

A child in the (A) Marvel Verse accidentally discovers the truth about his life. Discovering his ability is a lot more powerful now that he knows how the world will change. Trying to ensure he is safe from the coming storm and finding the mutants might just be his best way to do this.

Celelond · Movies
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I search the faces of the other arrivals, yeah Beasts face is unreadable, Scott though seems to be gritting his teeth.

I smirk at Scott and Stacey X starts violently throwing up again, I tilt my head as I look him in the eyes.

The others seem to have realized what is going on as Charles is glaring at Scott and I have no doubt he is talking to him mentally. I feel a soft hand on my shoulder and realize Jean has come to stand behind where I am sitting on the sofa, she leans close and I can feel her lips on my ear, DAMN. 

As she whispers I swear she is breathing harder on purpose, even though I would never take Jean as someone to do that, lets be honest, all women have the potential to drive a guy nuts.

"I think she learned her lesson and I am sure the Professor will get to the root of it."

Eric makes a snorting noise and I am tempted to ask if she is blind, can she not see Scott's face or the way Charles is glaring at Scott?

I roll my eyes and Stacey X stops throwing up, she is breathing heavily and slowly gets up, looking at me she mouths "Thank you."

I wave my hand as all the vomit on the floor breaks apart into what seems to others like fine dust.

Beast looks down at what I just did, "Sorry, we have not met yet, I am Hank. Did you just atomize that?"

"Oh, I made the magnetic forces exceed the molecular binding force in that local area."

Beasts eyes light up, I also feel Eric focusing on me, "You mean like if we let chunks of matter fall into the field of a magnetar? That's amazing I have never seen magnetic field powers being ... ," Hank stops as he feels Eric's gaze, "I just wanted to say it was an impressive use of your ability."

I smile, Hank loves science, and the man is amazing in my opinion.

I take out the paper I was working on with Eric before and start scribbling, with the addition of Hank and Toad I add notes and finish it off much faster than I had hoped.

Eric leans over and reads what I added, then looks up at me. "Did you just complete that, I read it right, you just solved the problems we came across before."

"Look, I will sort my issues out with Scott on another day. Hank and Mortimer, please look this over."

Hank, a big blue furry beast steps forward, at the other end of the scale a small man with what seems like bug eyes hops forward to see, "Urm, you can just call me Toad, everyone does."

I nod and watch as they look it over, they start mumbling as they read and then start talking to each other as they wade through parts they are not sure about.

Beast looks behind him, his eyes wide he seems unsure of what he is allowed to say.

"You can speak up, I asked you all over here for a lot more than to simply fix your unstable mutations."

Rouge speaks up from the back, "Sorry to disturb you, urm they call me Rouge. Do you mean you can fix me sugah?" you can tell she is worried as her accent comes out.

I smile and look at Raven, who grins as large white silver tip wings grow from her back and dragon-like ivory horns extend from her head.

"Oh honey, he can do a hell of a lot more than just fix you."

Trust Raven to know how to get a point across.

Rouge goes quiet but I can see her wringing her hands together.

The Beast turns to Charles, "If I read this right, he knows how to activate the X gene in anyone, even where it is dormant." 

Charles looks to Toad who nods, as Charles looks at Eric he has to sigh at the smirk on Eric's lips, it is just about shouting 'I have him in my camp.'

"What do you plan to do with this?"

"There is an organization I will be looking to use to aid us, and when dealing with politicians, if you can offer them something it always helps."

"Not many people want to be a mutant." Charles points out.

"If you offer someone power, and you deliver on that promise. Two birds one stone. They will not be hunting down mutants when they realize they are one." 

Jean's hand grips slightly, I totally forgot she still had her hand there.

"Looks, like this is the nicest way we can go about change. Let's build it, see it works, then see." I shrug as in my mind I have already decided on my path.

Charles nods, I glance at Eric and I get the impression he is asking me if I expect him to believe it.

Well, as long as he says nothing.

"So, I see you brought Felicia, trying to get rid of your bad luck?" (Yes, I made her a mutant) Felicia Hardy is still young, so believes there is something wrong with her as she seems to cause bad things to happen to all those around her.

Both Charles and Felicia look at me with a look of confusion. 

