
Overlord: A Brave New World With My Servants

Isaiah logs on for one final time to experience the end of his beloved game, YGGDRASIL, but is transported into a new world as his player character. Struggling to adapt, he must navigate the dangers of this new world where every move could mean life or death. He makes new allies and enemies as he discovers the fate of this game world is tied to his own. He must decide if he wants to return to his old life or if this new one is where he truly belongs.

Myles_115 · Anime & Comics
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Debriefing and Address

A/N: I am pleased to report that the feedback on the current story has been positive. Based on the majority's response, it has been decided that there will not be a rewrite of the Grand Servants. To those readers who had hoped for a different outcome, I understand your disappointment, but please don't give up on the story just yet. It may still hold interest for you in the future.

On a personal note, I've been bombarded with a multitude of readings and assignments for my classes so those will take priority of course. Nonetheless, I will endeavor to keep writing these chapters in my free time. Once things ease up in school, I'll look into setting a proper release schedule.


Isaiah, surrounded by his Grand Servants, was engrossed in Hundred Faces' report on their new surroundings. The contents of the report were detailed and fascinating, and Isaiah was determined to understand all of it.

He knew the safety of Chaldea was his top priority, and he was grateful for the multitude of personas possessed by Hundred Faces that allowed him to gather all the information that he could. Each Grand Servant present received a copy of the report, and its contents were thoroughly studied and memorized.

Nestled within rolling hills and surrounded by dense forests, Chaldea stood proud and mighty with its towering spires of Camelot, the high walls of Uruk, the grandeur of the Grand Temple, and the mysterious aura of the Shrine of Azrael.

The hills that surrounded Chaldea were steep and rugged, their slopes covered in a lush blanket of greenery, providing a natural barrier against the outside. Meanwhile, the forests were a world all their own. From towering trees to burbling streams, the forests were a place of wonder and beauty, a true testament to the majesty of the natural world.

But the report brought to light a growing concern - warring demi-human tribes were clashing over territory in the region. This posed an imminent threat, one that couldn't be ignored.

"Hundred Faces, convey my message to all outposts to increase their security measures to the maximum. We cannot endure another attack similar to the previous one. Grant them access to the necessary resources to ensure their preparedness," Isaiah ordered, cognizant of the fact that Chaldea must be safeguarded and ready for any potential escalation of these conflicts.

The Servant nodded and then deployed his personas while remaining engaged in the meeting. When interacting with others, Hundred Faces commonly appeared as a bald, dark-skinned man.

He had a lean and muscular build, donning a skull mask and pants worn from the navel down. Despite being able to present himself in many different forms, this was the appearance he chose to use most frequently.

As Isaiah read the report further, a new piece of information caught his attention. The report not only uncovered the geography surrounding Chaldea, but it also disclosed the existence of nearby human settlements, indicated by the presence of troops guarding their borders.

So far, two have been identified. The first was located to the north of Chaldea, beyond a range of hills, while the second was situated to the southwest.

This second settlement was especially intriguing, with a formidable wall that stretched from one vast body of water to the other, suggesting that it might be a peninsula. Isaiah couldn't help but wonder about the people living behind those walls, and what kind of society they had built for themselves.

With this new information about the presence of human settlements, Isaiah was faced with a dilemma. Unlike the hostile demi-humans, these two states were a complete mystery to him.

He struggled with which strategy to adopt, considering the possible drawbacks and advantages of each option. The situation was intricate and sensitive, and he realized that his choices would impact the outcome significantly.

"Master Ritsuka," Artoria said, "I have a proposal to make." Isaiah turned to face her, intrigued by what she had to say.

"I suggest," she persisted, "that we dispatch a diplomatic delegation to engage with these communities and acquire as much knowledge as possible. This could serve as a rare chance for us to acquire intelligence, foster connections, and establish a footing that could prove advantageous to Chaldea in the future."

'Diplomacy?' Isaiah wondered as memories of his time in the corporate world resurfaced. He recollected his experience as a leader in negotiations and dispute resolution, using his tact and poise. What stood out to him the most were the valuable lessons he had gained from those experiences.

Things such as the importance of active listening, understanding the motivations and concerns of all parties involved, and being able to articulate his own ideas in a clear and concise manner. Isaiah believed that some of those same skills could be applied to mold him into a proper diplomat.

