
Overlord: Supremacy

This fanfiction follows the journey of a young man who, despite being crippled, finds solace in playing the DMMORPG Yggdrasil. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he is transported to a new world. While the premise might seem cliché at first glance, I assure you this story is anything but typical. I've poured my efforts into crafting a unique and immersive narrative, and I hope you'll give it a chance. ----- A warning though: the new world and other worlds will be AU (Alternate Universe), meaning certain things will be different. This story is based on another author’s work called 'Overlord Ascension,' which was dropped. I received permission to continue it in his stead. Additionally, English is not my native language, so I ask for your understanding if any mistakes slip through despite my use of Grammarly. Unlike other Overlord fanfics where the MC simply conquers the world, this story will take a different path. How, you ask? Well, you'll have to read it to find out.

PrimisOptimus · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Giant of the East 3

As he tried to control it, Raizel could feel all the blood inside Guu's body like an extension of himself. But he couldn't manipulate it like he did in the goblin camp.

"So I can't control the blood inside someone's body?" He stopped his connection with the blood and lowered his hand.

"A shame; I wanted to crush his heart as Momo's favorite spell <Grasp Heart> did," Raizel muttered as he slowly approached Guu.

"Oh, so you're healed. Then, let us finish this farce. Now, I'll attack- be sure to put in any meager resistance you can."

"You… you, what… what did you do? What are you doing? Magic?"

Guu slowly backed away as he held his sword, while Raizel stepped forward like he was giving chase. The distance between them was more significant than when the battle had begun.

Raizel snorted at the sight of cowering Guu. The sight filled him with a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment. In short, he was feeling ecstatic. So, he decided to play with him a little longer.

"This fills me with joy," he muttered, as a happy smirk was plastered on his sculpted face. If somebody looked at him now, they would obviously scared becasue the smirk looked like that of a psychopath, coupled with the crimson color of his eyes; it all made his expression frightening.

"D-don't look down on m--"

Guu's anger overcame his fear, and he swung his blade at Raizel as though to hack him in two. Raizel didn't block or dodge; instead, he threw another stone toward Guu's face. Raizel's throw did not permit Guu to block with his sword or evade.


The stone shattered a considerable chunk of his face, and he fell.

Although his face was smashed, it began to regenerate in an instant.

"That's a troll for you- even if I chopped you into little pieces, you would still likely come back to life."

His restored face was twisted into an incredibly disgusting shape. It was etched with terror. He was even more afraid than before; it was the reaction of one who had been broken by fear.

"You… what, what are you? Why couldn't I do anything to you?"

"Who am I?"

Raizel spread his arms while he spoke. He also subconsciously released his Cursed Aura, which instilled fear into the target.

"I am a God- the pinnacle of all vampires and the one who brings death to you." The intensity of his Cursed Aura intensified. 

Now, to Guu, Raizel looked like a death god with crimson eyes and white garbs. In fear, he turned around to his subordinates and began shouting.

"You… you lot! Kill him!"

Guu's minions were scared stiff by this mysterious man, and thus, they remained still. Despite their stupidity, they could feel the sheer power of Raizel, and they had undoubtedly witnessed enough of it. 

They were likely wrestling with themselves, unable to decide who was more fearsome. Nobody dared to move; they simply looked back and forth between Raizel and Guu.

"I should run some more tests on him," muttering this, he ceased releasing his Cursed Aura and folded his hands.

"So, what do you say? Willing to become my slave, or should I kill you here and now?" Raizel spoke with apparent disdain toward Guu.

"I accept! I accept! Don't kill me." 

He spoke in a fearful tone as he remained on the ground.

"Hah, crawl over here, bend your head and knees, and acknowledge me as your master. And acknowledge that I am more powerful and brave than you." 

Raizel spoke while pointing toward his feet. Guu's expression turned hideous as he heard Raizel. Before, due to his fearful state, he accepted Raizel's proposal. 

But after hearing Raizel, he returned to his senses, and his body trembled briefly before he jumped up and attacked Raizel with his sword.

"~Sigh~ So, you chose death then," Raizel muttered as he raised his hand toward Guu and cast a spell. Because of their level difference to Raizel, Guu moved at a snail's pace.

<Implode >

An inferior version of the 10th-tier spell <Implosion >. This spell causes the target's insides to burst, resulting in instant death.

As the spell took effect, Guu's mouth sprang open, and he vomited blood before collapsing to the ground. Smoke was coming out of his ears and other orifices, evident of the explosion that had occurred inside him.

Raizel then looked toward the remaining trolls and ogres and contemplated what to do with them.

'Killing them would be a waste. I could charm them and make them my minions; this way, they could guard the cave until I summon some permanent monsters and then use them for experimentation.'

After deciding on his actions, he turned toward them. He used one of his skills from Origin Vampire racial class called Vampiric Evil Eyes.

The skill was a combination of all the eye-related skills Raizel had. He used the Mystic Eyes of Charm among these sub-skills, which could charm anyone.

As he activated his skill, his eyes turned pink.

"Get out of here, but dare not to go outside the cave. I have work for you."

