
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Meeting the Emperor

11th day after coming to the new World

Dōji had sent Kiyomi away to keep an eye on the girl, who needs to make a choice, while he would go to the Grand Arena to get the Money from the sponsor of the fight from the day before.

He knew who it was and had an idea why the man would give him more money after watching the fight himself.

"That guy either wants me to get out of his Empire faster or to stay here forever..."

"One wish will be fulfilled soon..."

There was a day left before they would leave the Empire, it wasn't necessary to stay here any longer in the first place and the money which would be given to them by the sponsor soon, should be enough to satisfy Lord Ainz.

Walking in the streets of Arwintar, Dōji made his way towards the Grand Arena.

The moment he had appeared on the streets, the huslte and bustle on the streets died down, people who were onbhis side of the street went immediately to the other side.

It was as if Dōji had an infectious disease or something, the people simply run around him in a wide manner and did everything they could to not stand in his way.

It didn't bother him, as something similar had happend before in the Village of Carne, though at that time there were much less people around.

But what annoyed hin a little was the talk between the people, which was easily picked up by his excellent senses, far beyond humanitys reach.

"Is that the man?"

"Yeah... the Butcher of the Arena..."

"You mean the Monster Butcher?"

"Yeah Yeah, that guy..."

Such conversations were held between those people as they pointed at him with their fingers from a distance.

"It's a bit annoying..."

Taking the Guardbottle hanging on his sashi in hand, he decided to drink the annoyance away for now.

*GuluGulu* *Gulu* *GuluGulu*

As he walked he continued to drink from time to time, soon enough he had reached the Grand Arena.

What suprised him a little was that there were people from the Arena staff, who seem to be waiting for his arrival.

"Greeting Sir Ibaraki, we are here to welcome could to the Grand Arena..."

Before the man could continue his useless Greetings, Dōji interupted him, his voice laced with a bit of annoyance.

"You don't need to welcome me. I just came here today to take back the promised remuneration. So why are you making such a big deal out of it?"

Feeling the annoyance in Dōji's voice, the staff members present felt a shudder going through their bodys and a chill went up their spines.

The man who greeted him bowed in a 90° bow and explained himself, "We are deeply sorry for the inconvenience, but the Sponsor of you Fight the day before, asked to be able to meet you and give you your money personally."

He paused for a moment, struggling with something and in the end continued with one ast sentence, "We couldn't refuse this request of your sponsor, so we would please with you to come with us to meet the person who Sponsoren the fight."

Dōji narrowed his eyes, while thinking to himself, 'It seems to be that the Emperor wants to at least try to poach me. Not that I mind meeting him, but it feels a bit uncomfortable knowing I can't tell him that I already have a Lord... after all this might blow up my cover and he could probably associate me with Lord Ainz...'

After finishing his thoughts, je still could only accept, even if it was a bit of a bother in some way.

Nodding at the man, Dōji spoke up, "You don't need to bow so low... I will come with you, I am also interested to see who would change the payment of Gold coins into a payment of Platinum coins."

Though there was a smile on his face, the people of the staff felt their scalps go numb after seeing it.

Although they were frightened by this person like never before, they still continued on with their work and started to guide Dōji through the Grand Arena, towards a room specially prepared for this occasion.

On the way towards this room, Dōji saw countless Imperial Soldiers standing on the sides of the corridors they went through.

And the corridor in which the room was, had a guard standing every meter along the wall of the corridor on both sides.

"It seems I am about to meet someone really important... What a fanfare for s single patron sponsoring one fight..."

Dōji's voice sounded a bit sarcastic, but no one reached to it, all those present here wished that this meeting would fo without conflict.

The Imperial Knight's seem to have been briefed about his strength, otherwise they wouldn't accept talking in such a way about their Emperor, even if the person didn't know it was their Emperor je was talking about.

Dōji noted this in his mind and went toward the door of the room, after reaching it, the guide who had brought him here, turned towards him and bowed deeply again.

"I will take my leave now, Sir Ibaraki. Please feel free to visit the arena whenever you desire a new challenge."

Dōji nodded at the man, "I will if I so desire."

The man then went out of the way and left the corridor with fast steps.

Shaking his head at the fear displayed by the staff members of the arena, Dōji turned to the door again and streched his hands towards it.

"Let's see who the Patron really is."

