
Paint With Love - A story of Art & Love

Chen Ji Yang and Li Yi Ming, two talented art students, meet and fall in love as they navigate the competitive world of college-level painting. Despite coming from different backgrounds, they bond over their shared passion for art and discover that their unique styles complement each other. As they collaborate on projects, their relationship blossoms, but they must overcome societal expectations and jealous rivals to pursue their dreams together. A talented and driven art student, Ji Yang is known for her bold, expressive brushstrokes and her ability to capture the essence of the natural world. She is determined to make a name for herself in the art world, but her traditional family background creates tension as she pursues her passion. A gifted painter with a more technical and analytical approach, Li Yi Ming is initially seen as Ji Yang's rival. However, as they collaborate on projects, they discover a deep connection and a shared vision for their art. Li Yi Ming must overcome his own insecurities and learn to embrace his emotions to fully express himself through his paintings.

sayahan · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter -2

As Chen Ji Yang entered the room, she was greeted by her three roommates, who were busy adjusting their belongings and making themselves at home in the dorm. Their faces lit up with anticipation as they saw her enter, eager to welcome their new roommate.

"Hey there! You must be Chen Ji Yang," one of them exclaimed, a warm smile gracing her lips. "We've been waiting for you. I'm Zhou linlin , and these are Xu Ming and Liang Wei ," she gestured to the other two girls.

Chen Ji Yang returned their smiles, feeling a sense of relief wash over her at their friendly reception. "Yes, that's me. It's nice to meet all of you," she replied, setting her own luggage down beside her bed.

The room buzzed with excitement as they exchanged introductions and began getting to know each other. Despite the nerves of starting a new chapter in her life, Chen Ji Yang felt a sense of camaraderie forming with her roommates, and she knew that she was in good company. Little did she know, amidst the bustling energy of their shared dorm room, her heart would soon find its way to someone unexpected.

On the other side, Li Yi Ming made his way to the boys' dormitory, his expression remained composed, his demeanor cool and collected. Along the corridor, he encountered his two roommates who were also heading towards the dorm.

"Hey, Li Yi Ming, we've been waiting for you," one of them named  Wang rui remarked casually, a knowing look exchanged between them. "Oh, he is our roommates, Zhao Xin," he gestured to the other  boy. "And he's my high school desk mate, Li Yi Ming."

Li Yi Ming simply nodded in acknowledgment, his gaze steady as he assessed his new companions.

As Li Yi Ming entered the dorm room with his roommates, their playful antics contrasting sharply with his own reserved demeanor. Ignoring their attempts to engage him in conversation, he focused on unpacking his belongings with quiet efficiency.

After his brisk shower, Li Yi Ming emerged from the bathroom to find his roommates huddled together, whispering excitedly about their plans for the day. Their enthusiasm grated against his stoic demeanor, but he remained silent, observing their antics with a detached air.

"Li Yi Ming, are you coming with us?" Wang rui asked, breaking the tense silence that hung in the air.

Without a word, Li Yi Ming nodded curtly, his expression betraying none of the emotions swirling beneath the surface. As they left the dorm room, he followed behind them with measured steps, his cold demeanor masking the curiosity and uncertainty that stirred within him about the adventures that lay ahead in Guangzhou.

In the cozy confines of the female dormitory, the excitement of the first day of school lingered in the air, mingling with the sound of cheerful chatter among roommates Zhou linlin, Liang Wei , and Ji Yang.

As the evening descended, a pang of hunger struck Zhou linlin , prompting her to voice her craving. "Sisters, I'm hungry," she declared, her stomach rumbling in agreement.

Liang Wei chimed in, echoing Zhou linlin's sentiment. "Me too," she added with a nod, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

Sensing an opportunity to make the most of their first day in school, Zhou linlin proposed a celebration. "Since it's our first day in school, we should celebrate it. What do you guys think?" she suggested, her voice filled with excitement.

