
Overlord : Madness In Overlord

Author: Crabble
Anime & Comics
Ongoing · 1.7M Views
  • 58 Chs
  • 4.1
    40 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Overlord : Madness In Overlord

Read ‘Overlord : Madness In Overlord’ Online for Free, written by the author Crabble, This book is a Anime & Comics Fanfic, covering ACTION Fanfiction, ADVENTURE Fan Fiction, REINCARNATION Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: Credit: Chaotic Good By Mister GrinThe story of a man who just really wishes death would let him be. He tried once. Live...


Credit: Chaotic Good By Mister Grin The story of a man who just really wishes death would let him be. He tried once. Lived a wonderful life, died at a ripe old age. Yet once more he lives in the body of a young child. Time has torn his life's work away, and his only skills are ones from a time long past. Lost, he stumbles upon a game he recognizes. He asks himself… why be a King when you can be a God? (Contains smut) This is one of my favorites, Putting this here in the Hope someone picks this up / gets inspiration /ideas from it.

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My Ex (melayu sabahan)

" Jason.. dengar kau cakap begini.. saya rasa tepat betul keputusan saya kasi tinggal kau dulu.. saya langsung tidak menyesal.. tengok perangai kau yang sesedap rasa saja hina orang.. ngam lah keputusan saya tu dulu.. yalah suda jadi kaya tapi makin teruk tu gaya bila kaya.. busuk hati pui!" aku kasi kena dia. geram ba " kalau ko hina aku dulu nda apa lah? Sekarang giliran sia hina ko..  tiba-tiba aku busuk hati? Lara! Among ppl dlm dunia ni aku paling layak marah dan hina ko! Ko yang curang! Mulut sial ko tu yang cakap sia lelaki teda guna? Mana sudah lelaki kaya dan berguna yang ko kejar2 tu?" Bidas Jason berapi-api. "Jadi.. apa sebenarnya yang ko mau?! Ko mau hina-hina sia? Hina ja la bah.. sepuas hati.. sia ok ja ni.. cakap ja tu sumpah seranah yang ko mo kasi sia.. sia terima ja ni" balas ku dengan gaya tenang. Mata Jason berubah garang dengar cakap ku. Tiba-tiba dia mendekat dan tekan aku ke dinding. Aku tersentak. Terkejut. Tidak sangka Jason bertindak macam ni.  "ui!" aku try lepaskan diri. "You made me who I am today Lara. Semua pasal kau.. saya jadi begini.. you to blame!!" Suaranya pertahan tapi penuh geram.  " Then you should thank me and let me go.. kau sudah jadi orang kaya.. hidup senang.. ada segala-galanya.. boleh dapat mana-mana perempuan cantik pun yang kau mau.. apa lagi yang kau nda puas hati? " aku jawab dengan berani. Jarinya menarik dagu ku sampai betul-betul dekat dengan mukanya sampai aku boleh rasa nafasnya di muka ku.  " kau tidak tau apa yang saya lalui sebab apa yang kau buat dengan saya.. tiap hari saya fikir mau jadi kaya saja sebab kau hina saya miskin.. tiap saat saya terbayang-bayang kau curang dan tidur dengan ramai lelaki.. kau tidak tau betapa hancurnya hati saya bila kau cakap saya lelaki tidak berguna.. tiap hari tiap saat saya mau kasi bukti dengan kau yang saya bukan sehina yang kau cakap.." dia stop kijap. Aku nampak matanya macam ada dendam dan luka yang dalam. "Kau tau Lara? Saya sanggup guna jalan kotor untuk berjaya macam sekarang. Kau la racun yang sampai sekarang masih berbisa dalam hati saya.. selagi bisa dalam hati saya ni tidak hilang.. saya tidak akan kasi lepas kau.. saya tidur banyak perempuan.. saya kasi sakit hati ramai perempuan.. semuanya pasal kau!! Saya nda boleh percaya dengan perempuan pun sebab kau curang dengan saya.. kau memang racun Lara!" Jason cakap berapi-api. " Kau tidur dengan banyak perempuan bukan sebab saya, Jason. Buduh punya alasan oh.. Itu sebab kau gatal miang. Mau rasa semua perempuan. Fuck banyak perempuan. Kau sendiri getek mau kasi blame saya pula..." balasku berani. Marah. Geram. Palui betul ba si Jason ni! "Diam! Lara mulut kau kan.. dari dulu memang mulut puaka.. mulut kurang ajar.. " jari Jason cubit bibir ku dengan kasar sambil matanya terbeliak macam mau menelan aku hidup-hidup. " Kau mesti bayar satu persatu.. saya akan pastikan kau Lara.. tidak akan hidup aman.." habis saja cakap itu tiba-tiba bibirnya dengan pantas dan kasar gigit bibir ku. "Ahhh" Aku terkejut dan meronta. Aku tolak dia sepenuh hati. Tapi makin aku meronta makin kasar dan bertubi-tubi Jason cium. Kedua pahu ku dicengkam kuat. Aku rasa bibirku luka digigit dan di hisap Jason. Dia betul-betul gila. Last-last aku mengalah. Aku biar dia terus cium. Bila dia perasan aku tidak lagi melawan. Jason berhenti. Dia tatap mata ku dengan pandangan yang aku tidak faham. " Napa kau buat begini Jason?" Aku tanya perlahan. Sakit hati. Terkejut. segala macam perasaan bercampur. " Aku hukum kau.. " Jason balas selamba. hukum?  " by kissing me dengan paksa?" Tanya ku geram. " ada banyak lagi saya mau buat sama kau.. kau tunggu saja.." jawab Jason sambil ketawa ringan. Dia kasi lepas tangannya dari tubuh ku.

