
Outer God Adventure Through The World With Group Chat

Outer God also known as Court of Azathoth, are Elderitch like being whose can resemble yet nothing and they possess power so powerful that it might as well True Omnipotence and no being could ever go up against them and they could do whatever they want in all the omniverse. follow Kuro the first human to have join the the Outer God travelling through the Omniverse -------- First World : Mushoku Tensei -------- This my first time writing a fanfic so if there's any mistake please let me know and i will try to improve the mistake that i made when i'm writing this and I do not own anyting except for OC

Yuuki_Shirogane · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3 : on the other side


Ai's Apartment


Ai Hoshino a young popular idol that shake the idol community in a japan currently working with Strawberry Production, Inc and group called B-Komachi, Ai was a beautiful and quite thin girl with gradient-colored eyes from purple to pink and a six-pointed star in each of her eyes. Have a purple hair that reaches to her back. 

When she was about to go back to her apartment a phone just appear in front of her out of nowhere and because she doesn't to cause some trouble to company about a phone theft or something so she brought to her apartment.

When she got back she what greeted her was two kid that look one is girl one is boy the girl one is Ruby Hoshino she has blonde hair and pink-ruby eyes hence for her name Ruby, while the boy is named Aquamarine Hoshino he also has blonde just like her sister but different part is that his aquamarine blue eyes hence for his name Aquamarine. The unique part about them is like their mother they also have six-pointed star Ruby on the left one while Aqua on the right. 

"Mama, welcome home"(Ruby)

"Welcome home mom"(Aqua)

"um, I'm home"(Ai)

When Ai got home Ruby immediately hug Ai and Return the hug. After hugging because it's already evening Ai decided to cook something.

After eating with the kid Ai decide to go to her room to look at what the phone appear in front of her when she turn it on a letter came appear on the phone 

[do you want join a Dimensional Group Chat.]

when she saw this she was thinking about after a minute of thinking she accept the it when she join the Group Chat she learned many thing form Different World to an Outer God so that's why after going offline she is currently in her room try to process all that information

but the most that stuck out to her the advice that person Murasaki Kuro give to her.

'What did he mean by not to trust Hikaru and the thing about careful when I the door.'(Ai)

She doesn't know if she should take his advice or not because.

So Ai released a tired sigh after that she decide to go to take a bath and she also decide to assimilate herself with the herrscher core of the void while bathing, when she goes Ruby Called out to her.

"Mama what wrong why do you look so confused?"(Ruby)

Aqua on the side look at Ai wanting to know why she look so confussed, when Ai saw this she said.

"it's nothing Ruby it's just that I join Group Chat and the member of the Group Chat are very nice"(Ai)

Ai decided not to talk about the member being from a different world and the one of them is Outer God

"I see what is this Group Chat name."(Ruby)

"hmm, it's called Dimensional Group Chat, I think."(Ai)

"Dimensional Group Chat?"(Aqua)

Aqua who is now beside Ruby said something,

"that's right!"(Ai)

"ehh, then is it like those in the manga about normal guy joining a group chat that is filled with superpower people that can destoy mountain and world with just the tip of their finger and then go to another world, Right? RIGHT?."(Ruby)

Ruby said it with a sparkle on her eye this surprised both Ai and Aqua even sometime she can be talkative but this time is worse because the moment she heard the Dimensional part she immediately know what it is.

Ai was very surprised because she just got it right though one of the member is an Outer God though it's a newly created Group Chat. When Ai look at Ruby eye she doesn't know whay but can't lie to her Daughter so she said.

"That right I joined Group Chat and become friend have become friend with the member and the admin said that he's an Outer God While the other is human and an archdemon so he said"(Ai)

When Ai finish what she said Ruby and Aqua actually got silent because what Ruby just is true but Ruby doesn't what an Outer God is while Aqua know what it is.

"ha ha ha, Mama your joking right"(Ruby)

Ruby said it with a dry laugh. Because she thought that her Mama is just joking 

"why would I lie to you Ruby, and I need to take bath now because I feel sticky"(Ai)

Ai Decide to go to the bath room leaving the twin with a surprised look.

"onii-chan is this a dream"(Ruby)

"no, Ruby I don't think we are dreaming right. What I'm more surprised is that this admin is an Outer God."

Aqua Said this with a frown look.

"onii-chan, what an Outer God?"(Ruby)

"They Eldritch God that has existed even before reality came to be and they are so powerful that they can create and destroy a world or universe with just a mere thought that's if what is said in the novel called H. P. Lovecraft is true"(Aqua)

Aqua said it a apprehensive look because if Ai isn't lying than it must be true and the Outer God are real and different universe exist.

