

A child in the (A) Marvel Verse accidentally discovers the truth about his life. Discovering his ability is a lot more powerful now that he knows how the world will change. Trying to ensure he is safe from the coming storm and finding the mutants might just be his best way to do this.

Celelond · Movies
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72 Chs


Taking a moment to adjust my legs after Ciar's changes, I refocus my mind on the task at hand. The idea of an exchange contract seems plausible enough, but I have two conditions that must be met. Firstly, any energy used from me must be repaid with 25% interest within one month using the meditation technique that I will provide. It allows for the absorption of harmful cosmic energies and transfers it to me without affecting the user. And secondly, as a given, my name, Paragon, must replace the name of the entity typically referenced in spells and rituals. Failure to do so would be considered an attempt to steal my energy.

Ciar's grin widens as she immediately catches onto my plan to essentially steal all of their spells. Unlike other entities they may deal with, I do not possess the knowledge or ability to create spells using my own energy. However, when someone invokes my name and uses my energy to cast a spell, it becomes intertwined with my energy signature and I am able to study it and potentially create similar ones.

She agrees to these terms and suggests a trial period where one of her students can test out my dimensional energies. I nod in agreement and Ciar transforms back into her original form before creating a portal next to a man who barely hesitates before stepping through.

I recognize him as Karl Amadeus Mordo and realize that Ciar is attempting to change his future just as hers has been changed. My attention drifts away as she explains everything to him. He seems wary of my dimensional energy but also appears confident that he is the best candidate to test it out. We come to an agreement through verbal contract, as previously discussed with Ciar.

The air hummed with powerful energy as Mordo channeled it to create a portal. The once golden hue now glimmered silver, with a border that seemed almost sharp like a blade. He turned to look at me, his expression curious and filled with questions.

I could sense his curiosity and spoke up to explain, "While many use the portal for transportation, it can also be used as a powerful tool for harm. The colours you see reflect the intentions behind its use."

Mordo accepted my explanation with a silent nod before leaving. I turned to Ciar, noticing that her illusion had dropped once again, revealing her true self. She smiled at me knowingly, and I felt grateful for her trust in letting me see her vulnerable side.

"He seems like quite a rigid person," I commented, gesturing towards where Mordo had just been standing.

"Rules have helped him regain order in his life," Ciar replied. "But by testing your energies, he will learn to see that dark spells are not inherently evil."

"Well, he's certainly diligent. He's already testing my energies and has put several precautions in place to detect any changes they might try to make on him," I explained.

As we continued studying the spells together, I came across one that caught my interest. "Oh, this one is interesting, it allows you to recall even the tiniest detail of an event or object."

Ciar's eyebrows raised in surprise. "We rarely use that one. It seems like Mordo is starting from the beginning of our non-offensive spells."

I couldn't help but grin mischievously as I thought of a potential use for this spell. Picking up my cup from the table, I dramatically dropped it to the ground where it shattered upon impact. Then, leaning forward and muttering the activation word I had chosen, I watched as the cup began to piece itself back together and the liquid returned to its original place.

Ciar's eyes widened in shock. "You didn't use any time magic...how did you do that? Wait, you made the cup and its contents recall and reform to their earlier state!"

Proudly, I smirked at my own cleverness. "Yup, that's the beauty of this spell. The only catch is that it can only work on something you have personally seen before. And the more powerful or sentient the object, the more energy it requires and the higher the chance of failure."

"And is this a spell you will be attaching to your energies then?"

I laugh and nod, "Various ones I come up with I will add after testing, although not all, there is one I already have in mind that I would not add as it would cause instant soul death to depending on the strength of the caster and strength of the soul of the victim."

"Good thinking, I should really be headed back now. I need to check if we started any snowballs rolling." Ciar says as she fluidly stands and steps through her newly created portal.

"Stop by any time," I manage to get only those words out as the portal closes.

"Ah well, that was surprising and fun." 

I relax back in the chair and allow myself to experience the peace of the garden. 

