
Overlord in Anime worlds:The rise of the devil

Some people love to use the word humanity.But what it actually means.Does this mean kindness , forgiving nature of human which given to them by god or something else. I don't consider myself as a philosophical or intellectual person.But I can say one thing that I have seen the true face of this so-called humanity. From my personal experience i can say this god is nothing more than just a maniacal prankster who gave this humanity to humankind for his own amusement.Which slowly drives them to go somewhere darker,some time that forces them to answer some calls they shouldn't. I am a monk and this is the story of my forbidden journey to the abyss of darkness. IF YOU WISH TO SUPPORT ME YOU CAN DONATE AT Pa treon.com/Tentacle_man ( IGNORE THE SPACE)

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25 Chs

Who is devil?

As Razor keep moving towards Ancient Orchid City Ruins with my other comrades he can practically feel it that everyone is looking at him with weird gaze.Exspecially Nei lie,because Razor is a devil he is very sensitive towards negative emotions.Looks like starting to see him as a threat because of his rapid progress and in his previous timeline Razor didn't exist also because of Ye ziyun's interest towards Razor and Xiao ninger relationship.


Though I personally feel Nie li is close minded,arrogant and stupid person who obsessed with saving Glory city.I mean is he so pathetic he believes glory city people can never betray him.Humph,In this world son will sell their

own mother in whore house for a piece of gold and he came to become messiah for glory city's swine-I mean peoples.

Whatever man if he becomes problem I will kill him.Now I am counting my sp harvest which reached 15,000sp making my total sp to 25,000sp.

Now as we keep moving I also starting to sense the 3 silver ranked trash shen yue invited are coming forward.I instantly just casted acid arrow

on them and they instantly melted away while they are screaming in agony.But some reason I can't stop myself from laughing to see them suffer,maybe I am really losing my humanity and becoming a true devil.Seeing this people looks horrified and starting keep their distance from me and Shen yue he looks like he almost pissed at his pants.So keep moving forward.(pov end).

Nei Li's pov:-

When I first came to this timeline I thought I can easily manipulate everything in my gain.But no,many of them failed already.And this new guy Razor he wasn't in previous timeline.I don't know why but staying anywhere near him makes me feel like I am being stared at by a terrifying demonic monster,which is even worse than sage emperor.Even worse is I can't sense his cultivation and now the way he killed them is disgusting,I mean I know they are our enemies but tormenting them to death like this is monstrous.I was going to say something be I stopped because from those slitted snake like red eyes I can feel he will kill me if I say anything.

But how can this even be possible that I am scared of someone.Well,atleast one thing good in is that Ye ziyun now starting to see him in unfavourable light.(pov end)

Seeing Razor butcher those silver ranked cultivators like pigs while laughing people decided to not to provoke this lunatic.So when no

one is looking Razor created 100 shadow clones and send them to kill demonic beasts and drive towards himself and the team.Razor can sense

Huyan Lanruo was trying to charm him before but now she is deathly afraid of him so when she is sleeping Razor put an archdevil seed in her soul.Which will become path for Razor to evolve to next level.

This seed has one simple purpose.That is to gather 7 deadly sins 7 days of time.Because if that isn't done in 7 days of time the seed will be destroyed.But now when Huyan is being rejected by Nei li.She is becoming envious towards Ye ziyun.The seed then gathered envy.Then when she used her snow sakura demon spirit she felt pride on her poweress which gave the seed pride sin.

When after all days of work she is hungry and eating it gathered gluttony sin.After that when she is lazing around on her bed next morning because of previous days exhaustance it gave the seed sloth sin.and as for wrath It gathering practically all the time with all those boys chasing after her and she after sometime getting irritated then angry to when she is fighting demonic beasts.

Razor this moment thinking to himself, You know this case reminds me of and old saying that I heard from a satanist in my previous life that is '"do you know why satan is so

terrifying because when he lost against god he made the whole world believe he is dead but same time he made everyone know that he exists"?