Nevertheless, Hassan took a step forward. "Pardon me, Master, but I must confess my misgivings regarding Lady Artoria's proposition for diplomacy."

"Proceed, Hassan," Isaiah replied with a nod. "In fact, I encourage all of you to share your thoughts on this matter," he continued, turning his gaze to the rest of the Grand Servants gathered before him. "Your input is valuable to me."

With permission granted, Hassan continued, "Master, I must bid thee be wary. To tread the path of diplomacy with these uncharted lands is a perilous endeavor. We know not what manner of reception shall be bestowed upon us, and the uncertainty hath burdened my thoughts greatly. Their customs, decrees, and even their moral standing may vary greatly from our own. 'Tis wise to exercise caution and preserve our anonymity until a clearer understanding is attained."

'True, Hassan's worries are valid,' Isaiah thought, considering the potential dangers of diplomacy. 'What's the point of negotiating if we end up with a hostile neighbor that's been waiting to attack their next target? And as for the country surrounded by walls, we can't predict their reaction to seeing foreigners, it could easily lead to a hostile encounter.'

"Fools," Gilgamesh suddenly declared with a sneer, "Why waste our time with such trifling and cowardly matters as diplomacy and isolation? We are the Grand Servants of Chaldea. Let us show our might to these nations and let them tremble at our feet."

She strode forward, her regal bearing exuding confidence and pride. "We have no need to cower in fear or hide behind words. I, the King of Heroes, shall lead the charge and demonstrate our strength."

The Grand Caster smirked as she looked around the room, daring anyone to challenge her suggestion. "Do not be afraid to use your powers, my fellow servants. Let us show those mongrels that we are not to be trifled with. For we are the harbingers of the future, and we shall not be stopped."

Isaiah was aware of the fact that they were venturing into uncharted territory, and they were unsure of the challenges that lay ahead. However, did this mean they should resort to using force right away?

Isaiah was disturbed by such a thought. He had pictured their expedition as explorers, but Gilgamesh's suggestion would paint them as conquerors instead. He was torn between his conflicting feelings of caution and the desire to explore and discover.

'However,' Isaiah's thoughts shifted, 'The unknown is precisely that, unknown. What if these neighbors pose a threat to us? We must be prepared to defend ourselves, even if it means striking first.'

Isaiah mentally sighed, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders and inundated with a barrage of thoughts, both positive and negative. The Golden Rule, a principle ingrained in him since childhood, echoed in his mind - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. He couldn't help but think of this age-old wisdom while coming up with a decision.

Finally making up his mind, he clasped his hands. The Grand Servants in the room were ready for his decision.

"Grand Servants," Isaiah began, doing his utmost to appear strong and confident. "I have weighed the options and I have come to a decision. I've decided that it is in our best interest to keep the existence of Chaldea a secret from our neighbors, for now. We do not know who they are or what their intentions are, and I believe it is best to proceed with caution."

Artoria and Gilgamesh were two confident individuals, unshaken by the rejection of their proposal. They had a deep-seated belief in their Master's limitless potential, knowing that wherever he went, he would always turn the journey into something grand and magnificent.

Despite the setback, their unwavering faith in their Master remained unchanged. They would continue to follow him down any path he chose, knowing full well that he would always lead them to greatness.

"And in that spirit," Isaiah turned to face Grand Assassin, "Hassan, I'm requesting that your Order of Assassins establish a covert network of spies within the neighboring territories to gather all information on their way of life. This mission demands the highest level of secrecy and caution, and it will serve as a demonstration of your abilities."

Hassan, proud to fulfill the commands of his Master, embraced the duty of being the Old Man of the Mountain. He understood the weight of his assignment, the significance of his role, and the trust placed in him by his Master. He would uphold the expectations of his Master with dignity, strength, and grace.

"Master Ritsuka, the Order and I are but mere servants, existing solely for the purpose of fulfilling thy desires and imparting all that thou commandeth upon the world. I shall obey thy every command and should we ever falter, it shall be deemed a grave dishonor, met with immediate correction," Hassan responded.

"I am grateful for those words," Isaiah responded. 'But, I'm not sure how to feel being put up on such a high pedestal,' he privately reflected, still trying to get used to the whole supreme ruler image forced upon him.

Isaiah, once again, spoke with a resolute tone, his gaze fixed upon the Grand Archer. "Napoleon, I leave you and the Expeditionary Force in charge to thwart any and all demi-human aggression that threatens our land. If the need arises to take an aggressive stance against them, it will be up to you and your generals to unleash our prowess."

