
Overlord of Naruto World

What happens if a bored God decided to intervene with the original storyline of Naruto world. What if he selected a canon fodder and blessed him with gifts changing his fate. Follow in the footsteps of Arashi Uzumaki, a guy who was a cannon fodder in the original timeline, was saved and given two gifts by the God. Watch as he fought against his original fate and slowly becomes a powerhouse feared and respected by others. Lets follow him as he explores the limits of the world. DISCLAIMER: I DONOT OWN NARUTO OR ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS RELATED TO THE MANGA OR ANIME. MINIMUM 3000 WORDS FOR EACH CHAPTER.

ben10rocks · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

A new beginning

Hokage Building, Konoha

All the council elders and clan heads were currently seating inside a meeting room discussing about the sudden meeting.

"Do you know why has Lord Hokage called for such a emergency meeting? Has anybody attacked us?" Hyuga clan head Heyashi Hyuga asked to Aburame clan head Shin Aburame. He had arrived immediately after the call. he had no idea why there was a meeting called for.

"No I am as clueless as you. My insects have not informed of anyone attacking us. There must have been another reason. Wait for the Hokage to mention it." Shin shook his head and silently waited for the hokage.

Other clan heads were also quietly discussing among themselves. Among them only Danzo knew the reason for the meeting. But he wasn't going to open his mouth. He was in deep thought about his future plans. He could care less about the meeting.

Suddenly the door to the meeting room was opened. Hiruzen entered the room his hokage cap and haori. As soon as he entered, all the murmurings died down. He went ahead and sat in the middle of the head seats with elder Koharu and Hamura on his both sides.

"Sorry for the unexpected call. But the news is such that it had to be done. Three days ago elite shinobi from Kiri, Iwa and Kumo had together lunched an attack on our long term ally the Uzumaki clan and had destroyed them over night."

As soon as the news was heard by other clan heads, a loud discussion started.

"What? How can they attack our ally just after we had signed the non-aggression treaty after the First Shinobi War. This is clear violation of the treaty." said Uchiha clan head Seryu Uchiha. He had hard time digesting the news. Though Uchiha clan was not allies of Uzumaki clan before the establishment of the village, they knew full well how difficult the task was.

The Uzumaki clansmen were very good at hiding there village. Nobody knew the exact place of their village. Even if you found their village, their barriers and seals made it impossible to set foot on their village without their permission. Only the hokage and handful of the Konoha higher ups have the required knowledge of safe passage. Even the clan heads didn't know the information.

As for breaking the seals, that was near impossible to do in a day. How could the three village had achieved such feat was hard to think for the Uchiha patriarch.

"How was the casualties? Are there any survivor's? Are the three village now going to attack us starting another war?" The Nara clan head in a calm voice. His previous laziness was gone replaced by calmness. He was the current jonin commander. He was thinking possible ways to face such situation.

"We were already late when we arrived there. Nothing, not even a dead body was left behind. Thankfully the Uzukage's son and an elders grand daughter were alive inside a secret safe room under the Uzukage building. We were able to find them and brought them with us. Currently they are under the protection of Senju clan. They will leave their with Lady Mito and others. Lady Mito herself too the guardianship of the both of them." Hiruzen said to everyone in the room. When everyone heard Lady Mito's name, everyone shuddered. They could already guess the reason behind the previous killing intent felt before. They all knew that she was the jinchuriki of nine tails. Releasing such level of killing intent must mean she had some control over the beast. Nobody hear want to think of the possibility of facing her as an opponent.

Everyone present knew if anyone tried to do anything to the two children, they would be facing her. Any thought of using the kids was suppressed immediately.

Looking at the terrified expression of most of the council members, Hiruzen decided to discuss about some serious topic that was related to their future. He said "Three village that had attacked also suffered some serious loss. Though I don't the exact numbers, my guess is they had suffered enough for them to think twice before attacking us. It has brought us at least three years. This is the least amount of time they need to replenish their force."

Suddenly, silence filled the room. Everyone understood the fact. Though three years seemed not much, at least they didn't have to worry about any immediate attack. During this three years, they could prepare ahead for the war.