I smile as I look directly at Moira, "So Charles who would you want to experience my ability first?" Moira shifts uncomfortably as I smirk, only to get a tap on my shoulder, "Be nice." Jean whispers.

"Oh, well since Toad is so close, why not him?"

I look at Eric, "Could I borrow a room?" This catches Eric off guard, thankfully the name is smart, "Sure, I thought you would use the labs." I reply, "Nah, this will do just fine."

I motion Toad to follow and head upstairs to the open area that is the furthest away. 

I stop when we reach and turn to see him right behind me.

(Please keep in mind this guy was nerfed for the movie, so a lot I am just giving back to him on this upgrade. Only physical stats are upped.)

"Reach out to me, " I smile and hold out my hand to him.

Toad nods and reaches out, as he watches a ball of soft light appear on my hand and start to engulf him.

I grin as I can always feel the powers they gain even before the light dims.

"So, it seems you have a lot more potential, once you have peaked and adapted to this mutation, I will be able to help you again.

"Oh, that ..." Toad stops talking and his eyes widen, he starts looking around the room. "The mirror is behind you."

He spins around and stares, saying nothing. He is now a handsome young man, there are no skin blemishes, no bulging eyes, and as he realizes, his voice is no longer sounding so rough.

Let me update you on your abilities.

Toad's powers below:

Superhuman Leaping: Toad's primary power is the ability to leap to heights and distances far greater than that of an ordinary human, able to reach 50 feet in a vertical leap and 74 feet in a broad jump, as well as deliver kicks with superhuman force.

Superhuman Strength: Toad possesses a degree of superhuman strength (Max 15 ->50 tons), particularly in his back and legs, which grants him his superior leaping abilities. While originally his strength was only concentrated in his lower body recently his upper body's strength has increased.

Flexible Bone Structure: Toad's bone structure enables him great flexibility. he can perform contortionist-type feats without causing any damage to his spine.

Superhuman Stamina: Toad's muscles produce a significantly lower amount of fatigue toxins during physical activity than the muscles of an ordinary human. He can exert himself at peak capacity for several hours before fatigue begins to impair him.

Superhuman Agility: Toad's overall equilibrium application is enhanced to some degree and his bodily coordination and balance are enhanced to levels that are beyond the human body's natural limits.

Superhuman Reflexes: Toad's reflexes are enhanced to levels that are beyond the human body's natural limits.

Superhuman Durability: Toad's body is tougher and more resistant to physical injury than an ordinary human's. He can withstand major impacts and physical trauma that would severely injure or kill an ordinary human with moderate discomfort.

Regenerative Healing Factor: Toad has a limited healing factor that allows him to recover from injuries and ailments at an accelerated rate. He can recover from minor ailments, such as a cold, within a few hours. Larger, more damaging injuries, such as broken bones, heal within a matter of days. He has also been shown as being able to regenerate severed body parts, such as when he regenerated his tongue, which had been completely cut off by Wolverine.

UV/Infrared Vision: Toad's enhanced vision allows him to see into the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum, granting him a degree of heightened night vision. 

Prehensile Tongue: Toad has the ability to extend his tongue up to 60 feet in length and use it as a whip to ensnare objects and people. His tongue is superhumanly strong, capable of lifting and crushing a physically enhanced mutant.

Pheromone Secretion: Toad can secrete an odorless pheromone venom from glands in his tongue and fingertips that seep through the skin directly into the bloodstream. This venom allows him to control the minds of anyone exposed to it to a limited extent. 

Acidic Saliva: Toad's saliva is highly acidic, adheres to most surfaces, and quickly dissolves most materials with ease.

Paralytic Resin: Toad's pores secrete an adhesive resin that allows it to stick to any surface and paralyzes the nervous systems of any living organism that comes into contact with it.

Superhuman Respiratory System: Toad's lungs can expand and compress large quantities of air that can be expelled with enough force to knock a fully grown human off their feet.

Amphibian Control: Toad can psionically communicate with and control amphibian life, such as frogs, toads, newts, and salamanders, whom he often uses as spies.

Secondary Mutation

Flaming Tongue: Toad underwent a secondary mutation that granted him the ability to release fire from his tongue.



Do you want me to keep listing the powers or just mention the major changes?

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