 The serenity was abruptly shattered when the ground trembled beneath me, unleashing a gale of frigid air that made me shudder. An involuntary gasp escaped my lips as I caught sight of the anomaly now looming in front of me. A massive portal, its ominous blackness stark against the vibrant colours of the garden, pulsed with a power that reeked of death.

Without a thought, I reached out to my energies. They were like tendrils of fire and ice, wrapping around my fingers in a dance as ancient as time itself. I could feel them recoil at the malevolent energy exuding from the portal. The spells I'd studied that day sprung to my mind and I instinctively activated an energy barrier around myself.

"Safety first," I muttered under my breath.

As if summoned by the words, Ciar appeared next to me, her eyes wide with shock. It was rare to see her so taken aback and I knew, without a doubt, that we were facing an unprecedented threat.

"I sensed it," she explained, her voice barely above a whisper, "Just as I was about to step through my own portal."

Nodding at her explanation, I focused my senses on the portal. Yes, there it was...a thread of ancient magic woven intricately with newer elements.

I feel a sudden influx of energy, the icon of my own image changed from ghostly white to a gold colour, I am getting physically stronger in all regards, the death container is filling up fast as I hear a guttural female voice speaking "I smell death energy on a mortal, I love presents." 

Stepping out of the portal is a being with the forequarters of a lion, the hindquarters of a hippopotamus, and the head of a crocodile. I recognize her instantly as Ammit, an Egyptian goddess of the dead.

"Oh, thank goodness it's only the demon of the dead." with that Ciar proved me totally wrong, so demon, not goddess, apparently easier then.

I receive a mental message from Ciar letting me know that Ammit's details among them I see she was never worshiped, even though she possessed divinity and apparently, this meant she would never grow stronger, but it seems she has found a way, and that is to steal any death energy she can. 

Ammit who arrived boldly glanced down at me as though she was looking at a bug, then seemed to get confused. While she was acting all godly I was using my control of space to close her portal and lock the space around us.

"Why are you not a mortal? This is not right, as she turns her head she sees the portal behind her shut and the smirk playing on my lips. 

Ciar gives me a strange look, "We need to talk after this."

I shrug and hover so as not to damage anything, then use Red to grow to the size of Kong, my claws emerge from my knuckles, strangely they look more metal with a golden sheen as more of the same bone starts wrapping around my body covering vital area's. I look pretty cool even if I say so myself.

"Think you could re-consider the dimensions?" I shout to Ciar over the deafening thunder of my own energy coiling and hissing around me, feeling like a miniature supernova ready to explode.

Ciar simply smiles, then swiftly produces an ancient-looking staff from thin air, its ends adorned with Celtic symbols and gems. The scepter shimmers under the sunlight as she twirls it skilfully above her head before pointing it at Ammit, the ground beneath Ammit fractures. She deftly weaves an intricate pattern with her hands, prompting vines and thorny tendrils to snake out from the ruptured earth, lashing out at Ammit with blistering speed. Ammit roars in surprise, trying to defend herself from this unexpected attack.

"I prefer 'recycling,' actually," Ciar retorts dryly. Her gaze never leaves Ammit as she adds, "It's more environmentally friendly."

Despite our combined effort, I notice that Ammit has started to slowly absorb the death energy from my containment field, and she is much more adept at using it than I am, growing in size and power with every passing second. The smirk returns to her face as she fights off the vegetal onslaught and focuses on me. 

"Get over here, mortal!" she barks out in a guttural voice that sends bone-rattling vibrations through my enormous body. Sweat breaks out across my forehead as I resist her pull. The stench of death rolls off her in waves that make my stomach turn.

Behind me comes the rhythmic humming of an incantation. Ciar is preparing a spell, her black eyes ablaze with concentration. The energy around her shimmers with a beautiful iridescence. The Ancient One moved fluidly with the rhythm of her spellwork; it was a sight to behold.

I need to give her time so in response to her invitation, I surge forward towards Ammit.