
Overlord of Naruto World

What happens if a bored God decided to intervene with the original storyline of Naruto world. What if he selected a canon fodder and blessed him with gifts changing his fate. Follow in the footsteps of Arashi Uzumaki, a guy who was a cannon fodder in the original timeline, was saved and given two gifts by the God. Watch as he fought against his original fate and slowly becomes a powerhouse feared and respected by others. Lets follow him as he explores the limits of the world. DISCLAIMER: I DONOT OWN NARUTO OR ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS RELATED TO THE MANGA OR ANIME. MINIMUM 3000 WORDS FOR EACH CHAPTER.

ben10rocks · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Mito Uzumaki

Hiruzen Sarutobi didn't delay their departure from Uzushiogakure any further. He discussed with his subordinates and started preparing for the journey. They had already searched for any survivors but didn't find any. Arashi and Kushina helped them in looking for safe houses like theirs throughout the village. They found some scrolls regarding some basic sealing techniques and jutsus. Arashi checked those scrolls making sure he at least remember the contents. To his surprise he could easily remember every single detail of the scrolls once he read it. He quickly thought this should be another advantage of his increased spiritual power. Quickly he read all those scrolls and handed over to Hiruzen. Nobody suspected anything. When Hiruzen asked why he was reading them, he could read them once he reached Konoha. He replied it was his habit of reading whenever he found new scrolls.

After two hours of search, they had covered all the areas. By that time, it was noon already. They decided to eat their packed lunch together and depart for Konoha. Hiruzen had rushed to Uzushiogakure after he got the news. It had only taken him half a day worth of journey. But he estimated it would take the group at least a day to reach Konoha. Although both Kushina and Arashi had genin level strength, they decided not to rush their journey. Hiruzen was planning to ask Arashi some detail information regarding the attack.

After eating their lunch, the group started their journey. Arashi and Kushina looked back at their ruined village one last and vowed to return someday. Eyes filled with determination, both children turned around and started running with the group. Tears kept falling from Kushina's eyes as she was getting further away from their home. Arashi held onto her hands and together they continued their journey.

The group travelled at a relaxing speed. They were not in a hurry to reach Konoha. 3rd Hokage Hiruzen took this time to ask about the attack on Uzushiogakure. The more he learned about the attacked, the more his suspicion regarding a traitor in Konoha was confirmed. Finally he was sure of his suspicion when Arashi told him about his father's final words to him. If Uzukage came into the same conclusion as him, then someone inside Konoha had betrayed them.

Just the thought of a traitor inside Konoha had made them loose their most closest ally brought an untold amount of fury in the heart of Hiruzen. Not only his action had caused Konoha to weaken further but also brought forth untold destruction to a peace loving village. He knew Konoha had lost a limb. If a shinobi war broke out now, Konoha would be in a disastrous position. During the previous war, they had lost their second hokage Tobirama Senju. Though he had taken down 2nd Tsuchikage, 2nd Raikage and 2nd Mizukage with him along with Kinkaku and Ginkaku force of Kumogakure, Konoha lost it's last founding member and a very powerful shinobi and a very capable hokage. During his period, many improvements were seen in the village. Like the establishment of Ninja Academy, Konoha Police Force, Anbu Division and many more. He had given civilian born a chance to become a shinobi. This had increased their number of shinobi in the long run.

Hiruzen really didn't want to see the start of another shinobi war. The deaths and destruction of the last war was still clear within his mind. It has been only 5 years since that war. Konoha was not prepared for another one. They at least needed 3 more years for fully recovering from the previous war. Now the attack had further delayed their recovery rate. Though he could deduce from the result of the attack that other three village had suffered many loss among their elites. They had brought only their jonin to the surprise attack to quickly defeat the Uzumaki clan and leave before shinobi from Konoha village arrive. But the Uzumaki's had fought till their last breath directly disregarding their concern for wellbeing. Their utilization of deadly sealing techniques and suicide bombing technique when they reached their end had caused many casualties among the three villages. Though out numbering them helped in their success, it was not without suffering mutual loss.