Xu Ming, their experienced roommate, readily agreed. "Yeah, I think we can," she replied with a grin, already envisioning the festivities ahead.

Ji Yang, the newest addition to their group, simply nodded in acquiescence, her curiosity piqued by the prospect of experiencing something new.

Eager to show their new friends a good time, Xu Ming took charge. "Since you guys are new here, let me take you out and have some fun," she proposed, her eyes alight with enthusiasm.

With unanimous excitement, the group eagerly agreed, their voices merging in a chorus of "okay" as they anticipated the adventures that awaited them beyond the confines of their dormitory.

As the group of friends roamed the bustling streets of Guangzhou, the aroma of various delicacies wafted through the air, tempting their taste buds and igniting their appetites.

Xu Ming, ever the organizer, took the lead in deciding their dinner plans. "What should we have for dinner?" she asked, turning to her companions with a playful grin.

Zhou linlin's eyes lit up with excitement as she suggested, "How about hotpot?" Her stomach growled in agreement, craving the steaming broth and array of fresh ingredients.

Ji Yang nodded in agreement, her memories of enjoying hotpot flooding back. "Okay, I'm fine with it. It's been a long time since I had hotpot," she admitted, her mouth watering at the thought.

Liang Wei, always one to go with the flow, chimed in eagerly. "Me too," she declared, eager to indulge in the comforting warmth of the communal meal.

With Xu Ming's insider knowledge, the group was in good hands. "I know a famous restaurant where the hotpot is amazing. I've been there many times with my parents," she shared, her eyes shining with anticipation.

Zhou linlin wasted no time in urging them to hurry. "Okay, let's go!" she exclaimed, her enthusiasm contagious as they set off towards the renowned hotpot establishment, their stomachs growling in anticipation of the feast that awaited them.

Amidst the bubbling broth and tantalizing aroma of the hotpot, Zhou linlin couldn't help but express her delight. "Oh wow, this hotpot is so delicious," she exclaimed, savoring each mouthful with gusto.

Xu Ming grinned triumphantly, nodding in agreement. "I told you, right?" she teased, delighted to see her friends enjoying the meal.

Liang Wei chimed in, her own taste buds tantalized by the flavors. "Yeah, it's tasty," she concurred, reaching for another helping of ingredients to dunk into the simmering broth.

Ji Yang, touched by her friends' enjoyment, made a generous offer. "Eat more then. Today it's my treat, so order more if you want," she insisted, a warm smile gracing her lips as she encouraged them to indulge.

Linlin's heart swelled with gratitude at Ji Yang's gesture. "Aww, Yangyang, you're amazing," she gushed, touched by her friend's generosity.

As the meal progressed, Xu Ming reached for the sauce only to find it depleted. "Oh, the sauce is finished," she remarked, disappointment tingeing her tone.

Ever thoughtful, Ji Yang immediately sprang into action. "Wait, let me get it for you guys," she offered, rising from her seat with determination.

Liang Wei, eager to lend a hand, suggested they retrieve the sauce together. "Yangyang, let's get it together," she proposed, a sense of camaraderie strengthening their bond as they worked as a team to ensure their meal was enjoyed to the fullest.

As Liang Wei and Ji Yang busied themselves pouring sauces into their bowls, a sudden jolt startled them. A stranger had accidentally bumped into Ji Yang, causing the sauce in her bowl to spill onto Li Yi Ming, who was seated nearby enjoying his dinner. His clothes now stained, Li Yi Ming's annoyance was palpable as he glared at Ji Yang.

"Why is it you again?" he questioned, his tone laced with irritation and frustration.

Ji Yang, taken aback by the accusation, quickly defended herself. "Hey, what do you mean? I'm sorry. I didn't do it on purpose," she insisted, her voice tinged with genuine remorse.

Yi Ming's annoyance only seemed to escalate as he retorted, "Can't you be careful? You ruined my clothes," his irritation evident in his tone.

