
Overlord: The demon’s duke daughter fell for me

For eighteen years Damien Holmes had a difficult life, his parents were greedy good for nothing who wanted to get rich without working hard. Despite being young poor Damien had to take on multiple jobs such that he would be able to live the realistic life that God has given him but on his eighteenth birthday, he finds out that his parents have made a deal with a demon. They have sold him to a demon who wanted to take him as his son in law for his daughter fell in love with him. He of course did not want to live in the underworld where human heads were served on a silver platter but the deal was done and he had no choice but to accept his fate. Now under the terms given by his so called father in law, he has to befriend seven demons representing each sin and become the overlord of the underworld to marry his daughter. If he fails then his father, Duke Vivi would disintegrate his soul by blowing it into smithereens never to reincarnate. Join Damien on his bizarre journey of becoming the demon overlord.

fairytail72 · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Arriving in the demon world

Damien had always categorised people into three categories, number one) People whom he could handle, number two) People he cannot handle and number three) People, he wouldn't like to handle even on his deathbed.

The man sitting in the chair was most definitely the third one, Damien did not know what the man wanted from him but after finding out that this man was a demon he was sure that it was either to curse him or to ask for his soul neither of options looked favourable to him.

He wanted to run but the bag of instant noodles was still burning behind him and he was too terrified to even lift his leg much less run for his life.

Silent tears were pouring down from his eyes as he wished he could have one final goodbye to his parents, he promised that he would only kick his old man in the balls and burn off those expensive cosmetics of his mother before dying and nothing more.

Call him unfilial if you want but he didn't care he was already going to die any second now, why will he care about what anyone thought about him?

" You don't seem to be surprised boy?" asked the demon, his face still hidden with the dark mask he was wearing on his face.

" Of course, I am not surprised…my parents have been sending weird… I mean cool … a lot of cool people after me ever since they have been on the run," Damien backtracked when he saw the demon raise his hand, he was worried that it would be him would be ignited next in case he didn't take back what he said so he hurriedly changed his words. " And you sir, you are the coolest of them all."

" Well I am the coolest of them all," the demon seemed pleased as he leaned back on the chair and then placed his elbows on the armrests with the tips of his fingers touching each other. " Sit now, I believe that we have a lot to talk about."

A lot to talk about? Were they going to discuss what was the most favourable way to die or something?

" I don't have an extra chair, sir," said Damien sheepishly with his hand on the back of his head but he seemed to have said something wrong the air around him suddenly turned burning hot even with a thick layer of snow covering the streets and the corridor of his apartment building Damien could feel his forehead drip with sweat as he immediately took a step back and asked, " Sir?"

" A puny human wants to sit on the same level as me eh?" said the demon with a thick voice that seemed to be resonating with so much energy and power that Damien felt his legs shake. " Why don't I cut off your legs and then make a chair for you?"

" I will k..kneel! I will kn..kneel! I have such a perfect posture while kneeling you have no idea, sir!" Damien laughed as he lowered his head to hide his tears as he got to his knees. Just one time, if he caught hold of his old man and hag just one time, he was going to twist their necks.

Even if it meant going straight to the front page of the newspaper with the headline that said—- Son tired of paying the debts of his parents turned into a psychopath!

The temperature of the room returned to normal and then Damien waited for the demon to say something but ten seconds passed and then twenty seconds passed with each second a minute passed and the demon didn't say anything.

' If you are going to kill me then just do it! And get over it! I have to go and catch the bus of reincarnation! This time for sure I will look for a good set of parents no matter what!' Damien roared inside his head but he didn't dare to say anything to the demon in fact outwardly he was smiling at the demon as if his ancestors came to visit him.

"Hmm, this room… it's too small and completely lacks the charm," said the demon finally as he turned his head to look at Damien. " I believe that such a serious talk cannot be done in such a tiny place!"

' Oh then why don't you get lost, you mega big shot?' snorted Damien inside his head but he still nodded and agreed to whatever the demon was saying, at this point with his life hanging on the line, he would have even agreed to pole dance if the demon has asked him to do that.

What? Do you think he was gutless? Haha! No, he wasn't gutless in his eighteen years of life he learned one thing and that was ——being flexible was the key to staying alive.

So, this wasn't him being a gutless coward in front of a fire-spewing demon, no it was him being smart enough to try and wriggle free from his impending death!

Damien watched the demon raise his hand and then snap his fingers, no sooner did the demon do that... a glowing red magic circle appeared on the floor, beams of light as tall as the roof of his apartment illuminated the entire space and then the entire place seems to tilt to a side, Damien gasped in surprise but then the floor beneath him vanished and he felt himself falling the into a bottomless abyss.


Fortunately for him the abyss seemed to have a bottom and very unfortunately for him, he did not know how to fall on his fours like a cat, so when the white marble floor appeared out of thin air, no matter how hard Damien tried he went 'wham' on the floor and a painful groan escaped his lips, feeling as if he has been smacked by a road roller, he turned around on his back from his stomach but no sooner did he turn around, he sat up straight because now he wasn't in his room but a palace!