
Overlord in Anime worlds:The rise of the devil

Some people love to use the word humanity.But what it actually means.Does this mean kindness , forgiving nature of human which given to them by god or something else. I don't consider myself as a philosophical or intellectual person.But I can say one thing that I have seen the true face of this so-called humanity. From my personal experience i can say this god is nothing more than just a maniacal prankster who gave this humanity to humankind for his own amusement.Which slowly drives them to go somewhere darker,some time that forces them to answer some calls they shouldn't. I am a monk and this is the story of my forbidden journey to the abyss of darkness. IF YOU WISH TO SUPPORT ME YOU CAN DONATE AT Pa treon.com/Tentacle_man ( IGNORE THE SPACE)

Tentacle_man · Others
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25 Chs


As Razor kept hearing all this shit he also is starting to make many plans in his mind but he also understood one thing to get more powerful he needs to UPGRADE the system.

But out of curiosity he asked system "If I go to highschool dxd world right now,how powerful will I be?"

System:"Similar to ultimate class devil."

Hearing this he really is shocked but he still asked "how will I fare against Sirzech Lucifer".

System: "Host has 35% chance of winning, 60% chance of Losing and 5% chance both of you will die."

Razor is now really shocked"But I am the highest evolved demon race,shouldn't my bloodline surpress his and I win".

System:"Host let me explain something to you.In Yggdrasil game level 50 fully evolved vampire

if fought against level 100 lowest of the vampire race who do you think will win?"

Razor instantly answered "The one with lowest of the vampire bloodline".

System"exactly, Same is here but if you are same level as him or in higher level than him then you can surpress him.And Sirazech's level I exactly don't know this moment but it it is at least level 500."

Razor then in disappoint said "then what's even the point of high level of bloodline?"

System:"Come on,host I know you are an intelligent man,i didn't expect such foolishness from you.You should know having high level bloodline's benifit.Alright I will list them for you.

1)Bloodline corrosion:-Unlike low level bloodline's Higher level of bloodline has less chance of weakening when it comes to bloodline carrier's decedent's.Also means unlike low level bloodline carrier the higher level bloodline you have, the more you are fertile you are.

example-(Devil's in highschool dxd have just 10% fertile when you are 100% fertile.Of course you can control If you want impregnate someone)

2)More skills:-The higher level bloodline you have the more passive and active skills you will have.

3)More exp:-Unlike lower level bloodline you should get much more exp percentage if you have higher level bloodline.That's one of the reasons High level bloodline's gets so much stronger so fast.

(Normal the lowest level bloodline can only get 1-1.5% exp when highest can get even 80-90% exp)

4) Limit:-Limit is something no only the worlds have.The beings also have limitations of how much higher level they can reach then they stops growing.

(Suppose in dxd all 72 devil clans potential to reach the highest level is 700 when you don't have any limit)

5)Female attraction:-Like all animals females want to mate with one who is the strongest of Genes.So the higher the bloodline is the more females you also can attract.

6)power:-More magical and physical power when compared to other beings who are same level as him.magic is much more potent in quality and much easy to manipulate.

But with so many pros but so few cons that is one of the reason heaven doesn't like hetromorph races.Also as they didn't born from them and heaven have no control over them.So they declared all hetromorphs as monsters needs to eradicated.But they still failed in the end as hetromorph's outnumbered them by large margins but luckily for them most of the hetromorphs are scattered.

But heavens overgod is heavily injured and in coma from last war among gods of heaven and hetromorphs.So they sealed of heaven and hidden in their world".

Hearing all of this Razor's brain is working with speed of light.He is thinking about using those hetromorphs who are against the heaven as he also bound get in war with heaven someday.

But he still asked System how to get stronger fast after all own personal power is very important.

System:"Upgrade the system,host.Trust me you won't be disappointed.You gather powerful items

and use them to upgrade the system and before upgrading me use your magia erebra on it.So you can also gain that items power and even if you use it to upgrade the system you won't lose anything.And besides if you upgrade me you will unlock many new features which will help you to level up."

Razor decided to follow System's advice this time.

Then all the sudden System said to him"By the way host You may have been talking about you reaching the highest level of demon race.Sorry to disappoint you but you just reached the first step to become the highest rank".

Razor instantly stand up and started asking"Then

what the fuck is the next step?"

System:"Error,please upgrade system for further information."

"Fuck,great,just great and here I thought I am on the top of the food chain.I'm going to have a smooth journey where I can just get girls and live rest of my life having sex with them and cuckolding my enemies.

Now looks like forget cuckolding them,If I even look at their girls they will neutur me "After ranting for some time Razor got tired and decided enough of these shit his first and most important thing to do is upgrading that motherfuc*ing system.

1hour later:-

In his office as Razor sat behind his desk and infront of him gathered all of his floor guardians except for 6th and 8th floor guardians and all pleiades maids.

Razor opened the map.He pointed where the black scripture should be and ordered Shaltear to follow that trail and lure them to Tob forest where he will be waiting.Then looked at Shaltear coldly and spoke to Shaltear "make sure to kill any outsider who may have become witness of our scheme."

"Next,Sebas and Solution,You two will be our scout plus manupulation squad.

Your jobs will be gathering information and manipulate the scenes from the shadows to make Nazerick look like hero and others Villan.Don't worry if you need help you can always ask any of the floor guardians help.They will help you the way they can."As he ordered them they immediately accepted.

Razor then started speaking "3rd part of the plan is I with Naberal Gama will disguise as Adventurers and manipulate the scenes for our benefit and gather powerful resources what this world have to offer."

But when Razor said he is going outside everybody started to say"my lord,please you don't have to do this.let us do this,"

As the meeting begins.Razor's mood from the beginning is bad so he was really getting pissed off when everyone starting to scream like they are in a fish market.

He instantly released some of his horrifying ki.Every one under the ki was forced kneel and starting to have hallucinations of they are getting killed various diffrent ways such as impaled by a spear through their as*hole which came out of their mouth.

Then Razor spoke in his demonic tone"DO I LOOK LIKE A CHILD TO YOU?"

Everyone in fear denied.Then Razor stopped releasing his ki.

Then spoke "do as I say.Demiurge"

In his own mind he is thinking'damm it.In my desperation I am getting impatient and angry every single passing moment.And starting to release that frustration on these poor people.I should calm down'.

After that he took a long breath and calmed himself down.Then looked at Demiurge.

And as for Demiurge who is still under the effects of the ki trembling but still answered"Y-yes milord."

"Look around for whatever can be useful for Nazerick's fighting force and inform me.We need to get them either by hook or crook.This world isn't what it looks from outside.We need to get this whole world under our thumb as soon as possible"He ordered Demiurge.

Razor then declared "Finally in my absence Albedo will be in charge of Nazerick if you need anything talk to her."

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