
Overlord: Yokai of Nazarick

Ainz Ooal Gown, after conquering the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick got a gift from the Developer staff, a gift package [Unique Npc] But it wasn't a single Npc they got, a whole new floor with more than just one new Npc. Meanwhile a young man had answered an online question about which Race he would like to be reincarnated as. In the end after answering, he died and became something new, the [Unique Npc]. What will he do in Nazarick? How will his presence change the happenings along the way of Ainz Ooal Gown to World Domination. [Long term story, trying to write so, that people who don't know Overlord can also read it.] [!!!The Light Novel is the basis for this work, not the Anime!!! Thank you for reading and supporting my first work!]

DaoistehAJ75 · Book&Literature
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36 Chs

Grand Arena's first Battle

Late in the evening, when Dōji was already deep asleep, lying sprawled out on his bed, Kiyomi was still up and far from going to sleep.

The reason? Two women.

"Lady Shiro, we have arrived today in Arwintar."

Kiyomi was contacted by Shiro first through the [Message] spell and was currently explaining what happened over the day.

"Okay and what more? Did my dear ask for me or say anything about me? I miss him already..." Shiro messed on the other side like a little girl in love for the first time.

"The Lord did mention both you and Lady Yoru, but only in the context that he wasn't allowed to take either of you with him, which is why he took me with him."

There was a sudden silence and then came a gloomy voice, "You don't need to remind me..."

Cold sweat started to drip down Kiyomi's back, "Ah lady Shiro, please I just answered your question." Kiyomi hurriedly excused herself, while cursing her fate in her mind, 'Why was I the one? Take one of their servants with you next time Lord please!!!!'

"Tsk... anyway, did he say anything else about me?" Shiro ignored the reason she spoke about it and clicked her tongue in annoyance, before asking for more information.

"No... and since we have registered for a fight in the Grand Arena tomorrow, he has been drinking until he fell asleep. Currently, he is not far from me lying in bed, deep asleep."

Just as Kiyomi finished speaking she realized she said something she shouldn't have.

"... You two share a room?" The voice was ice cold and a shiver went through Kiyomi's whole body.

"Please, Lady Shiro! It wasn't my decision and my Lord would never touch me! I am just his loyal servant who gets head pats!" and again she spoke faster than her mind could think.

"You... you are getting head pats?! Since when?!"

"Ah lady Shiro sorry but something came up, I will answer tomorrow evening again." terminating the message spell Kiyomi still shivered, "I think I got a problem ahead upon my return..."

Sometimes she truly hated her mouth.

Just then a new message connected.

"Hello little Kiyomi, How is my Darling?" This voice belonged to Yoru and Kiyomi feared this woman even more than Lady Shiro because she knew... this woman had two spirits living inside of her.




9th day after coming to the New World

Jircniv, the bloody Emperor, came to the VIP room of the Grand Arena undercover. He didn't want the people to know, as this was also for him a moment to get intelligence on the two strangers who appeared in Arwintar.

He wasn't alone either, but in the company of two of the four Imperial Knights, Baziwood Peshmel also known as "Lightning Bolt", as well as Nimble Dale Arc Anoch also known as "Fierce Gale".

Nimble was a Knight with a rich noble background, known as a handsome young man with short blonde hair, parted bangs revealing a dark-colored circlet, and eyes as blue as the sea.

Nimble wore the same armor as Baziwood, a black armor with red and gold outlines.

The three people had arrived in the early hours of the rising sun, silently slipping into the VIP room.

"I understand that these two people could spell trouble, but is it that bad?" Nimble had only been briefed shortly about the situation, so he didn't know why they needed to watch these fights.

Baziwood shook his head and showed his trembling hand, "Just thinking about that gaze those two threw at me makes me tremble..."

Nimble's eyes went wide when he saw the trembling hand of his comrade, someone he respected very much and also acknowledged.

