

Shouting, screaming, insults and intimidation. All things Lena could see happening on top off the cliff beside her house. She watched as Kara and James had a shouting match over the obvious issue. She couldn't specifically hear what was going on but from what she could vaguely see, Kara mad getting MAD.

" Just leave." Kara demanded. " This is an invasion of privacy. "

" It's just my job Supergirl, jeez calm down." He had an obnoxious smirk on his face that showed that he was enjoying this. Thankfully though, he at least had the decency to not out Kara's identity to the frightened looking intern beside them.

" What about your job as a friend, huh?" Kara crossed her arms and switched the leg she ws putting her weight on. " We made a pact remember. I wouldn't interfere with your work if you didn't invaded my personal life or risked my identity. Oh boy have you outdone yourself today Mr. Olsen." The blonde took a step closer to the taller man, staring dagger into his sinister eyes.

" Oh please. Think about it, it's buisness. And what's buisness built on?" James raised an eyebrow at Kara, who just shook her head waiting for a response. " Lies. It's all about the lies, tricks and scandals."

" So everything we've been through means nothing too you? I though we were friends."

The taller man pinched the bridge of his nose. " You are so naive." He turned around slightly then snapped back. "WE'RE NOT FRIENDS KARA. The world is not some perfect place where everything is good. This is what annoyed the hell out of me about Clark. Maybe Krypton was some utopia but I highly doubt that from the fact that they weren't even able to come together and save it. You know Kara, you wouldn't survive one second in the real world so why don't you get your head out of Krypton and come live on Earth for once. "

Kara's fists clenched tight.

" Miss Danvers?" The young intern squeaked. Kara just shot him a glare that made him shrink back down to the floor.

" Not. A. Word. " She instructed. Great, now she has to worry about a random intern knowing about her identity. He just vigorously nodded his head.

" Kar-" James started again.

" Leave!" She growled. She couldn't even look him in the eye.

" What?"

" I said go." Her jaw was clenched and she felt as if she was about to pierce her own skin with her nails.

" Make me." He spat as puffed out his shoulders and looked over Kara.

" Don't test me Olsen." She warned staring at the foor beneath them.

" Come on then Kara it's not like you of all people are going to fight me though." He scoffed." Little miss perfect always has to be the 'bigger' person."

Her head snapped back to face the figure in front of her. She stared directly into the cold dark eyes of the man. Her eyes were red, glowing red actually, as she intimidated him with the possiblity of heatvision. " I said DON'T FUCKING TEST ME." She shouted using her deep voice.

James took a step back whilst raising his hands to about chest night. " Jeez ok, ok, take it easy." He adjusted the strap of his camera on his shoulder. "We'll go, we'll go." He started to move to walk away but Kara stopped him.

" Oh and one last thing." She snapped the strap of the camera as she ripped the device away from James's possession. She felt the weight of it before throwing it with all her might off the cliff into the water below. It took a few seconds for it to hit the sea as she did use quite a bit of force so threw it quite far.

" That's my girl." Lena thought as she smiled in glee at what she had just witnessed.

Kara looked back at James to see his reaction but seemed unfazed by the sudden event. " What? Why aren't you shouting in fury or running away in tears."

" I am offended, you really didn't think I wouldn't know that something like this would happen." Kara stared blankly at him. " All of my photos are instantly uploaded to the cloud." James raised one his eyebrows, showing how cocky he was being. "There's no winning Kara, a photographer ALWAYS gets their picture." Kara's mouth hung open, for once in her life she was speechless.

" No. No James please." She begged.

" Oh." He scoffed. " I see what's going on here. I've got the power right now so you come begging." He raised one of his eyebrows ready to say something more before being interrupted.

" Uhh excuse me Mr. Olsen, Miss Danvers, could I please leave." The intern squeaked.

Without even sparing him a glimpse, James told him to leave so he picked up all of his things, shoved them in a bag and started rushing off until he was out of sight.

Kara didn't even realise thoroughly what was happening at that point to be honest, she was mainly just internally panicking. " Please James. I know you see this as buisness and your job but you need to think about what you're doing."

"Pft. Why should I?" His stance became more and more defensive as time went on.

" Because...Because otherwise I'll have you fired." Kara struggled to speak. Her cheeks were going red.

" And how, may I ask, will you accomplish that?" He raised his eyebrows expectantly. " Because for all Cat knows, I've done nothing wrong, I'm just following up on a lead." Kara sank back down again, she didn't know what to do. What was there to do? She knew there was no way in which he could be fired. She just kinda hoped the mention of it would spook him into leaving. " HMM? I'm waiting."

" I can't." She mumbled.

" HMM What was that." He asked arrogantly, knowing full well what Kara had just said.

" I said I can't get you fired." Kara lost eye contact with James again but he still followed he eye

" That's what I thought. Now, I have to leave so if you don't mind I am going to go back to Catco and start editing." He started walking towards the path that led down the cliff. Before he walked away for the final time he paused. Without even looking around at Kara he said. " And Kara. Just so you know, you deserved better, no, you still deserve better." He turned around. " This isn't you Kara."

" I-I thought you were leaving." Kara said trying to sound confident but that is very difficult when tears are threatening to fall down your face.

" Not until you understand that I am that person who you deserve, the person who cares for you the most, the person who you need." James stared at Kara, he looked both angry and sympathetic at the same time.

" I don't." She wiped her eye. " I don't need you James."

A smirk smacked itself onto the and face as he slid this hands into his front pockets and rocked on his feet. " Actually I think you'll find that you do. Because I am so generous I'm going to give you a chance, if you do not agree to these conditions I will simply send them to Cat for them to be published or..." He took a few steps towards Kara again." You end things with the Luthor and realise who has actually always been there for you this while time. You need to understand I am the one who's right for you, not some insane lunatic who probably just wanted some kind of thing," He paused very slightly." To use. " He motions up and down towards Kara. " That's who she is Kara. Her and her brother don't care for anyone else feelings, especially yours, I mean a Super and a Luthor? Really? Did you really think that was going to work, or you had some kind of chance at a healthy relationship?"

" But-" Kara started, whilst tears road down her face, but was quickly cut off.

" But No, Kara. The answer is NO." He shouted the last bit to pit more emphasis on it. Kara knew that she shouldn't be scared of him but she was, she definitely was.

" So what do you want James?" Kara held her breath.

He took a few more steps towards the carrying Woman in front of him. He took her hand in his, she didn't even fight back. Her strength was lost the second her emotions overpowered every instinct in her. " What I want is for you too see that what I'm telling you is for the best and break off whatever you have with Lena. Once you have done that one simple thing, you will arrive back into my arms, where you belong. Then and only then, I won't publish the pictures." He put his index and middle finger under the blondes chin and lifted her head up so her eyes met his. " Understand?" Kara just nodded, she had no idea what to do. Seeing the confirmation form Kara he let go of Kara then started to walk off again. " You have 36 hours." He announced before going out of sight.

Kara was frozen. The tears continued to poor down her face, even more than earlier now. " But." Was the only thing to escape her mouth. She had no idea what to do. The only thing she did know was that she had until 10:30 tommorow night to figure it out.