
Outer God Adventure Through The World With Group Chat

Outer God also known as Court of Azathoth, are Elderitch like being whose can resemble yet nothing and they possess power so powerful that it might as well True Omnipotence and no being could ever go up against them and they could do whatever they want in all the omniverse. follow Kuro the first human to have join the the Outer God travelling through the Omniverse -------- First World : Mushoku Tensei -------- This my first time writing a fanfic so if there's any mistake please let me know and i will try to improve the mistake that i made when i'm writing this and I do not own anyting except for OC

Yuuki_Shirogane · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 4 : Journey to Sharia


The Six-Faced World

East Port


Kuro who has go offline from the Group chat he teleported to the East Port, Port cities that connect Central Continent and Milis Continent.

He appeared in the back alley of the ports town, so he navigated his way thourgh the port town but before that he change his hair color and his eyes, now his currently both blue sky eyes and and his hair is now black hair.

When he finally get out from the back alley he sees familiar person in the road. The person he sees a bald tall man that wears a brown tribal vest that only covers his back and sides, fully displaying his frontal torso and arms. he is distinguished by his smooth oval chin and a long scar that trails from the right top corner of his forehead across his glabella to the left end of his cheek. and he wore a headband to cover the gemstone on his forehead.

The person he sees is Ruijerd Superdia and beside her is little girl who has a blond hair and green eyes and she's wearing white and blue clothing just like the priestess from millishion.

"AH! Lilia-san I've found Norn-san…"(???)

And then there come a girl that looks like looking for someone and the girl has the appearance of a petite young girl of short height, with pale skin and long, water-blue colored hair tied into two braids reaching below her waist. She currently wearing a magician's hat and robe. That person is Roxy Migurdia.

Followed by woman that has reddish-brown hair that is tied up in a half bun while she has chest-length hair strands resting on either side of her shoulders, violet-purple eyes and she has a very slender and voluptuous body with very large breasts. That person is Lilia Greyrat 

When Roxy were about to go near Norn. She saw Ruijerd with her that is currently crouching on the ground.

"y-you're that guy from the Wind Port Dead End"

"Ah, from back then…"

When he was about finish his word Roxy pointed her staff at Ruijerd and said

"let go of that child! Otherwise… you'll have to face me!!"

Even though she said that but her leg is shaking



Lilia who is behind Roxy move forward to greet Ruijerd but Roxy tried to stop her.

"Lilia-san, stay back! it's not safe…"

"It's been quite some time, Ruijerd-sama."

"Ah, yes"


Roxy who saw this was shocked because it seems that this isn't the first time they met. And Lilia look at Roxy and said.

"were you not aware, Roxy-sama? Ruijerd -sama is the person that protected Rudeus-sama as he travelled across the demon continent"

"AH. Come to think of it did hear about them from Paul-san and the rest…"

When she said this she remembered that paul and the rest said that Rudeus was protected by superd who goes by Ruijerd. When she remembered she immediately bowed to ruijerd and said

"I'm sorry"

"Ah, no it's fine everyone who knows me as superd would stay far way from me"

Ruijerd who is superd felt complicated because someone is apologize to him because superd has been hated by many races for 400 years.

"please it's my fault to immediately just accuse you"

Ruijerd who saw this smiled for a little bit.

"Ruijerd-sama what are you doing here right now and where is Rudeus-sama and Eris-sama"

"hmm well I was currently trying to find the remaining superd but unfortunately mysearch came empty handed and was about to continue search on millis continent and about Rudeus and Eris we partway on the remain of Buena Village and after that I don't what happen to them"

"I see if that case will you come with us to the inn"

He want to say something but he saw Norn is tugging on his clothes and he said.

"hmm, alright"(Ruijerd)

"well then please follow me"(Lilia)

Ruijerd, Roxy, and Norn follow Lilia to the inn that is where Paul and the other currently on while Kuro who is currently following behind them but it seems no one notices him following them even Ruijerd and Roxy don't know that they were being followed.

When they reached the inn where was Paul. Paul look at the door that was open and saw a familiar face.

"Ruijerd-san what are you doing here and where is Rudeus"(Paul

So he explained it just like what he said to Lilia and Roxy.