Nara clan patriarch broke his train of thoughts and said "Three years is enough. If we prepare correctly we can come out of this with less harm. i suggest that we increase our shinobi numbers. With Uzumaki clan gone, we would be facing enemies from four sides. They might even ally together to destroy us before anything else. They have already done once, they could do it again."

"I suggest that we should bring some changes to our Ninja Academy. I know most of the children of different clans learn from their clansmen, academy subjects have no importance to them. Most of the students just pass the time in academy without doing anything. If we add some subjects that they generally learn after joining a team, we are going to have many well prepared genin or chunin if anyone turns out to be a genius. Hell they might become jonin."

Nara clan head continued "For example, adding chakra control exercise to the curriculum may help us screen out children with talent for medical ninjutsu. If they manage to learn some medical ninjutsu, then we can add them to teams. This way we can have less casualties. In a war with odds against us this may give us some much needed advantage. We all know that if war is started, academy students will have to fight. Simply letting them join the war will make them easy targets. If we follow my advice, they may come out unharmed with battle experience to boot. As the war continues, these students will become a force to recon with. Like a rough diamond need some polishing, the war will bring out the best of them."

Listening to Nara clan head's proposal, most of the council members were impressed. If this plan could be implemented, they could have a strong army. Even if the numbers were to be against them, they could still win the war.

Everyone started to thing of different ways in which they could prepare their children. It was better than sending them to the face of death without any preparation. With the available tool, many lives could be saved.

War was unavoidable in the future. This fact was clear in everyone's mind. So any strategy that could help them win the war was welcome.

After some thoughts, Hiruzen broke the silence and said "Yes this is actually a brilliant plan. War is on the horizon. And with this strategy at least we have hope of winning. I am thinking of not only introducing Chakra Control exercises but also Nature Transformation exercises. This way they can increase their chakra reserves. And we can make all D rank jutsus and below free for academy students. They can choose at least 2 jutsus that suit them and learn them. With such they will not be completely powerless in the battlefield. If someone manages to learn all this we can directly make them graduate and train them under jonin instructors. This way we will have genin who are as powerful as our chunin."

Listening to Hokage's plan, many council members started to discuss among themselves. It was a brilliant plan. This much all of them agreed. If the standard of the academy students increased, jonin would have a easier time teaching them real life situations. This way they could increase their forces in terms of individual prowess than numbers. If a genin could fight against 3 or 4 genin of other villages, they could provide a major advantage in the war.

Also this would provide a platform for the civilian shinobis to rise and prove a worthy competitor to clan shinobis. This in term would increase the pressure on clan children who had it the easiest at the academy. Now they had to train seriously or they would be left behind by civilian born.

Though some of the council members didn't like the idea of civilian born becoming more powerful, they were wise enough to shut their mouth. In the battlefield, they had to fought against the enemies as a hole. There only strength and survival matters. Nobody would give a damn about civilian or clan. You were either an enemy or an ally.

Also clan shinobis were specially targeted during the times of war. No clan head was foolish to disagree with an idea that could also help their children become stronger.

But among them someone had different idea. Danzo knew doing this not only increase the popularity of Hiruzen among everyone but also make them loyal to him for providing such an opportunity for them. Indirectly he had just strengthen his supporters. If such plan was to work perfectly, he would have a major set back in his plan to become the Hokage.

But Danzo knew not to oppose the idea. Now was not the time to do so. He would wait for the perfect moment hiding in the shadows to strike when everyone least expected. Like the Uzumaki, anyone dared to stand in his way would be destroyed.

After giving some time to finish their discussion, Hiruzen said "I think all of us agree with the plan. If anybody has any opposition please raise your hand." He waited some time but no one rose their hand.

"Very well then we will implement this plan right away. I will discuss with some retired jonin if they could teach in the academy. Also I am thinking of adding Arashi and Kushina Uzumaki to the Ninja Academy."

Nobody protested against the decision. "Very well then. This will be the end of the meeting. Everyone prepare yourselves for the upcoming war. I will increase the border patrol and order our spies to watch our enemies movement. Everyone Goodbye."