"ehhhh, then Mama is in contact with this Outer God right?."(Ruby)

Ruby Exclaimed because this the first time she heard what an Outer God. and the fact that it can destroy world with just a mere thought is insane to her. Because the world is so big that someone destroying is unlikely.

While they were talking, Ai who is currently taking a bath took out a Herrscher Core she decide to assimilate it but she doesn't know how to assimilate it so the only thing that come into her mind swallowing it.

When she swallow the Herrscher Core she could feel the change in her body it like something she never felt like she could stop time and teleport to the place that she has been too or hasn't the thing she needs to know is the coordinate of that place. And she even doesn't feel any Genocidal thought.

'I guess what the system says is the truth'

Even though she said that she couldn't really trust it yet.

When she finish assimilating it, the Herrscher Core it feels like a second heart to her. She decide to finish her bathing and go out from her bathroom when she got out the bathroom Ruby immediately hug Ai because of what an Outer God is from her brother.

"Mama, are you okay? that Outer God didn't threathen you right like offering you body right?"(Ruby)

"ehhh, What wrong Ruby?"(Ai)

Ai was confused why Ruby immediately hug like she was going to lose her. Aqua on the side looks at Ai with a worried look and said.

"this Outer God that you talked to didn't do anything right?"(Aqua)

"hmm, are you talking about if this Outer God threathen me right?"(Ai)

The two then nod. Ai just hug the two and gave them a reassuring smile and said.

"I'm fine, the Outer God that I was talking to is very nice and he even introduce himself, his name was Murasaki Kuro, he even going out of his way to explaining thing that I don't about like the reward that I got"(Ai)

"ehh, he introduce himself? But the name is kind of like human to me."(Ruby)

"that's right he introduce himself and he said that in the past he was once a human."(Ai)

"ehhhh, he was a human?"(Ruby)

"that's right, but after that he doesn't tell us his past or how he became an Outer God"(Ai)

When Ai said this Ruby and Aqua are more surprise because this was the first time a human to be able became an God, but not just any God but an Outer God.

So they decide to move on from that discussion because it they continue it will be a long one.

"so what is this reward you got Mama?"

"umm, it's something called Herrcher Core of the void, from what Murasaki-san said it's actually let me control time and space to my very own will."(Ai)



Ruby and Aqua were surprise because their mother now have a power to control time and space to her very own will. But Kuro actually forgot to tell her that a power of the Herrscher core is already at the level Authority and they can even use honkai energy a cosmic energy that can bend reality to your will.

"umm, and where is this Herrscher Core currently right now?"(Aqua)

"it right here"(Ai)

Ai said it while pointing at her chest because that is where the Herrscher Core currently are.

"so it's near your heart right"(Aqua)

"yes, to me it's feel like a second heart"(Ai)


Aqua who was once a doctor want to know what this Herrscher Core look like.

"so mom have try it's power yet?"(Aqua)

"no I haven't, I want to try it right now but it already night so let's try tomorrow because tomorrow. So you two go to sleep"(Ai)

Ai said it because it's already night around 10 PM.

"all right Mama good night"(Ruby)

"good night mom"(Aqua)

"um good night Aqua, Ruby"(Ai)

She kissed them on the forehead and the two of go to their room while going to her to rest because it has been the most crazy day of her life.


Zagan's Castle


Zagan an Archdemon, one of the 13 Archdemon, the one that is holding the title called Sorcerer Slayer, He has sharp, piercing silver eyes that always seem to have deep bags under them from lack of sleep. He has long black unkempt hair tied in a ponytail below the base of his head.

Zagan is Currently in his library reserching about the Demon, Sacred Sword, Celestian Magic. And all of sudden a magic circle appear in the library when he see this he was examining what this magic circle is.

He look through many book about magic circle but he hasn't even found anything like what this magic circle look like in the book like it's the first time he has seen this kind of magic circle so he used magic to see what kind magic circle.

But when it activate it gives out blue glow and then give out word that saying

[do you want join a Dimensional Group Chat.]

When he see this he was suspicious of could make this magic that nobody has seen before he thought it was Bifron, but later sweep that idea because if it was him then he would have Nephteros. When he was about to join the Dimensional Group Chat someone entered his library

"Zagan-sama is there wrong"(???)

"hmm, Nephy what wrong"(Zagan)

The one that entered his library is Nephelia his Lover/Bride, she is a stunningly beautiful elf with long ears, snow white hair, and blue eyes. She often wears a standard maid uniform as a show of servitude to Zagan, though in all things Zagan insists that they are equal. Casually, she wears a snow-white dress that accentuates her blue eyes.

"ah it's just that I want check on you Zagan-sama"(Nephelia)

When she said she blushed down, but she saw the magic circle and the word of it.

