
Sage's life in danger.

"Someone help please, someone help"!! Allen shouted as he carried his sister into the hospital through the emergency door, a nurse who noticed and he walked in brought a stretcher and she was taken into one of the emergency rooms.

"What happened to her"? The nurse asked as she was checking to be sure she still had a pulse.

"I don't know nurse, I came in to her lying on the ground in her room, I don't know what happened."

"Are you sure she didn't take any pills? Did you look around her room?" the nurse inquired.

"I was so distracted and scared that I didn't notice anything but I don't think she would do that, what could she have taken"?

"Oh Allen I think I saw some pills right under her bed when I bent to help you raise her up.Could it be that she took those pills"?

"There's no time for assumptions please nurse,can you call a doctor already?Allen said.

"I can't bear to lose my sister."

"Don't worry she will be fine, you have to wait outside for now because we are going to run some tests, meanwhile I'll go and get a doctor this instant."

"This way Mr, the nurse said as she gestured her hands towards the door. The both of you have to step outside now and allow us to do our job,she added."

They followed her outside but Allen couldn't leave the entrance to the room,he was watching his sister through the transparent window.

"Come on Allen, staying here to watch her like this won't do you any good, do you care for some snack? I'll go outside and look for where to buy one," she said trying to get Allen's attention.

"Don't worry about me Philip, I'm very comfortable here and I'm not hungry either. You can go get one for yourself and I'll be here waiting on you. I can't lose sight of here," he added.

"Don't be so hard on yourself Allen, I don't think what happened to her is too serious, at least the nurse assured us that she will be well taken care of."

"Sit down for a while, while we wait for them to give us feedback." Philia said convincingly to Allen who seemed not to be listening.

"Why isn't the doctor here yet"? Allen thundered as he tried to be patient while waiting for the doctor.

"Do they want my sister to die before they tend to her"?

"Calm down Allen they're here already, look," Philia said as she saw the nurse and a young good looking man whom she imagined to be the doctor coming towards them.

"Please excuse us," the nurse said to Allen as she opened the door to the room for them to get In.

"You see,they are here now and they are going to take care of her, there's no need to get so worked up over this. Sage is a strong woman and she will be fine. Instead of standing here and doing nothing , why don't you pray for her to finally wake up"?

Philia insisted but Allen was way too engrossed in what he was looking at,.. his sister.

"Anyways, I'll head out now to buy a few eatables because I am really hungry."

"Go ahead Philia, you don't have to talk so much."

Philia was used to Allen being strong headed around her, and she knew how to handle him.

"Ok, I'll be back soon, she said and left almost immediately."

"Oh God please don't take my sister yet,don't let my sweet Sage die. I have no one else," Allen muttered to himself for as many times as he could.

"Are you a relative to the sick lady"? The doctor asked as he came out of the room.

"Yes doctor I'm her brother Allen, good day. Please what happened to my sister"?he asked.

"I'm doctor Adams and I'll like you to follow me to my office so that we can talk there," he replied as he walked in the direction in which he came.

Allen without wasting any time followed him immediately as fast as he could.

"Don't scare me Doc, please what's wrong with her"? He asked as he sat down in the doctor's office.

"Well young man what's the name again"? The doctor asked with a straight face.

My name is Allen doc, and as I said earlier,I'm here brother," he added.

"Talk to me already,"he said.

"Your sister is going to be fine Allen, we ran a few tests but you will have to wait a little longer in order to get the results, but don't worry too much, she is stable at the moment."

"Ok Doc how long am I going to wait"?

"It won't take more than an hour",he answered.

"Ok Doc I'll wait outside then, thank you so much."

"Ok Allen, you'll be called when its ready," he answered.

"Allen where have you been"? Philia asked as she saw him coming towards her in the waiting room.

"I've been looking for you since I came back but didn't see you."

"I went to talk to the doctor," he answered as he opened the door to the room where his sister was.

"What did the doctor say"? Philia asked as she followed him inside.

"He only said to wait for an hour more so that the test results will be ready, and he also said thatSage is stable, that's all for now," he replied.

"Look how innocent she looks, he added immediately, I wonder what she did that got her in this state."

"I believe she will get better, just by looking at her you would know that she isn't going to die, Philia added.

"Die you said"? Allen said looking at her inquisitively.

"Where did you even get the idea that my sister will die," Allen asked.

"Weren't you the one who was so afraid? If not death, what else would you be afraid of"? Philia asked and Allen couldn't give a reply.

He stood up and touched his sister on the forehead, he planted a kiss on her forehead with so much love.

"Thank you Allen, Sage said as she opened her eyes instantly.

"Oh my sweet Sage I'm elated you're awake now, you scared us to death," Allen said as he quickly hugged her.

"Me too Sage, how could you do that to us?What really happened"? Philia asked hugging her friend tightly.

"Don't stress her Philia, don't ask her anything.She will talk when she has the strength to," Allen tackled Philia, and Sage smiled at the both of them.

They were always counter attacking each other and they have never agreed on the same thing. She would sometimes call them two lovers who aren't aware they are in love.

"I'm sorry for the scare," Sage said as she looked at her brother.

"Don't worry Sage, I'll always be here for you no matter what you do," Allen answered in a low tone.