
Paradise Online

Reo is a boy who was raised in a village by his grandfather. When he reached 16, he left his hometown to go to the capital and enroll in a new high school. That's when he stumbled upon the new massive VRMMORPG, Paradise Online. Watch how this seemingly 'normal' boy will pave his way to become the strongest player ever and create his own legend. [If you enjoy MMORPG then you might enjoy this one. It won't jump into action immediately since I like to build my characters. However, if you want to actually enjoy a full story from every side then be my guest :).] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yooo, the author here. Finally, I am starting my second book. I hope you enjoy this hopefully long journey along with me. It will be fun for me and I hope it will be the same case for you. Don't forget to support the book and add it to your library.

ClashingBlades98 · Games
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24 Chs

Chapter 05- Is This A Tutorial?! (Part 2)

Chapter 05- Is This A Tutorial?! (Part 2)

They all had weird frowns on their face mixed with clear confusion. Not everyone is going to try Paradise Online. Why? How?

All kinds of questions invaded every player's mind and made them even more confused than they were already. It was simply their first time hearing that a game will not allow its players to play. Isn't that against logic?

The man seemed to have predicted this reaction so he explained further.

[We, Ogma Corp, prioritize our players' experience over anything else, and because of that, weaklings who aren't going to do anything inside the game and merely ruin other players' progress are very much unwelcomed and needed to get rid of to keep our game clean and perfect just like how it was meant to be from the start.]

'This is turning out to be very interesting.' Reo thought to himself with a chuckle. He thought that this game will be merely a fun experience to try and then get bored of quickly but he seemed to have been very wrong. He liked tough challenges after all.

However, not everyone thought like Reo. Protests were bound to happen with a decision of this absurdity.

"What the fuck is this bullshit?" A young man wearing glasses and with a very frail body that made him look like a typical nerd shouted loudly as he glared at the notification in front of him.

"You don't have the right to ban anyone from playing your game without a good reason to back it up. Did you go nuts?!" He said.

[Being a parasite that sucks the hard work of everyone else is plenty of a reason to ban anyone who does it.]

"Fuck off, you bastard!! This will kill your stupid fucking game!" The boy exclaimed.

[Cursing an administrator for no apparent reason could also get you permanently banned from the game.]

"You can go suck my dick!! This game is pure trash!!"

The boy was now basically acting like a rabid dog from anger and frustration. However, that was the last thing he said before something unexpected happened.

The player's body started disintegrating and turning into particles. He looked down quickly at his legs which were now disappearing.

"No! WAIT!! OK! MY BAD, I WILL APOLOGISE SO PLEASE DON'T BAN ME!!" The boy shouted in a frenzy and tried to touch the notification in front of him, however… His hand turned into particles and vanished before he could even do anything and then his whole body followed suit.

[Player number 26, Alfheim had been permanently banned for rude behavior toward an administrator.]

A weird red notification appeared in front of everyone and made them feel a chill run down their spine. It was cold and ruthless and didn't even give the player a second chance at all. One warning and then an instant ban.

'This will surely be huge news, isn't it? I mean, wouldn't they lose many players because of this rule they set.' Reo thought as he eyed the red notification.

But, none of that concerned the administrator and he casually continued his explanation as if nothing happened.

[ The tutorial will end when you complete the main quests. Completing the side quests would get you some additional rewards that will boost your progress greatly when you enter Paradise Online. Now, please think of the word 'Menu' in your head.]

Everyone followed his orders and instantly, a starting menu that reassembled that of normal RPG games appeared on their retina.





'Very simple.'

[These options will be the main options for now. Many other things will be added in the next expansions but that will be a matter to be discussed in the future. Now, open your stats. We have scanned your bodies with the Ogma device so these stats are what your body is actually capable of in the real world. Be aware that the average is always 10 so any higher or lower is considered accordingly.]

Reo looked at the stats option and immediately it opened up.


[Name: Raven.]

[Race: Human/???]

[Level: 01 (0/5)]


[Strength: 20]

[Agility: 17]

[Stamina: 14]

[Intelligence: 11]

[Dexterity: 10]

[Charm: 35]

[Mana: ???]

[Skills: None.]


Reo wasn't that surprised by most of the stats that he saw since he was aware of his abnormal abilities. His grandfather had been training him ruthlessly since he was able to walk and Reo was very talented which helped create the monster he was today. As for the reason he was trained like that, even he doesn't know. He was just dragged into it and his grandfather didn't tell him why.

'But, isn't charm slightly exaggerated? There is no way I'm three times more handsome than an average person, right?' He thought to himself with a sigh.

As for mana and skills, he assumed they will be unlocked in the near future so he didn't mind them for the time being.

"Fuck, how is my strength only 3? Am I a fucking toddler?!" A woman exclaimed with a grim face. Her number made some people chuckle in disdain at her.

"Mine is 10." Another one said with a slightly proud look forgetting the fact that that is merely average.

After that, just like a domino effect, many started sharing their stats around carelessly and boasting about their egos as they found people weaker than them around.

Reo watched this scene and sighed under his breath as he shook his head in disappointment.

"How can you share your stats around like that? Are they really this stupid."

At the same time, he heard a sigh not far away from him. A girl that was probably his age was having the same thought as him.

He took a peak at her for a brief moment. She was certainly a gorgeous girl with wavy black hair and cold, blue eyes. She had a tall figure with very pale white skin.

Reo didn't look at her for long since her cold demeanor made her unapproachable and that was probably the reason why no one tried to hit on her from all the men present.

[Now, that you all examined your stats, the introduction is over. You can check the other options in the starting menu alone. The quests had also been added in your quests section. By the way, the time limit for the tutorial is 1 in-game week which is around 3 days in the real world. Good luck, player and I hope we may see you rise to become the new shining stars of Paradise Online. The game officially begins.]

Then, the notifications disappeared completely and another thing popped off in their place.

[5 New main quests had been added!]

[10 New side quests had been added!]

Reo ignored the notifications for now and took a good look at his surroundings. Everyone was busy checking his quests and stats and forgot something important.

'Was killing other players allowed? The administrator didn't mention that so It is most likely not prohibited. This is not good at all, I should find a good secluded space.'

As he thought so, a young man suddenly walked to the center and spoke loudly.

"Everyone, can I have your attention for a moment."

Everyone looked at him and waited for him to continue.

"My name is Relic and I would like to suggest something. Since this tutorial is pretty tough, I think we should work together to finish it. That will make it easier and also reduce the number of people getting banned. What do you think?"

From one single glance, Reo could see that this player was very kind and even borderline naive. His aura was that of a hero who likes to help people. But, Reo didn't care much about it since he had no desire to join any formed groups. They are basically nothing but a nuisance.

'I roamed the forest around my village alone for all my life so working alone here is better.' He thought.

Obviously, many nodded their heads and walked toward the young man to join his group. While many others didn't move and kept their guards up.

Reo left the area and walked casually in a random direction. He wanted to get as far away as possible from these people and find a good hiding place. However, after walking for a couple of minutes, a notification materialized in front of him.

[You have left the tutorial safe zone.]

"Safe zone?" He muttered under his breath.

He was still not fully ready so he turned around to go back to the safe zone. But, before he could even take a step, a loud screech reached his ears and made him turn around hurriedly. He looked at a certain direction and could see a small silhouette approaching him at a rapid pace.

An enemy was coming.


Author here. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Don't forget to support the book in any form. I will be very happy and also keep pumping chapters out. Have a good day :).