"I see so you partways with on the Buena Village huh"(Paul)

"That's right"(Ruijerd)

"I see we got a letter from him that he's currently on the Ranoa Magic Academy and with Elinalise."(Paul)

"Ahhh, so he's already With Elinalise huh"(Roxy)

"then I guess the only thing for us to worry is to send Norn and Aisha to him"(Paul)

After Paul said this Norn look pale because he doesn't want to be with his brother. But someone suggested something.

"then how about we let Ruijerd escort Norn-sama and Aisha to Rudeus-sama"(Lilia)

"we could but would it be fine with you Ruijerd-san"(Paul)

Paul ask because he doesn't want to trouble him anymore but Ruijerd said.

"alright I will escort them"(Ruijerd)

"I see please take care of them"

"umm you're going to Ranoa Magic Academy right"(???)

While they were talking someone join in the talk and The one that said it is a young woman wearing a military uniform with short dark brown hair that is tied behind her head with a loose bang at the right of her face.

"ahh Ginger"

"your are Ginger right from the Shirone Kingdom"(Ruijerd)

"yes we meet again Ruijerd-dono, Aisha-sama, Lilia-sama"(Ginger)

"Do you know her"(Paul)

Paul asked and Ginger answer his question.

"yes we met at Shirone Kingdom and Ruijerd-sama here save my family while Lilia-sama and Aisha-sama is working for Pax Shirone so we sometimes met each other"(Ginger)

"I see so the thing about you wanting to go to Ranoa Magic Academy right."(Paul)


"hmm, is that fine with you Ruijerd-san"(Paul)

"it's fine"

"Thank you"

While this was happening Kuro who is watching this decide to show himself and said.

"hey your going to Ranoa Magic Academy right can I come with you"

After Kuro saying this they were surprised because he just appear behind without any sound or presence to be detected. And everyone immediately grab a hold of they're weapon thinking it was an enemy.

"w-who are you?"(Ruijerd)

who is always calm showed an frowned look to Kuro while pointing his spear toward him because he couldn't detected him. When kuro saw the agitated look from them he immediately tried to defuse the situation.

"Whoa calm down I'm not your enemy and sorry for hiding my presence and appearing behind you and to answer your question my name is Murasaki Kuro"(Kuro)

"Black head Village?"(Paul)

"ah shit about forgot that, my name Murasaki Kuro you can call me Kuro"

He said his name again while snapping his finger making sure that they're saying his name correctly unlike with Nanahoshi Shizuka, Who is always called Silent Seven Stars.

"I see Kuro-san what do you mean that you want to join with Ruijerd-san and the other"(Roxy)

"well the reason for that is because I want enroll myself to Ranoa Magic Academy so when I heard that this person want to go up north than why not come along with them"

Kuro said while pointing at Ruijerd who already lowered his spear even though he lowered it he still hasn't let down his guard against him because his presence is like Orsted but unlike Orsted this person is probably more dangerous than him.

"I see will that be fine with you, Ruijerd-san to let him join you"

"if you want know if can protect myself than yes I can protect myself and I can even show my guild card if you want."

He give out his guild card, guild card is like an identity card but his guild card has already been tinkerd by him and he change it's content like his race, his age, and his rank. What currenty show is

[Name : Murasaki Kuro

 Gender : Male

 Race : Human

 Age : 17

 Job : -

 Rank : A

 Party : - ]

When they saw that his is an A rank Adventure they don't doubt because he just suddenly appear behind without a sound or presence.

"hmm alright"(Ruijerd)

"please take care of me alright"(Kuro)

Kuro reach out his hand to have a hand shake with Ruijerd

"yes, please take care of me too. We will be leaving tomorrow morning is that fine with you Kuro"

"I'm fine with anytime if that's all there is to it the I will be heading to my room to get some sleep."

Kuro said leaving everyone to go to his room that he already rent when entered the inn even though it's still afternoon.

"who was that person really"(Ruijerd)

Ruijerd muttered because Kuro just suddenly appeared behind him and want to join us going to the north and the presence he's emiting it's like Orsted but's it's not at the same time that why.

When Kuro reach his room he opened he immediately go to his be sleep like a log for the next day.

On the next Kuro who is currently walking to the gate where they will gather up and leave to Ranoa Magic University

When arrived at the gate he saw Ruijerd and the other it's sees they already waiting for him. Kuro then run to them. And Ruijerd who is currently waiting for him sense him.

