
Overlord in Anime worlds:The rise of the devil

Some people love to use the word humanity.But what it actually means.Does this mean kindness , forgiving nature of human which given to them by god or something else. I don't consider myself as a philosophical or intellectual person.But I can say one thing that I have seen the true face of this so-called humanity. From my personal experience i can say this god is nothing more than just a maniacal prankster who gave this humanity to humankind for his own amusement.Which slowly drives them to go somewhere darker,some time that forces them to answer some calls they shouldn't. I am a monk and this is the story of my forbidden journey to the abyss of darkness. IF YOU WISH TO SUPPORT ME YOU CAN DONATE AT Pa treon.com/Tentacle_man ( IGNORE THE SPACE)

Tentacle_man · Others
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25 Chs


Cocytus's pov:-

My name is cocytus.I am the guardian of the 5th floor on the great tomb of Nazerick.When one by one every supreme being stared leaving I never thought Razor-sama would be the one who will stay with us.

Today when I heard Razor-sama called all of us guardians to the 6th floor.At first truth to be told I was very nervous to meet him.Because I heard from my creator what a terrifying being Razor-sama is.He so powerful which can only described as a 2 simple worlds,Apex predator.

He is the only being who stands topest of the food chain.

Even if all other 40 supreme being fought together they can't even make Razor-sama tired.

I still remember the day Nazerick was invaded by other gods.All of the other supreme beings was struggling against that many opponents.

That's when he came I first thought what he alone can do.But in a second everything changed

as he casted his spell he destroyed all 800 of them.He didn't just killed them he tormented them so much some of them even gone insane.

That's when I heard from lord peroronchino who was fighting beside me "Razor says that He gets whatever he wants,no no it's not arrogance or anything with his skill,intelligence and power he truly can get whatever he wants "

So that was my first meeting with The Antichrist,The Heathen,the monster,the devil,Razor Asura."

Today when I went to the 6th floor I saw the audicaty of Shaltear and Aura.They are fighting infront of Razor-sama.I scolded both of them.Then I heard Razor-sama is thanking me for coming to this meeting without previously telling.

I am shocked at the kindness of such a being.Looks like he is only cruel to our enemies.

Very soon Albedo and Demiurge also came.Soon Sebas also came.

So the meeting officially begins.(pov end)

Razor started as "First I like to apologize all of you for having to come to this meeting such short notice.But the situation is that much grave that we all have take every step carefully.

Recently It looks like nazerick by some unknown accident transferred from Yggdrasil to an unknown world".

Hearing this all of them started to look at him worriedly what to do.

Razor said"no need to worry as we gonna play from the dark to see what this world has to offer to us.As for that others don't find us mare use dirt to make dummy hill around Nazerick and I will put some illusions that will be enough to hide

the whole tomb".

As Razor ended his speech Albedo kneeled before her lover and master at the front of the guardians before speaking.

"We the Floor Guardians pledge our undying loyalty to you, the Supreme Being, our overlord," she said.

"All hail Lord Razor!" the rest of them joined in. He gave them all a cold smile that befitted a strong ruler.Unknownigly he released some of his aura which released from his body and started to look like a black column in it a red demonic hollow (ichigo vastolorde mask) mask which is laughing in its demonic sadistness.

Razor first asked them cruelly "can you all answer a single question for me"then coldly looked at every single guardians and asked them "tell me honestly,what you think of me".

The Guardians looked at one another, not entirely sure what the purpose of this question was but willing to answer nonetheless.

Shalltear was the first to speak up. Her face was full of joy and had a distinct blush on her pale features.

"Beauty,power and destruction personified.The pinnacle of Vampiric evolution,Dacula."


"Stronger. Than. All. Of. Us. Floor. Guardians. And. Stronger.Than. Any. Of. The. Other. Supreme. Beings.The.Apex.Predator.

The. Pride. Of. Nazarick. Our. Great. Leader."


"A merciful leader with unmatched foresight!"


"A-a kind and gentle ruler."


An inscrutable man who makes the wisest of decisions and acts upon them with precision and efficiency.The devourer of worlds.Butcher of gods.The perfect demon.


"The leader of the 41 Supreme Beings and our kind master who elected to stay with until the end."

in his mind he is saying here comes the hard part


"The Highest of the Supreme Beings and our ultimate master! The strongest being in whole yggdrasil!As well as the man I love!" she stated proudly.

Well that makes my ego which is already size of a moon grow a little bigger Razor thought and ordered the guardians "Alright everyone get to work and check every corner in your floors to make sure noone who doesn't belong to Nazerick is hiding here".

Then he returned to his room.

Before he returned he heard Albedo and Shaltear are arguing about who is going to be his wife.

So tired of their squabbling he decided to take a stroll as in the way he met Demiurge,so they strolling across the floor.

Razor floated in the air high above the clouds as he gazed at beautiful sky. His eyes revealed wonders at the beauty of this world's sky. But, thanks to his vampire senses, his nose smelled a faint scent of blood in the air. The beauty of this world masked a reality of conflict, pain and suffering as that is eternal truth.

BluePlanet would lose his mind after seeing this magnificent sky.

