the end of 1991 but that is a personal choice and will only have an impact a lot later.

The most exciting thing was the vibrational portal worked, but the world it linked to was a dead world, well not totally dead, there were zombies there. I am trying to see if it's like Nat and Steve I can arrive at differing times, so I am trying differing experiments.

I have created a portable transfer for Lil Lilly so she is now able to 'clone' herself into another system, this is in preparation for places on the other side of the portal. Athena has started to set up bases on other planets within the solar system for the angels, although it is a defensive base it will also be a terraforming and resource operation.

The great Heimdall, guardian of Asgard, sat at his post with a furrowed brow. Concern etched his features, something out of the ordinary was happening in Midgard, the realm he typically paid little attention to. Normally, his duties kept him occupied with watching for signs of rebellion within the realms or keeping a close eye on Thor as he put down these uprisings. But now, something was amiss. When he last cast his all-seeing gaze upon Midgard, it was shielded from his sight. He assumed the ancient one, The Sorcerer Supreme, was simply hiding something from prying eyes. But this time, the entire solar system was concealed, like trying to snoop into another All-Father's realm. The only other time Heimdall had encountered such strong barriers was when he once caught a glimpse of Mount Olympus.

Without hesitation, Heimdall notified Odin, the All-Father of Asgard. "My Lord Odin," he spoke urgently, "there is an irregularity with the space system around Midgard. It has been completely shielded from my sight." After a few tense moments, Heimdall received his order: "Keep checking on it."

Seated on his golden throne in the grand hall of Asgard, Odin held counsel with his sons, Thor, the God of Thunder, and Loki, the God of Trickery. By his side stood his queen and wife, Frigga. The conversation came to a halt as Odin's focus shifted elsewhere.

Reaching out to gently touch Frigga's arm, Odin spoke while seemingly distracted. "Can you see Midgard or its surrounding space?"

Unthinking, Frigga closed her eyes and focused her powers. She saw nothing but a blinding bright light and muttered in frustration, "Strange...perhaps if I can just push through..." At that moment, Odin realized what she was attempting and swiftly warned, "No! Do not do that!"

At the same time, Joel felt a force attempting to probe into his mind. Reacting quickly, he called upon his divine powers and grabbed hold of the spirit body.

Back in Asgard's grand hall, Frigga let out a scream as she felt her spirit being pulled away and held captive in a massive hand. She opened her eyes to see one pure white, peaceful eye and another black, malicious one watching her. It was then she heard her husband's whispers, "Apologize, introduce yourself as my wife, and apologize. You have trespassed into another All-Father's realm. It seems a new pantheon has been born."

As a master of etiquette, Queen Frigga recovered instantly and understood her husband's message. "Greetings to the All-Father," she began with a bow, "I am Frigga, Queen to All-Father Odin and Mother..." But before she could continue, Joel, fearing she may start recounting their entire family tree, spoke up. "Greetings Queen Frigga of Asgard. I am the All-Father Paragon of the Solar Pantheon. You are far from home; you were not due to visit for decades."

Frigga paused for a moment, nodding in acknowledgment of his greeting but feeling uneasy about his words. "It was purely accidental," she explained hastily, "my apologies. I have never encountered such strong barriers protecting a god realm before now; I was unaware of how rude my actions were."

The other god smiled ruefully as he replied, "Oh, that...I simply reacted on instinct." With that, his grip on Frigga released and she regained control of herself once more, signaling to her husband that she was unharmed.

"Anyways, you have a lot to get ready for, oh, let your husband know I said hi, and if he does not plan on moving her, I will assume he is fine with me dealing with her as I please." the eyes in the sky seem to have a humorous feel about them as he speaks.

Frigga felt a chill run down her spine as the voice in the sky spoke, its tone laced with humor and amusement. She could sense the eyes of the other gods turning to her, their concern mirrored in their expressions. With a deep breath, she relayed the message from Lord Paragon, the All-Father of the Solar Pantheon, to Odin. The words were simple, but they held a hidden meaning that only Frigga and Odin understood.

As she spoke, Frigga's voice carried a weight and power that commanded attention. Her eyes, normally warm and comforting, now held a glint of determination and purpose. She could see Odin's eye widen for a moment before he composed himself and nodded in understanding. (Auto correct kept trying to make it eyes, lmao)

He spoke thoughtfully, "That may just work. We were only given a small tribe when we ascended, but perhaps this change in leadership will bring about new opportunities." Frigga listened intently, curious about her husband's thoughts on the matter.

At that moment, surrounded by powerful beings and embroiled in divine politics, Frigga couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for her role as Queen of Asgard. With her guidance and cunning, she would do whatever it takes to secure the future of her people and protect them from any threats that may come their way.

This included her daughter who she had never given up on. (I made her Frigga's Daugther, not step.)