

" No seriously, why are you here?" Lena asked staring at her adoptive mother.

" What do you mean? A mother can't visit her daughter in a time of crisis?" The older woman crossed her legs and rested her hand on her knees.

Lena took a bottle of whiskey out of one of the cupboards and pours some into a glass. " Oh please. Cut the bullshit, I know your games." She took a sip.

" Really, Lena? Drinking at this time in the morning." Lillian scowled.

Lena took another taste of the liquid in her hands. " When you're here Mother, i don't care what time it is."

" I still don't agree, but when have I ever agreed with you." She shuffled slightly on her chair. " I am here to tell you that what i said a minute ago was not in fact the whole truth."

" And that is..."

" I told you i have friends in high places that could help."

" Yes, I know. I was there." She took another sip and swirled the drink around in her glass.

" But in actual fact i can make it all disappear with the snap of my fingers. It's all set up Lena, i just have to give the command and then poof, all of your problems disappear."

" So do it then." Lena squinted at her mother.

" Ah ah ah." She waved her finger. " I will only give that  command IF and only IF you end whatever you have with that God awful Kryptonian."

The raven bursed out coughing. She was so taken aback by the statement she almost forgot how to breath.

" No." She simply told the sitting woman.

" If you refuse, this will get bigger and bigger until suddenly it explodes and everything will collapse around you." Lillian made her way over to the kitchen where she stole the drink from her daughters hands and poured it down the sink. " Also, you will be excluded from the Luthor family and no longer carry the Luthor name. "

" Jesus that took a dramatic turn." Lena grumbled to herself.

They both stood in there respective places for a few moments before Lillian spoke up again." So what's it going to be, are you going to say goodbye to Miss. Danvers or are you going to lose the luthor name therefore giving up your rights to any fortune or property the Luthors may hold, including Luthor corp."

Lena slowly took a breath in and exhaled  slowly. "  I don't care about your dirty money mother, I don't need it and never will. Also I'll have you remember that Luthor corp doesn't exist anymore, it's L-corp now."

" Yes, L for Luthor."

" I guess it's L for Lena now isn't it."  Lena got close to her mother. With a threatening tone she told Lillian. "Now get out of my house before I make you. Or have you have you forgotten that with one whisper I can make the girl of Steel come to me instantly."

" Now now dear." Lillian put her Index finger and her middle finger on both of Lena's shoulders and pushed her back slowly. " Let's not make this anymore dramatic that it already is. " she swept her hand together when she was done pushing her adoptive daughter faraway enough. " After all you dont want to make a scene in front of your guest."

" Oh please Mother. I think we're far beyond not wanting to make a scene with each other." She rolled her eyes.

" I wasn't talking about me."

Suddenly, a figured appeared from behind one of the walls.  It was a female with dark brown hair, amber eyes, golden tan skin and a certain elegance to her walk. " Hello Lena, it's been a while."

" Lizzy?" Lena stood in shock as she watched the woman come closer to her.

" Of course it is silly." She went in to hug the younger Luthor but whilst she wrapped her hands around her, Lena just stood there frozen.

" But, what- oh God. " Lena asked still in a frozen state.

" Well I think I'll let you two catch up. Goodbye for now." Lillian then picked up her stuff and left without Lena saying a word.

" What are you doing here Lizzy?" Lena put a hand on her own forehead.

" I'm here because I'm worried about you Lee." 

Lena gained back her professionalism and stood up straight again. " I don't need you to worry about me."  She said harshly. She started to walk away from the other woman but was quickly stopped. Lizzy trapped her wrist, which cause Lena to turn her face to look at the woman.

" Lena look, I know we didn't really leave thing on great terms-."

Lena scoffed. " You think?" She exclaimed sarcastically.

" But I don't want what happened to be how you remember me. I want to help you Lee, I really do. You just need to trust me."

Lena snapped her wrist away from Liz's grasp." You hurt me Liz. More than I thought I could be. I let you in, I let you learn about my pain and struggles, know my fears, my hopes, my dreams andl then you go and betray me like you did. You really think I would trust you after what you did to me? We lost that trust the second you got into bed with her." She poured herself a large glass of wine and and started to drink it all very quickly. 

Liz's eyes sparkled. This was going to be easier than she thought.

" I know that and it's the one thing in life I regret the most. However, you need to know that I've thought about you everyday since then."

" Well I have not."

" I get that but you also need to know that I still love you Lena, I never stopped. What I did to that night was a drunk and stupid mistake. I just want to make it right Lee. I just want you back."

" It's a bit late for that now." Lena started to pour herself another glass.

' Just keep doing what you're doing.' Liz thought to herself.

" I don't care if you want the back Lizzy, I'm already in a relationship, a happy one."  She starts to sip the drink.

" We were happy." 

" Is this the real reason you came here? It wasn't to help me at all was it, it was to try and get me to leave Kara and go back to you."

" Oh come on Lena. That girl is so not in your league. She's poor, she's just a reporter, she's bassically a nobody. But me, I'm rich, I'm famous, I'm successful and gorgeous if I do say so myself."

"You know nothing about her." Lena gulled down the rest of the wine. " You don't know her life, her struggles, her achievements. She is a magnificent woman and if you say otherwise you obviously have not met her."

"All I'm trying to say is at least I'm not a gold digging slut."

" Excuse me?!."  Lena slammed the glass back down onto the kitchen counter, it didn't shatter, but it did ring.

"Look, you buy her all of this stuff, e.g earing, clothing, food, a car for God's sake and what has she ever given you, nothing. So why do I think that you keep her around; you want a play thing. You want someone who you can spoil and spend on and then once you've given them everything they could dream of you can use her in any way you want and she can't say no because she thinks you've spent a fortune on her. "