
Overlord: Supremacy

This fanfiction follows the journey of a young man who, despite being crippled, finds solace in playing the DMMORPG Yggdrasil. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he is transported to a new world. While the premise might seem cliché at first glance, I assure you this story is anything but typical. I've poured my efforts into crafting a unique and immersive narrative, and I hope you'll give it a chance. ----- A warning though: the new world and other worlds will be AU (Alternate Universe), meaning certain things will be different. This story is based on another author’s work called 'Overlord Ascension,' which was dropped. I received permission to continue it in his stead. Additionally, English is not my native language, so I ask for your understanding if any mistakes slip through despite my use of Grammarly. Unlike other Overlord fanfics where the MC simply conquers the world, this story will take a different path. How, you ask? Well, you'll have to read it to find out.

PrimisOptimus · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Divine Avatar I

'I don't even know whether resurrection magic works here.'

He contemplated as Guu's corpse came into his view.

'Guess it's as good a time as any to test this as well.'

Once near the corpse, he took out an item from his Item Box. It resembled a white wand with a glowing yellow gem at its crown. Its body was engraved with many runes, giving it an otherwordly look.

This was the {Resurrection Wand}, allowing non-faith-based magic casters to cast a 7th-tier resurrection spell. Typically, only faith-based magic casters could use resurrection spells, but this wand was an exception.

Although Raizel had a lot of powerful magic-based classes, because he was undead, he could not cast resurrection and healing magic without items.

"Now, rise, you stupid."

Raizel waved the wand toward Guu's corpse; the gem atop the wand and the corpse glowed briefly before light returned to Guu's lifeless eyes.


Guu squirmed around while feeling confused and weak. Because the wand used a 7th-tier resurrection spell, it still took some levels from Guu.

"Well, at least resurrection magic is working."

Raizel placed the wand back into his Item Box, moved in front of Guu, and crouched down so Guu could see him.

"Remember me," Raziel spoke while smirking mockingly.

In response, Guu let out some gibberish.

"Guess you are confused due to resurrection magic. Worry not; you will feel better after a few minutes."

Raizel came to this conclusion because even in Yggdrasil, when someone who was not a Player was resurrected, they were afflicted with a brief status effect known as Confusion.

Saying this, Raizel took out another item from his Item Box- while Guu watched in horror as Raizel's took something out of nothingness.

The item he took out was a wooden cross- made from ebony wood- it had a red gem in the center and was attached to a silver chain. 

It was a useless item given to him by Peroroncino as a gimmick for Raizel's love for vampires and for his roleplaying as one. It didn't have any skills or abilities. Still, it did have a Flavor Text about resurrecting the target and making it into a vampiric version of the original.

"Well, I resurrected you to run some tests on you. So, if you don't want to suffer, I suggest you keep still while I do my thing."

"I--I wifl---"

Not caring about his reply, Raizel tried to put the cross on Guu's neck, but he resisted by moving around.

"It seems you haven't learned your lesson yet," He pointed his finger toward Guu and cast an 8th-tier spell.

<Wave of Pain>

Guu's body started shining red before he started screaming and squirming around.

"Ahhh! Make it shtoop! I shurendher!"

The spell Raizel used caused intense pain to the target without any physical harm. 

Because there was no concept of pain in Yggdrasil, it only caused a status effect that acted as a debuff to the target's movement.

But in the new world, it acted according to its Flavor Text. Which was also the reason Raizel used this particular spell.

'So, the effects of this spell also changed. Which means my hypothesis does hold some weight,' Raizel ignored the screaming and shouting Guu and pondered on different Flavor Texts of other spells he knew.

After about 15 seconds, the spell's effect wore off, and Guu looked at Raizel with fear and started crawling back- to make some distance between him and Raizel.

"Tch! Tch! If you move another inch, I will restart the torture."

Hearing this, Guu immediately stopped crawling. Seeing this, Raizel moved near him and continued.

"Now, lift your head, you big brute."

Guu complied and lifted his head; Raizel could put the cross on his neck quickly. After that, he moved back a little and waited for the show to begin.

After a few seconds, the cross began to move and disappeared into Guu's body, and then he lost consciousness.

"It worked. Which means my hypothesis was correct."

Raizel narrowed his eyes and started to scratch his chin, wearing a grim expression.

After conducting some more experiments, Raizel walked back to the hall; once there, he moved toward the center of the hall and activated his Item Box. This time, he didn't retrieve an item or scroll but a body. Specifically, it was the corpse of a level 100 Player from Yggdrasil.

Raizel carefully placed the corpse in the middle of the hall. The corpse was of a human Player; it had long blonde hair and fair skin, and its chiseled body was in full view because it had no clothes on.

"I hope this works."

Raizel then took out another vial that contained his blood and placed it near the corpse before moving away from it. Once he was a distance away from it, he used one of the skills of his Vampire God Racial Class.

"Divine Avatar: Create!"