Hiruzen left the room. Soon all followed him and left. But many thoughts of future actions were going inside each clan patriarch's head. Everyone was thinking about minimizing their loss. They were going to up the shinobi training for their clansmen. If what the hokage said during the meeting was going to be implemented, many civilian born genius would surely arise.

Previously many clan children were often fooling around in the academy. With the upgraded curriculum, however, their days would be filled with hardship. No one wanted to be left behind by your own classmates.

While the meeting was going on in the Hokage building, another important meeting was ongoing in the Senju main building. Mito, Arashi, Tsunade and Kushina were currently discussing about the attack in much detail.

Mito had put up an advanced barrier inside the room which totally isolates them from the outside. If one were to enter the room now, they would find it empty. And forcing the barrier to break would at least take someone of Hiruzen's level.

"Its heart breaking to know someone from the same village has betrayed us which was built by the sweat and blood of two of the greatest shinobis. Even though they are dead, their legacy is the current village. I don't even want to think what level will it fall after my death." Mito looked rather tired of all the things currently happening inside the village. Her previous village had been destroyed due to a traitor inside her current home.

Arashi had chosen not to comment on her words. He knew in the future what had happened or was going to happen if left alone. Uchiha massacre, Naruto's predicament and Danzo's illegal actions; each action showed how much of a failure the village's higher ups were.

He really would have to thank the Goddess of Luck for helping Naruto defeating Kaguya Otsutsuki in the main timeline. He didn't want to know why she was defeated. A being so powerful who could literally summon dimensions and fought Hamura and Hagoromo Otsutsuki for months would get defeated. He really wanted to know how this was possible. Kaguya's mind must had been broken after a 1000 years in the seal or she had been unable to think properly. Otherwise if he was to be in her position, he would have utterly destroyed Team 7.

"If not for Tsunade and Nawaki being left behind alone to face all the difficulties, I would have left for being reunited with Hashirama." Mito's words broke his train of thoughts. He was reminded of her predicament. Watching one by one your own clansmen falling victim to conspiracies and powerless to do anything, must had been painful.

"Grandma. Please don't say those words. We don't want you to leave us. Nawaki and I have no one left to call family. I don't know what will I do if you leave us." Tsunade said while tears began to fall from her eyes. Mito gently pulled her close and wiped her tears and said

"Don't worry my child. I am not going to leave anytime soon. I have to take care of you four. After I feel you can live on your own, will I be able to rest in peace."

Tsunade sobbed while feeling the love and care from her grandma words.

"Ok. Lets put that aside. I am going to tell you some things that no one should know. The reason that the Uzumaki were so feared was due to our fuinjutsu. While we posses longevity and large amount of chakra, fuinjutsu is our most prized technique. There are some seals that nobody knows about other than us Uzumaki.

We have seals to contact Shinigami himself, we have seals that could seal someone's bloodline making them like the civilians, we have seals that can control someone's soul. Even I don't know all the seals that we have. After my marriage with Hashirama, I didn't get to learn about those seals. Only the clan leaders and elders had access to them. I have only heard about somethings.

Arashi, I think your father must have given you some clue about the true heritage of Uzumaki clan?"

Arashi answered "Yes, he had told me about it. In fact the safe room in which me and Kushina were hiding was the room where all the sealing techniques and new seal research methods were kept. Before meeting with Hiruzen, I have already stored everything in a sealing scroll. Nobody except us knows about it. The three villages in fact found only some basic sealing techniques. No one knew about the room except for my father and some elders."

Hearing that Arashi had kept all the Uzumaki Sealing techniques brought a relief to Mito. She knew some powerful seals which could be dangerous in wrong hands.

"Very good. You have done well. Be sure to remember not to tell anyone about it. Whenever you want to learn something about seal you should come to me first. I will teach you everything I know. It will be better if you three learn together. After learning everything from me then you can try to use those scrolls to learn new and advanced seals. Though I don't know the contents of those scroll, they must be very advanced techniques. If you want you read them for new ideas but try not to use them."

Listening to Mito's advice, Arashi, Kushina and Tsunade nodded. They were very happy to learn from her. She was a seal mistress after all. Her usage of seals during combat was legendary.

