
My comfort zone.

"Sage,Sage"! Allen screamed as he tried to get the attention of his sister who seemed to be lost in her thoughts. She stood like a mannequin in front of their balcony for hours and her brother Allen wondered what she could be thinking about that got her so fixated at a place.

"Come on Sage didn't you hear me call your name?Alen said as he drew much closer to her and tapped her on her shoulders. Startled, she turned with swift velocity which confirmed to Allen that his sister was at it again.

"Please don't scare me like this again Allen", she said as she tried to make her way inside the house to avoid hearing the motivational speeches from her brother. He would usually talk and talk until one could no longer understand what he said.He is strong willed and caring to stupor. One would say his good heart made him weak but he proves otherwise. He had it all together.Unlike Sage..

"Come on sis, i was literally trying to get your attention for the past fifteen minutes but you were so lost in thoughts that you didn't even realise i was here until touched you. When are you going to stop? He asked in an anger suggesting tone.

Sage wasn't ready for any sort of arguments or fights with her brother. She seemed to be disconnected from reality at the time.

Classifying Sage as a pretty lady could be seen as an understatement. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder but her beauty could change the narrative. Her heart was as beautiful or more beautiful than her face. A soft, brilliant, reserved, unique and great woman. The real tragedy,Sage doesn't see any of that. She was always miserable and somewhat depressed.

"Don't you dare walk out on me," Allen thundered as he saw his sister trying to go inside the house without uttering a word given what he said earlier.Even though Allen was always so sweet and caring and loving, he had a strong personality and could be deserved as firm and assertive. He couldn't take disrespect from anyone, not even his beloved sister.

Sage sensing that her brother could be really angry decided to change her decision and face her brother who was always willing to help out,even though not as much as her high school sweetheart Damon.

"Talk to me Sage,what got you like this again"? "You know I am always willing to listen as many times as possible" he said as he looked intently at his sister,the way that normally gets her to open up.

"I am so sad Allen," Sage muttered and Allen obviously couldn't hear what she said,at least not as loud as he wanted to.

"You have to open your mouth and say something Sage,you have to help me so that I can help you,come on". "You are always sad and it seems like you actually enjoy sadness".

"Do you even know what it means to be sad"? Sage suddenly shouted leaving Allen surprised.His sister has never raised her voice at him not even when he offended her.How could she do that now?Of all times,now that he offered to help her.

A long silence existed for long between them and Allen was only waiting for an apology that never came.He stood up and went inside the house feeling dissatisfied and disappointed..

Sage on the other hand didn't seem to realise that she actually crossed the line with her brother.

Tears dropped from her eyes as she watched her phone so empty. She could only see the picture of a seashore which has been her wallpaper since the time she got her phone. She has been off the media and everyday she hoped a message would come in and it would have Damon's name written on it. She craved a heartwarming message,a sweet one,one that can be able to calm her storms even if it didn't end it.She wanted that feeling to come back again. The feeling she lost some months ago. She was slowly losing herself,things got worse. When morning comes, she struggles to get out of the bed and face the world. She was always in her shell, crying for help but no help came. No one came to her rescue, or she refused to accept help from the people who cared to offer. People like Allen.

Maybe she was enjoying the state of sadness she was in, just as her brother mentioned.

"I am heading out and I might not come back till tommorow morning", Allen said as he came out dressed in his favourite red shirt and shorts,the one that made him look younger than he really is.

"Aren't you going to talk to me"? He asked as he noticed that his sister didn't give him any response.

"Ok, stay safe, she said with her head still faced to the ground. She didn't want him to see the river in her eyes. She wouldn't know what to tell him, staying silent seemed to be much easier at the time.

"Stay safe too, and make sure you lock the doors before going to bed, there's food left in the kitchen incase you become famished". "Please don't stay up for too long, I love you". He said and headed downstairs almost immediately.

He jammed the door and Sage could hear the sound from upstairs, "I love you too brother"..She said even though she knew she was talking to herself.

She finally got up and went to take a bath,it seemed she was waiting for her brother to move out before she could do anything. She tuned on her music. Her brother would always complain about her habit of listening to music anytime she went into the potty. It was not much of a problem because her kind of music doesn't give off much clamour.

She came out with her blue fancy towel wrapped round her body, her white towel tied round her head and her beautiful legs inside her house shoes. She walked briskly to her room and changed into her pyjamas. It was around evening time and she figured she wouldn't go outside for anything again. She was all alone in the house,a perfect scenario to do whatever she wanted and however she wanted. She always wanted to get her own house someday and leave her brother's house. She always wanted to know what freedom would feel like.

She lay down on her bed and hugged her pillow so tight as she thought about her most beloved sweetheart. She was always so fond of him.He was all she ever wanted. He always knew the right things to say, the right time to say it and just the perfect thing to do to make her happy. Damon was like a king to her and she never let's a day pass by without thinking of him. Sometimes she would wonder if he still thinks about her in the same way. She longed to see his name pop up on her phone again. She could do it, she could decide to put a call across and maybe everything would go back to normal, she could pick up her bag and head straight to his house and suprise him. She could do that and a lot more to get what she wants, but Sage was as egotistical as she is beautiful.