When the skill was activated, a bloody pentagram manifested on the floor beneath the corpse; it bathed the hall entirely red. A few seconds later, red mist emanated from the pentagram, creating an otherwordly feel in the hall.

As the crimson mist began to swirl and dance around the hall, the atmosphere crackled with an otherworldly energy. The pentagram beneath the corpse pulsed with an ominous glow.

'It wasn't this epic back in Yggdrasil. I Guess the activation process of the skills also changed in this new world.'

After a few minutes, the process ended, and the hall returned to its previous calm. A clone of Raizel lay in the place of the corpse. It looked precisely like Raizel, with the only difference being its clothes.

"This feels weird; it's like I have two of everything. This would take a while to get used to. However, this is fine if it guarantees my safety."

Raizel experienced a dual onslaught of sensations—one originating from his own body and the other echoing from the freshly crafted clone, the Divine Avatar. Even though he felt two sets of sensations, Raizel didn't feel any sort of discomfort.

In Yggdrasil, Raizel could create a single level 100 vampire clone of himself, which held the same stats as him and all the classes. This was one of his trump cards, so to say, for a single reason.

It could take one fatal blow instead of the main body. When Raizel's HP neared zero, the damage from any attack potent enough to be lethal would automatically divert to the Divine Avatar. 

The Divine Avatar would bear the brunt of the damage, sparing Raizel from the actual harm. This skill was called Death Borrow. It could only be activated once in an hour.

The only exception was if the attack was from a World Item; if it was, then the Divine Avatar would be destroyed, and the attack would take effect on Raizel's main body.

Besides this life-saving ability, Raizel could command the avatar to do anything from a list of pre-defined commands. These commands encompassed a broad spectrum of tasks, ranging from combat strategies to intricate maneuvers. 

Once the commands were issued, the avatar acted like an NPC, and the game's AI would take control and execute all the commands. Besides this, Raizel could also swap locations with the avatar.

Although it sounded overpowered, which to some extent it was, it had some glaring weaknesses. Namely, the Holy Attack Vulnerability X penalty increased the damage from Holy attacks by 10 times. This applied to both the Divine Avatar and Raizel himself.

This means that an 8th-tier angel summoned by an enemy could quickly kill the avatar if the angel could land a clean hit on it. Raizel's main body could kill that angel if he used spells and other items to reduce the damage from Holy attacks. Still, the same could not be said for the avatar.

That was because the avatar could only equip items of Relic-Class and could not equip any item that reduced the Holy attack's damage. Although Relic-Class items were not weak, they were pretty much useless in the late game when every Player had Divine-Class items.

Because of these weaknesses, Raizel only uses them because of Death Borrow, the skill that allows for the transferring of the damage.

Raizel closed his eyes, concentrating on seizing control of the Divine Avatar, and gradually sensed a connection forming. With time, it became evident that his endeavor to manipulate the avatar from a distance was a success. When the Divine Avatar's eyes opened, Raizel felt the shift from his perspective to that of the avatar.

What met his eyes was not the sight of the avatar lying on the floor but the cave's ceiling. Because the view was evident despite the lack of sunlight, it meant the passives, like Dark Vision, were working.

'Good, I can remotely control it. With this, I can safely traverse the human town without any danger.'

The Divine Avatar rose, unfolding from its initial position, and stretched, acclimating to the new body. The walking test ensued, a trial Raizel anticipated to be more challenging than it was.

'Now comes the real test; let's see if it can use magic.'

This was the most crucial test; it was pretty much useless if the avatar could not use magic. Raizel made the avatar raise his right hand through his connection and cast a simple 4th-tier spell.

<Dark Lance>

A dark lance of dark elements manifested before him before firing off toward one of the walls.

'Hmm, I only felt MP loss from the avatar, which meant my MP reserves shouldn't have been affected. This is good; now, onto the next test.'

In Yggdrasil, the list containing the pre-defined commands didn't have a command that allowed the avatar to open an Item Box, so Raizel was curious whether the avatar could open it in the new world. The same was not the case with magic.

Through his connection, Raizel tried to activate Item Box with the avatar as the activator, and to his surprise, it worked. A small purple portal opened near the avatar.

'Now, then.'

He directed the avatar to insert its hand into the portal, instructing it to retrieve an item. The avatar complied, drawing out a golden ring adorned with a radiant red gem.

"Hmm, so my Item Box is also connected to the avatar. Not that it's a bad thing, but I should test this possibility out."

Raizel, in an experiment of connectivity, closed the eyes of the avatar and opened his own. The avatar remained in its original stance, clutching the retrieved ring. Subsequently, he accessed his Item Box, causing the previously opened one to seal shut.

"Hmm, it seems I can only open one Item Box at a time."

Closing his Item Box, Raizel then shut his eyes to guide the avatar, setting the stage for additional explorations.

'What should I test next? I guess the activation of skills ought to be next. I should also test which items react when the avatar equips them.'

In Yggdrasil, any item equipped by the avatar, only the avatar would receive the effects of the items. To test this, Raizel equipped the avatar with the ring.

To be continued...

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