
Overbearing Power

Follow Robin, A hot-blooded arrogant boy, on his journey of survival and hunting down big bad monsters. One day when Robin was in his high school math class, the world started to change. One moment there was a massive thunder strike splitting the sky open and the next the school was being attacked by goblins. When Robin leveled up and got strong and bulky, he didn’t want to be a hero or a villain. He wanted to get strong enough to get rid of anyone who stood in his path and smash their skulls open. What to Expect: OP MC Arrogant MC Little To No Romance No Harem Game Elements Giant Muscular MC Base Building Monster Pets

theFlyingDog · Fantasy
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35 Chs

The First Quest

I started walking towards him while making eye contact, his shivering was getting intense. He started backing away slowly.

I stopped a few feet away from him and looked down at him since he only reached my chest, "I am someone who can kill you with a flick of a finger.", something that surprised me was the change in my voice when I said these words. The physical changes I got after evolving into a Demi Troll almost made my voice seem like a growl from a monster.

Henry was stunned at a place, his pants were leaking. The guy got so scared that he pissed himself.

I could hear Walter laughing behind me, whereas Jessica ran off from the scene after witnessing this.

I had no interest in fighting with Henry so I left him and went home.


Walter's parents were in the kitchen cooking rice and curry, from the ingredients that we got from the mall. We all sat at the dining table and had a meal. Lily looked a little gloomy, but I knew she would return to normal. Jessica was her best friend, so it was probably hard for her to let go of her.

After having the meal, we all went to sleep.

The next day, everyone was ready before dawn. There was this whole scene with Walter's parents where they were not allowing him to leave the village but after a night-long persuasive talk by him, somehow they changed their minds.

Liam was waiting outside the door, with everyone gathered, we all set out to hunt the Tree Spirit. On the way out of the village, we saw a few people, they were in a group of 5, and it looked like they were also going outside the village for a quest.

Our journey to find the Tree Spirit was going well, the Adventurers Guild provided us with a map that was integrated with the system, it was exactly like Google Maps, but it only shows us a path to the tree spirit and nothing else.

But at least with this, we were not going to get lost.

On our way, we saw a few goblins, but the moment they saw me they ran away. Lily still killed a few of them which were within the range of her bow.

Our path was coming to an end, we were getting very close to the Tree Spirit as per the map provided to us by the Adventurers Guild. But when we got there we found nothing, the picture of the Tree Spirit that I saw on the poster looked like a tree with limbs, but there was nothing like that here.

We did a 360-degree search of the area and found nothing at all. The place was just like any other place in the forest, filled with trees and grass.

Suddenly, I heard a rustling sound and immediately after, Lily screamed. I turned back to see a Lily being hung upside down by a vine. The Vine was attached to a 15-foot-tall tree-looking monster, it had 4 limbs and a mouth, and a pair of eyes. It was a surreal sight to see a literal tree with eyes and mouth.

Lily was still dangling up in the air, so I rushed for a head-on clash with the monster with Liam backing me up with his magic attacks, whereas Walter rushed to free Lily from the clutches of the tree.

This was the first time I was fighting with my giant Demi Troll body, every step I took now covered double the distance of what it was earlier. Before I knew it I was upon the Tree Spirits' attack range.

I saw a bunch of vines flying toward me, I did a horizontal swing with my staff to back them off but they were very nimble and avoided my attack with ease. One of these vines broke through my defense and wrapped around my left hand.

Before I knew it, both my hands were wrapped around vines making me incapable of movement.

The Tree Spirit had a smirk on his face looking at this. It was starting to pull its vines in with its mouth wide open, indenting to swallow me whole.

But when it pulled his vines in, there was no movement. I held my ground with ease with the amount of power behind the vines, it was never going to be capable of moving me even an inch if I didn't want to.

The Tree Spirit understood this and tried to release me immediately, but I grabbed onto the vines now. The Tree Spirit was startled, it shook its vines around vigorously to get itself free, but my grip was not loosened a little bit.

With a loud scream, "AAHhhHHHHhh", I put all my force into pulling the vines, resulting in pulling them apart from the body.