"sorry did I come here late?"(Kuro)

"no you're just in time"(Ruijerd)

Norn is on the side with a girl same age as her she maroon hair, green eyes and her canine tooth is clearly visible when she smiles. And she is wearing a maid outfit, her name is Aisha Greyrat.

"please be careful alright you two"(Paul)

Paul said to the two of them and hug them and the two of them said.

"don't worry dad we have Ruijerd-sama, Kuro-sama, and Ginger and you and mom have becareful alright dad"(Aisha)

Aisha said it excitement because it's been long time for to meet her brother again she also warn her father and mother to becareful but Norn on the other hand is looking like she doesn't want to go to her brother.

"dad can I go with you? I don't to go to him."(Norn)

"I can't take you to dangerous place Norn and about Rudeus please forgive him we already made up and in the first it's kinda my fault so please forgive your brother Norn."(Paul)

Norn who heard it look down with tears in her eyes.

"please take care of them Ruijerd-san, Kuro-san, Ginger-san."(Paul)

Kuro, Ruijerd, and Ginger nod at his word and decide to sets of to the Ranoa Magic Academy. On the way they meet merchant and just like in the canon Aisha used the merchant caravans that travelled through night and Aisha offered Kuro, Ruijerd, and Ginger as bodyguard. 

For them it might be hard moving through the night but for Kuro it's nothing if he could go through the night without sleep the reason why he sleep is because it's his favorite thing to do after becoming an Outer God.

On the way they sometime meet bandit or monster on the way when they were attack by monster Kuro always use his lightning he hold back so it doesn't kill it and just to incapitated the monster so that Ruijerd and Ginger go in for the kill.

Everyone who saw this was amazed because he doesn't an incantation to activate his magic and he used Lightning that is from water magic and lightning is King Rank spell for him to be used it is amazing and while Aisha asked him.

"Kuro-sama you can use voiceless incantation just like Rudeus onii-sama? And what is that magic like lightning"(Aisha)

"of course I can use voice incantation and what I used there is Lightning from water magic, but I don't know who this Rudeus is. Who is he?"(Kuro)

Kuro lied to her about not knowing Rudeus is because he doesn't want to get some suspicious from any of them he could kill but he doesn't to get some drastic thought but the moment they get his nerve is the moment they will die.

"he is my older half-brother he is currently studying in the Ranoa Magic Academy and currently a Water Saint Ranked mage"(Aisha)

"I see so how old is he now"(Kuro)

"he's currently…. 14 right now if I'm right"(Aisha)

"I see the I guess we should continue our journey right?"(Kuro)

"yes we need to move right now"(Aisha)

And with that the journey continue while Kuro opened the Group Chat to kill sometime.

[The End has gone online]

[The End : is anyone online right now?]

He waited until someone gone online 

[Star Idol has gone online]

[Star Idol : what wrong Murasaki-san]

[The End : oh it's nothing just to kill sometime. Currently I'm on a journey to place called Ranoa Magic Academy right now]

[The End : and by the way have you assimilate with the Herrscher Core and is there something wrong with it when you're assimilating it]

[Star Idol : hmm there nothing wrong with it when I was assimilating it and I haven't try it's power though because I have my Idol activity]

[The End : I see than I suggest when you try to use your power do it somewhere no one can see and please don't tell anyone you have the power to time and space]

[Star Idol : ehh but I already tell my kids about me having the superpower right now and already tell the existentce of the Group Chat and tell them about you being an Outer God]

[The End : hmm I see than it's fine I guess but what are you doing right now]

[Star Idol : hmm well I'm currently in my apartment with my kids watching some tv]

[The End : hmm]

[Star Idol : oh yeah, Murasaki-san you said that you were in the past right]

[The End : That right I was a human in the past.]

[Star Idol : than can you tell me about your past]

Kuro who saw this remembered his past a bit when he was a weak human because it's been a long time that he has lived and he barely remember about his past only his name that he only remember.

[The End : why do you want to know my past]

[Star Idol : ohh about that I'm just curious about it if you't want to you can just ignore what I just said]

[The End : it's not that I don't want to it just I could barely remember about my past when I was a human]

[Star Idol : just curious how old are you right now]

[The End : well I can't give an accurate number of how old I am but I have lived for 100 decillion]

[Star Idol : WHAT!? That is very very very long]

[The End : really? To me it's only like a year or two for me]

[The End : well to human that is very long but to Outer God that is very short]

[Star Idol : I-I see]

[The End : well I got to go offline now]

[The End : Oh yeah before I go Hoshino-san you still remember my advice right]

[Star Idol : about Hikaru Kamiki right I still remembered it why do you not want me to trust Hikaru Kamiki]

[The End : I see and to answer your question it's for your own good, well I go to go now remembered it alright]

[The End has gone offline]

[Star Idol : …..]

