
She's so cute

It was about midday and Kara was just waking up from her sleep in the DEO med bay. She had had Sunlamps on her for the past few hours so her scars and bruises were gone.

" Good you're awake. You need to see this." Alex announced thrusting a tablet at Kara.

" Geez. Hello to you too." Kara said being as salty as she usually is when she's just waking up. She looked at the vibrant screen to see the headline.


Just simply the word 'Kara' was enough to make the super slide deeper into the bed. " Oh Roa. We said Kara a lot didn't we?"

"Mhhmm." Alex hummed with a dialssapointed scowl.

" Does it go any further then that?" Kara asked looking back up at her big sister.

" Well, they know your full name is Kara Zor-El but that's not going to get them anywhere because no database has logged you as Zor-El since like ever so if they try digging, they'll find squat."

" Ok, Ok. Can we please talk about this later I have to see Lena." Kara said jumping out of bed.

" Be careful." Alex called out.

" Always." Kara smiled before jumping off the balcony.

Before going to the hospital she went back to her loft and picked up some comfy clothes for Lena and herself. She also grabbed her laptop and headphones so she could do some work if she was there for an extended period of time. She shoved them all in a bag then set of for the hospital.


She stared down at the crowd of reporters outside the hospital. A barrier had even been put up to restrict them.

She took a deep breath before letting herself fall to the floor and elegantly land. Instantly, there was a surge of photos, flashes and people shouting. It was wierd for Kara because it was a mix of.


She almost cringe when she heard her actual name being shouted. She gave the cameras a quick smile and wave before going into the building.

As soon as she stepped in everything around her stopped. She rushed up to the receptionist who just instantly gave her Lena's Room number without anything else being said.

" Thank you." She looked down at the number but realised she didn't actual know where this was. " Uhm, could you tell me where this is please?"

" I'll take you." A doctor said who was walking past. " She's my patient anyway."

" Oh ok thank you." The Krptonian said following.

" She's a real fighter." The doctor said as she turned a corner.

Kara smiled. " I know. How's she's been doing?"

" She's been drifting in and out of consciousness because of the medicine we're giving her so she's a bit tired but there shouldn't be any permanent damage. The worst there is, is a few cuts, some bruising and she also has a fractured elbow."

"Oh." Kara exclaimed as her face dropped more and more.

" Here we are." The doctor said opening the door and letting Kara in. She stood back away from her sleeping girlfriend and watched the doctor sort some things out on the monitor. She observed the Luthor, she had a blue sling for her left arm, multiple stitches and bruising everywhere. She was peacefully sleeping. She had a nasal cannula on and different wires going into her arm dripping medicine into her body.

The doctors told her it was alright to go up to Lena so Kara slowly made her way over to Lena's bedside. She took a seat on a stool next the bed. She placed her hand on Lena's cheek and rubbed up and down with her thumb.

" Hey Lee, it's me, Its Kara." She said softly.

The doctor stopped whatShe was doing and Looked at the blonde. " So it's actually true. Your name is Kara?" The super nodded her head and smiled at the Doctor. " That's cool." The doctor exclaimed fiddling with some other monitor. "My cousins name is actually Kara. It's a nice name."

" Thank you."

"She's all good for now. I'm going to go but someone will be checking on soon." She stated picking up her things.

" Thank you for your help Doctor." Kara said.

" No problem." She said walking out the room and closing the door behind her.

The super sighed before looking back down at her girlfriend. She placed her other hand on the other sides of Lena's face so she was now gently holding the Raven's face. She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on the sleeping girls forehead.

Suddenly she heard a faint. " Kara."  Coming from below. She looked down see Lena's eyes slowly fluttering open.

"Hey, hey, ssshh." Kara said stroking the top of Lena's head. "Don't move."

" Kara." Lena said again opening her eyes fully. " How long have you been here?"

" Only a couple minutes. The doctor just left."

Lena looked Kara up and down. " Wait did she hear me say Kara? Oh god." She through her head back.

"No no." Kara exclaimed moving her hand down to Lena's chest. "Everybody knows my first name now. It's fine though, they don't know my actual last name, they just know Zor-El."

" Oh ok." Lena said with a slightly confused look on her face.

"How do you feel?" Kara asked." Are they treating you well?"

" Babe, I own the hospital. If they weren't treating me well, they wouldn't have a job anymore."

Kara giggled, digging her head into the top of Lena's arm. She brought her head back up then leant back down into a deep kiss. Afterwards, she rested her head on Lena's.

" Don't you ever go scaring me like that again." Kara smiled.

" No promises." Lena whispered.


It was a few hours later and both of them were sleeping. They had spent their time playing games and watching movies. It was quite enjoyable for them actually because it was like the world outside didn't exist.

By this time they had both changed into the clothes Kara had brought. It was easy for Kara but she had to help Lena get into hers.  The cables dripping medicine into her had been taken away but the nasal cannula was still there. Her injured arm was still sat comfortably in its sling.

Kara was now also on the bed and was being treated like a giant teddy bear. Lena was clinging tightly onto the super side and rested her head at the top of Karas chest. Lena loved the calming feeling of Kara's chest gently rising and falling as she breathed. She found it so soothing and it was easy to fall asleep too.

Kara slowly woke up. She peered down at the sleeping Luthor and smiled. The sight of a sleeping Lena always made Kara's heart melt. She always looked so peaceful and innocent. Like the weight of the world wasn't on her shoulders anymore. She rested her head back on the pillows and enjoyed that moment of pure bliss. 

Suddenly, there was a banging at the door. It wasn't a knock but more like soft banging. Kara gently weighed out of Lena's grasp and went to open the door. She looked around but couldn't see anything. That was until she felt a small tug at the bottom of her hoodie. She looked down to see a young toddler aged boy staring back up at her.  He had dark brown hair and deep blue eyes that just stared at her.