As Napoleon heard his orders, he lifted his hand in a confident salute, his eyes gleaming with a fierce determination. He longed to push the boundaries of what was possible, to show the world the full potential of the human spirit. He felt a burning passion within him, a fierce desire to rise above all limitations and prove himself as a true leader befitting his title as Grand Archer.

"I can assure you that you will not be disappointed. Our military is well-equipped, and our tactics are second to none. My loyalty to Chaldea is unwavering, and I am fully committed to serving as a shining example of our might. I, Napoleon Bonaparte, will be a beacon of hope for the people, inspiring them with your guidance to believe in a brighter future."

"Indeed you shall!" Isaiah's response was filled with fervor, as though he had taken a page from Napoleon's book of unwavering conviction. "You will all share in the pride that comes from protecting those you hold dear," he declared to the assembled Grand Servants, his voice ringing throughout the room.

"Master!" The grand servants erupted into cheers, their voices ringing out in unison at Isaiah's proclamation. The room was filled with excitement and joy, as the gathered servants celebrated their beloved leader's words.

Isaiah stood tall, basking in the adoration of his followers, a broad smile spreading across his face. He was their master, and they were his loyal servants. And in that moment, there was nothing but unity and happiness among them.


As the meeting came to a close, the participants dispersed, each with a mission to fulfill. Hassan and Napoleon had their assigned responsibilities, but the other Grand Servants were not far behind, each with their own specific duties to attend to.

Artoria and her Knights of the Round Table had been appointed as the policing force for the sprawling streets of Chaldea. They were meant to be the reliable pillar of support that the people of Chaldea could turn to in their time of need, the watchful protectors that kept the peace and brought safety.

Meanwhile, Ozymandias embarked on a mission to bring civilization and prosperity to the untamed lands surrounding Chaldea. Determined to lay the foundation for Chaldea's future growth and success, he set out to establish new villages, filled with the hope and promise of a brighter tomorrow. He envisions a thriving society, where the people of Chaldea could live and prosper in peace and comfort.

Gilgamesh, the architect of order and efficiency, was deeply engrossed in the construction of the very backbone of Chaldea's success. Her sharp mind raced with thoughts of how to build a bureaucracy that would rival the greatest of empires, for she knew that without a well-oiled machine, Chaldea would inevitably falter. With unwavering focus, she set about laying the groundwork for a system that would be the envy of all, one where every task was performed with unyielding accuracy and speed.

Then there was Morgan, armed with the wisdom of a diverse council of advisors hailing from every corner of Chaldea, set out on a mission to establish a formal code of law. Though Isaiah was held in high esteem and his words carried great weight among the inhabitants of Chaldea, he knew that for Chaldea to be seen as a legitimate and organized society, a structured system of laws was imperative. And so, with steadfast determination, Morgan began the process for a stable and equitable legal system.

Sure, Lancer, Archer, Rider, Caster, Assassin, and Berserker have their duties. But what about Saber and Ruler? Well…

"Nero," Isaiah said hesitantly, his brow furrowed with doubt. "Are you sure this is necessary?" The way he looked at Nero, it was as if he was trying to gauge the woman's intentions.

Isaiah, dressed in a prestigious and noble blue outfit, slowly approached a window that showed the bustling public square adjacent to Camelot's majestic castle, its grand balcony draped in regal splendor.

The sound of hundreds of voices echoed through the air, a symphony of excitement and anticipation. The castle, a symbol of power and authority, stood tall and proud, its decorations a testament to the Grand Saber's grandiose taste.

"Umu!" Nero exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement. "Your speech, Praetor, can only be delivered in the splendor of the stage I have crafted. I eagerly await the message you will impart to the gathered masses."

Isaiah had originally intended to address the people of Chaldea, who, like himself, had undergone a profound transformation in recent events. However, he had never imagined doing so in the grandiose manner that Nero had so meticulously arranged.

"Fear not, Master," Sherlock spoke from behind, his voice filled with reassurance. "I am transmitting your message to every stronghold in Chaldea, ensuring that not a single soul will miss the wisdom of your words."

'That's not what's weighing on my mind,' Isaiah thought to himself. 'But I am grateful for his unwavering sense of duty.'

