
The Fight & Coming Out

Read this after Matthew's first time.

Matthew's POV

I went home after spending the most amazing night with Kai. Only to find Frederick waiting outside for me. I knew then and there that my parents were waiting for me.

"I'm sorry young master, I tried to stall them the best I could" said Frederick.

"It's ok Frederick. How much do they know?" I asked.

"Not much young master, just that you haven't been staying with your friend." said Frederick.

"Ok thanks Frederick, I'll go inside now and speak to them." I said.

"Ok, good luck young master" said Frederick.

I went inside and went to the study hall where my parents were waiting. They looked very mad and I knew there was no way to avoid what was coming next. I knew I would have to tell them everything and face the consequences.

"Mother, what's going on?" I asked.

"Matthew enough is enough, we know you've been lieing to us, and we don't care why." mother said.

"Ok, so why am I here then?" I asked.

"We decided since you want to lie, we're sending you abroad." mother said.

"I won't go." I said.

"Matthew James Lorance you do not have a say in this!" father yelled.

"I do because it's my life father!" I yelled.

"Matthew James Lorance you will go abroad!" father yelled.

"If you won't go abroad, we'll send you to a boarding school!" mother yelled.

"I won't go anywhere, I'm not your puppet anymore!" I yelled.

"Matthew you never were are puppet." mother said.

"Then what was I?" I asked.

"You were are son Matthew and we're only doing what's best for you." mother said.

"I've always done everything you've asked of me mama but I won't go abroad." I said.

"Matthew you've always been a good son, but you changed over these past few weeks." mother said.

"Why won't you just listen to us Matthew?" father asked.

"Why won't you listen to me? I'm finally happy. Does my happiness not matter anymore?" I asked.

"Of course it matters Matthew." mother said.

"I disagree, if it's for your own good Matthew, then your happiness means nothing to me." said father.

"I won't leave him. I'm sorry but I won't go abroad." I said.

"Him? Matthew just what have you done?!" father yelled.

"I fell in love father!" I yelled.

"With a guy Matthew?! How could you be so stupid?!" mother yelled.

"How could you stain then family name Matthew?! father yelled.

"So what because I love him, I'm wrong." I yelled.

My father slapped me.

"Don't ever say that again! Don't you ever say you love him again! Do you understand boy?!" father yelled.

"No, I don't because no matter what happens I'll still love him" I yelled.

"If you insist on loving him Matthew then you are no longer our son Matthew James!" father yelled.

It wasn't the first time my father had hit me. That night my father hit my more than one time. After beating me senseless, he stormed out of the room. Even so I was gald to tell them. I was finally free and Kai was the reason why. However the sad part was in all my years living I had never once seen my mother cry. That night my mother cried as she told me to leave.

"Leave this house Matthew and don't come back. If you do your father really might hurt you." mother said.(crying)

"I'm sorry mama but I really do love him" I said.

"I know Matthew and I'm sorry we never thought about your happiness." mother said.(crying)

"It's ok mama, I'll always love you." I said.

"I know Matthew and I'll always love back." mother said.(crying)

I walked to the gate and turned back once to look at the house I had once grew up in. To me it was like a finale goodbye. As I turned back around Frederick stopped me and handed me a bag full of clothes and money. And to me this was the kindest thing anyone had done for me.

"You'll need this, when your on the road" said Frederick.

"Thank you Frederick, I know you could get in alot of trouble for doing this." I said.

"For you young master I would do anything." said Frederick.

"I was gald to have you serve me." I said.

With that said I turned and left and went to Kai's. It took awhile for me to get there but I finally did. It was late that night and I wondered if Kai was even up. If he wasn't up what would I do. No lights were on and so I decided to leave and crash somewhere else. Thought as I turned to leave the door opened and there stood a young boy who was no older than twelve or thirteen. And for a moment I thought I was at the wrong house but then remembered the young who had carried me in the rain. It was then that I realized just who the young boy was it was Kai's younger brother Shay. It had been the first time I'd met him fully awake. Instead of asking who I was or what I was doing here, he stepped aside and let the door swing completely open. I knew he was inviting me in by the way he stood.

"Thank you" I said.

"Kai your boy toy is here!" Shay yelled.

"He is not my boy toy Shay!" Kai yelled back.

Kai came in the living room to see me. The expression on his face said he noticed my father had hit me. I saw all the emotions that swam in his eyes all the doubt, fear, and especially all the love. At some point in time Shay had left the room and Kai finally spoke.

"What happened to your face?" he asked.

"I came out to my parents" I said.

"Oh Matthew, I'm so sorry." he said.

"As you can tell it didn't go so well" I said.

"Stay here with us. We don't have much but we'll share." he said.

"Thank you Kai." I said.

I kissed Kai and everything seemed to right itself once more. Everything slowly faded and all I thought about was that one little moment in time. I was happy because for the first time I'd made one decision on my own.