
Paradox Tower(old)

This is the old version of paradox tower.

Koryuki · Fantasy
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35 Chs

A Strange Feeling

...Did that man call me Yuu? Or was it just a normal dream?-


I was suddently struck by a strong feeling of confusion and disorientation.

'What was i doing again...?'


I heard a somewhat familiar scream from behind me.


I turned around immediately but everything was normal.

'Wait, what is this mixed feeling of deja vu and danger...? I had the same feeling when I heard about the Empire in the First Trial...'

'However, this time it's stronger, as if I have just lived this moment...'

'Since I can't remember exactly, the best I can do is stay on guard.'

An hour had passed and we were now walking up the Second Floor stairs...

'Hm? What's this crack on the wall?'

I noticed a small crack in the wall next to the stairs.

'It feels familiar for some reason -'

"Agh-" I let out a noise as I felt and extreme pain in my head for a second.

"What's wrong Ray?" Asked baldie after turning around because of the noise and seeing me holding my head.

"Tell me if you're sick or tired, we will just wait until you feel better. It's dangerous to go in like this." Continued baldie

"That's right, I don't want to take care of more enemies than I have to." Said Mia.

"You know we're here too right?" Said Domo with an offended face, referring to himself and the other villagers.

"No, i'm okay... let's go-"

'Hm? What's this?' I thought as a strange blue window appeared in front of my eyes.

'Why is there a blue screen floating in front of me?Wait, isn't this an image of baldie inside the screen?!'

Here's what the blue window showed.

Name: Adam Cray Race: Human

STR: 8 AGI:4 INT:5 STA:7

Total Mana: 0

Description: A generally kind and determined baldie, some people say he's a good chef.

Skills: (IMAGE OF

- [Muscular (Passive)] Lv.1 BALDIE)


- Hoe (Partially Damaged): +2 ATK


- [Effector's Green Bracelet]:

Skill Slots: 1 (Equipped: High Jump)

It somehow reminded me of when I felt Shin and Nana's capabilities, but this was much clearer and I could actually read it with my eyes.

"Ray?" Asked baldie after seeing my intrigued and amazed expression.

"Nothing... Actually, I'm feeling a bit tired... Could we rest a bit before challenging the Trial?" I responded.

'I want to experiment some things with this skill right now. Perhaps i could even find some ways to use it in battle. Also, my instinct is telling me to be as careful as possible in this Trial...'

"Alright, let's rest a bit more" Said baldie with a slightly relieved and happy expression for some reason.

"Thanks Ray, you noticed I didn't sleep much last night and acted like that to let me rest some more right?" Whispered baldie as we walked down the stairs.

'Eh? Really?'

"N-No problem, Adam" i responded, even though I didnt notice a thing.

We went back to the first Floor and rested.

Two hours had passed.

'Okay so, I tested this 'analyzing power' and understood how it functions. I can analyze anything and everything unless it's a "Paradox". I myself don't know what it means by 'Paradox', but when I tried to analyze myself it said: "Error, unable to analyze Paradox" in a red screen.'

'Also, it shows the details of the things and people I analyze, like stats (STR, AGI, INT, STA), Skills, and equipment, and shows a general photo of the person or object analyzed as well as a short description of it.' I briefly summarized in my thoughts the information I gathered while testing the skill.

'I decided to obviously call this skill [Analyze].'

(Some statuses):

Mia's Status:

Name: Shirayuki Mia Race: Human

STR: 7 AGI: 8 INT: 7 STA: 6

Total Mana: 0

Description: An expressionless highschool girl with amazing capabilities, there is a rumor in her class that she's an assassin or some kind of ninja.


- [Stealth] Lv.2

- [Combat Talent (Passive)] Lv.1


- Rake (Slightly Damaged) ATK+ 2



Nana's Status:

Name: Shimazaki Nana Race: Human

STR: 2 AGI: 4 INT: 7 STA: 2

Total Mana: 0

Description: A young girl who really trusts and depends on her older brother. She's quite smart and immediately understands the mood.


- [Empathy (Passive)] Lv.2





Shin's Status:

Name: Shimakazi Shin Race: Human

STR: 3 AGI: 4 INT: 3 STA: 2

Total Mana: 0

Description: A strong willed older brother who is strongly attached to his little sister, he'll do anything to protect her.


- [Strong Willed(Passive)] Lv.1





Domo's Status:

Name: Olan Race: Human

STR: 5 AGI: 5 INT: 6 STA: 4

Total Mana: 0

Description: A kind villager who repays favors and grudges.


- [Equal Exchange] Lv.1


- Hoe (Partially Damaged): ATK+ 2



Chapter 6 -End.