
Overlord: The Dragon Monarch

Granted a wish after his death. Nouflex starts his new life in the world of Overlord as the Dragon Monarch an overpowered existence who rules over other life forms through his genius and powers. Discover Nouflex's adventure in YGGDRASIL and the new world. How Nouflex who was an average everyday normal motherfucker becomes ruthless, cruel and cunning when it comes to achieving his goals. How he will build his kingdom, to make it into an empire later by destroying those who oppose him. How he will shower his enemies in fear and terror and become 'The God' of the new world. [DISCLAIMER]: I do not own the story or any of the characters in the book except for the OC created by 'me' the Author himself. [ATTENTION]: THIS BOOK CONTAINS A LOT OF CONTENT AND VIOLENT WORDS, SEX AND EVEN TORTURE. PEOPLE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD ARE NOT ALLOWED TO READ THIS BOOK. AND IF YOU ARE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD, THEN WEAK SOULS TO ABSTAIN! Patreon: Nouflex_Naoufal

Nouflex · Anime & Comics
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68 Chs

Chapter 22: The Gods of the Castle

I wouldn't say that I wasn't enjoying what she did but, isn't my daughter? Im pretty sure I made in her settings that she is my biological daughter.

"Daddy I want you to play with me~" She leaned next to my face and licked my lips.

"Serena as much as I want to play with you, we are now in a serious situation so we will have to leave that for later." I smiled.

"Booo~ I really wanted to have fun but it can't be helped then."

"Daddy! Daddy." An excited voice came running towards me. It was my son Cloud Cor he is 22 years old. He's a demi frost dragon and demi Arch-angel. If we convert his age to human age, he would be 9 years old and a half.

(Picture of Cloud here)

He came running to me and jumped on me with a hug, Serena stepped down from my lap and sat on my left leg leaving space for her brother.

"Oh Cloud! Im happy to see you." I hugged him then caressed his light blue hair.

"Im happy too daddy, its the first time you call for us after all! Hehe." He was happy and excited, his white fluffy angelic wings flapping up and down as well as the light blush on his face was proof of his happines.

The two other maid responsible for my kids were bowing their head since they just came in the throne room.

The one with the short hair is called Adi and she in charge of cloud, while the other one is Biali and she works for Serena.

(Picture of Adi and Biali here)

"Today you two will accompany Daddy to a meeting okay?" I placed my hands on their back, still sitting on my legs.

x2 "YES!" Both of them were excited, it was the first time I called for them and saw the throne room so they were inspecting curiously every corner of it.

They were lonely NPCs for five years in YGGDRASIL and they remember every moment of it so it is only natural for them to be this happy. Of course I was visiting them like some other guardians in the castle from time to time, but it was very rare since they were just NPCs at that time so it was boring for me.

But now they are real living people so I will treat them like such, and as my kids of course.

"It's time kids, lets go. Everyone is waiting for us."

x2 "YES!" They both responded enthusiastically and come down from my legs. I held Cloud's hand with my left, and placed my arm on Serena's shoulder as we walked towards the conferance room with The three twin sisters maids following behind us. 

While walking to the room I chatted with Cloud and Serena and noticed that they were really talkative and have strong personalities. I will try to spend time with them as much as I can to strenghten our relationship.

I have to point out to the fact that even though they are my kids, and the individuals with most authority after me they still are my servants and very loyal. But I will still consider them as my children, this is why I created them in the first place.

We finally reached the conferance room, and a huge double doors opened from the otherside by the butlers since they knew of my arrival. The light coming from the inside was really strong so only after five seconds my eyes got used to it and I could see again.

(Picture of the conference room here)

The huge room and table surrounded by eight important individuals of the castle, all of them stood from their seats, pushed their chairs back and kneeled on one knee.


I walked to my seat that was on the end of the table with cloud and Serena following my track, I sat on the biggest chair and they sat next to me.

Some of the people present here don't know each other since they didn't have the chance to meet, so now its a change for them to get to know about everyone in charge inside the castle.

"Everyone take your seats, we will start the meeting now!" I rested my elbows and forearms on the table.

Everyone took a seat and I annouced the reason for the meeting.

"I decided to gather the gods here because the castle has entred an unknown situation and was teleported to another world that we know nothing about, I am sure that some of you already noticed it already." I spoke looking at a certain white haired guy, and after noticing my gaze he started speaking as well.

"Yes Viriako-sama, I did notice changes in the space and a fluctuation in the magic in the air so I knew that we have been transported somewhere unknown." He explained.

The one who spoke is a tall man even taller than me, lean and muscular who is in his late twenties and is considered really attractive, mainly due to his facial features. He has snow-white hair and special vibrant blue eyes.

He covers his eyes with a black blindfold which props up his hair and gives it a spikier appearance. He is wearing a dark blue zip-up jacket with a high collar that's also fairly wide. He wears slim-fit matching black pants and black dress boots.

As you might have understood, this guys is the God Of space Gojo Satoru, I created him with the same personality and powers of the real Gojo so he basicly is him.

"Right, at this moment we know nothing about our situation this is why I invited Amon to this meeting since he gathered information by going to the outside, I am sure that everyone heard of him since he is the Wandering Guardian." I pointed at him with my hand.

"Oh, so he is the wandering guardian? Its the first time I see him because im always at the guarden." Asked a young girl.

"Yeah it's him I already saw him many time, it is said that all he does is fly around in the castle until Viriako-sama gives him orders." Responded her sister.

These twin sisters are Terania and Vita, respectively the Goddess of nature and Goddess of life and guardians of the castle. They are young elven beastwomen, they have a mixed bloodline between elves and beastwomen, wolfs to be exact.

Both of them are 46 years old, but in their race age its considered young, if we convert it to human age its something like 12 or 13 years.

(Their picture here)

As for Amon he is know as the Wandering Guardian or as The Fallen, he is not a God but one of the guardians of the castle. He has both angels and demons blood in his veins. His main role is executing The king's orders, otherwise he only wander around in the huge castle, hence his name the wandering guardian.

His powers are pretty simple but effectif, he can steal the life of his opponents just by looking at them but its a really slow process, so by touching them he can steal the whole life of a person in a matter of few minutes.

(His picture here)

"So Amon tell us your report on what you saw on the outside." I crossed my arms in front of my chest excited to hear where we have been teleported to.



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