"Arashi, Kushina, you will be living with us from now on. So don't hesitate to ask me anything you want. You two will be joining the Ninja Academy soon. Learn as much as you can from there. The Senju library is open to you. You can learn any jutsu from there. Our Senju clan currently has less than 100 members left. From them most are civilians who take care of our business. Only Tsunade and Nawaki are left of the next generation.

So if you can help them in protecting the future of our Senju clan. I don't want one of the greatest clans to end with them. You all will be carrying the burden of two clans on your shoulder. So work hard, children. Tread carefully on your future path. Many will try to stop you. Be careful of who you deal with.

Now go and rest well. Tsunade, show them there rooms. In the evening take them to tour around the village. Show them everything they need to know. I will be in my room if you need anything."

Mito cancelled the barrier and went to her room after saying goodbye to them. Tsunade took Arashi and Kushina to their own rooms. Her and Kushina's room were side by side and Nawaki and Arashi's were in front of theirs's.

Tsunade told them her brother would be joining them in the evening. They would buy their clothes and daily necessities while giving them the tour of the village.

Arashi and Kushina went ahead and rest on warm beds after 3 days. Their body relaxed and quickly they slept through out the afternoon.

In the evening, Tsunade came and woke them up for the tour. With her Nawaki also came. He had short light-brown hair, hazel eyes and distinct blushes on his cheeks. For attire, he wore a dark teal poncho top and light green pants. He was also gifted with the First Hokage's necklace which he wore around his neck.

Together they toured around the village, did some shopping and visited different clan compounds and important places. The four of them got to know each other and became friends. Though Tsunade insisted to call her elder sister, Arashi didn't agree. Both of them got into a childish fight. Arashi and Tsunade started to tease each other. Soon Kushina and Nawaki joined them both.

Everyone had fun and it helped to lighten the mood of Arashi and Kushina. Nawaki was very happy when he learned they would be living with them. He didn't have a lot of friends. Tsunade was always busy training or completing missions with her teammates. If she had any free time, she spent them either in the library or in the hospital learning new medical ninjutsu.

From an young age she wanted to be a great medical ninja. Her dream was to achieve feats like her grandfather. She tended to forget most of the time to spend with Nawaki. Now that Nawaki started to go to the academy, she had even less time to spend with him.

So the addition of Arashi and Kushina brought happiness to the youngest Senju. He finally had someone of his age group to spend time with. Arashi knew they would be joining the academy most probably in the same class as Nawaki. Kushina also was happy to be with a friend. Slowly both of them felt like home after some time.

Finishing all their shopping, they finally decided to return. Soon they reached their home and found Mito waiting for them. Nawaki ran towards her shouting "Grandma". She hugged him and asked them

"So how was the tour? Did you manage to see around the village?"

"Yes grandma Mito." Both Arashi and Kushina answered with a smile. Mito could see their smile and felt relieved. She had feared that they couldn't live behind the painful past. She knew it would take some time. But this was already a good start.

"Very good. Lets go and eat our dinner. Today I have cooked some delicious dishes." Hearing her words, Tsunade and Nawaki ran hurriedly towards the dinning room. They knew how delicious their grandmother's special hand cooked dinner was. They didn't want to miss it.

Watching their enthusiasm, Mito chuckled. It had been a long time she had cooked herself. "Lets go." She patted both of their back and together they went inside. Tsunade and Nawaki were already eating like a hungry pig. Soon the trio also started eating.

As soon as Arashi and Kushina taste the food, they knew why the other two were behaving like this. Soon they also followed their lead. Nobody talked while eating. Only sounds of spoon and plate clashing could be heard.

Finishing their dinner, all of them went to the common room and started chating about trivial things. Laughter could be heard from the outside. Many other Senju clansmen were feeling relieved. It had been a long time they had heard laughter coming from the main house.

As night deepened everyone went to their own room.

Inside Arashi's room

Arashi was currently meditating. Slowly he could feel the nature energy around himself. He started to consciously draw them in and spread around his body. Slowly he gathered nature energy inside his chakra pathways and started circulating it through out the chakra network. He could feel his chakra pathways slowly becoming stronger and wider. He began to mix some of his chakra with some nature energy to make Senjutsu chakra.