He suddenly frowned at the thought his former tool of his who was one of his biggest supporters in the guild.Even though the NPCs had come to life and had become his new family.

This name should no longer be ainz oal gown it's from now on would be the tomb of Nazerick.

Ainz Ooal Gown was a hollow shell of its former self but Tomb Nazerick is now more powerful and ready to rebuild it in his personal own image. It was certainly a step up from how things had been prior to coming to this new world, but it wasn't enough.But he has the knowledge of the events and powers of this world.Which will certainly bring an advantage.

He looked out upon the world once more and was suddenly filled with an overwhelming sense of ambition and urge to Slaughter and cause destruction. "Taking over the world might be quite enjoyable." As Razor spoke these words his cold smile widened like a fissure into an evil grin that revealed every fang in his mouth as his piercing eyes widened changing expression from that of a dignified ruler to a madman. "This entire world shall become image of Nazerick!" he declared to himself without realizing Demiurge had chosen that moment to catch up with him. "Every being in the universe will know of the planet Nazerick and all of its glory!" Demiurge stared in awe as if he watching history being made as his master continued to rant. "Nazarick will conquer this world. And the next. And then the next! AND THEN THE NEXT!" And with that he let out evil laughter like any self-respecting villain would(Madara r*pe laugh). After a few moments he finally calmed himself down. "Ah, but I'm getting ahead of myself," he said as turned to see Demiurge's slack jawed expression.

He instantly thought

That wasn't like me. I want to destroy,take whatever I want but stay in the shadows.But in the limelight never.Hmm, looks like the lore about Draculas does say that they are extremely ambitious so that could be the reason my personality has been changing. Still, calling this planet Nazerick little too much.But will I stop? never,Razor does whatever Razor wants.You have problem with that,You will get the end of Razor's edge.

"My lord," Demiurge finally spoke up. With a bow he said "It would be my greatest pleasure to secure this planet for you and make sure its inhabitants know of its glorious name and its rightful ruler." Momonga gave a small smile in response to the demon's devotion.

"Soon,Demiurge.very soon."

Might as well check how Mare's doing

Next day,


I decided that I won't play the situations like momonga played in anime.I have to play them smartly and who knows like Touch me there is any other of players came here so I have to silence them.

As I am scrolling through mirror Viewing I finally found what I am looking for.The slaughter in Crane village.

As for me I am smiling while watching the slaughter.Saebas was watching that beside me he instantly asked me"milord,what shall we do?"

I coldly answered "nothing".Hearing that even though he is trying to hide it I can see it clearly that he is struggling to prevent himself to rush over there and help those poor villagers.

I sighed in disappointment and Sebas"Listen Sebas I understand that you wish to help someone who is in trouble but have you ever thought about the consequences your actions will bring.What,if they are your enemies laying a trap for you.Don't make the same mistake Touch me once made".

Hearing this Sebas was shocked at me as i easily saw through him and Touch me's mistake.

Well anyway now that I am seeing that 2 knights from Slane theocracy who dressed as Re-stize kingdom knights chasing after Enri and Nemu.

I decided it's time for me to intervene.

So I ordered Sebas"I am going to that place and sent Albedo to come with me".

With that I opened gate and entered there.(pov end)

Enri's pov:-

I am just a normal village girl who lives in Crane village.Today when I was working in our field I saw emperire's soldiers are coming this way.

I first thought they might be coming for some work or something.

But all the sudden they started killing people left and right.I somehow escaped with my sister and started running towards Jungle while 2 knights started perusing us.I inside my mind preying to whatever god out there that please let my sister escape even I die.She is just 10 years old.

As I fell to the ground when I slipped while running.The knights were already near me.

I can feel it that I am going to die but I tried to shield my little sister as I close my eyes.I am waiting for the sword to hit me but that never came.As i looked up i saw those 2 knights are looking at something behind me and looks scared as they started to scream in fear"WHAT IN NAME OF GREAT SIX GODS IS THAT"?

As i looked back at what is making these knights scared,it's a black abyss From it what emerging is simply be described as one word.DEATH

Yes,death, as it took human form. He is over 8 feet tall.Pale as a corpse skin color,red slitted pupils, but pitch black scerla, Which looks like it's will to devour your soul if you get close to hi..His waist length hair color is just like fresh snow but both side of his head is 2 upward black horns,his finger nails are each 3 inches long as their color are black which looks sharp enough to tear you into pieces.

But he is wearing black soldier pants with knee length steel toed boots as his upper body dress can only described as a overcoat made from shadow(zangetsu coat),which is fluttering around to like it is trying to reach you but when it reaches you it will drag you to deepest bowl of prugeotory.

It was as though Death itself, draped in an ornate, jet-black overcoat, was born into this world with darkness from another world.

The air froze in the blink of an eye.

It was as if time itself had frozen before the advent of an absolute being.

The girl had forgotten to breathe as though her soul was stolen

In this situation, where even sense of time seemed to have vanished, the girl began hyperventilating and breathed as though gasping for air.

—The Devil has come from the otherworld to take me away was her last thought"(pov end)