He didn't care about knocking on the door, just opening and simply entering into the room.

What greeted him inside, were four people. All being people who's Aura or Mana he had already felt in the Arena the day before.

Standing on the two sides of one of the luxrious sofa's were two man in a rather peculiar armor.

Both wore the same armor in Black with red and gold outlines, these two were both part of the four Imperial Knight's.

The first one being a handsome young man with short blonde hair, with parted bangs revealing a dark-colored circlet, and eyes as blue as the sea.

This was Nimble Dale Arc Anoch, also known as the Fierce Gale.

The other one being very tall, middle-aged man with a largely muscular build, fair skin and blue eyes. He had long blonde hair tied to a ponytail, with matching short chin beard and a lack of eyebrows.

This was Baziwood Peshmel, also known as the Lightning Bolt.

An elderly man of short stature, possessing a magnificent white beard, with a head full of snow-white hair was sittin on the couch. His age could be seen on his face as wrinkles, and the light of wisdom burned in his eyes. Wearing a soft loose white robe, a necklace made with numerous crystal orbs on his neck and his fingers were decorated with numerous magical rings.

This was the Great Hero of the Empire, Fluder Paradyne, the imperial Court Magician.

The last person in the room was a young man with blonde hair that reflects with magical illumination just like the shine of the stars, and clear purple eyes that look like amethysts.

He was dressed in magnificent garments consisting of three different colors, black, red and gold.

This was the person who organized this whole meeting, as well as the massacre that happend the day before, the "Bloody" Emperor of the Baharuth Empire, Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix.

A man feared by many among the humans in the surrounding nations, because of the circumstances of his ascension to the Throne of the Empire, which also got him the nickname "The Bloody".

Smiling at the people inside, Dōji greeted, "Greeting, i am Ibaraki and it seems one of you is the patron i am to meet here? May I know with whom I have the pleasure to speak?"

It seemed like a courteous way to speak, it wasn't at all and neither was there a bow or anything remotely close to it.

But none of the people present seemed to mind it at all.

The young man, sitting on the Sofa, was the one to answer him, "Greetings Sir Ibaraki. I would be the one you are seeking. I am the Emperor of the Baharuth Empire, Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix."

Jircniv had a gentle smile on his face, but this was for sure just for appearance sake and to make his guard against him relax.

"Oho, how do I deserve such a Honor as to personally meet the Emperor?"

There was no reverence or respect in his tone of speech as he spoke with the Emperor. Before people could say he didn't know, but now it was clear that he simply didn't care.

"I have to say I found your fight against the monster horde very exhilerating. Which is why I decided to replaced the original patron and change the payment as well. I hope you won't mind? It was just that i thought such an excellent Fighter need tp be remunerated in accordancewith his abillity."

The words sounded as if he wasn't the one who organized the fight, the problem was that Dōji knew long ago who the Patron was.

"Oh? How could I have a problem with such a thing, rather I have to thank your majesty. I don't even know what to do with so much money, but I will surely find a good way to spend it."

Playing a little humble, clearly without meaning it, made the Emperor think for a moment.

"I have a question Sir Ibaraki. Would I be permited to ask where you come from?"

Now came what Jircniv really called him over for.

'Ha... you are trying to get information out of me, by spending money and playing Word games...'

"Ah your majesty, I may tell you, but you will not know it, as I come from far in the east beyond the Minotaur Kingdom."

The face of Jircniv remained a smile, but it seemed to Doji like the gears in the man's head were spinning rapidly.

Though before he could ask more, Dōji asked something, "Then your majesty, may I ask why your Knight thrown his killing Intent at random people in the streets?"

The smile on Dōji's face was eerie to the ones looking at it and Baziwood, standing on the right side of the Emperor started to tremple all over and his body was sweating profusely.

The Emperor on the other hand played dumb, "Oh? What happend if I may ask?"

Dōji answered, while his gaze with the smile remaining turned to Baziwood, "Oh how about you ask your subordinate, your majesty?"

Baziwood who felt the gaze of Doji couldn't bear it anymore, this was something he already planned to do, before coming here, as he feared this man would come after him one day otherwise.

He stepped forward one step and bowed towards Dōji while speaking, "Plea accept my Apologies, I did not desire to kill anyone, but I was simply interested in your strength. So I planned to test your senses with my killing intent. Again my deepest apologies."