"What do you mean just their gaze keeps you trembling?" Nimble asked, his gaze had gone sharp.

Jircniv responded instead of Baziwood, "Baziwood thought about testing some strange people on the street by throwing his killing intent at them... it backfired hard."

Jircniv touched his chin in thought, "But why haven't they searched for you?"

Bqziwood shook his head, not knowing the answer to this question.

Nimble on the other hand had an idea, "Maybe they realized it was just a test?" He paused for a moment as both, Jircniv and Baziwood cast their gaze on him.

"I mean maybe at that moment they thought you wanted to kill them, but afterward realized that it wasn't the case at all..." It was just a thought, but a valid one.

Jircniv nodded, "Could be possible, but what troubles me more is why such people come to the Capital..."

The two of the four Imperial Knights could understand the trouble of their Emperor, if such people came to cause problems for them, then there is simply no chance to stop them is there?

And so they decided to watch today's games in silence, observing and trying to find out if these people were here to cause trouble for the Emperor and the Empire.




When Dōji and Kiyomi left the inn, Kiyomi with a face like she had not slept at all, even though she had an item on her that negated the need for it, making Dōji worry a little.

"Kiyomi, what's wrong with you?" He asked with a voice truly filled with worry.

Kiyomi on the other hand seemed to feel better for a second when she heard his words, before glaring at him fiercely.

"Who's fault is it?! That I spent 3/4 of the night being bombarded by two crazy women?!"

Doji turned his head away and started to hum a song, simply ignoring the words spoken by Kiyomi.

Kiyomi on the other hand was stunned by her Lord's reaction, "Damn it! Take another Servant with you next time!!"

Dōji felt a bit bad for his servant and after thinking for a while, he made a promise, "Okay, okay, I promise I will speak with them myself tonight..."

Although he knew that would give him a headache, he couldn't simply put everything on Kiyomi and run away from the two women.

The two soon reached the Grand Arena and went straight for the place the guy from the arena told them to go to.

After arriving there, people looked at them with strange eyes, at first the two were confused but later realized why.

All other people in the waiting rooms wore some kind of metal-based armor, while the two looked like they were walking around in noble robes.

Those people looked at them not only with strangeness in their eyes but rather pure hostility, probably thinking the two didn't take the arena seriously at all.

The two sat down on a stone bench, ignoring other people while talking among themselves.

"Anyway, we shouldn't end it too fast, so play a little with the monsters."

"Lord Ibaraki... I will fight against three Goblins... how am I supposed to play with them?" There was a gaze of disbelief on Kiyomi's face as she answered.

"I have a single Ogre... do you think that is better?" Dōji had a face that said he was even worse off.

"I think I'm better off than the Lord... I can just kill them slowly and one by one, but the lord only has one boring opponent..."

Dōji's face was as black as it could be, not because he was annoyed with Kiyomi's words but because he was annoyed at being underestimated so much.

Taking a deep breath he calmed himself, "It won't be too long and I will go first, so don't kill the people here while I'm out."

People were already looking at Kiyomi with greedy eyes, this made Dōji a bit worried for these idiots.

"I will at most cut off their most precious tool," Kiyomi said with a sunny and cheerful smile, while Dōji unconsciously gripped to see if his own was still there.

"It's their problem..." He couldn't care less for idiots, so what did it have to do with him, "Just don't kill them."

At this moment, someone came into the waiting room and shouted, "Ibaraki! It's your turn!"

Dōji stood up and walked out of the room following the man who called him.

Kiyomi on the other hand received countless hungry and greedy gazes, to which she simply smiled.




Dōji came to an entrance that truly reminded him of the Amphitheater on the 6th Floor, "It's fascinating... anyway it's time to enter..."

His hand rested on the hilt of the Oodachi at his waist, as he walked into the Arena through the entrance.

The announcer shouted, "Let's welcome the newcomer Ibaraki next! His opponent will be a classic for many of you!"