After the command was issued, the trolls' and ogres' bodies briefly shone pink before running toward the cave's entrance. The chaotic scene unfolded with evident desperation, illustrated vividly when one of the trolls inadvertently crushed another as it collapsed to the ground.

"Now then, let's move on," muttering this, Raizel continued his journey deeper into the cave. It didn't take him long to reach an opening inside the cave.

At the far end of the open space, a throne stood stoically, fashioned from ancient, weathered stone. Assorted skulls, each distinct in kind and shape, adorned the throne and its surroundings, serving as macabre decorations.

The ambient glow from flickering torches- strategically mounted along the walls- cast dancing shadows.

"So he even had a throne room."

Amusement played on Raizel's expression as he advanced towards the throne. However, as he drew closer, a putrid odor reached him, permeating the air with a distinct rot.

He scrunched up his nose in response. Disgust could be clearly seen on his face. Not wanting to stay in there any longer, he took a few steps back- until the smell seemed to lessen.

"This cave can act as a temporary base of operations— until I have more information about this world. But first, I need to do something about this stench."

Raizel stroked his chin, thinking deeply about anything he could use to remove the stench. A few seconds- later, he started moving toward the throne to uncover what was causing the putrid smell.

Approaching the throne, its true magnitude unfolded before Raizel's eyes. In the vast expanse of the hall, the scale of the throne had initially eluded accurate perception. However, as he drew nearer, the genuine size of the imposing seat became unmistakably clear to Raizel.

Even with his height, Guu still towered over him, so it was understandable that his throne would also be huge compared to the norm.

After inspecting the hall for a few minutes, Raizel finally found the source of the stench—a mound of decomposing goblin and other monsters' carcasses discreetly concealed behind the throne.

Raizel could see the rotting meat from a distance, and the entire vicinity was infested with different types of insects and worms.

Although the sight was disgusting, Raizel didn't throw up as he had expected- he just stood there thinking about how to get rid of it.

Because he was a Vampire, he didn't need to breathe, so he just stopped breathing- that solved the smell issue for the time being, but it wasn't a permanent solution.

'Even though I can stop my breathing, it still feels weird doing it. Perhaps due to me being a human, breathing is ingrained into my instincts. So, I need to find a way to get rid of these bodies,' After a bit of contemplation, he decided to teleport the pile to another location.

He pointed his finger toward the pile and cast a 5th-tier spell.

<Portal >

The spell used was an inferior version of <Gate >- the highest-tier teleportation spell- which had no malfunctions during teleportation. <Portal >, on the other hand, had a high likelihood of malfunctioning.

However, it was perfect for the current situation. A small portal opened beneath the pile, and it fell into it- disappearing from the hall.

'Now for the smell,' He contemplated for a few seconds, trying to devise a feasible plan to eliminate it. Given that Yggdrasil lacked the concept of smell, no spell within the game could eradicate it.

After careful consideration, he retrieved a small vial from his Item Box. It held a luminescent green liquid known as {Tears of Titania}, a key ingredient for crafting various potions.

He then threw it where the pile used to be. The vile broke on contact, and its contents splattered on the cave's floor. A few seconds later, it vanished, leaving only the shattered pieces of glass.

'Time to test my theory.'

Raizel began to breathe, but there was no trace of any unpleasant odor.

"F*ck, it worked! That also solves why I can control blood."

The vial Raizel used had a Flavor Text;

{The Tears of Titania, a potent raw material for equally potent potions. If used by a skilled Potioner, it can be used to craft even Elixir-tier potions. But, if used by an inexperienced one, the liquid inside can only be used to ward off nasty scents.}

Raizel had a theory that in this new world, the Flavor Text—descriptions of items and classes—manifested as reality. He came up with this theory because he vividly remembered the moment when he unlocked the Vampire God Racial Class and read its Flavor Text;

{….To those who ascend to the coveted stature of a Vampire God, blood becomes an obedient servant, an extension of their very essence. This dark mastery grants them the ability to manipulate blood as if it were a part of their own being— a power wielded with clandestine intent. The control over blood improves with practice, becoming more precise and powerful in the hands of those initiated into the veiled secrets of this cryptic class….}

Back then, he had wished for a skill that would allow him to manipulate blood, but alas, the class was nerfed to maintain the game's balance. But in this new world, the Flavor Text became a reality.

"It can be a coincidence; I must verify this theory. Because if my hypothesis holds true, other players could possess abilities beyond Yggdrasil in this new world."

He turned around toward the space entrance and briskly walked back to Guu's lifeless corpse. His eyes showed the seriousness of the matter. 

He knew many classes that had powerful Flavor Texts, like the World Enemy Job Class, that had the Flavor Text that it allowed its possessor to destroy one world and absorb its essence.

If a Player in this new world had that Job Class and if his hypothesis was true, then he was doomed. That does not consider the powerful Holy Job Classes, like Trinity, Heaven's Descent, or Divine Herald. 

Each of these classes boasted exceptionally potent skills and equally formidable Flavor Texts. If any player in the new world happened to wield one of these classes, surviving alone would prove to be an exceedingly challenging task for Raizel- because he was weak against Holy attacks.

To be continued...

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