Isaiah was not apprehensive about the speech he was about to deliver. In fact, he was quite at ease on the stage. Throughout his academic pursuits, he had faced numerous presentations and debates, honing his public speaking abilities to a razor's edge. He was confident in his ability to captivate an audience, no matter the size or occasion.

What truly plagued Isaiah's thoughts was the profound step he would take after delivering his speech. He would be assuming a role that he never envisioned for himself, one of paramount leadership. Given the legendary status of his Grand Servants, he would have to adopt an official title that befits such a position.

One that Isaiah would soon see the people grant him.

'Here I go.'

Isaiah stepped out onto the grand balcony of the main castle of Camelot, greeted by a sea of faces stretching as far as the eye could see. The public square was packed with hundreds of people, their murmurs growing hushed as they caught sight of him. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the task ahead.

As he approached the edge of the balcony, the throngs of people below erupted into a thunderous applause, their cheers ringing out across the square. Isaiah raised a hand, stilling the crowd, and gazed out upon them, taking in their excitement and anticipation.

The sun was high in the sky, bathing the balcony in a warm glow, and casting long shadows behind Isaiah. The decorations that Nero had arranged for the occasion were truly magnificent, fitting for the champion of the Holy Grail War.

Isaiah cleared his throat and began to speak, his voice ringing out across the square. "People of Chaldea…"

As he spoke, he could feel the power of his words, and the weight of the momentous step he was about to take. But he made himself ready for it.

"I, Ritsuka Finis Chaldeas," he began, his powerful voice carrying across the throngs, "come before you today to address the confusion and uncertainty that we all feel in the wake of our sudden transportation to this strange new world."

The mention of his new name, chosen in the wake of their sudden appearance in this unknown world, was not just a moniker, but a symbol of the unbreakable bond between him and the people of Chaldea - the rebirth of the two.

"I understand that these are difficult and unsettling times," he continued, "but I assure you that we will face this challenge with strength and courage."

"I know that many of you are worried about the safety and security of your loved ones," Isaiah said, his voice filled with reassurance. "But I promise you that we will do everything in our power to protect and defend Chaldea. This new world will not intimidate us, and we will not be beaten down by it."

"We must endeavor to understand this new world," Isaiah declared. "To learn its secrets, its strengths, and its weaknesses, so that we can make it our own. We must explore it with the same curiosity and passion that we have always brought to our endeavors."

"This new world is a sea of opportunity and possibility," Isaiah continued, his voice filled with excitement. "And just as we have set sail on this new sea, we must also set our sights on new knowledge. We must use this new world to progress, to learn, and to grow."

"As we look to the future," Isaiah concluded, "let us remember that we are Chaldea, a people who have always risen to meet any challenge. And together, we will make this new world our own!"

As Isaiah finished his powerful speech, the crowd erupted into applause and cheers. The energy was palpable, as if a spark had been lit in the hearts of each person in the crowd. And then, as if on cue, they began to sing, their voices joining together in a powerful chorus.

"To Chaldeas, our Sovereign King,

Who is the world's salvation,

All praise and homage do we bring,

And thanks and adoration."

The voices of the crowd grew louder, filled with conviction and pride, as they repeated the anthem.

"Chaldeas Victor, Chaldeas Ruler!

Chaldeas, Lord and Redeemer!

Thy reign extend, O King benign,

To every land and nation,"

Isaiah watched in awe as the crowd sang, their voices filled with hope and determination. It was a powerful moment, and one that he would never forget.

"For in Thy kingdom, Lord divine,

Alone we find salvation.

Chaldeas Victor, Chaldeas Ruler!

Chaldeas, Lord and Redeemer!"

As the final strains of the anthem echoed throughout the plaza, the crowd erupted into deafening applause. Joyous cries filled the air, ringing out like a symphony of hope and unity.

Isaiah stood at the balcony, basking in the warmth of their approval. He gazed out over the sea of faces, each one radiating with joy and pride. He could see the hope in their eyes, a hope that he had sparked with his words.

In that moment, he truly felt like their king, a mantle of responsibility, yes, but also of love and care for his people.

And as the cheers slowly died down, and the crowd slowly dispersed, Isaiah couldn't help but smile. He had never felt more alive, more purposeful. He had found his place in this strange new world, and he would do everything in his power to make it their home.

That was the mission of King Ritsuka Finis Chaldeas.

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