As a devil I am making all of the believe I am with

them and later,hmm I will do what a true snake does to them.

Razor wants the spirit lamp,no because he need it Its because he doesn't want Nei li to get it.So already sent his clones to take it and all of the the treasures.

Now that blue armed apes chasing after them Razor is standing there and watching the fun that others are trying to fight them and failing.Seeing this Nei li and Shen yue is getting pissed off and started screaming "you dammed bastard Razor,why are you standing there like statue and not helping us?"

Razor instantly used a small fireball to burn them all to ashes then looked back at them and said "If you weaklings can't even fight some blue apes why the fuck even came here,huh to steal treasure from others?"

Hearing this others looking at them with suspicion and those two they are getting really possed off.

So when the spirit rank beast is chasing us.While no one is noticing me and Huyan I instantly took her and get into the place where tomb of Kong ming is and just as I thought seeing all those treasures she is feeling greedy and instantly the seed gathered greed sin.

After that i almost reached the last phase of the plan as I released my pheromones.she is instantly starting to get wet and feel horny.Even though she tried to stop it but she failed.

I mean how can she stop herself.She is just a silver rank cultivator.As the seed gathered last of sins.The sin of Lust.

The game begins now.


At first when Razor took me here I thought we got here by relying on our luck.But when this bas

bastard took his true form,which his terrifying to see over 8 feet huge Humaoid black goat with gold horns and black scerla and red hellfire eyes with mouth full of fangs and snake like tongue.Hands full of razor sharp nail.

Then I understood he never was a human but a demon who infiltrated our city.I have to tell others as I thought then I heard him say"come to me my new level?"

I was confused but then every went dark for me.(pov end)

As for Razor when he devoured Hyuan he started to glow with black light on his whole body black human,demon,goat,snake skulls made of energy is dancing.As he felt his body starting to change as he felt under his fur he grew black scales,His body from bellow the neck to above the knee changed as there is no fur.It become more like human,Muscular chest,8 pack abs 15 inches long dick.But that doesn't mean he became weak .

Oh no no he became even stronger also with many new skills which he merged with aspect of the archdevil and named it aspect of the hellspwan.

This level is named Satan as it is the last and forbidden evolution of demon race in yggdrasil not even Ulbert had it.Razor found it by luck as he was going through system's races.

Becoming Satan means becoming king of hell as

the king he can control all demonic beings.

But the most amazing fact is Just by reaching this level he completely comprehended and mastered laws of all 7 sins.

After all its and innocent+virgin sacrifice.

He then went to kong ming's coffin to take the page of Temporal Demon Spirit Book.As he touched it system immediately said "unique energy source found,if system consumes it system can evolve.consume(y/n)?"

Without thinking too much Razor pressed y.As the system consumed it it restarted with a new screen





SHOP-(new pacakage)



Looks like system gotten a new icon mission but it also gave me a new package.But first my status






Race:Demon of great disaster [imp level 15 (max),Devil level 10(max),archdevil level 5(max)

Satan (0/2000)level 0 ]

Sex: Male

Age: 13

Soul Realm: Indigo

Soul Attribute: Dark,Fire,air,light,death,Destruction,water,ice,gravity,lightning,earth,wood,life.

Soul Form: Hydra king,Adult kunpeng

Cultivation art:Star swallowing art(1st stage),Giant dragon's body transformation art (50,890)

Cultivation:Black Gold-5 stars(999,999)

Demon Spirit: None

Skills: Observe,rapid growth,shapeshifting,Aspect of the Hellspawn,Eternal arms mastery,kemoyin Poison, Instant regeneration,

Ritual magic skill,Inscription,Dance of the archdevil,Necromancy,Alchemy,druidism,grandmaster martial arts ,Grandmaster wrestling,demonic Elemental magic skill(Fire,water,wood,lightning,metal,wind,Dark,earth,death,life,light,destruction, ice),merge,dual dragon slayer magic(lightning and earth),curse

Job:World Disaster:-level 5(max)

Necromancer-(0/10)Level 0