He didn't need anyone's help to do so. After successfully making Senjutsu chakra, he began to analyze the chakra. He could feel the power of the chakra. But compared to raw nature energy, it felt somewhat diluted. He had a theory for this. He felt that the level of nature energy is many times higher compared to his own chakra. Like mixing water inside milk. Though it had increased the volume, the quality of milk had decreased. But if we compare it in reverse order, the quality of water had increased(A\N- what I want to say is compared to pure water, the nutrients in water mixed with milk has obviously increased).

If water was his own chakra and milk was nature energy, then using nature energy directly could yield more power compared to Senjutsu chakra. He thought Senjutsu chakra lied somewhat in between the middle.

He had another theory. If he could somehow increase his chakra potency to that of the nature energy meaning making his spiritual energy, physical energy and nature energy on the same level, he could make a new type of Senjutsu chakra whose power would at least get multiplied by three times.

He didn't know what the final chakra potency would be. He had some doubt regarding this. He thought the level of Kaguya Otsutsuki's chakra was at least this level after she had consumed the chakra fruit. She already had a powerful chakra due to being a pure blood Otsutsuki and from the chakra fruit, she must had gained nature energy in a concentrated manner. This would have triggered her awakening of Rinne Sharingan, the most powerful doujutsu on her forehead.

Just the power of the Rinne Sharingan made her unstoppable. Changing the current geography with her dimension, her All Killing Ash Bone and her other techniques must had been gained after she awakened the Rinne Sharingan. Rinnegan of Hagoromo and Madara was child compared to this.

"Rinnegan and the doujutsu of Hamura, the Tenseigan must have been the diluted version of Rinne Sharingan." He thought.

"If Kaguya could have upgraded her Byakugan to Tenseigan or any other form, she might have defeated the two brothers easily and if Kaguya is to ever get trained like a shinobi...." Arashi shuddered at the thought. He really didn't want to face such Kaguya. Even if Hagoromo and Hamura along with their descendants, Madara and Hashirama, Naruto and Sasuke together couldn't have defeated her. That level of power was just ridiculous.

He didn't know about other Otsutsuki clansmen, but he thought Kaguya could have defeated them all without the need of creating an army of white jetsu. He really didn't want to think of anyone more powerful than this version of Kaguya.

Clearing his mind from such thoughts, he decided to take one step after another. He began planning for the future. He soon decided to make a list of things he needed to do. Soon he made a list in his mind. The list was

1) First training his body to make it reach a same level as his soul i.e. the limit of mortals.

2) Finding a way to make his spiritual and physical energy at same level as nature energy.

3) Mastering sealing techniques. He had some ideas that were going to need this.

4) Finding some ways in which he could gain allies who wouldn't betray him and increasing their strength at least to Six Path level.

5) Creating the Otsutsuki bloodline by using medical ninjutsu. For this he had thought of mixing Senju clan, Uzumaki clan, Uchiha clan, Hyuga clan, Otsutsuki clan of the moon and Kaguya clan of Kirigakure. This had to be made in a perfect way without any consequences.

This list pretty much covered his future goals. He was confident he could achieve it. His gift of future memories from Mekionar had already helped in some ways. Having Tsunade and Kushina as friends or something more, would definitely help him. If Kabuto could combine many bloodline in a single body using Orochimaru's research, then he could certainly achieve it.

Tsunade as medical researcher and Kushina for fuinjutsu could surely help him tremendously. He already was planning to have Tsunade on his team. Tempting her with gaining Mokuton like her grandfather would work for sure.

And he would use his powerful spiritual powers to gain as much knowledge in fuinjutsu, ninjutsu, taijutsu, medical ninjutsu and lastly battle experience.

As he made all the plans, his chakra pathways was becoming more wider and sturdier. Slowly he maintained such process and started to spread nature energy to his internal organs and bones. Thankfully his heightened spiritual powers and divine level nature energy attunement helped him in controlling such action perfectly. Otherwise his body could have been torn apart cell by cell by the powerful nature energy. He maintained such process till morning. He couldn't feel any sign of fatigue even after not sleeping the night.

With a new morning, he began to prepare for his future plans.