"Zagan-sama what is that magic circle?"(Nephelia)

"ah, about too don't about it that much because it's suddenly appear in this library when I was researching and when I activate it it give out this word"(Zagan)

After he said this Nephelia look at what the word says. 

[do you want join a Dimensional Group Chat.]

When she saw what it says 

"I see, but what is a Dimesnional Group Chat?"(Nephelia)

"I don't know about that either, but I guess I will know what this Dimensional Group Chat"(Zagan)

When he accept the Group Chat Zagan and Nephelia learned many thing like different world to an Outer God. He knows God exist just like the Demon God But to think the Outer God is so powefull that to any God are practically just an ant in front them that can be squished down like bug, After going offline Zagan and Nephelia sit down on a chair and just like Ai they are trying to process all that information that come to them.

"huh I guess that was very surprising no I guess that was an understatement right Nephy"(Zagan)

"yeah but to think that a being like Outer God exist and this Utaha said that Azathoth the leader of the Outer God are so powefull that he need to be in a sleep so that the Ominverse could still exist"(Nephelia)

Zagan and Nephelia look so apprehensive because unlike Demon God they don't so much about the Outer God because this is the first time they heard what an Outer God.

Zagan release big sigh and sweep that under rug because from the information from that Outer God called Murasaki Kuro that even if Azathoth were awake from his sleep nothing will happen to the Omniverse.

"well I guess we should with the pressing matter that we currently have and the reward that I got from the Group Chat"(Zagan)

"yeah, Zagan-sama got something called Void Archive right? From what Murasaki Kuro said is that the Void Archive is just like the Sacred Sword but it was called as Divine Key."(Nephelia)

"yeah but it's job wasn't to defeat but store knowledge about technology from the previous era, well let see what this Void Archive look like let see if I could get that knowledge from this previous era."(Zagan)

After Zagan said this he bring out the Void Archive when it came out it looks like a semi-transparent golden cube able to transform into golden liquid similar to mercury. It's currently floating in Zagan hand 

When Zagan see the Void Archive he immediately try to analyze what it's made of but from what he got is that the Divine Key came from the same universe as that Herrscher core that Ai Hoshino got. When he used his magic to analyze what is made of what he got is nothing. Kuro also completely forgot to tell him that the divine was made using the Herrscher Core and metal called Souilium

"hmm, what is it Zagan-sama?"(Nephelia)

"no when I used my magic to anaylze it what I got is nothing."(Zagan)

"I see so it's like the Sacred Sword right?"(Nephelia)

"yes, but this thing is probably more complex then the Sacred Sword but first let see what knowledge does the Void Archive have"(Zagan)

When he said he tried something but he suddenly felt like he got pulled into the Void Archive.


Void Archive


When he open his eyes what greeted him was library book of that spiral down and up. He immediately look at what the book has to say and what he saw is very surprising because it contain many like chemical, biology, medicinal, human anatomy, and everything he even learned a creature called a Honkai beast and the energy that the Honkai.

So he got into reading the knowledge of the previous era for who knows how long because in the Void Archive time doesn't exist so he spend his time reading everything he could until suddenly he go drag into reality.


Zagan's Castle


"Zagan-sama are you okay?"(Nephelia)

When came to he look at Nephelia and look around to found himself in his library again and try asking Nephelia

"Nephy how long has it been right now?"(Zagan)

"huh it only about a minute or so Zagan-sama"(Nephelia)

When he heard what Nephelia said he became shocked because when he was inside the Void Archive he felt like it's been so long but in reality it's only like a minute and he remember the content of what he reads he decide to write for future reference 

When Nephelia saw this she smile decide leave him and make some food for him.


 Utaha House's


 Utaha Kaumigaoka a young novelist that created a novel called The Metronome in Love that was published under the Fujikawa Fantastic Bunko imprint and sold over 500,000 copies. She is a tall and beautiful slim-figured girl with mid-back length dark hair that she wears a white hairband and scarlet eye.

Currently she was writing a new volume for her novel using her laptop, when she was about call it a night and shut down her laptop she notice a new shortcut in her desktop. She doesn't remember about downloading anything so she decide to delete, when she delete it it's keep reappering in the same place where it was.

After so many time deleting it she decide to give up on deleting it and check what this all about, when she open it there word only says.

[do you want join a Dimensional Group Chat.]

When she this doesn't know what this Group Chat but from what it says it's probably like one of those manga so she accept it to join the Group Chat. When she join it just like Ai, Zagan she learned many thing that when she log out she trying so hard to process it because the Outer God is real and what's more is that Azathoth is very real and is sometime awake from his sleep.