Hiruzen guessed the three hidden village would also require similar amount of time to replenish their forces before they decide to start a war. Starting a war now would only result in mutual destruction. They were not strong enough to guaranty a promising victory against Konoha. They all knew even though Konoha had lost their fiercest ally, they still had all the members of clans like Senju, Uchiha, Sarutobi, Hyuga, Aburame, Inuzuka, Yamanaka, Nara, Akimichi and other smaller clans. These clans were already strong on their own. Working together, they were very difficult to defeat. If another character like Madara and Hashirama were to emerge among them, then it would be impossible to defeat them.

As the group continued their journey, they crossed Land of Wave and reached the border of Land of Fire. By this time, it was already evening. They decided to make a camp and continue the rest in the morning. Arashi and Kushina fell asleep as soon as they eat their meal. They both had been tired and needed rest. This had been a long day for them.

Arashi was awoken in the middle of the night when he felt some huge changes throughout his body. He could feel more vitality and strength from his body than before. He could feel nature energy entering his body and leaving at more pace than before. Every breath brought a feeling of fullness. His senses become one with the nature. He could feel all around him with much clarity. Slowly his body was strengthening itself with the help of nature energy. He tried to gather some nature energy from the surrounding on the tip of his index finger and slowly draw them into his finger. He surprised when he saw that his finger didn't change into stone or show sign of any deformities.

Now he was excited. His body has finally tuned with the nature energy in a day. Though he didn't doubted Mekionar's words, it good to see it in action. Now he could further develop his body with the help of nature energy and training. If he manage to achieve sage body, he wouldn't need food or water to sustain as his body would replenish itself from the nature energy. As he slowly felt all the changes in his body, his mind started forming different ideas regarding his future training.

Though his body was attuned to nature energy, he still couldn't directly store nature energy inside his body. Every time he tried to store it, it would slowly dissipate over time. He decided to stop trying and went to sleep.

As the morning sun rose from the eastern horizon, everybody was ready to continue on their path towards Konoha.

After 6 hours of travelling together, they finally could see the gates of Konohagakure no Sato. Arashi and Kushina had mixed feeling after looking at the gate. They were reminded of their village and its tragedy once again. But soon they both drove back these painful memories and proceeded to step forward onto a new beginning.

As they got closer to the gate, Arashi could detect the presence of 6 Konoha Anbu. They escorted their group to the village from the shadows. He tried to stretch the limit of his sensing and soon he could locate many chakra signatures around a 5 mile radius. He could see everyone's chakra and chakra pathways with his new sensing ability. He even manage to locate a huge source of chakra. Immediately his senses were overwhelmed by killing intent and hatred. He closed his new ability, but he felt a mild headache for some time.

At this time, inside the Senju compound Mito Uzumaki a strong spiritual sense scanning the compound. As soon as she felt it, nine tails also showed signs of trying to break the seal. She decided to use a technique unique to her clan "Mind's Eye of the Kagura" and tried to pinpoint the person using the spiritual sense before. Focusing on the gate of Konoha, she found out the presence of Arashi and Kushina. She instantly knew who had used such a technique.

Focusing on Arashi she could feel his huge spiritual energy. She knew no one so young should have such spiritual power. Even Madara and Hashirama's spirit was even half the size of Arashi's. She could already guess that Arashi would become a powerful shinobi surpassing her husband and Madara. Suddenly the thought of Sage of Six Paths came into her mind.

"Could he be sage's reincarnation or someone with a rare kekkei genkai related to soul? Whoever he is going to bring a new change in the shinobi world. Its seems our Uzumaki clan has hope for the future. With such a character appearing in this generation surely is a blessing in disguise."

She no longer focused her attention on Arashi and looked at Kushina. Though she had not met her, words about her special chakra that could help to suppress the nine tails chakra. She knew before that Kushina would have to carry the burden of being a jinchuriki even if the clan had not suffered destruction. Their were already some higher ups of Konoha planning to bring her to Konoha. But fate had other plans. Ultimately she ended up coming to Konoha. She pity her future.