"As he chooses monsters as his opponents, the first ever challenge in this arena of Ibaraki will be... An Ogre!!!"

Although not many people were in the Arena to watch the battle, the announcer seemed rather motivated, surprising Dōji a little.

"Hmm, why would he be so motivated?" Dōji wondered but didn't ponder too much on it.

"How can I make this as interesting for myself as possible?"

'Don't move outside of a certain area?'

'Don't attack for a time?'

'Close my eyes?'

"Ha... it will be boring no matter what..."

Walking into the arena, no one was cheering for him, rather the people were cursing at him.

"A**hole! What's with the get-up?!"

"Take our Grand Arena seriously!"

"Who's this foreign guy thinking he is?!"

The words went into one ear and out the other, instead, he turned his gaze towards the place where the Ogre was released from at the moment.

The Ogre was around 3 m tall, mostly resembling large shaved gorillas with warty brown skin and a huge amount of muscles, a sinister aura surrounded it and its jutting jaws sharply protruding outward.

The problem was all Doji felt when looking at this opponent was absolute boredom.

"Let's get this done..."

Just as he said this, the Ogre rushed towards him while screaming at him.

The arena was big and the charge was over an enormous distance, this made Dōji feel a bit dejected, "Can't you wait till you are closer before charging?"

Dōji continued his slow wall ahead, while the Ogre continued on his furious charge.

It didn't take too long for the Ogre to finally come in front of Dōji.

The creature in its furious charge tried to slam the giant club held in its right hand at him.

Watching as in his own eyes, the Club slowly fell towards him, Doji lamented the uselessness of such a fight.

Taking a tiny step to the side, the club came down only around a hair's breadth away from him, slamming heavily into the ground and throwing up sand into the air.

The Ogre seemed stupid for a moment, while Dōji spoke with it, "Yo! If you want to hit me, you need to put more work into that..."

'Not that you could ever touch me anyway...'

It was unclear if the Ogre understood his words, but it got more furious and pulled its club back up high slamming it again at Dōji.

Dōji of course dodged similarly as before, simply sidestepping at the last moment.

The shouts of the onlookers against him had gone silent, the same was true for the Announcer.

Doji didn't care about them one bit, but as he continued to dodge for a while, the Ogre started to pant heavily.

"Oh you are already out of air... what a disappointment..."

Doji finally decided it was time to end it.

"Let's send you to hell..." Slowly drawing the sword, an evil Aura started to spread in the whole arena.

The air grew heavy and filled with a feeling of suffocation for all those present.

The one who was closest to Dōji, the Ogre started to shiver all over and step back in complete fright, its club fell simply from its trembling hands.

Then it knelt on the ground, as Dōji walked over to it.

"Now die..." With those words, Dōji simply cut off the Ogre's head, sheathing his sword again the next moment, letting the suffocating presence in the Arena disappear as well.

Dōji was already walking back and nearly out of the Arena when the Announcer finally shouted.

"And Ibaraki slew the Ogre in a before never seen fashion truly magnificent!!!!"

Shouts of excitement and exhilaration came from the Audience.

Dōji simply left and walked back towards the waiting room, there were still at least 25 minutes before Kiyomi would have her turn so he would have a look at how many people lost their swords while he was playing.

Opening the door to the room, a thick stench of blood reached his nose and Dōji's skill [Wicked Slaughterer] immediately wanted to activate.

He had shut it down earlier already, when he cut off the Ogre's head he shut it down again, the only problem was that he needed to shut it down again each time it activated.

This was vastly different from the passive [negative touch] of Ainz, which was a bit annoying, but still manageable.

Walking into the room, what greeted him was a group of people clinging close to each other on one side of the room, while on the other side of the room...

Three men lay naked on the ground, their most important sword was cut off and Kiyomi was sitting on the bench behind where they lay.

Kyomi had a thick smile on her face, and three small swords lay at her feet, being stomped upon.