Undeterred by his hostility, Ji Yang's frustration bubbled to the surface. "Dude, what's with your attitude? I already apologized for it. What's with your tone?" she shot back, offering him tissues to clean up the mess.

Reluctantly, Yi Ming waved off her offer. "No need. I'll do it on my own," he muttered, his annoyance still lingering as he retreated back to his table to tend to his stained clothes, leaving Ji Yang and her friends to exchange puzzled glances at the unexpected encounter.

Yi Ming went back to his table after the sauce incident, his roommates couldn't help but notice the stain on his clothes, prompting Wang Rui to inquire, "Hey, Yi Ming, what happened to your clothes?"

Yi Ming glanced down at the stain with a sigh before responding, "Nothing. Just got bumped into  someone."

Wang rui leaned in with curiosity. "Who was it?" he asked, intrigued by the sudden turn of events.

Zhao Xin, always one to inject humor into the conversation, chimed in with a playful grin. "Is she pretty?" he teased, earning a playful swat on the head from Yi Ming.

Yi Ming couldn't help but smirk at Zhao Xin's remark. "Eat," he said, lightly tapping Zhao Xin's head, before turning his attention back to his meal, hoping to put the incident behind him.

As Liang Wei and Ji Yang returned to their table, Linlin  notice the tension radiating from Ji Yang. Concern etched on her features, she addressed her friend, affectionately calling her "baobei" in an attempt to ease the palpable discomfort.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you so angry?" Linlin inquired, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Ji Yang attempted to brush off the question with a nonchalant "Nothing," but Linlin was not easily deterred. Turning to Liang Wei, she implored, "Liang Wei, what happened?"

Liang Wei hesitated briefly before recounting the unfortunate incident involving Ji Yang, Li Yi Ming, and the spilled sauce.

Enraged by Li Yi Ming's rudeness, Linlin's protective instincts kicked in. "Who's that rude guy? Tell me. I'll teach him some manners," she declared, her voice rising in indignation.

Liang Wei quickly hushed her, warning, "Shh, lower your voice. He's sitting next to our table."

Zhou linlin glanced back, curiosity piqued. "Who is he? Which school is he from?" she pressed, eager to identify the source of her friend's distress.

Ji Yang's stomach dropped as the truth dawned on her. "I guess he's from our school. I met him before," she reluctantly admitted, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Liang Wei confirmed her suspicion, dropping the bombshell. "He's Li Yi Ming. He's from our department," she revealed, bracing herself for the shockwaves that would surely follow.

The revelation sent a collective gasp rippling through the group, Ji Yang's reaction the most visceral of all. "What the hell did you just say? Impossible! Do I have to see that cold face every day?" she exclaimed, her disbelief turning to dread.

Linlin, oblivious to Ji Yang's distress, offered her own perspective. "What's wrong with his face? He's so handsome," she remarked innocently, unaware of the storm brewing within her friend.

Ji Yang's patience reached its limit as she snapped, "Zhou linlin, you better shut your mouth before I kill you," her frustration boiling over as she grappled with the realization that her encounter with Li Yi Ming was far from over.

The conversation swirled around the table, Xu Ming's curiosity got the best of her. "Ah, Liang Wei, how do you know he's from our department? Do you know him?" she inquired, her brow furrowing in confusion.

Liang Wei shook her head, her expression earnest. "No, I don't know him. I came early, so I did some investigation about our department," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of embarrassment at her own proactive approach.

Xu Ming nodded in understanding. "Ah, I see," she replied simply, accepting Liang Wei's explanation without further inquiry.

Ji Yang, eager to quell the escalating tension, interjected with a firm command. "Alright, you guys, stop talking and eat your food," she instructed, her tone brooking no argument as she redirected their focus to the meal at hand.

Linlin, ever practical, chimed in with a reminder of their impending curfew. "Right, we have to hurry back before the dorm closes," she added, her words prompting a renewed sense of urgency among the group as they hastened to finish their meal and return to the safety of their dormitory before nightfall.