Although this should have been disgraceful, none of the people with the Emperor thought so, they would be no different in the situation of Baziwood.

"So you desired to test our senses... I understand." Dōji paused as his smile vanished, "Let me tell you one thing, you can test me anytime you want. But if I find you throw your killing intent ever again against my comrade..."

An evil smile spread on Dōji's face, one that was far worse than when he slaughtered the monsters. This smile mad the room silent, besides the heavier breathing of people nothing else Was heard until Baziwood spoke again.

"Never... never ever again. I promise with my life." He seem to know his life would be forfeited if he did it again and this was the only thing he could bring out of his mouth as he felt the horror of this man so close at hand.

"It is fine..." Dōji turned his gaze away from Baziwood and back to the Emperor, "It seems we have been able to overcome our difference without your Intervention, your majesty."

Baziwood went back to his Position, but he still seemed rather tense.

Jircniv took a moment to calm down, the thick malice he had felt in that smile just moments ago, was something he had never felt and the closeness to it made it difficult for him to accept for a moment.

But his gentle smile returned in the next moment, "Ah that seems to be the case. Such a thing should be resolved among Warriors themselves." He oaused and then continued, "May I ask Sir Ibaraki, do you have a Lord you are serving under currently?"

Knowing that the Emperor would now Start to try and poach him, Dōji almost broke into laughter, but held himself back.

"Your Majesty, I am not serving any Lord nor any Nation."

This was how he planned to answer since he knew that he was to meet the Emperor.

There was a certain light shining in Jircniv's eyes as he asked, "Then what would it cost me to take you into the Empire? Land? A title? Treasure? Or Women?"

"BWAHAHAH!" He couldn't hold it, and the people present were shocked at his loud and unrestrsined laughter.

"I apologize your majesty, but nothing among these things you mentionedcould ever gather my interest." He paused for a while, as if he was thinking how to explain it best.

"Your Majesty you see, I do desire neither treasure, nor Land, nor titles. And I have two fiance's waiting for my return who would probably destroy a country once they heard your words."

Jircniv gulped down his saliva unconciously, he could feel it, this man was confidence with what he said. Though he said they would destroy "a Country", it was clear which country that would be.

Just thinking that behind this monster are two female monsters, probably made the Emperor nearly crazy.

That this man could still maintain a gentle smile could already be seen as a wonder in itself.

Not only had he been instulted, no he was also ignored, overstepped and threatened. But he didn't budge and still continued to smile gently at Dōji.

"Oh, it seems that Sir Ibaraki's fiance's are quite affectionate."

Dōji nodded, "Of course. You could say they both love me since we were born and have been also spoken to each other since then."

"Oho, that sounds quite favorable. Congratulations Sir Ibaraki. They must be quite the beauties I assume?"

Doji couldn't see how Jircniv wanted to get all information he could possibly get his hands on, but these Informations weren't something that could be used against Nazarick so he didn't mind it.

"Well yes, if I had to describe them, then I would say one is like the moon, filled with endless charm so you can't take your eyes away, while the other is like the night, at first there seems nothing wrong but you never know what is truly hidden in it."

Jircniv was stunned for a moment, he had never heard anyone describe a woman in such a way.

"Your Majesty, although I appreciate this conversation very much, I need to tsk3 my leave now."

Standing up from the sofern he sat on, Dōji gave a slight bow of his head, which wasn't truly showing respect but just showed that he didn't care about such things at all.

"Oh of course, Sir Ibaraki." He then turned to the other Knight on his left side, "Nimble, would you mind bringing Lord Ibaraki his remuneration?"

Nimble nodded and brought a big sack filled with 248 Platinum coins to Dōji.

"Thank you, your majesty."

Just beforebhe turned, Jircniv asked something, "Excuse me Sir Ibaraki, but how long are you planning to stay in Arwintar? Will we be able to see your martisl might once more in the Arena?"

Dōji smiled and shook his head, "I have to disappoint your majesty, I will leave Arwintar tomorrow at nightfall."

A light of Joy seem to come into Jircniv's eyes, not only him, but all men present seem to breath a breath of relief.

"How unfortunate. That said i wish you farwell and good luck on your upcoming journey." Jircniv finished with his signature gentle smile.

Dōji left the room afterwards and went back to the inn.

While the Imperial Court seems to breath a siehe of relief that this monster would leave their Country soon enough.