Seeing this scene, even Dōji felt a bit of pain in his crotch.

"Are they dead?" Dōji asked simply.

Realizing Dōji was back the smile on Kiyomi's face grew even wider, "Of course not, Lord Ibaraki said I am not allowed to kill."

"...Good... well..." He turned to the group of people on the other side and said, "Someone go and get an official. You will tell them what they wanted to do and why they ended up that way. Otherwise..."

Dōji gazed at Kiyomi for a second, before looking back at the people on the other side, while pointing at Kiyomi with his thumb, " I will allow her to cut each of course swords."

The smile on Kiyomi's face which shouldn't have been able to grow further, seemed now to go from ear to ear.

The people on the other side were so frightened they simply nodded like chickens pecking at the rise.

Dōji pointed at one of them and said, "You go."

The man immediately left the room, it took around 10 minutes before the room was cleared of anything that had happened inside, and to the surprise of both Dōji and Kiyomi.

One of the guys who lost his sword was the man whose turn would have been before Kiyomi.

Which meant that her turn would come earlier.




Walking into the Arena was Kiyomi, who had her fight drawn ahead.

She didn't even register the people watching, "Puhh... at least I had a bit of fun before coming to this boring fight..."

She didn't notice the Announcer speak about the release of the three Goblins but opposite to her three little green creatures with a wild Aura and small daggers in their hand came out.

"So annoying..."

She wanted to simply ignore their existence and stand still while they couldn't do anything to her, but simply thinking about being touched by these disgusting creatures annoyed her even more than taking her time while fighting.

"Anyway... how do I fight them while taking my time?"

"How about cutting off their hands and arms separately and then taking their heads?"

"Sounds good..."

Walking towards the three guys who were looking at her in an even more disgusting way than those guys who wanted to touch her, made Kiyomi nearly vomit in disgust.

"Let's do this..."

Her hand landed on one of her two swords, the black hilt was tightly grasped by her and she slowly pulled out her Katana.

Laying the back of the blade on her shoulder she walked towards the three Goblins.

The three little creatures started to surround her, probably wanting to attack her from all sides at the same time.

Kiyomi didn't stop their plan, simply letting them surround her as if she didn't care about them.

The three Goblins soon charged at her together.

Just as the three were close, just a bit away from her body, she dodged.

Stepping out of the encirlement in a very easy manner and when she did, a scream came from one of the Goblins.

The empty arm, which didn't hold the dagger lay on the ground beside it.

The little guy got enraged and charged at her alone.

"Ohhh such a temper..."

She easily sidestepped the slash sent her way and the creature screamed again, its other arm now falling to the ground.

"Next it is your...Head." at the moment she finished speaking the head of the Goblin fell from its body.

Kiyomi turned to the other two Goblins still left and taunted them with a mocking smile.

Even if they couldn't understand her, they seemed enraged by her disdain for them and charged her together from the front.

Dodging right in between the two, another scream came from one of the two.

Like before the arm without a dagger lay beside it and like before, the Goblin was enraged and charged at her.

"It's so boring..."

She decided to take its life directly.

Before the Goblin reached her, Kiyomi swung her sword and cut the Goblin from the head down into two parts.

Letting blood and innerts splash out from its two halves.

Turning to the last one, this time Kiyomi decided to charge and so she did.

She of course tried her best to limit herself, so that it wouldn't be too overwhelming for the people watching.

The Goblin was gripped with fear, which turned into rage as it realized that if it didn't kill the enemy it would die.

So both charged one another, just before they would clash, Kiyomi jumped up and cut her sword down while she was above the Goblin.

When she landed on the ground, the Goblin fell into a kneeling position, before its face and half of its upper body fell to the front.

Truly a gruesome and bloody sight.

One Goblin with cut limbs and head, one Goblin with its body split in half, and the last with half of its body open hanging to the front.

Kiyomi didn't wait for the announcer and after sheathing her blade simply left the arena ground.