The Tree Spirit made a noise, it was as if it was screaming. The sound was loud and eerie. Seeing his vines lay on the ground lifelessly made his eyes burn with anger.

Walter was able to free Lily easily, using his throwing knives to cut down the vine. Now we were all looking at the monster, waiting for its next attack.

It started sprinting toward us, every step it took shook the ground a little bit. I went forward to meet his attack head-on. Its arms were as big as a normal tree, almost around 10 feet long.

The arm came swinging down at me, I swung my staff right at the incoming tree arm. The power behind the attack sent us both a few steps back. The Tree Spirit was an equal match for me, strength-wise.

Both of us were exchanging attacks. From the side, Lily shot her arrows continuously, which were not that effective against a level 14 monster since its defense was very high. And since Walter was a close-range fighter he maintained a good distance from the monster, only coming in for a hit once in a while and falling back immediately.

Liam's attacks were a little more effective, although his mana balls were slow but they were able to cause a good amount of damage to the Tree Spirit. After around 20 minutes of constant fighting, the Tree Spirit drew its last breath and fell down to the ground.

*+5950 Exp*

*Level Up*

*+10 STR*

*+16 VIT*

*+11 DEF*

*+1 AGI*

*+1 WILL*

*+5 Attribute Points*

*+4 Skill Points*

The extra attribute points that I was getting from the Demi Troll race were taking my stats crazy high. 16 points in Vitality at once was mind-blowing. The total Vitality Liam a mage had was 9 and there was I who was gaining 16 points of vitality on every level. I was about to reach 100 points on a few attributes, whereas the others were trying their hardest to get one attribute to 20.

This was too broken to be accurate, although they might be able to speed up their growth after their evolution at level 10, but it was still going to be far lower than mine.

I collected the Tree Spirit's corpse and we decided to rest a little after that exhausting fight. Although leveling up made the physical fatigue go away, but the mind still wanted some rest. And the others also gained multiple level-ups from the fight, so they wanted to distribute their stats points.

I also opened up my status window to distribute my free points.


Name: Robin Vaulter

Level: 11

HP: 1740/1740

MP: 0/0

Exp: 4877/12064

Race: Demi Troll

Class: Warrior

Job: Adventurer

Gold: 130

Skill: Unwavering Body Lvl 1(L), Identification Lvl 4 (C), Power Punch Lvl 2 (C), Staff Mastery Lvl 13 (C), Pain Tolerance Lvl 34(C), Haste Lvl 1 (R), Axe Mastery (C)Lvl 2, Lesser Regeneration(UC) Lvl 60, Minor Strength Boost (UC) Lvl 1, Magic Defense (UC) Lvl 4, Fire Resistance (UC) Lvl 41, Dash (UC) Lv 1, Mount Control (UC) Lv 5


Strength: 86

Vitality: 87

Defense: 47

Agility: 19 (+2)

Intelligence: 3

Willpower: 8 (+10)

Wisdom: 0

Luck: 3


Fire Resistance: 41%

Water Resistance: -10%

Cold Resistance: 40%

Free Attribute Points: 10

Free Skill Points: 8

My strength, vitality, and defense were going up like crazy, but on the other hand, my Intelligence and Wisdom were almost nothing. Although I didn't want to focus on that, but since now I had a lot of additional points assigned to my physical stats on every level, I could spare my free points on the other attribute now.

I decided to put 4 points on Agility, 5 on intelligence, and 2 on Wisdom. I wanted to see what it felt like to have mana, since Wisdom was only related to mana I spent 2 points on it.

My Skill Points were only 2 points away from 10, and with that, I could finally level up Unwavering Body to level 2.

The moment I added 2 points to Wisdom, it felt like something inside me changed. It was as if there was something else flowing with my blood. With every breath of air I inhaled, there was some other substance that was energizing me.

With every breath I took, it was as if I was refilling the energy inside me. The energy was not as primal as the raw power in my muscles it was much more delicate, it was as if it would break apart if not handled with care.

On the other hand, the 5 points I put in Intelligence didn't cause much of a change, as per the system it was supposed to make knowledge consumption and memory capacity better, I was eager to test it out when I got time.


With our quest completed, we returned back to the village. But upon getting close to the village, I could hear some commotion at the village gate.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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