"I will protect them as much I can till my time runs out. They are last of my clan's descendant. If someone dare to use them in any conspiracy, well they will know what it feels to face Kyubi."

A terrifying killing intent suddenly spread across the whole village. Everyone from commoner to ninja were brought to there knees by the killing intent. They could see their death coming slowly.

As soon as the killing intent was felt, it vanished quickly. Nobody knew who it belongs to. Only a handful of higher ups knew what that was. It was a warning against all of them that even though the Senju clan had fallen to a low point, there was still someone present who was still alive and would bring untold destruction to all who think ill of the clan.

One such figure was now was currently sitting inside a dark room with 20 ninja kneeling before him. They all had a mask like the Anbu but were different. They were the members of ROOT, an organization headed by the one sitting before them, Danzo Shimura. This man had a high aspiration of becoming the Hokage. But he was unsuccessful. So he build an underground organization which only follow his orders. He had brainwashed everyone to follow his command.

Now this person was shaking after he had felt that killing intent. Though it was not directed towards him, it made him felt weak and fear, feelings he had forgotten. How ironic it was. The leader of the organization who preached the idea of having no emotion, was currently feeling emotions.

Danzo knew full well if his dealings regarding the downfall of Uzumaki clan were to ever come into light, Mito Uzumaki would hunt him till the end of the earth. He knew how powerful she was. Even without the nine tails, she was a shinobi who had faced Madara along side her husband. He was not foolish enough to go against her directly.

"It seems acquiring the girl would have to wait till she becomes a jinchuriki. Oh well I will wait for that to happen. But how much time you can protect them Mito. Soon you and the remaining Senju will fall and then nobody can stand in my way. The fool Hiruzen will not see it coming. I will rule this village and soon all the other village. I will be the sole ruler. Hahahahahaha"

The laughter was heard by everyone in the room, but nobody opened their mouth.

Outside the village gate, Arashi and the group felt the killing intent. But nobody had any lasting effect. Arashi knew where it originated but kept his mouth shut.

"That person must be Mito Uzumaki, current jinchuriki of nine tails. She must have caught my spiritual sense. Nine tails killing intent sure is something. If not for my spiritual power, I would be kneeling." Arashi thought as he felt the killing intent. Though he didn't knew why she had released it.

"You two don't have to worry. That must have been Mito Uzumaki. I thing she might have not taken the news lightly. Rest assured she is very kind and gentle. You two will feel like home with her." Hiruzen tried to console the two kids. Facing such killing intent nobody was safe. Though he wondered why Arashi was ok even if he felt it.

The group soon reached the gate. Two Konoha shinobi were guarding it. Watching the Hokage entering with two kids they saluted him respectively and let them pass.

As soon as they entered, Arashi could feel many eyes watching the two of them. He could heard some discursions already starting regarding the identity of the two kids who were brought with the hokage.

"Who are those two? Why are they with Hokage sama?"

"Look at their red hair. They must be from Uzumaki clan. I think they must be here as guest."

Destruction of Uzushiogakure was till now not known to everyone. Only the higher ups knew.

Soon they reached the hokage building.

"I will take the kids to Senju clan compound. You all spread the news to all shinobi council members for an emergency meeting. I want all the clan heads there. I will arrive after my meeting with Senju matriarch conclude. Dismissed" Hearing the command, other shinobi of the groups hastened to deliver the news of emergency meeting.

"Come with me kids. I will take you to your new home."

Hiruzen began walking towards the Senju clan compound. Arashi and Kushina followed him. Many people were watching the trio curiously.

After walking for 15 minutes, they reached the clan location. The clan compound was filled many houses but not many people could be seen inside them. Many houses were also empty.

These houses were all built by First Hokage using Wood Style but many Senju clansmen were killed in the First Shinobi War. Now the compound looks quite empty. Once prosperous Senju clan, currently had less than 100 clansmen. Mito Uzumaki was the current head of the clan after the death of the previous clan head.

They soon entered a house which was large than other buildings and had the symbol of Senju clan on the front. As soon as they entered the building, a young girl with blond hair welcomed the trio.

