
Overlord: The Dragon Monarch

Granted a wish after his death. Nouflex starts his new life in the world of Overlord as the Dragon Monarch an overpowered existence who rules over other life forms through his genius and powers. Discover Nouflex's adventure in YGGDRASIL and the new world. How Nouflex who was an average everyday normal motherfucker becomes ruthless, cruel and cunning when it comes to achieving his goals. How he will build his kingdom, to make it into an empire later by destroying those who oppose him. How he will shower his enemies in fear and terror and become 'The God' of the new world. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. [ATTENTION]: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF CONTENT AND VIOLENT WORDS, SEX AND EVEN TORTURE. PEOPLE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THIS BOOK. AND IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, THEN WEAK SOULS TO ABSTAIN! Patreon: Nouflex_Naoufal

Nouflex · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 23: The Gods of the Castle [2]

"Yes my lord..." He spoke slowly and lazily as if he didn't have any energy at all, well I remember writting in his settings that he was very tired and lazy person after all. He bowed his head and continued.

"Viriako-sama, I analysed the whole place and it seems that only the castle was teleported here, as for the city there is no signs of it at all, and there is no part missing from the castle." He took a break then continued.

"We are mostly surrounded by a huge forest for at least 25km, and there is no sign of a human or other race kingdoom, on the other hand I found an elven village 2.5km on the south of the castle, end of report."

I rubbed my chin and thanks to my crown I had an accelerated thought of the situation. "I see, so the only way to get more informations is to head to the elves village and extract it from them." I continued.

"Okay very well, before we make any moves and since everyone is here I will tell you what my objectives in this world are, in the YGGDRASIL world I achieved all my goals by myself but this time I have you, my most precious treasures." I turned my gaze to everyone of them while talking.

"My objectif in this new world is to dominate it and have it on the surface of my palms, this new world is going to be ruled under my new name that I designated for myself, a supreme being, the dragon monarch, a king and a god!" Everyone was focusing and paying attention to every word spoken out of my mouth with respect and admiration, I could litterly see stars flickering in the eyes of Terania and Vita.

"Nouflex Cor Ignis shall be my name, and it is the same for Cloud and Serena!"

I stood from my spot and placed my plams on the big long table leaning forward. "Gods and guardians, this time I am not alone so I will count on you in reaching my name and my kingdoom to what is above achievable."

I leaned back balancing myself and placed my hands on my children. "This is all, end of the meeting."

Being on physical contact with Serena and Cloud, I activated one of my rings power and teleported from my spot leaving everyone else there.

The room fell into a silent atmosphere for a few seconds after I left only to be broken by the lively and energetic twin sisters. "Say say Terania, Nouflex-sama is really cool right!"

Excitedly her hands moving everywhere, her sister Terania responded. "Yes Yes! He was sooo cool, I never though Nouflex-sama was this badass!"

"Well we are talking about Nouflex-sama here, the one who defeated hundreds of thousands of other supreme beings alone, the strongest in existance." The one who spoke is a man who seems to be around 33 years old but he actualy lived for hundreds of years.

His medium lengh black hair is brushed to the left side and has a goatee with a moustashe. He wears and black open suit that showcases his white shirt and black tie.

This person is called Diablo the God Of Malice and one of the guardian of the castle. Although his normal human looks, he actually is a dooperganger who can alter his appareance at any given moment to anyone and anything.

Acompagned by his incredible intelect and immesurably high IQ, his talking as well as mimicking techniques make him one of the scariest guardians of the castle.

(Picture of Diablo here)

Gojo leaned back on his seat and crossed his legs with a smile. "Haha, I can't belive that he decided to trust us on this mission, we have to make him not regret this decision."

"Excuse me gods but I will leave for now to fly in the castle and execute my tasks in case my lord needs something." Amon spoke lazily but respectfuly, bowed his head and flew out of the room.

"Me too im going to have to leave, after hearing what Nouflex-sama said I need to make preparations for the plan for my lord's objectives, it was nice to me you gods." Diablo excused himself and left the room.

*Thud* *Thud*

A female god placed both of her legs on the table applying force which made the thuds sound. She crossed her arms under her large boobs and spoke.

"I thought that you would be a bunch of weaklings but I changed my mind, meeting you head on proved that I was wrong. You are average at best."

She mocked them with a sinister devilish smile.

The woman who was talking is called Valkyrie and the strongest of the gods and guardians in terms of technique and weapons wielding, she is from the valkyrie race.

She is a tall and muscular woman with large breasts and short white hair with a few red tips on the right side. She has red eyes and appears almost nude with chains only barely covering a few part of her body as well as her privates.

(Picture of Valkyrie here)

x2 "Scary~" The twin sister interlocked their fingers with each other looking at the evil Goddess Of War sliding their tongues out in sacrasm.

"Weaklings? Haha the only weakling I see in this room is you. I knew it at the first second I saw you with those eyes of mine." Gojo mocked her pointing at his blindfold talking about his Six Eyes.

The Goddess of war became furious, happy and excited at the same time since someone of the legendary gods actualy replied to her tauntings, she is someone who loves wars and fights hence her title Goddess Of War.

She stood up really fast happy and excited, and especially angry with many veins apearing on her forehead, slamming hard her palms on the table as she shouted. "HUUUH? So what do you think about showing me what your are worth instead of empty words."

On the other side Gojo was simply smiling enjoying the state he made the Goddess in.

"You two calm down at once, Nouflex-sama was here only moments ago, have some respect!"

The one to speak is a skeleton with a towering and imposing presence and a very deep and intimidating voice. His form is much more sinister and foreboding, with sharp claws and sinister oppressing aura.

His skull has very defined strong jaws filled with razor sharp teeth, giving him a truly terrifying appearance. His eyes and the energy surrounding him still retain a glowing purple hue, giving off an air of menace and a reminder of his immense dark powers.

He wears a purple large and fluffy dress with a golden necklace suspended on his rib cage, as well as a golden crown that had a lot of elegant protrusions, which were ornately decorated with red gems.

He is called Hades Mortis The God Of Death and one of the guardians of the castle. He was the greatest necromancer 5000 years ago but when he became old he was betrayed by the king of his country and tortured for so long before getting kiled using holy magic for 6 long years.

After his dead he didn't rest in peace but was given another life as a greated litch in order to take his revenge, from that day he was wandering around the world gaining power and knowledge for 5000 years until he met his master Nouflex and served him after seeing a glimpse of his unmeasurable powers. At least that was his settings.

(Picture of Hades here)

"Yes, please respect this place and if you have problems you can settle them on the training grounds."The guardian overseer Laila spoke with authority.


After hearing what Hades said, one of the most respected people of the castle as well as the guardians overseer, Valkyrie turned her gaze towards Gojo for the last time sending him daggers which he replied by a nonchalant smile, she then left the room in a hurry dissatisfed.

"There is no prupose anymore for me in staying here, so I will talke mt leave." Gojo crossed his fingers before disapearing from his spot.



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