
Overbearing Power

Follow Robin, A hot-blooded arrogant boy, on his journey of survival and hunting down big bad monsters. One day when Robin was in his high school math class, the world started to change. One moment there was a massive thunder strike splitting the sky open and the next the school was being attacked by goblins. When Robin leveled up and got strong and bulky, he didn’t want to be a hero or a villain. He wanted to get strong enough to get rid of anyone who stood in his path and smash their skulls open. What to Expect: OP MC Arrogant MC Little To No Romance No Harem Game Elements Giant Muscular MC Base Building Monster Pets

theFlyingDog · Fantasy
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35 Chs

Hostile People

The people outside the gate were in military uniform, it looked like there were probably around 30 to 40 people in their group. They were having a heated debate with Luke's group.

When we got close they were all scared seeing me, an 8 feet tall giant. They all held onto their weapons, some started running away, while a few came running straight at me with their weapons held high.

I casually slapped the first one on his shoulder, sending him flying a few feet away. The casual slap by me ended up dislocating his shoulder, the guy was screaming in pain.

The second guy who was about to attack me stopped at his track, he was now trying to find a way to run away.

Everyone else in their group was scared to death. There was sweat visible on their forehead. Some of their legs started shaking. The weapons they were holding onto now dropped to the ground.

I looked at the one who was about to attack me with a smile, "You dared come charging at me! Now you must pay the price."

I slapped him the same way I did with the first person, the guy went flying and landed a few feet away with multiple broken bones.

I looked at Luke, who was also a little scared by what I did just now, "So what is going on?"

It took some time for Luke to collect himself and answer my question, "They wanted us to hand over the Village to them."

I turned my head to look at the people in military uniforms, who were scared shitless right now, "And why the fuck do they think we should hand over the village to them?"

Listening to this, the Military people were getting even more scared. Just then, one person came out of the group. Although he looked scared, but he was somehow able to get to the front of the group, while the others were too scared to even move an inch.

He stood in front of his group, trying his best to stand straight, "You…you you… have assaulted military personnel… you can be imprisoned for that."

"HAHAHAHA", I was laughing out loud hearing this.

This confused the military man in front of me. Everyone else was also looking at me with the same confusion.

I was still not able to stop my laugh, "And you think your military is powerful enough to imprison me?", I said to the military man while laughing.

The guy was not able to answer anything and stayed silent.

I was not interested in them anymore, so I decided to go to my house and rest up, "Mr. Military man whenever you think you are strong enough, come find me."

While I was walking away, the guy shouted, "Don't be so cocky, if you don't hand over the village right now we will come back with many more people and take over your little village over your dead bodies, you have 1 week's time."


My voice got so loud that it was booming throughout the village.

Without saying a single word, the group of military men started to move out. I looked at Walter, who was standing behind me, "Follow them and find out where they are from."

Walter had a dumbfounded look on his face, "Me?", he said while pointing at himself.

I stared at him for a moment, upon which he let his shoulders down in a defeated and wronged look, "Alright! Alright!.....I….will follow them."

Walter was nicely suited for this job since he was agility-focused, which made his movements precise and silent.


After the Military people were gone, Luke came up to me, "Are you sure you can deal with them?"

"Depends on how strong they are.", I said that, and walked away toward the adventurers guild.

I told Ratha about completing the Tree Spirit Quest, for which she gave me 600 gold. I offered to split the gold with the group but they declined, saying that they were happy tagging along and leveling up faster.

*+600 Gold*

And they were indeed leveling up very fast, Lily was very close to getting to level 6 and Walter was closing in on level 4, but things were much different for Liam he was leveling even faster. From what I saw in the fight against the Tree Spirit, leveling Liam might be even easier, since he has very high damage, and I am very well-suited for tanking.

But Liam won't be able to hunt alone very well, exactly, for this reason, his attacks were very slow, and his physical stats were even worse. He was just somehow maintaining a balance on his stats by putting a minimum amount of attribute points to his physical attributes.

Liam went to his home, and Lily and I went to ours. In-home Walter's parents were worried about Walter not returning, they calmed down a little only after I told them that he was with one of his friends in the village and will be back soon.

We were exhausted after today's quest, so we immediately freshened up, ate some food, and took a nap. When I woke up in the evening, Walter was in the kitchen having a meal.

He had a mouthful of rice and started saying something when he saw me coming down the stairs.

I only understood what he said after he finished his bite, "so there I was, and then I ran, and it went like zoop and zapp and I was running so fast.."

I was confused about what he was even talking about, "Dude, what are you talking about?"

He sipped some water from the bottle and started talking from the beginning. As per what Walter said, the military people lived at a makeshift camp in the middle of the forest. The camp had a small makeshift fence that was only capable of keeping small goblins out, and the tents they had were made of sticks and leaves. But the number of people there was apparently around 200. Most of them were around level 2 - 3, but one guy was at level 7, he was the one ordering the people around.

If I was not in the village and if these 200 people decided to invade the village, it could turn out ugly. Although the village had a protective shield but that only protected the village against monsters, but humans were free to come and go.

After finishing the debriefing of his scouting, Walter looked at me with a serious and nervous look on his face, "Are you going to kill all these people?"

"No, we are", I said with a wide smile on my face.

Walter had a terrified look on his face, "No I can't man, I can't kill a person."

"Here's the thing buddy, I don't really give much of a fuck about what you are going through, but if you don't kill them they will kill your parents. Just keep that in mind.", I said, and stayed there to see what he would say.

Walter just kept staring down at the table for a while without even moving an inch. I decided to leave him alone for a while. The troublesome thing was that Liam and Lily are also probably going to have the same problem.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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