
Overpowered Mage in a Parallel World

One day Alex inherited a house from his grandfather. As he cleans the house, he finds a mysterious door and a diary written by a hero, who brings all races together to make peace. It’s been two centuries since the Peace Covenant has been accepted by all the races in the world of Terra. A covenant that was agreed upon by all the races to build a prosperous life for all. However It turns out that the hero came from a parallel world that was destroyed by war. And the mysterious door is the gateway to that parallel world. Alex went inside the door and found out how different the other side is. A world devastated by war. Ruined city, Big sized monster, Hostile weather, everything what post-apocalypse looks like. But not only that Alex also found out that anything related with magic is rare in this world. Not wasting a chance, he, who previously worked as a mage in the military, took this opportunity to become the strongest mage and rule the another world.

High_Fives · Fantasy
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23 Chs

First time fighting monster

"Ah, shit."

Alex immediately slams the door to prevent the monster from getting in. He immediately readied his gun to attack the beast.

However, it's a futile endeavor to hold it. The monster forcefully pushes the door back to the point that it falls down. Alex, who was trying to hold the door, was also pinned down by the Bloodwolf. The beast then tried to attack Alex with its claws.

Meanwhile, on the other side, the half-demon woman remained frozen motionless. She was frightened by the appearance of a bloodwolf that suddenly attacked.

"Help me." A soft voice came out from where Alex was.

The half-demon woman instantly came to her senses. Her savior was now in danger. She then looked for something to distract the monster. Instantly she saw Alex's weapon lying not far from her. She picked up the weapon but hesitated to use it because she didn't know if she was allowed to.

However, it was an emergency, so the woman aimed Alex's weapon straight at the Bloodwolf monster without thinking. Hot lead came straight out of the gun's muzzle, moving quickly toward the beast. The bullet hit the monster's thigh, a little off the mark to where the woman aimed at.

The bloodwolf then grunted in pain. The creature then changed its target to the woman. However, the woman also quickly fired another shot at the monster. Some missed, some hit, but when the last bullet went out, it hit the monster right in the head. The monster went limp instantly and eventually didn't move.

The woman was panting heavily. She didn't believe she killed a monster with her own hands. Obviously, thanks to her savior's gun, she could kill it.

Speaking of her savior, the woman immediately realized that her savior was not okay anymore. Alex was still under the collapsed door. He was whimpering in pain. Blood oozed out and stained his clothes. It seemed that when the bloodwolf was pinned down on him earlier, its claws had penetrated into the door and grazed into Alex's body. Fortunately, the wound was on his shoulder.

"Forgive me, sir. But I need to take off your clothes."

But Alex refused the woman's request, "No, no need. Just open my bag and take a thing like a box that has a percentage meter on it."

It didn't take long for the half-demon woman to find it. It said 100% on one side of that box.

Alex told her to force it open if she could. With all her might, the woman opened the center of the box with both hands. When it opened, everything inside the box came out and fell to the floor.

She was shocked to see that what came out of the box were some mana crystals. An important crystal for the mage. The value itself was very expensive. It was even said that it could be made to buy a luxury house without spending a penny.

But right now, money was not important to the half-demon woman. Her savior's life was in danger. Immediately she gave Alex the crystals.

Alex, without waiting, cast a spell. Instantly the crystals crumbled into ash and flew toward the wound. After that, he no longer whimpered in pain.

"Thank you. If you weren't here. I'd die for sure."

The half-demon woman was pleased to be flattered by Alex. "N-no, sir. It's all thanks to you. If you didn't allow me to use your gun, then I can't do anything, either."

"Why wouldn't I permit you?" It was the strangest question Alex had heard today.

"I-i mean, some gun users would lock their gun so other people can't use it. Also, I'm not a mage, so if it weren't for your assistance, I wouldn't be able to shoot your gun, sir."

"Huh?" Alex was obviously clueless as to what she said. However, as he wanted to ask for a detailed explanation, multiple howls could be heard outside.

Their faces were grim as they heard those howls. They had to escape, but Alex's condition made running impossible.

"I-i will distract them, sir! You can hide somewhere."

As the woman was about to leave, Alex caught her hand to prevent her from leaving.

"No need. Can you help me walk? There is a place where we can be safe."

The half-demon woman got confused but obliged his command. As they began to walk, they could see multiple bloodwolves running toward where they were. Fortunately, their destination was shorter than the bloodwolves position.

They slowly made their way down the stairs as they reached the house's basement.

"There, that door," said Alex, pointing his hand.

The half-demon woman was surprised to see that there was a door inside this empty basement. They quickly made their way toward the door, and the woman immediately opened it.

However, when the door opened, there was nothing there. Alex was surprised when he saw that, but quickly knew the reason.

Alex was about to open the door himself when a bloodwolf suddenly entered the basement. But when the monster stepped on the stair, it broke. The monster stumbled and hit the wall.

Not wasting this opportunity, Alex quickly opened the door. This time it was his grandpa's house attic that showed up. He grabbed the half-demon woman and jumped inside the door.

Next, they woke up on the other side, on Alex's side of the world.