"huh, I can't believe that the novel that I read is very real and the leader of the Outer God is awake. well let try assimiliating the reward I got"(Utaha)

When she said that what appear was something like a rune stone when she see this she try to break it with a her hand but it's very fragile so she breaks it very easily with her hand.

When it break it her body gives of a faint glow after a minute the glow die down, she doesn't feel anything that is different, But her thought process suddenly become a lot faster.

"it seems that my thought process has become faster thanks to my skill Raphael"(Utaha)

When she said that she then heard a woman voice in her head.

[Report. That because it's one of the sub skill that Ultimate Skill : Lord of Wisdom, Raphael have called Thought Acceleration](Raphael)

'I see so you're Raphael right?'(Utaha)

[Answer. That right](Raphael)

'I see wait you said one of the sub skill, can you tell me the sub skill you have and what does it do'(Utaha)

She ask because Raphael said it's one of the sub skill for Ultimate Skill : Lord of Wisdom.

[Answer. The first one is Thought Acceleration It allows the user to greatly increase the speed of their thought process. The user can adjust the level of acceleration as needed, as well as extend the effect to other individuals.](Raphael)

'I see so how fast is this Thought Acceleration'(Utaha)

[Answer. The exact factor by which their thought process is accelerated varies from several hundred to millions or even hundreds of millions, depending on the individual. The two most common variants are a factor of one thousand, most commonly found under Unique Skills, and a factor of one million, most commonly found under Ultimate Skills.]

'WAIT, A MILLION!?. My thought process could accelerate at million times'(Utaha)

[Answer. Yes]


She was surprised because her thought process could accelerate by a million times. She sigh because if this was one sub skill how would the other be.

'hah, so what is the second one'(Utaha)

[Answer. the second one is Analytical Appraisal Analytical Appraisal releases waves that enter the target of analysis and perform a full scan of their composition, which is then sent back to the user. Through this, the user can gain information such as the material composition of the target, the amount of Magicules it possesses, and if they're under the effects of Skills or Magic. The strength and precision of Analytical Appraisal varies depending on the level of the user.](Raphael)

'I see but I want to ask do I have these Magicules that your talking about.'(Utaha)

She was curious if she had these Magicules that Raphael talking if she does she can uses magic and stuff.

[Answer. You are currently don't have any Magicule in your body](Raphael

When she heard this she was kinda disappointed 

'I see so I don't have any Magicules huh, so what is the next sub skill'(Utaha)

[Answer. The third one is Parallel Operation Allows the user to detach their analysis of phenomena from their regular thoughts.](Raphael)

'hmm so it like I can do multitasking right'(Utaha)

[Answer. That's right](Raphael]

She immediately tried it the other one is currently thinking for how to continue the story of her novel while the other continues the conversation with Raphael.

'So what's the next sub skill you have Raphael'(Utaha)

[Answer. the fourth one is Chant Annulment It eliminates the need for chanting when using magic after a spell is analyzed or successfully cast. The spell is stored in the user's mind and available to be instantly cast just by thinking about its activation.](Raphael)

'I see but is useless to me right now'(Utaha)

She said because she doesn't have any Mana or Magicule in her body so it completely useless to her right now.

'so what's next'(Utaha)

[the next one is All of Creation It allows the user to comprehend anything as long as they have a basic understanding of it and it is perceivable to the user.](Rapahael)

'I see, basically gives infinite learning potential as long as your mind can handle it and your senses are good is that right?'(Utaha)


Utaha nodded

'So what's the next one'(Utaha)

[the next one is Synthesize/Separate it Allows the user to merge two things together or split things apart into more basic components.](Raphael)

'hmm '(Utaha)

Utaha currently thinking on how to use this but she digress ask Raphael to continue it's explaination.

'so what's next'(Utaha) 

[The next one is Alteration The ability to modify and evolve skills.](Raphael)

'I see so it will evolve and modify any skill that have right?'(Utaha)

[Correct but currently you don't have any skill except the Ultimate Skill](Raphael)

'I see if there's any skill that you can modify and evolve please do it alright Raphael'


'so what the next one'(Utaha)

[the last one is Future Attack Prediction The ability to predict attacks in the form of light trails. The terrifying properties of this skill is not its ability to predict, but that whatever it predicts is guaranteed to happen.](Raphael)

When she heard this she thinks of many think like if she could get teacher that teach her martial arts than she could use this skill to it's full potential like whenever she get attack she could predict where the attack coming from.

'I see that's pretty good sub skill if I know any martial arts, so that's the last one right'(Utaha)

[that's right](Raphael)

'I see well I guess I have to call it a night because tomorrow I have school so good night Raphael'(Utaha)

[Good night](Raphael)

When she heard that she go to her bed and turn of the light to have a good night sleep.


Once again if I potray the character wrong please tell

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