
Overlord: The Progenitor

Xander was a typical boy until he suddenly experienced voices in his head. These voices changed him. However, his life took an unexpected turn, a tragic and unexpected circumstance. This circumstance made him lose his life, but he was a lucky person and got a chance to experience another change in a new world. Notes: I do not own Overlord, and do not own the cover Updates for this novel will happen Monday, Friday, and weekends between 9-10 am CST ----- If you liked the story and want to see more, consider taking a look at my Patreon, several chapters ahead. https://www.patreon.com/Isfet84 -----

Isfet_12 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 11: Pvp

 As I was getting out of bed I started to rub my eyes from tiredness, since I spent most of my time playing and I have gotten about 4-6 hours daily since getting the Neural Nano-Interface. 

 After my morning stretch which I always do after I wake up I thought to myself "Huh, Even though it's been three months since I arrived here it still is very weird not hearing the others, but I think I'm starting to get used to being alone now."

 Going down stairs I was pondering what I wanted to eat for breakfast. Ever since I came to this world I've almost only made and tried different types of Japanese dishes since I thought that I should try them, the only exception was the Frito pie.

 Since I have been here for over three months now I thought I finally healed a little bit from the separation from my mom and decided that I would make omelets so that I could see if it would taste any different now that it's only me here.

 I am glad that omelets are easy and fast to make because I wanted to try and fight a real person today, while I can learn a lot from how the bots fight and move, I can't learn deception since they work differently from humans.

 Not all but most humans use some sort of trickery to deceive an opponent or try to give you some sob story in the middle of a fight so you can let your guard down.

 While bots could do some trickery they weren't nearly as advanced in the art as humans are, they certainly could beat some humans in deceiving people but not all.

 After finishing these thoughts I finally finished the omelet that I was making, it was nothing fancy and it didn't have a ton of ingredients put inside of it.

 The omelet only contained cheese, bacon, and sausage, it was seemingly normal but this was my mom's favorite kind of omelet. While she did like almost any kind you made, this was without a doubt her favorite combination.

 Taking the first bite gave me nostalgia and sent me back into a memory of the past.



"Hey Mom, why do you like omelets so much?" Xander said with curiosity tilting his head to the left while asking his question.

 Seeing this Emilia had a smile forming on her beautiful face since she thought that her son looked like a curious golden retriever that was confused at what you were doing.

 She replied to his question saying "Well you see omelets are pretty simple but most people won't usually eat them. For breakfast, most people would normally have pancakes with sausage, bacon, and scrambled eggs on the side."

 Taking a deep breath she continued and said "To me omelets are like pancakes, but you change the taste of it based on what you put inside, and you can't typically change the taste of pancakes much unless you do something drastic."

 Seeing his mother was done explaining Xander said "Oh, I guess that makes sense." Before Xander continued to eat his breakfast he continued to say "Zach said that it was kind of a child-like response compared to what he expected you to say. Also, Tom said that he thinks that you just don't want to do the same thing that everyone else does and that you are just a weirdo like that."

 Hearing what Xander's other personalities said, Emilia raised her hand balled up in a fist, and smacked Xander on his head.

 With a tick mark on her face, Emilia said, "Make sure they know that this so-called weirdo is their mother, and if she is one, so are they."

 Rubbing his head Xander gave her a thumbs up and said "I'm already on that Ma'am" Saluting her at the very end.

(Flash Back End)


 Remembering that I reflexively touched the top of my head remembering the pain that my mom had inflicted on me.

 "Why did I have to be the one that was punched, I know since we all shared the same body they felt it too, but I was just telling her what they said," I said out loud to no one in particular.

 "Even though she was a very nice and gentle woman it was better not to get on her bad side or else you may release the demon she had inside her, she had a mean punch when it was needed." I continued to say getting up from my chair and then starting to walk towards and up the stairs.

 Sitting down on the Neural Nano-Interface there was one thing that always came to my mind. It was a phrase that happened in another anime where people get trapped in a video game.

 Ever since getting it I never said the phrase once when I went to the virtual game, but I couldn't help myself and started to say "Link S----" Then I bit on my tongue not being able to finish the phrase.

 Entering into the virtual world I said "Why did that have to happen, I was almost finished saying it and of course, I just had to bite on my tongue, I guess it was just never meant to be."

 Walking through the usual white forest I entered the cottage like I have been doing for the past three months. Going to the board I entered the game and saw the usual black screen, then I saw the normal home screen of the game.

 Hitting on the player vs player two options popped up, they were casual and competitive. Of course, I picked the only option a sane person could do and hit competitive.

 After all, why in the world would you do a combat game and not play competitively, then I started to click competitively. Some ranks showed up, they were the standard ranks that were in almost every game going from bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, champion, and the grand champion. 

 To break down the ranks even more they each went from 1 to 3 and the 1 to 3 were broken into 4 divisions, so there was a bronze 1 division 1 if you won you would go up to division 2, if you lost you would stay in division 1.

 The higher you got the harder it was to go up in divisions, for instance, you could win 5 games and could go from bronze 1 to bronze 2. If you were champion 1 division one, it could take up to winning 20 games just to go up one division. 

 Because this was my first time doing competitively I didn't have a rank yet so my rank slot was empty, going to the next screen it said to choose the weapon/ combat style I wanted to use. 

 Underneath was an explanation that if you use hand to hand you wouldn't go against any other person using a weapon until gold rank, after gold rank hand to hand could go against anyone using a weapon.

 After reading all of this I thought "That is quite a lot of an information drop, but I guess it makes sense for this kind of game."

 Continuing I ended up clicking the play button and choosing hand-to-hand combat after clicking that I was transported to a similar situation as when I came to this game.

 When I entered the area I was only there for about 10 seconds before it said that an opponent was found.

 Appearing in front of me was the same black figure that I had on, the only difference was that this person was slightly taller and buffer than me.

 Trying to be a friendly person I typed good luck in the chat box that appeared with the opponent.

 He responded with "Luck? I won't need any kind of luck to beat a scrawny loser like you"

 Seeing his cute attempt to try and taunt me to get angry at him and lose my focus I felt that I cracked a nonexistent smile on my face.

 As I heard the game counting down until the match began I got into the fighting position of the martial arts I was working on, even though it wasn't perfect I felt that I just needed to push it a little bit farther than I would be done with it.

 When the buzzard for the game began my opponent ran straight at me with his fist out in front of him while he was running. 

 Taking a look at him it seems like he had no type of training in hand-to-hand combat and was just like a high school bully who relied on his big physique.

 Staying in the same spot I was in and not moving he pulled his right fist back for a harder and stronger hit, as he was extending his fist towards my face I deflected his hand with my right hand.

 Before he could react to what happened with my left hand I punched him as hard as I could in the gut, after hitting him in the gut I lowered my body and gave him a spinning leg sweep making him drop to the ground.

 When he was shocked on the ground I continued my attack with a drop kick on his gut.

 After that final attack, the buzzard gave a loud screech and said player one winner.


Read up to 25 chapters ahead on pateron.