"Welcome Sensei. Grandma is waiting for you inside." The girl motioned them to go inside.

"Hello Tsunade. How come you are here not training with Orochimaru and Jiraya?" Hiruzen asked her with a look of surprise. He wasn't expecting her to be here at this time. If he remembered he had given them a new jutsu to learn.

"Why would I train with the creepy snake face and the pervert. Those two are idiots. I have already learned the jutsu yesterday. It was actually pretty easy. So instead of training with them I was looking inside the clan's library for some medical jutsu technique." She answered quickly in an annoying voice as she mentioned about her two teammates. She didn't like them. Jiraya always try to ask her on dates and Orochimaru just creep her out whenever he licked his lips. She didn't know why her sensei had added her into the team with them.

Hiruzen was surprised when he learned that Tsunade had already learnt the jutsu. It was a B rank Earth Style Earth Dragon Bullet jutsu. He thought Orochimaru would learn first. As for her remark against her teammates, he was used to it. After all he was their teacher.

"Very good Tsunade. Though you should have helped them instead. They are your teammates after all." Hiruzen tried to tell her how she shouldn't abandon her teammates. But Tsunade didn't listen to his advice.

Soon they reached inside a room with simple decorations and photos showing 1st Hokage and her wife Mito Uzumaki with their family.

Sitting on a chair was a woman of early 30s with long, bright-red hair and large, pupilless eyes. She wore an elaborate, high-collared kimono with the Uzushiogakure symbol on the back of the obi which was tied around her waist. Her hair was arranged in buns with hair pins in them and three clips in the front. She also wore a dark shade of red lipstick and had a rhombus marking reminiscent of the Strength of a Hundred Seal on her forehead. She also wore tags with kanji written on them in her hair decals.

She was Mito Uzumaki. She motioned them to sit across her. Looking at her Kushina had heard time closing her mouth. She thought she would be an old lady but in front of her was clearly not someone who was that old.

Watching Kushina's reaction, Mito chuckled. Most people had the same reaction when they met her for the first time.

"You are young for an old lady." Kushina involuntarily blurted out. As soon as the words left her mouth, she put her hand on her mouth. Her cute action and words brought laughter from Tsunade. She laughed hard looking at her face. A glance from Mito silenced her though soft giggles could be heard every now and then.

"Thank you young lady for your complement. Though I am not young anymore. Its a jutsu of mine that helps me to look young. I can teach you the jutsu if you want it." Mito smiled at her. She was quite happy at her comment. She had feared Kushina would have been very depressed but her fears were falsified. At least Kushina could retain her innocence.

"Really? Thank you Mito sama. Oh I haven't told you my name. I am Kushina Uzumaki. Its nice to meet you Mito sama." Kushina replied excitedly. Not everyday you meet your idol. Kushina had heard stories about Mito from her grandpa.

"My name is Arashi Uzumaki. Its nice to meet you Mito sama." Arashi also introduced himself to her.

"Its nice to meet you both Arashi and Kushina. You can call me grandma Mito as Tsunade." She really liked the two of them. It would bring some life into the clan's compound with the two. Nawaki would be happy to meet someone of his age. She hoped Tsunade could open up to them. She had been spending most of her time in the library or training after her parents death in a mission after the war.

"Little monkey you can leave now. Don't worry about the children. They will live with us here. You can explain it to the council. If anybody try to protest or play any games, warn them as long as I am alive don't even think of using the kids in their game. Otherwise they will have Kyubi to deal with." Her voice wasn't loud but the power that it held was clear to Hiruzen. She would protect them with her life. She had nobody left to care for. The four children were her bottom line. She would burn Konoha to the ground if anyone did any harm.

He already could imagine the result. Senju clan had almost lost everyone for the village. If nobody took their warning seriously, they would have hell to pay.

"I will inform everyone about your decision. I will take my leave then. Take care of your health Lady Mito. Farewell." Hiruzen wished her well and left them alone. He knew he would have to show the council their place. He was the Hokage after all. The council was their for his advice not to force him according to their wishes. It's time to remind everyone that he was the boss.