
Overlord: Withering of the World Tree

Yeshua had just graduated from college and was about to enter the workfield, but he had suddenly contracted coronavirus. He was slightly devastated at first, but he quickly got rid of that feeling, instead, he became even calmer than he was before. Why? Well, the reason was that he was curious of what happened after death. Pretty crazy, right? Now that he's in another world where he can gain unimaginable power, what will he do?

Dikomposition · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Volume 0 Chapter 3


A dog-sized bat let out an unearthly screech at the top of its lungs. It maneuvered through the air like a manhandled aircraft. It spread its wings in the air and released its claws, aiming to tear something apart.

As it came close to my proximity, I casted the spell 「Blinding Light」, taking advantage of its sensitivity to light.


It screeched in horror and temporarily stopped mid-flight. That split second was all I needed for me to take it down.

"「Maximize Magic: Magic Arrow」"

A magic circle formed in the middle of the air. A magic arrow twice the size of a normal one protruded out of it. Its trajectory was aimed at the oversized bat.

The magic arrow then struck the bat in the center of its body, piercing its heart during the action. The bat slowly dissipated into particles, and a few items were dropped on the floor.

1,949 exp

96 Gold Coins

Low Tier Data Crystal x1

[Quest has been updated]

Help the Insects! - Eliminate the Blood Bats that are attacking the Insect Nest (49/50)

Rewards: 20,000 exp, Low Tier Data Crystal x3

I quickly dismissed the window. Another group of bats were making their way towards me, aware that I killed their kin. I waited a little bit before they appeared in my range.



I activated the spell, but nothing seemed to change. The bats continued to charge forward despite seeing the magic circle form.


The bats bodies were squished and were no longer identifiable. The 2nd Tier Spell「Shockwave」releases an invisible shock wave that can easily distort the air. Its power can even crush full plated armor.

1,972 exp

1,841 exp

1,798 exp

84 Gold Coins

93 Gold Coins

91 Gold Coins

'Ah, no Data Crystals this time.'

[Quest has been completed!]

Help the Insects! - Eliminate the Blood Bats that are attacking the Insect Nest (52/50) (Complete)

Rewards: 20,000 exp, Low Tier Data Crystal x3

[Player Level Up!]

3 Skill Points

2 HP

4 MP





1 Resistance

1 Special Ability

[Racial Class [Dragon] has leveled up!]

Dragon lvl 15/15

[Racial Class [Dragon] has been maxed out!]

[Racial Class [Dragon Lord] has been learned!]

[Hidden Requirements have been met!]

[Hidden Racial Class [Devourer of the Nine Worlds] has been learned]

[Job Class [World Enemy] has been learned]

[New Racial Traits have been awakened!]

[Low Tier Data Crystal(s) x5 have been sent to the Item Box]

[Choose three Tier 3 Spells]

Hold up. What the hell is up with all of these notifications popping up. All I did was complete a quest and level up. Still, what is up with that hidden class? It does ring a bell, but I can't really seem to remember. Anyways, I'm more excited about the Tier 3 Spells that I'm able to learn now. I have to pick carefully.

'Damn, this is hard.. There are a lot of good Tier 3 Spells to choose from. Hm, alright I'll go with these for now. I can choose more later on.'

[Tier 3 Spell「Sunlight」has been learned]

[Tier 3 Spell「Summon Monster 3rd」has been learned]

[Tier 3 Spell「Lightning」has been learned]

There you go. I would've chosen [Fly], but I learned a skill from my [Dragon] class at level 10 that let's me fly. The name of the skill is [Flight]. It's a passive skill that does as its name says. Since it's passive, that means there's not really a cool down to it, so I can use it as many times as I want.

Now that I'm thinking about skills, I should probably spend the skill points I have. I've been accumulating them for the past few levels. I would check the skill list from time to time to check if a skill that would be able to give me a human form was available, but I've yet to see one.

This has become a problem since my body has been growing larger every time I level up. Only a few players have actually seen me, but they must've thought I was a boss since they ran away. Sooner or later, they're going to make parties to take me down, and I don't want that.

'Let's see here... Mm, no I don't need that. Ooh, that one's actually pretty good, too bad I can't learn it. Oh, there you go.'