Nico_Robin_2777 · Urban
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One Piece: No Strings Attached

The plot is set as pieces are conveniently laid down for the hero. A convenient world, a convenient power, heck, even a convenient conflict. Now all we needed to do is sit back and watch this expected development play through. We've done this thousands of time, what can go wrong right? With destiny as the guide, a man will overcome all odds to rise from challenge and save the wor-- did he just massacre my planet?! ------------- A story inspired by so many fanfictions I've read in the span of a month. Yeah, just discovered it last December. Hello everyone, I have been recently introduced to this genre called fanfiction and now I am acting like a kid who had his first pack of wee-- er games. I meant games. This is my first novel too so feel free to leave some reviews on what I can do better. I fucked up and now I do not know how to change the genre because this is clearly FF. So I did the obvious, be lazy looking for answers and just repost it under FF genre. English is not my native language so do inform me if the grammar is unbearable. Now, What should you expect from this novel? hmmm. One piece definitely. Now, I'll try to incorporate my ideas so it won't be the "let's go sail and fuck up WG" World hopping. Yes but not saving the world thingy every time. He may save or he may left it to be destroyed after taking what he wants. So much bullshit that researchers will call it the "Recipe for Disaster" Prolly sex. I mean yeah. MC is kinda an Asshole so be prepared So yeah, I will update this later one. Peace, Venerable Zy

Venerable_Zydelle · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background

There's a lot of glowing reviews for this, so here's a more grounded one. The story starts of pretty great actually, but then you notice that not only does the pre-NewWorld arc stretch for far too long, but it is also completely pointless because a) there's next to none interaction of MC with Nazarik's original denizens, which would be the only good reason for having a prolonged Yggdrasil arc (this is further exacerbated with OCs eating screen time of others), b) protagonist's preparations are frankly ridiculous - due to exploiting every bug, getting chummy with the devs and plain plot armor, he becomes *so* pointlessly OP with his stats, hundred extra levels and infinite glitch duped world items, that Ainz looks like a lvl.1 scrub in comparison. And what do we get after all this preparation and all of MC's megalomaniacal claims of becoming a Biggus-Dickus-Eternal-Godking-Emperor-Insert-Even-More-Nouns?... Nothing, really. He kinda just simps for Momonga by giving him *everything* and brainwashing everyone into loving him, then he takes his two OC girl, retreats into his hikki NEET coomer den and doesn't involve himself with the plot or the rest of the cast in the slightest for the rest of the story. Why is this the way it is? I don't know.


Reveal spoiler


I find this fanfiction beautiful, I think it really catches the essence of overlord. The world before the transport is well described and the story is amazing, I find it more of a subtle self in sert that's not really that OP. I love it it a would recommend it to other overlord fans too. Towards the games shutdown to got me personally really emotionally (almost cried). I read overlord (got 13 books) so some of the emotions the MC feels and momonga I think I understand. Its a beautiful story and love everything the author has written so thank you author.


Reveal spoiler


Dam this Is Hidden Gem, anyway you should read it its good trust me.... (☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)(☆▽☆)


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


A very well written fanfic, it has emotions and good character interaction. I agree to that review that says it gets the essence of overlord especially the bits of friendship from the canon. But it has glaring flaws which is how long the author dragged the story— i went from Loving it to Hating it. The story was dragged for too long, the story after the transfer to the new world isn't that good and not worth the time spending reading the unnecessary long prelude of the story. I regreted reading this. Completely wasted my time.


Good story, Not many grammar mistakes, I think… at least I know it’s readable so yeah. No updates, just saying… I want more though. Fairly l good development, the devs are nice I like how ko interacts with them. Characters aren’t too 2D, not super amazing but better that average, most definitely not bad. Background is cool. Though it doesn’t really explain his life in og world. Small snippets to get the general view I guess So yeah… it’s nice just no more updates and stuff


it tells the story as if the mc is a catastrophe and is so evil, that the inhabitants of nazarick look very kind and guard the world from mc disaster, which even mc hasn't done yet.... the author, did you know, nazarick is the abode of the undead and the monsters that almost all of the inhabitants hate humans...


this work has already become my favorite haha I'm a big fan of working with mc not human do and this is also the best overlord fanfic I've ever seen of course +18 are also very cool :D


Writing Quality: 5 Stars Stability of Updates: 1 Star Story Development: 3 Stars Character Design: 4 Stars World Background: 3 Stars This story is amazing it will draw you in, leaving you feeling desperate for more. I personally think that all of the time the author spends before going to the new world is fantastic, and near the end it had me being a bit emotional. *Spoiler* However I believe that him going to the new world way before the start of the cannon and before Momonga ruing the story a bit, as the author really does not have anything he can do, he has done everything exceptionally so far (I am on chapter 36) although the romance is also starting to kind off ruin the story a bit, Noa brings a refreshing new personality into the mix which makes it so that it is not too bad. *Spoiler End* I personally really enjoy the story and hope that the author continues to write more of it, maybe he can do a time skip and "summarize" what has happened during the time skip and than we can join Momonga and the cannon can officially start.


Honestly one of my favorite reads so far. I just hope you continue to update. This book is very worth the time to read. I suggest to all who have taken an interest to start reading.


AUTHOR WHERE DID YOU GOOO??????????????????????????????? PLEASE COME BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...........................




I wanted to say that this is one of the best reads I have ever done. I'm pretty sure I've read a similar story in FFNet. In a way, the character is Chaotic, but likable in a way. Sure, I may reread it a few times later, but hey! You got some good review.


I will write something I ve never done. This ff is for me one of the greatest ever written. The author make you pass by every kind of emotion without loosing the heart of overlord storie. I hope you won't stop writing this ff. I realy recommend it


Nul [img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap][img=faceslap]


Reveal spoiler


I really like the book


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