
Matthew's first time

Kai's POV

After going back to bed Matthew and I cuddle. We stayed silent the whole time so Matthew was the first to break the ice.

"Your quiet, what are you thinking about?" Matthew asked.

"I'm thinking if this is a dream to never ever let me wake up." I told him.

"If your dreaming than I guess I am too." Matthew said.

"It's real isn't it?" I asked Matthew.

"It's real I promise." Matthew said.

"Matthew, what about your parents?" I asked.

"Kai, if my parents can't accept me for this, then I don't need them." Matthew said.

Hearing those words out of Matthew's mouth made my heart feel fuller than ever. While I knew I could never give Matthew the life he deserved, I knew that if he choose to stay despite all that, that I would love Matthew with all I had in my heart. For me before I met Matthew my world was that of only black and white. I could hear sounds around me but it was like I was hearing things under water. For me Matthew was my light in the dark. Though he might tell you another story.

"I love you Matthew James Lorance." I said.

"I love you too Kai Green." Matthew said.

"Matthew, do really love me? I can't give you the life you had." I said.

Matthew kissed me in a long slow kiss and when he finished he looked at me and answered.

"Kai, I really do love you. It doesn't matter what life I have with you as long as you love me." Matthew said.

"I love you. I've always loved you." I said.

Matthew bent over and kissed me. His kiss was more hungry this time. I had been counting each kiss we'd shared. When Matthew pulled back, I told him how many times we'd kiss.

"We've kissed five times already." I said.

"Wrong, we've kissed six times." Matthew said.

"No I clearly remember only kissing five times." I said.

"When you got drunk, you kissed me." Matthew said.

Me whole face must have lit up like a Christmas tree because Matthew laughed and said I looked cute.

"Is that why you kissed me that day after classes." I said.

"Yes, that was part of the reason." Matthew said.

"Then I'm gald I kissed you while I was drunk." I said.

"Me too, because you let my know you liked me too." Matthew said.

"I'm gald I fell in love with you." I said.

"I'm gald I fell in love with you too." Matthew said.

I pushed Matthew down and roll over so that I sat on him. I leaned over and slowly kissed him. My hands found the bottom of his shirt and I slowly slide my hands up his back. He sucked in a deep breath and I took it a step further. I took his shirt off and kissed him again and again. Matthew wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me back. I want him but I don't want to scare him. I pulled back but I couldn't get off Matthew because he was holding the edge of my shirt.

"Matthew let go" I said.

"Why? You don't like it?" Matthew asked.

"Your not ready for this" I said.

"You've done it with others but you can't do it with me." Matthew said.

"I want to Matthew but this is your first time. You might regret it later on." I said.

"As long as it's with you, I can do anything." Matthew said.

"Are you sure you want this Matthew?" I said.

"I want to do everything with you Kai." Matthew said.

And so Matthew and I spent the night in each others arms. By the next morning are backs were sore but we loved every minute of that night and things seemed perfect for that short moment but it would not last. For Matthew went home that morning and everything seemed to fall apart.