[Star Idol has gone offline]

After logging of the Group Chat Kuro look out at the scenery that currently are being display and smile for bit.


The Six-Faced World



After a two month of travelling Kuro and the others have finally made it Sharia.

"well I guess this is where we partways"(Kuro)

"I see than becareful Kuro-sama"(Aisha)

And with that Kuro immediately leaves them because it's already night and he wants to sleep. in the past of two month he has been making a name for himself saying that he uses Water Magic King Rank and when the monster is strong he will thow a coin in the air and when the coin falling near his hand the coin release laser like trail and the monster who got hit by it immediately got aboliterate it.

When he defeat his enemy he always says. 

"How is that a Railgun for you" 

And that is when people call him "Kuro the Railgun". And this has reach to many ears including the Academy. So when the Principal of Ranoa Magic Academy know that Kuro was going to Sharia he immediately order people to find where his staying.

When Kuro reach an inn he goes straight to the counter to rent some room so that he could sleep. 

When reach his room he immediately go to bed and sleep like log.


The Six-Faced World

Rudeus Greyrat's Residance


Inside the house of Rudeus Greyrat, two people can be seen talking through the night the first one Ruijerd and the other is well-built, and cool-looking man. He was born with light brown hair and green eyes. And has mole underneath his left eye. That person is Rudeus Greyrat.

"oh yeah we also have one that companion that join us to Sharia"(Ruijerd)

"oh and who is it"(Rudeus)

"hmm his name was Murasaki Kuro"(Ruijerd)

When Rudeus heard that name he immediately was shocked because that is very japanase and he remember what Hitogami said so he ask.

"Ruijerd-san what does he look like. I mean his and his eye"(Rudeus)

"hmm, he has black hair and Blue-sky eye"(Ruijerd)

"I see"

When Rudeus heard what he look like he confirm it he is probably that being that Hitogami said to becareful with.

"and it seems that he wants to enroll the Academy so you will probably see him"(Ruijerd)

"I-I see"(Rudeus)

When the two of them were quiet some entered the room, she has short silver hair and red eyes and she has long ear because of her elfish heritage, her name is Sylphiette Greyrat.

"Hello would you like another cup of tea?"(Sylphiette)


When Rudeus saw his wife, he then help his wife who brought the ceremic kettle to serve a tea for Ruijerd.

"Thank. And the girls?"(Rudeus)

Rudeus ask about the Girl,. She smiled and said.

"They warmed up and went to bed. I carried them to second floor"(Sylphiette)

"I see. Sorry for dumping them onto you"(Rudeus)

"no worries"

She then saw Ruijerd, she reached out her hand and introduced herself.

"umm… It's nice to meet you. I'm Sylphiette Greyrat. Rudy has told me a lot about you"

"Ah… I'm Ruijerd Superdia."



The two of them than let go of their hand and Sylphiette ask rudy about the room.

"Rudy, what should we do about Ruijerd-san room? He's an important guess right?"(Sylphiette)

Rudeus think about it for a second and said.

"Please sleep whenever you like. Think of this as your own home"(Rudeus)

"Thank you. I wont stand on ceremony then."(Ruijerd)

"Good night Ruijerd-san"(Rudeus

With that Ruijerd leaves the room leaving only Rudeus and Sylphiette. They then heard a sound from upstair.

"could it be that he went into Norn-chan and Aisha-chan's room? Is that right?"

"Yeah, it's alright. He let us know where he went with his footsteps because he doesn't have anykind of ulterior motive at all. So when we travelled together, he watched over us in the same way."

"I see"

Sylphiette then into think because Ruijerd was a little cold to her and ask Rudeus.

"did I… do anything to offend him?"

Rudeus then smiled at her to reassure her and said.

"no. he's never friendly to people he's meeting for the first time. That's just how he is."

"is that so? Then I guess…"

Rudeus then cut her word.

"we should head to bed too"

And with that they to their room to have a good night sleep.



Thank you for reading my fanfic 

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