
What happens next (part 1)


Kai's POV

It's been two weeks since I married the love of my life, Matthew James Lorance. Today Matthew would be going to the hospital for chemotherapy and radiation treatments. I wouldn't be able to go with Matthew today because I had to work. Leo had come by the day before and told me that Cruz his ex-boss was after me. Though I couldn't necessarily blame them because I owed them alot of money. Though here's the problem when you owe someone money you better pay it back quickly otherwise you'll pay with your life. I guess wondering just how this debt came to be so I'll tell you.


It all started shortly after my sixteenth birthday I had just got back from work when I heard my mother's screaming. I knew right then and there she was hitting my brother I just didn't know how bad it was until I ran inside. My little brother laid on the floor not moving as my mother screamed and kicked him in the side. I knew he was still alive but for how long, would he stay alive if we stayed here. I knew I had to put a stop to it and so I did.

"Mom stop this now!" I yelled as I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"Kai baby, you should go to your room. No need for you to see this" she said in a calm soothing voice.

"No this has to stop. I've had enough and so has Shay!" I yelled.

"Kai baby, why must you always protect him" she said in the same voice.

"He's my brother and your son!" I yelled.

"No he is not my son! If not for him your father would still be alive!" she yelled.

"No mom dad would still be dead! You should be happy you didn't lose both of them that night!" I yelled.

I picked Shay up and headed for the door, when my mom stepped in front of me. I knew she was trying to stop me like she always did. Only this time it wouldn't work I was leaving here with Shay and we wouldn't be coming back.

"Kai baby, mommy's so sorry she hurt you. Why don't you come back and we'll talk about it?" she said.

"Mom if you love me then you'll move out of my way." I said calmly.

"Kai baby, were are you going to go?" she asked.

"Anywhere is better than here with you" I told her.

For the first time in years I saw a shred of the person, my mother used to be. My mother was the type of woman who always smiled and loved her kids as well as my father. She had a great laugh and I knew for a fact it could brighten anyone's mood. Though that, was the old her and the new her was not like that. I could see it in my mother's eyes that she cared and would let me leave and never show up again. It wasn't that she didn't care, she just knew somewhere inside of her, she might hurt us again if she came back. She stepped out of the way and said what I thought could only be a goodbye.

"Kai baby, take care of your brother" she cried.

"I will mom I promise you that" I said.

"Kai baby, I'm so sorry to both of you." she cried.

"Goodbye mom" I said as I turned and left.

The day I left I took Shay to the hospital. He had to go in for surgery again. He had broken ribs and one was close to puncturing his left lung. Though I guess everything worked out ok because I never saw my mother again after that day. I was able to pay Shay's hospital bills with what little money I had saved up over the years working. There wasn't alot of money left so there's where the debt comes in. I went to South Park were there are gangs everywhere and I joined one. I know bad decision but what else was I supposed to do. I joined Cruz and Eli they were partners or so they said. Cruz said he'd give me the money I need now if I worked dealing for them. I took the offer only in the end when I thought I was done working for their gang, well let's just say your never done working for any gang. I had done things I wasn't proud of in my past, but I would have done anything for Shay. I owed a debt but it was ok because I hadn't said I wanted to leave. Cruz is second in command and Eli well he's the boss. Eli had taken a liking to me back then and one night I told him I wanted to leave his gang. It didn't settle right with Eli and why would it. I knew from the start it was a bad idea ito get romanticly involved with Eli but stupid me I didn't listen to my head. Eli said I could leave but I had to pay back every penny I owed them. I said I would and Eli the person who once said he had loved me was now cold to me. In the end if your wondering yes I did pay off my debt eventually but not the way I had hoped.


"Goodmorning handsome, sleep well?" Matthew asked.

"Yeah, what about you?" I asked.

"Better than usual, I only got up twice." Matthew said.

"I have to drop you off for your treatment today." I said.

"Your not coming in with me?" Matthew asked.

"Not today I have to work." I said.

"Won't they let you take off?" Matthew asked.

"No I'm afraid not Matthew. Look, you know I would gladly come in if I didn't have to work." I said.

"I know you would and I'm not mad you have to work. I'm just scared this is my first treatment without you." Matthew said.

"Aww hun you'll be just fine. I know it because your much stronger than me." I said.

"I love you Kai" Matthew said as he gently kissed me.

"I love you too Matthew James" I said back.

I dropped Matthew off for his treatment that morning, then went straight to work. Only what happened next was something I had not been expecting.