[Skill『Analysis』has been learned]

[Skill『6th Sense』has been learned]

'Hm, I still have a few skill points left, but there's not really anything that catches my eye. Bah, whatever. Hopefully I have better luck next time.'

Yet again, there were no skills that I was looking for. Well, looking on the bright side, tomorrow marks the first month since [YGGDRASIL] released. Tomorrow will also be the day the Gachapon store opens and the in game Cash Gacha. Now, I'll be able to just spam-buy items in it.

The cash-shop gacha spins aren't even expensive either. Each spin is worth about ¥500 according to Ainz. I have a lot of money that I can spend, so you bet I'm gonna wring my credit card dry.

I still have to wait till tomorrow though. For now, I'm gonna have to start leveling up my job classes since they'll give me more spells and abilities to work with.

Also, I've already spent hundreds of dollars in Cash Items. For example, I've already bought the monthly limit for ‹Hourglass›, ‹Exchange Puppet›, and ‹Item Box Expander›. I've bought others but they weren't really worth mentioning because of their low worth. Although, I'm kind of bummed out some cash items have level requirements.


Today's the day. The Grand Opening of the Gachapon store. I would love to go and spin the cash gacha myself, but why would I do it when I can hire other people to do it for me. I'm gonna abuse my power of money as much as I can these next twelve years.

While other players are busy gambling, I'll be continuing leveling up of my classes.

Right now, I'm about to attempt the first dungeon I have found since I started playing the game.

Clear Dungeon〖Undead Cemetery〗

Rewards: 75,000 exp, 10,000 Gold Coins, Middle Tier Data Crystal(s) x10

By the name of it, It's most likely going to consist of zombies, skeletons, and vampires. I probably won't have that much trouble with them since they're all weak to positive energies and light.

The exterior of the dungeon was that of a normal cemetery appearance-wise, but the size was bigger than a mansion. The entrance was covered by a foggy mist.

I had bought an exorbitant amount of healing potions to throw at the undead. That was just in case I had no other way to deal with them. I mean, the recommended dungeon level was 15 and above so don't blame me for playing that way. Not to mention that I'm playing solo so this will be much more difficult than any normal dungeon raids.

Anyways, I made sure I got everything in check and entered the main entrance.

The first thing I saw were skeletons mindlessly wandering around and a few zombies bumping themselves against the wall. I hope the rest of the mobs are this dumb.

There's no need for me to waste my MP on them, so I just swiped my paw against the skeletons. The result was the breaking of their bones. Some zombies were unfortunate to die from the sharp pieces of bone that flew.

234 exp

217 exp

305 exp

276 exp

54 Gold Coins

46 Gold Coins

61 Gold Coins

57 Gold Coins

Low Tier Data Crystal x2

I continued with my massacre as I used my claws to tear apart any zombies that lived.

Once I was finally done with all of the monsters in the area, I crept on forward to a passageway that lead to another room. I had to be as careful as possible since there could be traps laying around.

[Treasure Chests have been found!]

The room I entered was empty except for the three treasure chests that were situated in the middle of the room. Automatically, I knew at least one or two of them were traps.


So, I destroyed them. I doubt any of them would've contained something valuable. As I expected, the broken shards of wood dissipated in a form of mist.

My judgment was right. A vile looking creature emerged from the shadows and pounced at me, baring its fangs at me.

I threw the potion that was in my hand as quickly as I could. There was no way I would've been able to cast a spell without it biting me.


It shrieked in pain as I saw its skin being teared off by a green light.

While it was in a state of vulnerability, I formed a fist and smashed its body against the wall.

2,094 exp

102 Gold Coins

More of the same creature emerged from the shadows after I killed it. Their atrocious mouths were wide open with rows of razor sharp of teeth. They tried to outnumber me and surrounded me in a circle.

'Ha, idiots.'

I inwardly ridiculed them before I spun around in a full circle, swinging my tail around with me as well. This did not kill them, it only pushed them back.


Vampire, lvl 13

'I see...「Sunlight」would be good against them.'

"「Extend Magic: Sunlight」"

A shining yellow light appeared from the magic circle.



The sound of the vampire's skin burning could be heard and their screams of pain.「Extend Magic」made it so that it would last longer and do large amounts of damage to them.

As the bright light faded away, the vampires were still alive, yet in very critical state. They weren't in any position to block the incoming attack of my hand.

2,172 exp

2,036 exp

2,085 exp

114 Gold Coins

101 Gold Coins

103 Gold Coins

Low Tier Data Crystal x2

Besides the vampires being there, the room was pretty much empty and had no furniture whatsoever.

'Oh well. Next room please~'

The next following rooms just had low leveled monsters. The only room left was at the end of the hallway. The doors leading to the room were beautifully furnished with a nice gray marble.

I pushed the doors open, yet it was an ordinary room. Still, I wasn't convinced it was as ordinary as it looked like. I took a glimpse inside the room before entering, but that was a mistake.

As soon as my hand touched the floor, a magic circle lit up on the ground. I tried to think up of any solutions that I could use, but, to no avail, I couldn't find one.

I was immediately transported to another place than the room. The place was shrouded in darkness with no visible light.

"「Widen Magic: Blinding Light」"

I casted a spell that would give off light and used [Widen Magic] to spread it around farther.

'Is this a cave?'

The place I got transported in seemed to be a cave. The walls were made of rock and the ceiling was the same. The ground was made up of dirt as well, it seems I got transported outside of the cemetery.

Yet, I do not see any monsters inside here. It's best to just scout around the area for now, although I will stay on guard at all times since I don't know when I could get ambushed.

There was really no other paths that I could take except for the one in front of me. I continued down that same path until I could find a place to escape, but I highly doubt I'll be able to find that unless I beat the boss.

I continued walking for what seemed like a few minutes, until the space inside the tunnel had started to broaden. As the path kept expanding, I came across another room.

Well, it was just another place in the cave, but it was pretty spacious. Though, it was still dark so I couldn't see the whole place properly.

I crept closer inside the room to see any forms of exits, but I found none. Although I did find something interesting in the middle of the room.

It was a slab of stone that was polished and had elegant markings carved on the surface of it.

I couldn't make out what the carvings were since there was no light, so I carelessly approached it.

As soon as I approached its direction, the whole cave started shaking and the stone in the middle started trembling.

The trembling stopped after a few seconds, but I was able to hear a noise within the stone.

The seemingly still surface of the stone was being opened. Maybe because the cave was dark, but I had not noticed that the stone had a cover on it.

The cover slowly slid over the slab of stone and fell on the floor.

Someone or something stood up from the slab of stone. Their appearance was still unidentifiable even in the light that shone from my spell.

Inwardly, I thought to myself, 'Haah, I should have known a polished stone in the center of a cave would be suspicious.'

I should have at least been a little more careful. Whatever, the deed has been done already. Now, I need to find out what that 'thing' is.

The unknown entity's head was facing down and its body was slumped.


True Vampire, lvl 20

[Dungeon Quest has been updated]

[Slay the Dungeon Boss, "Blood Lord" Kanik]

As I was notified by the game, the vampire in front of me lifted its head up, showing off a hideous face that would most likely give me nightmares.

It had a wide detached mouth with rows of razor sharp teeth, lustrous black eyes that contrasted from its pale white skin.

The only thing covering its body from being nude was a piece of tattered robes hanging on by a ripped sash.


It let out a loud shriek that echoed off of the humongous cave.

Suddenly, dozens of magic circles were cast all over the place which brought out dozens of bats and vampires.

The monsters ranged from different species and levels. At the end of the summoning, hundreds of monsters were either resting on the ceiling of the cave or circling around the hideous monster that called upon them.

I took a second glance at what was in front of me and took a deep breath.

"Haha, I f*cked up."


BaneOfExistence A/N: Sorry for the late upload guys, my wifi wasn't working well these past few days and they'd just fixed it a few days ago.

I was supposed to upload this chapter 2 days ago, but I hit a writer's block, but I'm all good now. You should be expecting another chapter in a few days from now.

Oh yeah, if you guys could review this story it would mean a lot to me and it'll help me build the development of the story. That's all and have a good night.